Music native to home countries very much appreciated. (National Anthems included)

Hard mode: No metal
Last thread I saw, was pretty much 98% metal. Let's try something different

Other urls found in this thread:!jLZB3Y4a!vnap1K8mHrjXbkyGOHQjn3-DrU7w6DjZc_yeRo8x-i0!6LQlQKRa!Nhe74HHm1QBzXX_S9ldG9lGumFaqnXW-f8c8TpL1-ck!fHZX1aDK!SXP8FE1d6YcpeLPEAGoAlua9on4S7i7Nmbvs5U0iUZQ

American classical is overlooked too much


The ravenous OST is some of the best music ever recorded.


Flight by Oliver Davis


From the Mouth of the Sun makes what sounds to me like atmosphric or ambient classical. I find it very absorbing.

Nice, loving these

Truth. Listening to it right now

The lotus sutra

In the late 1970's David Bowie made another tulpa, the "Thin White Duke", who was a facist. Due to disagreement within his own system, David eventually ended up sacrificing the entire system (i.e. murdering all his tulpas). The Thin White Duke was self-described as an "Emotionless Aryan Superman". He only made one album before dying. This song, "Station to Station" from the album of the same name, explores Europa as well as satires other more occultic elements to the National Socialist/Facist movement, such as Thelemites.
enjoy anons. some have names and some don't, and some are different recordings of the same song

This is spam. Give titles.

I have several, and I'm not even a Slav. If you fall in love, you lose.


African-tier drumming by Scotsmen. Still, they're white.

The Werewolf. Sweden.

Good christian music bros!

Redhead and torches.jpg

Neck yourself, raidkike.

Nice, are you using this principle by any chance? Or do you simply like the sound of it? Genuinely curious

Have to admit, I have never been one to listen to anything from the 70s, especially Bowie. However, I have to also admit that I would not mind playing this while on a long car journey, not bad

Appreciated user

AS if we needed africans to learn rhythm. Drums drum up the warrior in any man.

The scenery alone repels Jews. It's pure Semite-repellent.

Here's an old French song

Is anybody curious what the Middle East sounded like before the Semitic filth occupied it? Sumerians weren't Semites and neither was their language.

A new take on a 1,000-year-old chart topper. Chanson de Rolande was #1 with a bodkin arrow for hundreds of years. Modern version.


Obligatory Dixie music

Attached: 1456015517948.jpg (480x360 7.79 MB, 4.96M)




Attached: Civil War Music- Southern Version of The Battle Cry of Freedom.mp4 (640x360, 15.61M)

Dehumanise yourself and face. Play this while checking ammo and adjusting your plate carrier.

I'm a Christian so it's not by principle but I love the sound of it. Honestly it pumps me up big time when I listen to it.

Top notch

Definitely. I like songs like that, which tell tales, appreciated.

Shame that the uploader is such a cuck, and I don't use that word at all.. but damn. Heard that song about 20 times now though, time to make it 21. Cheers, user

This is one of the oldest songs written in English, the first recorded reference we have to it is dated at 1666, and it was a popular song at the time

these would not play:

Take some time off and listen through this. Our people used to believe in faerie folk and glen magic. This is a little echo of the glades where we evolved. Modern production values though.

Link doesn't work but a little wary of this song. 1666ad is when the Jewish Messiah (anti-christ showed up)

Aryan creativity in realtime.

Never heard these before, so it is refreshing

I can see what you mean. Have to say that I had to go listen to it while laying down to soak it in at first time around

The sound of working white men has always fascinated me. Authentic chanteys. I've listened to this through dozens of workouts.


You'd like this
Lyrics: SHOVE off from the wharf-edge! Steady!
Watch for a smooth! Give way!
If she feels the lop already
She'll stand on her head in the bay.
It's ebb–it's dusk–it's blowing–
The shoals are a mile of white,
But (snatch her along! ) we're going
To find our master to-night.

For we hold that in all disaster
Of shipwreck, storm, or sword,
A Man must stand by his Master
When once he has pledged his word.

Raging seas have we rowed in
But we seldom saw them thus,
Our master is angry with Odin–
Odin is angry with us!
Heavy odds have we taken,
But never before such odds.
The Gods know they are forsaken.
We must risk the wrath of the Gods!

Over the crest she flies from,
Into its hollow she drops,
Cringes and clears her eyes from
The wind-torn breaker-tops,
Ere out on the shrieking shoulder
Of a hill-high surge she drives.
Meet her! Meet her and hold her!
Pull for your scoundrel lives!

