Poor goy faggots, we still come out on top

You can masturbate to all the fantasies of a new Holocaust or destroying Israel, but we'll still be around. We'll still make more money, have higher IQ's, steal your beautiful women and get the rest corrupted by feminism so that you won't mate with them. We'll also race mix you with lesser races so you're descendants will be too stupid to rebel against us.

You are doomed.

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hello reddit

You're a funny kike, I'll rope you last.

I'll rope him first.

Are you the next PM of Israel?

Baitposting deserves a ban.

How can Goylets even compete, lul?

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What if you're not a faggot thought?


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So why do you keep trying to get rid of your superiors?

How can I be doomed when I just killed a Jew last week? Granted, it was on a tour of the Grand Canyon and I accidentally dropped a quarter over the edge of the observation deck, but he's still my slave in hell all the same. That counts!

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Attached: Nigger_Mitzvah.jpg (408x257, 32.18K)

Try a handful of pennies off the Brooklyn bridge. kek


I once broke a jew's neck by pulling out my wallet and (((accidentally))) dropping a dollar on the ground. I also suffocated a jew by putting up a sign that air wasn't free.

nice bait
nobody buy your bullshit about higher IQ. your only chance to destroy white race is flooding white countries by human waste. but if you erase white race, you will be white devil.

whites may lose. but if we lose jews will go to hell with us. selling lies is not that easy now when we have internet.

You are doomed kikes. Chinks are heartless bugs who don't care about your holohoax. Muslims are similar cancer like you. But you shot them like animals. You just can't t survive this storm.

Best part is actualy holocaust. You meme it so hard it will become reality one day. Jews will be killed in real death camps because you made whole industry about it. Who will save you this time? Aliens? Demons? You made Hitler look like monster. So next generations will think it is ok to be monster if you fighting jews.

Can confirm, we studied it in the holocaust class.

Did they make you buy your own 20 cm of wood?

I banish thee from my foreskin, foul one, seek sustenance elsewhere

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They made the tire out of some poor Jewish souls which were annihilated during the Holocaust. It might explain why those soldiers restrained themselves from attacking one of their own during that Anti-Semitic attack.