Is there anything more kiked than the concept of Schizophrenia?

Is there anything more kiked than the concept of Schizophrenia?

"People may experience:
Behavioral: social isolation, disorganized behavior, aggression, agitation, compulsive behavior, excitability, hostility, repetitive movements, self-harm, or lack of restraint
Cognitive: thought disorder, delusion, amnesia, belief that an ordinary event has special and personal meaning, belief that thoughts aren't one's own, disorientation, memory loss, mental confusion, slowness in activity, or false belief of superiority
Mood: anger, anxiety, apathy, feeling detached from self, general discontent, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, elevated mood, or inappropriate emotional response
Psychological: hallucination, paranoia, hearing voices, depression, fear, persecutory delusion, or religious delusion
Speech: circumstantial speech, incoherent speech, rapid and frenzied speaking, or speech disorder
Also common: fatigue, impaired motor coordination, or lack of emotional response"

That's right user, if you have depression, are disorganized, aggressive, angry, get excited easy, show hostility towards kikes, or lack restraint, you're schizophrenic and need to be put on anti-psychotics because you're clearly delusional.

Also, if you're religious you're schizophrenic. Let's get him some haloperidol and ritalin. If you're upset for any reason, you're schizophrenic. If you have a lisp, you're schizophrenic. If you're tired, you're schizophrenic. If you have slow reflexes, you're schizophrenic.

And if you think we just apply this label to everything under the sun to permanently hook you up on anti-psychotics that irreversibly damage your brain all for a quick buck, guess what? DING DING DING DING DING you sir are schizophrenic.

Reminder that the deep state uses this label to destroy the lives of all dissenters, and that kike shills will be in this thread defending this gross abuse of power by (((psychiatrists))).

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Other urls found in this thread:

user, you'd be onto something if not for the fact that the kikes themselves are the ones most commonly (when adjusted for population) to be diagnosed with schizophrenia. It's one of the conditions they know they are genetically predisposed for, and as such, focus on it.

We are Godz, goy.

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Schizophrenia is an umbrella term for all sorts of mental illnesses if you weren't aware by my post.

So it makes sense that the Jews would have the most of those. They are a walking bag of genetic defects.

The problem is that schizophrenia itself doesn't exist. A lot of the problems experienced are caused by literal demonic possession (oops, that's schizophrenic to think that), while the rest are caused by unresolved issues, sometimes being as simple as a bad diet.

I've met many people who were wrongly diagnosed of schizophrenia and had their lives permanently destroyed as a result via anti-psychotics. They even tried to destroy me for my Christian faith, claiming my religious fast was an attempt to starve myself.

The kikes, and all their mechanations need to be destroyed.

This is a very accurate way to put it, but perhaps that's why (((they))) overdiagnose it so they can muddy the term, or have it too broad. Sage cuz it's a useless thread.

Don't you realize that 90% of people have two or more of these (((symptoms))) described in the OP?

All the Kike doctor needs to find is one to destroy you with anti-psychotics. Do some research. That shit will fry your brain worse than fucking METH.

I'm gonna guess that OP got called names one too many times, and now he's made a shitty thread to cry about it.
Don't forget to take your pills, OP.

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And I suppose Terry Davis was just a little maladjusted?

Please don't being Terry into this, he was a sweet angel.

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Psychotic schizophrenia is real. Kikes order us to let them wander our streets rather than having them being safely permanently institutionalized or euthanized. Pic related is the immigrant who beheaded and cannibalized the random white Canadian he was sitting next to on the bus… now this "not guilty due to insanity" schizo is supposedly (((cured))) on meds and was therefore allowed complete unfettered release, with no requirement to continue taking his meds or even to have ongoing sanity checkups.

They hear voices. They have psychotic delusions. They kill people. Sometimes it's random, sometimes it's friends or family. Once I talked to an inpatient schizo who had previously randomly murdered his best friend while they were playing cards one day. He told me that recently while he was out in public he had been stalking "drug dealers" with the intent to kill them, under top secret orders from the CIA.

Would you like one of these people standing next to your wife or your kids in a crowd?