The thunder below and clamor
The harm that they mean to do!
There goes Thor's own Hammer
Cracking the dark in two!
Close! But the blow has missed her,
Here comes the wind of the blow!
Row or the squall'Il twist her
Broadside on to it!–Row!

Heark'ee, Thor of the Thunder!
We are not here for a jest–
For wager, warfare, or plunder,
Or to put your power to test.
This work is none of our wishing–
We would house at home if we might–
But our master is wrecked out fishing.
We go to find him to-night.

For we hold that in all disaster–
As the Gods Themselves have said–
A Man must stand by his Master
Till one of the two is dead.

That is our way of thinking,
Now you can do as you will,
While we try to save her from sinking
And hold her head to it still.
Bale her and keep her moving,
Or she'll break her back in the trough…
Who said the weather's improving,
Or the swells are taking off?

Sodden, and chafed and aching,
Gone in the loins and knees–
No matter–the day is breaking,
And there's far less weight to the seas!
Up mast, and finish baling–
In oar, and out with mead–
The rest will be two-reef sailing…
That was a night indeed!

But we hold it in all disaster
(And faith, we have found it true!)
If only you stand by your Master,
The Gods will stand by you!

Indeed. Two more: Stan Rogers was really good.

Love Sea Shanties!
What do you think of this?





I've had that first one stuck in my head for months.

I really like the kind of music that sandblasts vaginas and causes them to immediately vacate the area. Not because of that, that's just how things worked out.

Nice, never heard this before

The band created a language specifically for their music.!jLZB3Y4a!vnap1K8mHrjXbkyGOHQjn3-DrU7w6DjZc_yeRo8x-i0!6LQlQKRa!Nhe74HHm1QBzXX_S9ldG9lGumFaqnXW-f8c8TpL1-ck!fHZX1aDK!SXP8FE1d6YcpeLPEAGoAlua9on4S7i7Nmbvs5U0iUZQ
apologies for using something as cumbersome as mega, it's the only thing that seems to work

Gattaca was my favorite movie as a kid. Great soundtrack.

Remember when the wrong but better National Anthem was sang for Germany at a Tennis game?

Attached: Deutschland_Deutschland_uber_Alles.webm (480x360, 6.49M)

What is with the people singing, are they not in sync, or are they 'defying' by singing the other one?

I saved that Gattaca track, top quality. Never heard of the film though, may give it a watch soon

if your still there, very kind of you thank you

AFAIK It's not illegal to sing the original national anthem

Attached: QRg_8NNPTD8.webm (256x144, 11.13M)

Here's another one. Enjoy

Attached: LltD35Z3AMA.webm (1920x1080, 5.99M)

Seriously? Damn, that is pretty boss. Just listened to it all and I am about to listen to another which is up next on the autoplay. Cheers for bringing up this hidden gem

Much appreciated, user

Will do, thank you

Attached: usDgBw8oy-U.webm (854x480, 10.83M)

Attached: mUNSD063yxw.webm (426x240, 10.21M)

Very chill, I like this one

My favorite out of the 4 you posted, definitely

Is this some type of meditation music? loved it

Attached: aRtfqpQ6Y68.webm (1280x720, 8.22M)

A strong share of Italy's prominent bands from the avant-garde wing of their Progressive music scene were strongly affiliated with communism, most famously Area and the Stormy Six, but others on the furthest fringes of the genre sang from an entirely different hymn sheet. You know, Fascism.

Janus were affiliated to the Neo-Fascist MSI party, regularly playing live at the amusingly named "Hobbit Camps," named after the musician fellowship's shared interest in Tolkien. The band's history is somewhat turbulent. Most of the original copies of their album were destroyed in a fire at the only bookstore bold enough to sell their work. Their original guitarist was even killed in a political riot the year this album was released.

Recorded on a low budget, Al Maestrale sounds a little crummy in terms of production so doesn't come close to matching the Mussolinian bombast of Museo Rosenbach's Nietzschean masterwork Zarathustra. But the rawness of this recording is certainly a nice antidote to the slew of self-consciously 'pretty' bands who had sprung up in the scene. There are notably few symphonic influences, opting instead for a folk-tinged fuzzy hard rock style, not a world away from the early Black Widow. And some of the guitar playing on here is very mean indeed!

It's unusual to listen to Prog that actually sounds like something composed by a cadre of warrior poets or traveling bards as opposed to the ultra clean production and bludgeoning high fantasy wankery so common in the genre. The song lengths are almost perfectly bite-sized for easy listening, and lack of synthesizer abuse goes a long way. None of the songs outstay their welcome and are all well-timed. I imagine that for a lot of serious Prog fans this wouldn't be that appealing, but I like it.

