The interesting thing is that he correctly predicted Manbij.
The interesting thing is that he correctly predicted Manbij.
While it is true that the attack occured the pentagon does not seem to be setting up any narrative implicating Assad's government in the bombing. Although they may use continuous ISIS presence in the region as an excuse to stay.
Also it's highly probable that Israel did this.
There's essentially no difference between isreal and isis.
don't us soldiers die all the time in syria?
At this point I am utterly convinced that the whole caliphate rise was directly orchestrated by western and israeli foreign intelligence services. Just look at their activity in Syria- all aimed at destroying Assad's standing while posing little to no threat to Israel itself.
they wouldnt continue a narrative that had been earlier exposed, as the post is still on reddit and this thread isnt killed the information wasnt that important. the theme changed but not the plan
They might just be desperate enough, but the question remains whether this a stopped clock having one of its 2 correct pronouncements each day, or if some sort of insider is dropping info. Does that r*ddit account have any other posts?
I guess they've decided against framing Assad's gov as the narrative wouldn't be credible enough to hold before US military. ISIS is a much more realistic cause of the attack as well as a reason against pulling US troops out of Syria. Moreover, It just stands in stark contrast to ISIS interest in the region to keep the US soldiers on the ground. This whole affair is bogus from start to finish.
The thread is still up because you can't name the jew on reddit. We all know Israel=isis.
the question is Who was the target. did they get hit?
Also you forgot to mention it shows Trump was just WRONG about him harping on destroying ISIS.
Goal is to keep the USA there and keep escalating til we attack assad.
Pence said we've defeated ISIS this morning so they framed it on ISIS.
assad should just dress up like a super villain and take credit for everything, but exaggerate it to extremes, like a holocaust and masturbation machines.
Assad? The one I recognize as the Muslim king? Ya good luck with that. Any attempts on his life will result in a delet'd universe and more weird Bearenstein effects. Has noone ever wondered why the bombs always fail to detonate and the bullets dissappear into the Void while Assad lives on? That only happened in an extreme minority of possible outcomes, with this clown world being the result of an endless stream of long shots. It all just accelerates my kekaku. But whatever, we're about to make another reality hop regardless because I don't think I'm being taken seriously enough yet
I predict that there will be shit on the streets of Mumbai next week
Its not fucking hard to make a prediction when its almost certain to be true
Intelligent post. Technically the best way to become a prophet is to predict things and to go make them happen oneself.
So it looks like this guy is putting the blame on the United Kingdom in Scotland. It wouldn't surprise me with some of our quote allies are fucking Us in the ass.
Fuuuuuck I'm so tired of losing.
Should we have just voted for Hillary, bros?
Notice ISIS has been surrounding Israel for a decade plus and has never once attacked the Jews while they slaughter muslims in Palestine.
clearly showing at bare minimum at least ONE US agency knew of (or set this up) and let it play out or political reasons….. however many individuals or organizations that knew and let it habben should be put to death as traitors
Israel even treated ISIS fighters in their hospitals. Only the goodest of goys believe the ISIS narrative. That doesn't mean they are harmless though, because Israel has no qualms about detonating a bomb in Paris.
israel did it
That's because it is/was. They even fucking admit it to our faces, so why do we find it so hard to accept the truth? Do we really give other people the benefit of the doubt that much?
ISIS was totally and completely mossad + cia joint ops. That's not to say of course they have useful idiot muslims at the bottom of the heirarchy.
And it wasn't just ISIS, Al-Qaeda was exactly the same thing.
Everyone who knows whats habbenin, dont give fucks about non habbenin, cuz habbenins arent for to know, and knowin dont wait for habs, ya jive?
Coincidence theorist here, that is just a coincidence, nothing more.
Multiversally checked. So let's say you're in charge. What do we do about it?
If Hillary had won, we might be in a civil war right now.
And what is your keikaku? keikaku means plan by the way for anyone that didnt know
The fuck? If he was legit in the intelligence community he would no doubt know about this Zig Forums. He almost certainly knows about 4/pol/ even. Why choose reddit where he has to log in and will likely be banned for wrongthink?
You guys are so bad at analyzing it hurts. Look at it this way.
1. Assuming redditor is legit. This means a couple things. Hes a white hat or part of white hats. Infighting against black hats plan to keep US there. Chaos and someone is fighting for good. All hope is not lost.
2. The above scenario for the comfy illusion that all feds aren't working for corruption and isreal.
3. Hes a black hat planting info for some unknown reason.
4. Or hes full of shit and guessed correctly.
5. Unknown, unknowns.
Could've played the WMD card with the Caliphate recovering an old scud launcher… Maybe launched it and claim that the SAA has been infiltrated and that poor Pissrael is threatened by the evil SAA terrorists.
I think the phrase Intelligence Community is becoming a joke in of itself
I take you seriously. Although you shouldn't discredit their skill and effort. Shouldn't believe in luck, just coincidences.
He's a contractor, and as such, is likely a normalfag.
Yeah but you must also bear in mind that posting on Reddit would create more exposure to normies, it is not something obscure in the way that the Chan's are. People know Reddit, so when they hear someone correctly predicted this false flag bullshit they will be more inclined to question the narrative and potentially be redpilled by the real culprits. I love the line about not wanting to discuss who it is I got a healthy chuckle out of that one hahaha I think overall Reddit was the right choice as much as I despise the platform. It gives more validity and Credence to it although I am sure we all would have liked to have seen such a thing come out of our boards it would have had absolutely no red pill value for normies because they could say it was all faked or a hoax, people believe in Reddit enough that they could see the trail so to speak and would thereby be more inclined to see the obvious false flag nature, and perhaps reject the official narrative. Anyway, if the contractor is potentially reading this, godspeed and may you be safe and well, I hope you used a damn good VPN.
Shitty quality, but here's the full thing.
Russian cruise missiles fired by warships off the Syrian coast hit ISIS command post, killing US, British and Israeli intelligence officers.
Make a prophet.
Like the Rothschilds predicting Waterloo.
If you're actually a member of this community and no some random monkey or nonWhite, you would be fully aware that all events are actually broadcast beforehand so that intelligence professionals knows to steer clear of said event.
Fucking kill yourself reddit.
You die first yid.
Literally in the best strategic position for it.
Easy to predict, other than the use of IED and being in Manbij. Makes it a little more specific than the usual watch for false flag chemical attacks. At this point anyone paying attention knows false flags are a necessity to keep America engaged in the region.
Did this part happen?
You making the false assumption that the general population of normies cares about this at all. Don’t kid yourself they don’t give a fuck. This has been since word war 1 a slow boil with moments of intense temperature increase. You have to make (((them))) make a mistake and make normies consider that life isn’t a degenerate hippy fairytale and has real world consequences. How do you do that I don’t know but it’s something to ponder
You are too stupid to breed, woman.
when you are right, you are right user
It's not fucking "predicting" when you know have an insider info about the upcoming falseflag. Cocky kike wanted to play prophet because he knew what his tribe is brewing in order to force the stoppage of the withdrawal of US troops from Syria. Pathetic.
Q predicted this
This is huge. Fit even for normies.
Trump could fuck himself beyond all repair by going along with it.
A fucking plebbitor. This fucking timeline.
No shit bruh
Staying in Syria is going to be his "Get out of jail" card. I get the impression that something is up; Jewliani's 'collusion' gaffe ,the Ohr revelations, and the general tone of the Shutdown situation seems to indicate an acceleration. Just a hunch.
Fuck off tornigger