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>implying psychosis is (((schizophrenia)))


This. My best friend is a schizophrenic and he almost stabbed me over ice cream when we were teenagers. I was using a knife to carve some frozen ice cream out into bowls for us and the voices told him I was a threat. He ordered me to put the knife down so I got a little less ice cream than I'd hoped and did put the knife down. He backed away about five feet and told me to take both bowls and go upstairs. He started following me once I was a few feet ahead and that's when I noticed he had a kitchen knife in his hand. While staring at me like I was some rabid predator, he very carefully and deliberately placed the knife on top of a nearby tv and started to come along. He later told me that, had we not been friends since childhood and he trusted his opinion of me more than the voices, he likely would have stabbed me. So we can debate the over-diagnosing of schizophrenic tendencies, but you're probably an idiot or unmedicated schizophrenic yourself if you believe there is absolutely no such thing.

Don't you realize that he's obviously demonically possessed?

Why the fuck do you think they've performed millions of exorcisms if they didn't work? The pills you take don't solve any issues, just mask them.

Bloody hell you gaytheists are retarded. The world will burn under your course.

Don't throw me in with the fedora-fags just because I'm skeptical of the claim of demonic possession. I guess that's fair though, I was kind of a dismissive dick in the last bit of my post so my apologies for that user. My friend and I have known each other going on 25 years now, so I'll ask him of the idea that it's demonic possession. I'd say that as an initial response, the exorcisms work in those few cases where it is demonic possession but I think the vast majority would be some form of placebo effect, masking the symptoms as modern medicine does today. I have pretty severe for my age memory problems, so when it comes to the mind, I think sometimes the best one can hope for is masking symptoms. Some broken things cannot be put back together. Untreated, my friend will continue to hear the paranoid voices and I will continue to slip into some form of dementia before I'm even 30. Perhaps it's God's will, but I can apply that same logic to my friend and I's attempts to alleviate and halt these problems. That the defiance of the inevitable is also His plan.

Why'd anyone make antipsychotics if exorcism solved the problem?

You can't even deny that antipsychotics work, because it's blatantly obvious that they do.
Instead you use this piss weak dodge wbout how it "only masks the symptoms".

Tell me genius, what kind of dumbshit demon gets scared of a fucking pill. "Oh, he's on the meds now, better ease off tormenting him so he doesn't get suspicious." Your theology is a joke and so are you.


You're obviously demonically possessed. I'm going to assert that and there's nothing you can do to disprove it. You could argue some gay shit about "well, you're not a specialist so your opinion doesn't matter" and I could return after being ordained a priest, witchdoctor, or whatever you like and still assert it on the basis of my now "professional" opinion. But being that demons, devils, foul spirits and ill humors are fundamentally defined as being ethereal there is absolutely no proof I can give other than "fits the profile", "seems right to me" or "I've received signals from the spirit realm". If you're going to pretend that that's sufficient then you've simply renamed schizophrenia to demon possession and changed absolutely nothing about the nature of the diagnosis. It's still just an assertion posed by a "specialist". Except pathological behavior diagnosis can, if it's even remotely useful (which precludes the broad, useless definitions of many pathologies), be pinned down to brain chemistry or other quantifiable things which, unless some church out there has failed to publicize their work on demon detectors, is miles ahead of "possession" experts.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you're privy to ghost-busters-level tech and nobody has published any information on it. But assuming that's not the case, because there's no evidence that it is, possession is a stale meme and was the religious way to explain people being lunatics. In the same way that demons were responsible for plagues and crop failure they were responsible for people who couldn't control their behavior and did awful things.

Don't cave to bullshit just because he calls you bad words you spineless cretin.

I like how this somehow turned into an athiest vs religious thread.

Just to throw my two cents in there, I think athiests are fucking retarded and the philosophy is about as culturally and spiritually stimulating as a pile of slightly damp towels.

Literally a jewish disease.

fuck off jew.

Both my mother and aunt were late onset schzios, I'm terrified I'll end up like them because I've shown symptoms of it. This illness is not a kike conspiracy, OP, its a terrible curse.

I was being diplomatic and leaving out the part where it will be a fucking hilarious conversation to ask my friend if he's sure about his diagnosis and maybe he should consider the idea that he's being possessed by a demonic entity. Also, fuck you too, cunt.

