Nigger tried to blow up White House
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Niggers can't even kamikaze right.
Too stupid to even be proper durka durka islam pigfuckers.
Terrible race. Shameful.
smells fishy, niggers can't write 40 page manifestos
Is probably some dumb ass nig larping and the feebees gave him all the props to hang hisself.
wtf i love Zion Don now
The Nigger wouldn't happen to have family ties in one of those countrys Israel needs to fulfill the ol greater Jewvill conspiracy because that may very well be a pure coincidence topic to discuss
That would be quite based if Trudeau did that.
This is likely why. Any kike center bombed/shot up that isn't a false flag is a big no-no.
Sheeeiiitt son ay O Hole up *smacks lips* please excuse any Typos
Fishy indeed
What if its all the same sentence printed over and over for 40 pages?
I'm of the belief that most American black "Muslims" aren't so much the aloha snackbar types, as they are KANGZ who believe in levitating with melanin and flying through space before Whitey done stoled it all.
Have you ever heard a nigger preacher’s sermon? They ramble on forever about whatever dumb shit that pops into their heads. It’s probably 40 pages of nonsense.
Nation of Islam is considered heresy by Middle East muslims, yes.
Let me know when sumbuddy actually blows something important up.
Sounds like entrapment. Nigger looks about 80 IQ on a good day at best. You can probably talk him into just about anything.
The fact that he's a nigger and Muslim is proof of that. Someone filled his head with some bullshit already and now the government needs to justify the continued Homeland Defense budget and needed a boogieman patsy.
White nationalism is literally tribalism for White people, you dumb nigger
Still angry that your "white meet-up" honeypot got no traction here ?
So how many White Nationalists meet up in real life and do tribal things?
None douchbag.
Straw men is not an argument. Can't defend your retard movement?
All the ones who do meet up do tribalistic things.
Tell me, what is the alternative to nationalism/tribalism?
No White Nationalism or Nazi retards.
I will ask again, WHAT is the alternative to "Nazi" and nationalism/tribalism?
You have no power here.
This is a jew who shits up every thread with retard shit
Learn the posting style and filter.
It's the "white nationalism causes white genocide" shill.
NO fucking nazi fags. You think Whites cannot be tribal without you useful idiots for the Jews?
Look at Trump supporters. Nazi fags.
Jews love you Nazi tards. You are their life blood and the best weapon they have to kill off the White genome.
You have never had any power anywhere.
You're retarded. Civic nationalism is imaginary. ALL other races are nationalistic/tribalistic. When you fail to play the real game, everyone else will rape you.
That statement makes you a "Nat-see"
Fake news. Everyone knows Islam is a religion of peace.
>>>Zig Forums
I bet black muslims are an embarrassment in the eyes of the actual muslims
First user to find his original name gets a free can of grape soda.
I can't find it anywhere.
Hey Nigger, wanna blow up the White House?
I particularly enjoyed this post. Just think of all that White men will be able to do with that awesome plot of real estate. Just needs a little janitorial work, that's all.
He UPLOADED it to google out of all places? Completely low IQ. That's on par with sticking your hand in a beehive with the intention of avoiding bees.
The grape drank… gib me dat
Regardless, I'm pretty impressed with how well they organized. They had a rocket launcher along with explosives. Instead of fighting against masked trannies and homos only to get doxed in the streets afterwards, he aimed high. Too bad they're low IQ enough to be arrested by federal informants.
Pretty much. Read about Yakub. Malcolm X used to believe this until he went to mecca and learned about real Islam and left the NOI. Then the NOI assassinated him. Niggers are fucking crazy
Zoom in on Greg's face and put Cumming man on it
may Allah preserve this Soldier of the Islamic State, Mujahid Hasher Jallal Taheb al-Amriki, inshallah.
Didn't try that hard, jew.
Hang yourself jew.
Niggers have no place in this world.