Other stuff worth checking out:

Contrary to popular belief, Skrewdriver wasn't the first skinhead RAC band to exist. Although never affiliated with any right-wing organization, patriotic bands like Combat 84 laid the groundwork for young right-wingers seeking rock 'n' roll as a vehicle of resistance, with lyrics advocating capital punishment and opposing nuclear disarmament. Early on, RAC was strictly about British Nationalism. There's more than a fair number of '80s RAC bands that weren't necessarily Nazi and some never were in the course of their careers. As time went on, bands became much more openly Nazi, especially with Skrewdriver's later albums becoming more obvious in their references to the Third Reich and Norse Neopaganism.

The first wave of RAC began with Ovaltinees, Peter & the Wolf, Die Hards and later Skrewdriver. Originally formed as White Youth in 1979, The Ovaltinees would release what can be considered RAC's first publicly released recording called "British Justice."

Young man, you have been sentenced to five years penal servitude
Have you anything to say for youself?

It's all right for the monkeys to riot
'cause the fucking media, they keep it quiet
They can loot and smash up all they like
'cause British justice don't apply to their type

British justice
There ain't no fuckin' British justice

They call it racial discrimination
If a young white man tries to protect his nation
They lock him up in a stinking cell
For fighting for what his forefathers fell

British justice
There ain't no fuckin' British justice

For the monkey they've got open ears
But they do nothing to quell the white man's fears
If your business gets wrecked, that's it
'cause if you're white, you get treated like shit

British justice
There ain't no fuckin' British justice



Attached: yUSZkITmgwo.webm (1280x720, 8.85M)

Carré.Ladich.Marchal was conceived by singer/lyricist Olivier Carré and multi-instrumentalist Jack Marchal, both men active in the French Nationalist movements. With the help of Janus's mastermind Mario Ladich on drums, all went to work at Ladich's studio in Rome and recorded "Science & Violence" in just two days before releasing it independently. Olivier Carré sadly met his end in 1994 in a motorcycle accident.

"Science & Violence" serves as a foil to Pink Floyd. Influenced by some of France's notable Prog Rock acts from that era, the material is quite original, combining the psychedelic influences with theatrical lyrics, rockin' grooves and some soaring keyboards. The spacey synthesizers, screeching guitars and French narration wouldn't sound out of place on a Pulsar record whereas other sections are more raw with abrasive electric riffs and acoustic flourishes. Some of the music is characterized by soft electric moves and over-the-top singing lines, surrounded by mellow keyboard themes, building a slight psychedelic atmosphere, which will eventually explode into lovely, melodic soloing with a discreet symphonic base. There are also sporadic, harder runs with the guitars in evidence and an electrified atmosphere.

Two tracks recorded for a planned follow up made it to the 1997 reissue on CD. Sadly, the Prog Rock which made their music memorable was absconded for some sort of Minimal Wave/Minimal Synth. While competent, neither song is half as catchy as The Final Sound's "Genetics." Still, there are few genuine obscurities in Prog Rock left, so it's nice to have something like this still out there, and the political affiliations gives this band a dangerous edge.

France's Aion (AIΩN) presents a phenomenal fusion of Industrial Rock and Neofolk with some undercurrents of Coldwave and gothy Post-Punk that become much more prominent towards the B-Side.

Aion was a project of Laurent "Bart" Steiner and Stéphane Vadviz. Laurent was connected to Front National de la Jeunesse (FNJ), who helped organize concerts for Rock Identitaire. Aion played one show of note with Vae Victis and In Memoriam.

Perhaps most intriguing is this album's multilingual affair. Apart from their native tongue, two songs are in English along with one in Italian and another in Latin. Per the conventions of the genre, lyrics cover Paganism and Fascist Futurism.

Highlights: "Sous l'orage", "Devotio", "Au milieu des ruines", "Ceux qui vont venir" and "L'ascète et le guerrier - Version 99"

Aude Mirković (née Bertrand) is a French singer/songwriter who sang in the band Elendil and her solo project Brixia. After music, she earned a law degree from one of France's top law schools and is now a legal scholar and lawyer. Her most controversial views concern her opposition to gay marriage, gay adoption and in-vitro fertilization. Naturally, she's very pro-life.

The band Brixia's first couple releases were a mix of Alt Rock and Dream Pop:

Aude Bertrand cited The Cranberries as her chief source of inspiration whose lyrics reflected her Roman Catholic faith. The trouble with their first couple albums was the brittle production values. The melodies were there, but the budget wasn't.