Everyone knows psychiatry is pseudoscience. It's basically sharia law courts for cargo cultists, so commies and capitalists.

Seriously, they fucking shoehorned the holocaust into it.

He was a prophet and might actually have been jesus' reincarnation.

You've never seen a person during a schizophrenic episode presenting disorganized speech, have you?

there is no such thing as demonic possession
people are the demons



I'm not sure if these are shills or NPCs

The kikes overdiagnose it as a result of their own psychological dysfunction. It's called projecting. They see their own fears and weakness on those they try to diagnose… and by that merit, likely cause even more harm.

Go back to reddit. You simply just have to avoid going to a shrink. If you had a pair of balls, you'd never listen to their propaganda and just not put yourself in their control.

First one is a shill, second is retarded, third is possible friendly fire.

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The origin of consciousness in the bicameral mind is a very entertaining read and research on schizophrenia is prominent in the opening. Go check it out.

ok kid

pt 1.
In the last year I've had to watch one of my best friends endure early onset Schizophrenia. It started about a year after he began experimenting with LSD. He started to get all "spiritual" with crystals and all that nonsense, started referring to himself as a Buddhist, started doing past life regression meditations, attended Burning Man a couple of times, and began spewing all of the leftist garbage typical of that sphere. The whole thing seemed semi-harmless and kind of laughable at the time so I just kind of brushed it off.

Then he started to change.

He's always trusted me so he started to confide with me about stuff that even he knew sounded crazy. He started to take ayy lmaos super serious. Told me that he thought he could communicate with them if he looked at the stars long enough. Then he started to talk about how he was "remembering" things from earlier in his life and his past life. He began asking me about events that never happened, convinced that I was there and wasn't being truthful with him. It made me a little nervous but I always set him straight and calmed him down. Then he began to claim that he could hear the thoughts of those around him, stating that it came in waves and wasn't predictable. I of course thought he was a little bit crazy at this point.

pt 2.

Around this time he started sending weird text messages to myself and a couple of friends. Some were accusing us of hiding the "truth" from him while others seemed borderline suicidal. I had lunch with two of his roommates to get their opinion on his general demeanor. They said that he had gotten pretty quiet and had started taking solo hikes into the mountains behind their house a couple of nights a week. He'd leave the house around 9 and then show back up in the 3-4am range. I thought this was strange so I decided to ask him about it. His reply was "I'm preparing the ship to go home" but I couldn't get more out of him than that. I contacted his mother after this and just let her know that he wasn't doing very well but didn't really go into details. It was at this time I started to limit my interactions with him because of some shit going on in my personal life that needed attention and I really couldn't handle the level of crazy he was throwing at me.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and he's at my house telling me about how "they stole it". When I questioned him further he said that the Army had stolen his spaceship and hidden it inside a mountain at a nearby military base. He accused me of helping them and accused me of hiding the key from him (what… the… fuck.jpg). Told him that I can't talk to him anymore if he's going to accuse me of shit and basically cut him off. Refused to answer his calls for a week and then he stopped trying.

pt. 3

Fast forward 3 months. Laying in bed latenight watching Hooktube and I get a message on Snapchat. What appears to be a goodbye message he thanked me for being his friend and then said he's going to get his ship back. By the tone of the message he's dead serious. Contact his roommates to see what the fucks up and they say that he spent a bunch of time loading duffle bags into his car and "went to the woods" about an hour ago. I go into panic mode and start contacting his family. They've all received goodbye messages as well and are freaking out. I start telling his brother where I think he might of gone (the trailhead near my friends house) and he hops in the car to drive over and see if he's still there. I head over to his Mom's house to pick her up and see if he's talked to her about anything. Maybe we can piece together what he's about to do.

At this point I'm thinking he's going to hike up into the woods and an hero with his pistol. Freaking out because however crazy he's acting he's still a lifelong friend that I care about.

Pull up into his Mom's and try to talk with her (she's hysterical naturally). This isn't going anywhere so I decide to call the cops and let them know that he's missing, appears to be suicidal, might be heading to the local military base, and his car info / description.

Brother calls — Friend is not at the trailhead but there's fresh tiretracks in the snow meaning he was there within the last hour.