He also knew about the teenage secretaries made pregnant by the leader at the time. He might have also known it was a honeypot, and that's really why he had to die and couldn't lead a split in the noi community.
He was radicalized by CNN, then entrapped by the ZOG so they can take our anti-tank rockets, and make more (((laws))) to keep (((them))) safe.
I swear, the AT-4 exercises some kind of memetic hold on the worst of the frame-up LE kikes. Has anybody here ever seen the gun buyback where some fucking madman turned in a spent AT-4 tube and got a $100 gift card for it, and the local news treated this like the cops were heroes for getting that thing off the street?
I think the presence of an AT-4 in the story is a Masonic or deep-kike signal to the others that this is a fake story, not to be taken seriously. What could be the significance of it though?
This has happened multiple times. Pic related is the LAPD.
I want to make an RPG-7 floor lamp.
Niggers have shitted out thousands of pages of poorly formatted we wuz shit.
This guy saw what Robert Bowers did and tried to one up him. He gets respect for trying, but all he had to do was ask for advice on Zig Forums and maybe he would’ve pulled it off. The GOP needs to crash with no survivors.
He a gud boi, he dindu nuffin. Seriously.
I was expecting Shakespeare and all I got was rap.
Btw, this is who the suspect is, not the nigger in OP.
GOP and all civnats deserve the rope, regardless
I dont think you really have any grounds to be taken seriously besides your jew loving cute girl pic.
ur a faggot , and probably a jew. At least you talk like a jew bitch
reminds me of kim jong il … kinda creepy
I remember at time when niggers wouldn't even fucking dare drive through Cumming GA let alone live their or get crosses burned in their yards and if they didn't move their house was burnt down.
Now its where liberal yuppies move to when they don't want to live around atl gutter niggers because the reality of their virtue signaling sets in when they get robbed,beat up,car jacked,raped or ever been to prison on a dope charge they learn real quick the reality of what that scum sub human race is all about then.
Yeah, for two seconds between the time the feds handed it to him and when they arrested him for possessing it.
So where's the evil white man that made him do it?
this,to me kinda sums up the reason adam green is coming out with shit we have all known for years.
like why now? oh oranhge man bad hes zio puppet so vote for the bolshevicks goy lmfao
Jew on both sides are the same with one goal White Genocide and continued infiltration into our gov and societies because they are a weak race and cannot continue their bs when whites hold power they crave so they subvert like fucking cowards and use altruism we evolved for ourselves against us.
Extermination of them when?
Welp, change it to sandnigger apparently. My mistake.
Not impressive when you have international funding (all Mosques are internationally connected nodes with a focus on Jihad. Also, Jew funded.).
How do niggers become Muslim anyways? I thought Arabs hated them even more than whites.
this.they fund the jihad in white countries the muds are their lap dogs to push the rat agenda just like niggers and spics or any non white.
These jews have to go men.
Believe it or not but that isn't a trap.
didn't i tell you to fuck off already with mutt pics of some non white whore ,if so you pushing miscegenation now if a bitch has enough white ad mixture ? kys
What? Think you have the wrong guy.
yea look back you blasting on the skank race mixer ivanka was another guy posting whore shit when clearly not white.Either way race mixers must hang PERIOD along with this shit they spew out of their obsolete cunts and the idiot white man stupid enough to breed with them.
can get bullets in there heads
The dude in that video is 100% white.
I see what you're doing. You think it's funny to trick gullible readers into thinking that's a girl. That's not cool.
Seriously people. Do not fap to that video. If you cum to that video that will make you gay and once you're gay you're gay for life. You cannot undo that.
This. It's not worth it.
never looked at it and dgaf.
Nor do I give a shit about some coon in ga.Either you white and on the white side or stfu your kin have rope unless your a brainwashed by jews liberal,in that case we will supply the rop and a tree and where to bury you all and no one will find you nigger.Unsolved no body no case.
jealosus of farther south they got gators will dispose of unwanted