Their last couple singles is where they really came into their own in no small part from Julien Beuzard. Wish they'd made one more full-length album in the vein of these. That heavier sound complimented the style well:

Elendil was a mix of Alternative Rock and Ska:

I liked this one a lot. Especially the final minute or so

bread crumb file names

Attached: wkhmj3JZDuk.webm (450x360, 14.51M)

Vae Victis has some fascinating credentials such two of their members' previous connection to Ultime Assaut and prominently featuring a female vocalist. Their music blends Celtic themes with hard riffs and folksy instrumentation. The album is a thoroughly fun affair in spite of being somewhat predictable.

The opening track begins with all-too-familiar epic yet whimsical motifs that would sound more at home scoring the opening scene to a forgotten '90s high fantasy RPG. The progressions feel tacked on for the sake of genre aesthetics, but they set the tone for the rest of the EP. All the songs are of an enjoyable length that don't overstay their welcome.

The songwriting here all compliment the themes established by the music. As you would've surmised, our title track is a tribute to the Frankish King who successfully unified all the tribes under one ruler. "La Dame du Lac" goes into Arthurian territory. The sole overtly political track here is "Résistant Gaélique," pleading for a ceasefire between the Irish Nationalists and Ulster Loyalists. Although I do not speak a word of French, our vocalist Carine conveys these lyrics wonderfully with her angelic voice.

The highlight here is the title track with its energetic riffs that convey the narrative. All the other tracks here are much softer and emotive. In the end, you're left yearning for more, but the band provides the satisfying introductory experience for those seeking Nationalist Celtic Rock.

Clovis EP:

Before getting elected to the Front National's central committee in 1997, Robert Ottaviani began his career here as Ultime Assaut's lead vocalist. He has since attempted to distance himself from his past:

Decking the cover is an illustration of Arno Breker's "Der Rufer" with classical architecture in the foreground while a massive blaze rises to the sky in the background. Given the music was still predominantly Oi! in spite of the Post-Punk influence, Ultime Assaut clearly had their feet in France's RAC skinhead scene. The lyrics to "La bête immonde" would probably make Streicher proud.

Characteristic of most releases from Rebelles Européens, gritty reverbed rhythms drive the music like their fellow countrymen Légion 88 or Chauves Pourris. The mostly Oi! A-side is a complete drag, and all too many songs string you along with a few neat intros, but then drag you down in the conventional third-rate Oi! you're tired of hearing. The music becomes much more interesting when the album delves deeper into Post-Punk on the B-side. The closer "L.V.F." has some neat Ska strokes while "Chômeur 80" bursts forward with Hardcore energy. Unlike the French pirate vocals of Légion 88's Alain or Kontingent's Laurent, Robert has this intoxicated, off-key moan which ranges from tolerable to grating. "Segneur Barbare" is perhaps his best performance since he keeps it at a volume just above a whisper. The instrumentation helps, too.

Highlights: "Guerriers Païens," "Mon Ami," "Chômeur 80," "Segneur Barbare," "Les Cosaques," "L.V.F"

Formed in Essex around late spring of 1989 by Alex and J, Battle Zone recorded one demo that successfully earned them a deal with Rebelles Européens. Unlike most RAC bands featuring motifs of Vikings, Nordic Gods, Swastikas or Third Reich iconography, Battle Zone instead opted for something a little more menacing. Conscious of the ill effects of drug addiction in the underground, "Way of Death" indicts the drug pushers who poison the youth while "Nation of Sorrow" describes the pains of being a British Nationalist. Despite these themes, Battle Zone steadfastly claimed not to be a political band. In an interview with Last Chance, they never identified as a political band because the band never had a platform from which they operated from. They simply sang about life as they saw it.

Battle Zone have a sense of musical sophistication and songcraft that far outstrips other RAC bands of the era like No Remorse and English Rose. Indeed, some of these songs are so good it makes me wonder why this band are relative unknowns, but then I suppose they were playing in a crowded market. It’s a sophistication that sadly doesn’t cross over into the lyrics department but ho hum. It helps that Battle Zone was produced by Andy DeGray of the Glam band Soho Roses, who made them do 20 takes. This perfectionism alone accounts for the strong musical quality. Equally curious is the producer forcing the band to change the lyrics from "niggers" to "wankers" on "Victimised", which was done for the first 19 takes. On the final take, he must've either gone deaf or simply relented and allowed the band to say how they really felt.

Would you believe an RAC band made its way to BBC airplay? In a move that surprised the band greatly, they heard their played on BBC Radio Essex one Sunday. Sadly, they would never be heard again, but the fact the band got that far is remarkable.