All we can do is wait for what seemed like weeks.

My friend's Mom's house phone rings and she acts like she's getting good and bad news. Says she'll be right there and hangs up. Ask her what happened and she says the cops have him in custody and are taking him to the hospital. Now I'm relieved but worried at the same time. Ask her if she wants me to come with her and she politely declines and says she'll call me tomorrow when she knows more.

Drive home and spend the rest of the night wide awake, mind going a gorrilion miles an hour. Finally get a call from his Mom around noon the next day. He's booked into the psych ward at the local hospital. The cops pulled him over on the Interstate 20 miles from the before mentioned military base. When asked what he was doing he said that he's on his way to the base to get his property back. His car was loaded down with 5000 rounds of 7.62x39, two AK's, and three 10mm pistols.

This motherfucker was driving to a military base to shoot his way in and get his spaceship back. Clinical definition of CRAZY AF.

Later find out that he's been diagnosed as a Schizophrenic and he has to spend a couple months in the hospital.

When he finally gets out he's a shell of who he once was. Drugged up and by all means lifeless. I've tried to continue being his friend but he's just not the kid I grew up with anymore so it's tough. From time to time he will still tell me that he hears a voice in his head that tells him to do bad things but he doesn't listen to it because it's "a dick".

However kiked it may be, there are people who genuinely suffer from this shit so don't just brush it off as nonsense.

Here's the real kicker though: they didn't take his guns away.

OP is such a retard I cant even begin to put it into words

I'm turning Ashkenazi, think I'm turning Ashkenazi, really think so!
Turning Ashkenazi, think I'm turning Ashkenazi, really think so!

Nice blog post moshe

You think someone would do that? Just…. Lie…. On the internet?

Have you ever seen an exorcism go down? There are thousands of catholic priests out there who perform them. They've all got radical stories. The room shaking, the person speaking in tongues, some even experienced the classic levitation. Others were attacked and some people couldn't be held down with chains.

I find it hard to believe that a mass of priests would just lie over something like that.
This sect is different. They wouldn't perform millions of exorcisms, even importing people from Muslim regions who CAN'T perform them if they didn't work.

Have any of you idiots read the Protocols of Elder Zion? One of their explicit goals was to create a pseudoscience to describe God's creation. Half of you cunts believe in the moon landing but you won't believe that Schizophrenia is a broadly defined, made up disease meant specifically to make money off of people?

The problems are NEVER solved. Putting someone on anti-psychotics will only keep them docile and enslaved to the drugs for the rest of their life. Even then they're at a higher chance to relapse over the long run, but they're even more incoherent than before. These people you trust to look after them still perform electroshock therapy and lobotomies ffs.

They're psychopaths. Most of them are kikes too, ironically. My cousin was put on Ritalin, just Ritalin for slight ADHD and he's never been the same.

It's like talking to a shell. Someone who's lost all their uniqueness, individuality, everything. Fun fact: Suicide rates go up in these patients, ironically.

Now I've seen miracles happen before. God truly does exist. I'm sure you'd like to label that schizophrenia, just like they tried to destroy me because of a spiritual, 20 day fast. We live in a country where Christians are now openly persecuted. I mean just look at the posts from these (((pagans))) on here. They want us dead.

B-but that's schizophrenic delusions of persecution!11 No. That's fact. Kike doctors can differentiate between rightful belief and false belief either. They just lump it all as mental illness. I'd wager that a therapist would do wonders where these people couldn't, and those who DO have delusions are demon-possessed, and could use an exorcism.


This is more fundamental than that.
If you aren't an atheist, if you have any belief of phenomena existing past the physical realm, then why wouldn't you believe in ghosts/demons/etc?

These people denying something so simple must be shills or materialistic NPCs.

What other possibility could there be?

Friendly fire? Sarcasm would be refreshing it it really is, haha

Listen, I know Warhammer 40k is cool and all. “Trust me, I want to worship the Emperor and fight Chaos too” but it isn’t real sorry to say.

psychotic schizophrenia does exist, however I think that you are correct in that kikes would love to profile people who express uncommon ideas and beliefs as insane to help further their narratives.
Polite sage

We've really been overrun by retards.

It's literally a checklist for when the doctor doesn't know what the hell is wrong with you. Also "sluggish schizophenia" is a fabled communist smear.

tl;dr anyone screaming schizo is a shill

The Masonic Leviathan spirit, it makes your neck sore. Solution is to ask Jesus Christ for help.

Fuck off back to >>>Zig Forums

Jesus Christ can’t help you, he can’t even help himself! Your “God” is a rotting corpse in the ground, he cannot help anyone! The only Truth is that of Satan! The true God of this world!


Gotta love nu/pol/

What’s your problem?

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If you want to deny mental illnesses on the grounds of current Semitic influence in psychiatry and medicine then be my guest, but to supplant the argument that schizophrenia is infact synonymous with demonic possession is retarded. Please exorcise yourself with a crossbow bolt.

I also find it interesting that the anons who combat your narrative are deemed 'shills' or 'npcs.' Well, NPCs are incapable of self-awareness or higher modes of thought, because, as the name suggests, they behave like programmed non player characters in video games, and shills are only interested in sowing the seeds of destruction and chaos within this board and others. I think it's pretty Hebraic how you're trying to redefine those two terms just to suit your own interests.

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Nah that's depression. Seriously, go into any GP and tell them how you feel, see what kind of shit they try to prescribe you.

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Okay good sire, as I said if one denies phenomena beyond the physical realm, then they are an atheist or a shill.
And your description of NPC lines up with my understanding of atheists. Once you deny your existence after your life ends, you have no reason to live other than for your own pleasure. Are you driven by hedonism, and thus a brianlet NPC? AKA, Are you an atheist?
If you have any higher mode of thought, please do reconcile this paradox.

Won't stop me from calling /x/ niggers schizos because of their paranoid delusions.

Sounds like your friend is a stereotypical menopausal woman at heart.

Submit to Jewish pilpul, goy. Or you have a mental problem.
Plus, since you have said problem, we'll have to use nomative institutions to investigate and overwatch you to make sure you are not a threat to yourself and others, goy.
Good goys aren't like you, that's why you have these symptoms, goy. Get with the program. Oh you can't or won't? That's another symptom of an incurable disease, goy.

You know who controls this site, don't you? This is all just a clearinghouse for information gathering and dissemination for purposes of the fifth column protocols of control and extortion.

So, you are pretending to know that people (animals that look "like" people) don't exist who do these things because they want to do them? You are pretending influence doesn't exist, and hegemony doesn't exist, and black projects don't exist, and cultural subversion and asymmetrical warfare don't exist, but there is just this "disease thingy" that exists.

are you surprised or something? psychiatry/psychology are the two most jewish fields ever created.

one of the first "diseases" was a belief in christianity

It's only made up stories (demonic possession, TM) which may or may not pertain to real phenomena, or it is other made up stories (psychiatric diagnoses, TM) that may or may not pertain to real phenomena. Only those two choices, goy.

Schizophrenia is real and we have to contend with schizo posters every fucking day on this board. It's one of the worst, most crippling mental illnesses a person can get. "Sluggish Schizophrenia" or the practice of labeling political enemies as insane conspiracy theorists is something else though.

What the fuck even is schizophrenia? I've seen autism, OCD, bipolar, ADHD, and other disorders actually characterized, but schizophrenia just doesn't have anything to it other than delusions and hallucinations, which aren't even unique to it.

If this were going on (pics related) and you were aware of it, and you were even aware that the current status quo is a massive scale, open-air version of the same thing in essence, would you then have "schizophrenic delusions"? Surely, goy, you are either possessed by demons or else sadly a victim of a mental disorder, goy.