No Remorse and their charismatic frontman Paul Burnley would spearhead the Second Wave with "This Time the World". While Brutal Attack and Skrewdriver would sing the glories of England and cast the Third Reich as tragic heroes, they rarely made it racial with one notable exception from the early years. Fast forward to 1988 and we have "This Time the World", an album telling you what they thought about Pakistanis, Jews, Blacks and whoever else. Named after George Lincoln Rockwell's book, the music remorselessly embodies the principle of evil. Also significant is that it was the premiere British band on French label Rebelles Européens. Rebelles Européens proudly featured records with emblazoned with Swastikas, Reichsadlers and more.

No Remorse revels in their slur-laced poetry and, all things considered, the music is as memorable as they come, for the worst and best reasons. Has to be heard to be believed. Put simply, "This Time the World" is hate with a beat. The principle of evil made musical. This is an 100% scuzz classic. RAC is something many people listen to out of morbid curiosity, and "This Time The World" has to be one of the ugliest albums ever cut to wax. The liner notes claim that leftist campaigners tried to have this banned. How can rock ‘n’ roll be more fucked up?

Apart from the admittedly badass title track and the all-time favourite "Smash The Reds" many of these songs are probably too intimidating to approach again. But this album is just so horrifyingly, disturbingly evocative - read the lyrics to "Mother England". "Tree of Life", full of imagery depicting a virtuous and almost innocent 'Aryan' family (presumably after an apocalyptic race war) would be creepy… if it wasn't so poorly played. Thankfully, that would be fixed on the rerecording for "The Best of No Remorse"

She is one of the vocalists in this as well.

Attached: BlfO4mcwGZw.webm (640x360, 12.73M)

rules cucked

Attached: U5u9glfqDsc.webm (256x144, 10.51M)

Sure. They're part of the 70's prog scene, and made a pretty big splash in that at the time, along with bands like Gentle Giant.

It's not "Bowie" though, it's his tulpa The Thin White Duke. All of his tulpas had an album, especially Ziggy Stardust.

What's next faggots blowing flutes? Fuck off with your slides yid.

Attached: bowie sieg.jpg (386x592, 30.85K)

How does clarinet suit you?

Attached: D. Bowie.JPG (344x432, 27.66K)

An old song from Crusading times and two renditions of the Song of Roland

Attached: Song_of_Roland.webm (496x360 2.32 MB, 5.06M)

There's also, of course, the almight Mahavishnu Orchestra. Another group of ridiculously good musicians. John McLaughlin is particularly creative with his compositions, though.

I think they're defying it by singing the newer one
contributing two more

Attached: v after paid mods.webm (1280x720 7.78 MB, 5.98M)

I try to stay minimal with Celtic stuff. Here is the lullaby I sang my first son from the time he was newborn. There is honest-to-god no feeling like sitting in a wooden rocking chair and cradling your firstborn son and singing something traditional to him until he falls asleep.

Then just to sit there for an hour or so.

From the same album. I picture depressed men singing this after they got drunk and took the King's shilling.

A song for the Hun.
A battle hymn for our volk.
_I I
It has been so long eating and drinking being merry How strange, How strange
Taking our Great Mongol ancestors names in vain How strange, how strange
Yet, would not honor our oath and destiny How strange, how strange
Why the valuable ethics of ancestors become worthless? How strange, how strange

Hey you traitor! Kneel down!
Hey, Prophecies be declared!

You've born in ancestor’s fate yet Sleeping deeply, can't be awakened How strange, how strange
Blindly declaring that Only Mongols are the best How strange, how strange
Born to live as nobles Yet, can't unite as one How strange, how strange
Why is it difficult to rise up our nation up? How strange, how strange

Hey you traitor! Kneel down
Hey, Prophecies be declared!

Why it’s so hard to cherish the Ancestors' inherited land? How strange, how strange
Why priceless edifications of elders turning to ashes? How strange, how strange
With the future of eternal prosperity, The Wolf totemed Mongols have the blessings of Heaven
Born with undeniable fate to gather nations, the Lord Chinggis declares his name on earth. Would come back, Will come back

Oh Black Banner be awakened, be awakened
Oh the Khanate (royal power) rise and rise forever

How strange, how strange

Oh Black Banner be awakened, be awakened
Oh the Khanate (royal power) rise and rise forever

Attached: g7nmmdhAx10.webm (640x360, 11.9M)

Attached: Emd3H5AfNuw.webm (640x480, 11.36M)

witch house remix

Attached: 4mifoTFUQo4.webm (640x360, 10.45M)

Attached: -RH1qa4QjFM.webm (640x360, 10M)

the superior version

Attached: H-6dKVNt1C4.webm (640x480, 11.1M)

Attached: I vow to thee my Country(orchestra).mp4 (384x240, 10.06M)