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You don't seem to understand what these medical words mean also which one of them is necessary to diagonse you schizophrenic and which ones are just occasionaly reoccuring with schizophrenia
sometimes it is still abused for political reasons
it stands for when you start acting totally disorganized, like when you just starts throwing things for no reason/do something which has no logical motive
Paranoid schizophrenia needs delusions/hallucinations
Disorganized schizophrenia needs you to act disorganized

Gotta disagree here. Although obviously mental illness has been politicized, i have seen mentally ill people who absolutely can not function without medication. Things like ADD/ADHD are almost always bullshit but schizophrenia IS a real thing.

yeah, you don't know anything about psychiatry.
not everything associated with schizophrenia is not part it
are the main symptoms of schizophrenia
others are symptoms of other mental disorders


it somewhat depends on what kind of delusions/hallucations one has, secondly schizophrenia has also negative symptoms (like loss of proper emotional reactions)
they have also usually thought disorder
Schizophrenia has lots of enviormental/genetic factors
You could recognize a schizophrenic easily when you meet him in real life
lots of Jews have schizophrenia

There are "real" schizophrenics, i.e. people you recognize quite easily as not being entirely there. There was one old woman I saw a couple of times on the bus. She was talking to herself all the time. She said how she saw her ancestors, demons and angels next to her. That she was committed to a mental asylum. There was clearly something wrong with her. Be it that she actually had the sixth sense, or that there was some malfunction in her brain which caused her to see these things. And her behaviour in public reflected that there was something drastically different about her mentally.

But of course as OP pointed out, these broad terms can also be used to label reasonable yet inconvenient people as schizophrenics. Sort of like (((they))) did with Ezra Pound, whatever the official diagnosis was.

Who uses a knife to carve out ice cream. Do you live in a trailer?

In one job I had, a co-worker told me when she was in high school her classmate had a case of demonic possession. I guess it was sort of The Exorcist-style classic case, don't remember how much she mentioned the details. Anyway, a priest performed an exorcism and it fixed the classmate.

The co-worker was a philosophy student in Current Year -N, so I'm pretty sure she wasn't religious, and probably an atheist. So she wouldn't have lied about it to further a religious agenda.

Of course you can wonder whether the possession and subsequent exorcism was merely psychosomatic (as my heavily atheist boss thought), and as subconsciously the classmate thought she was possessed, the exorcism told her subconscious that would fix her. Or if it was an actual possession by a non-corporeal spirit.

There's even a form of schizophrenia tailored especially for the intelligent who has good optics

>implying psychosis is (((schizophrenia)))
Not at all, but schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder. Educate yourself, learn how logical implications function, etc.
Yes, that's clearly leveraging Occam's razor there.
Yes, because there is *no way* to tell a psychotic person from a normal person. If you told me that the CIA was sending you secret messages to stalk and kill your local "drug dealers", I definitely couldn't differentiate between you and "literally anyone else". If you told me you hear voices that no one else hears, I would definitely think "yeah, just an average SIDF member off the street, nothing to see here!" Furthermore, psychotic schizos act and talk differently than other psychotics. Not that you would know.

Can't tell if you're a shill or just retarded: you have very poorly constructed that strawman. The existence of depraved predators has nothing to do with the fact that these psychotic schizos exist. Neither of you addressed my points in and the other user's in , given that schizos can suddenly attack in otherwise high trust scenarios. You want your family around these people?

Jews are aware that schizophrenia has a huge prevalence in their corrupted gene pool, therefore they try to play it down. "Oh, almost all of them are harmless ignore the cannibalistic murdering ones, goy", "Oy vey, goyim, let the poor schizos out in public and don't discriminate. Let them live alongside your children! They have rights!" You think I'm pushing pills on schizos? Far from it: schizos who ever exhibit overt psychotic features need to be permanently institutionalized and/or promptly painlessly euthanized.

psych meds sometimes makes schizos worse but when they start getting obnoxious a shot of Thorazine or need to get the fuck beat outta them, most the time they're entertaining but it seems on full moons they'll start schizing out the most

but when you think you're Archangel Michael who'll be president of the USA one day, life can get stressful

This thread

essentially schizos are like overgrown children whom never grow emotionally past the age they started becoming schizo, 16-18yrs old

lol yeah bullshit, so they can scare the shit outta everyone? had a buddy who went schizo years ago and the few times me and my mates brought some women around him, they told us to never fucking bring your schizo buddy around us ever again, he scared the shit outta them by doing typical schizo stuff

Take your pills Mason, your family is worried.

This has got to fall under "stupid schizophrenia"

Tell that to the little boys that get medicated in middle school for not sitting still all day and being perfectly obedient and subservient.