Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was elected

Why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was elected

Normies will just chalk her up as a crazy harpy, however as someone who has been through some shit I can clearly see that her abnormal facial expression / reaction to triggers (being attacked) are that of someone who was abused.

Victims of abuse generally want to gain control over their lives and subsequently the lives of others.

One of (((them))) likely recognized this and put her into power as severely traumatized people can easily be controlled by triggers while that kind of stuff doesn't work on a normal person. (if she doesn't do as told, her handler will turn from nice to evil and re-shape her psyche)

It's no accident she was elected…

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Cortez is a Jew

She's a spic/jew and her opponent was a fucking white male. The DNC is so far gone now that they'll just start purging all white people from their ranks.

“One of the things that we discovered about ourselves is that a very, very long time ago, generations and generations ago, my family consisted of Sephardic Jews,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

She is just pandering. A jew would never trust someone with a few blood of jew blood and no jewish education they can't control to further their cause. They need something blackmailable on their puppets or they need to be abuse / MK ultra victims that can easily be controlled psychologically.

>One of (((them))) likely recognized this

What do you mean recognized it, (((they))) caused it! She's half kike.

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doesn't look like a kike to me

more like part black, part indeginous with some white mixed in

kikes don't live in the Bronx, the negroes and spics do

kikes are all in Brooklyn

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As long as she keeps trashing Israel and supporting BDS I’ll vote for her. All the other boomer issues the media tries to get us worried about are pointless.

no shit.

she's extremely anti-white. she's just a talking head though. her jew controllers will put her in line with everyone else.

Her election was a set up by DNC.
Old incumbent, about to retire, DNC inserted candidate.
Hyped election, hyped win on MSM.
Same way Hillary got elected in NY.
The way things are done now.
Sandy Ocasio.

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I know she’s anti white. It is literally impossible for anyone pro white to get elected. So we have to take what we can get. I personally don’t mind the anti white rhetoric. She’s standing up for her own race which is exactly what we should all do.

Anyway I think electing anti Israeli people like her is another great avenue to start talking about the Jewish question. Can’t wait to tell my MAGA boomer family why I’m supporting the dark socialists from NY and Michigan.

Doesn't matter. She recently went on record claiming kike ancestry.

Get the fuck out here and never return you jew loving weak pussy - this is a National Socialist board, and National Socialism is anti-Jew.

Come on op, get it right. It's


she said many many generations ago there were some sephardic kikes in my family therefore I support Israel

it's total bullshit to pander to kikes


i heard a man in a store ask this question:

how can she hold office if she gets shot dead

Quit spreading lies. She's not from the fucking bronx.

Get it right morons…its Alexandria Ocrazio-Kotex

Alexandria (gibsmedat) Ocrazio-Kotex

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She's just another rich millennial narcissist.

she is still better than Trump

Stop shilling this cunt.

She should run for president.
The government is a joke at this point so every nutjob should run for president.

The whole scene of her getting elected was a well crafted narrative on many levels. Just list them off anons.
Lazy white devil in office for ever no need to campaign guaranteed win.
Hard working brilliant poor colored woman knocked on every door in the district worn out campaign shoes went to museum on display.
This is an easy list to cherry pick the medias support.
But now that this brain dead spic is in the saddle it could be a wild ride.

Anons in this thread;
How about not voting for anti-Whites at all? Stop legitimizing the System by giving it your vote.

based and cringepilled
fucking nu/pol/

Is she the type that if elected into the WH she would go so batshit insane that there would never be a female president again?

Because she's a Jew and she's not some outsider, she actually worked for the DNC or some shit. Max Blumenthal exposed her, follow his twitter, he's one of the few Jews who isn't hypocritical on immigration to Israel and the treatment of Palestinians.

Almost everybody with spanish ancestry is a sephardic jews since the jews that lived in muslim Iberia got forcefully converted after the the crusade for spain.

Nothing is better than raping a stupid Nazi cunt after killing her husband and destroying his fatherland! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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You’re saying our system is legitimate? Stop thinking we live in a country where we have so much freedom anybody can get elected.

It’s pretty obvious that the media is trying to marginalize these Israeli haters. Should be a cue to everyone that these are the people to put in power. Even if she fucks things up it’s better than what’s going on now.

This is actually why white nationalism is growing. Too many nogs and spics and muds have abused whites. Victims want control.

Our system is a half-dozen factions of masons fighting each other, user.

No elections are accidents. Hillary Clinton could never have won because she would have accelerated things a little too much. Donald Trump is the tool to keep the “silent majority” docile for another cycle. They be pacified with some fencing and mass deportations, and then the degeneracy agenda can continue.

She was elected like most Congressmen are elected, no one bothers turning out to vote so they win by default. People only really give a shit when Presidential elections come around. Democracy was always a stupid fucking idea because most people don't care and never will as long as they can stay in their own little bubble

I just cannot believe the media push behind this girl. She's retarded, yet we're fed her comments every single day. Who bought her the nice three letter @AOC twitter handle?

low energy.

What did I just say?
I said "Stop legitimizing the System"

And one post before that one I said "The government is a joke at this point so every nutjob should run for president."

I don't think she's retarded, her problem is that she doesn't understand anything she's been taught/learned.

It's not hard to buy twitter bots. I'm sure the DNC which paid for it probably knows ad firms that do nothing but track and datamine everything they can and since Cuckchan was in the news so much they naturally went there to shill

So she's retarded

I'm not talking about a bot, I'm talking about an account name. Twitter has existed for a long time, the three letter handles were snapped up very quickly. Last December, she suddenly had @aoc as her username. Who had it before, who paid for it?

Full gear Psyop since 2008

I used to tutor math. Some people are monkeys who can flip switches, others are people who can understand why they're flipping the switch. In either case the switch gets flipped.

Now don't get me wrong, she's certainly not "smart" by any means, but she's not retarded. She's just a monkey capable of flipping a switch.

So she's retarded

You know how we express that more succinctly, the word is retarded.

Well if that's your definition of retard, then from my perspective you're retarded because you seem to be incapable of understanding the point. The only way to truly know if she's "retarded" is to determine whether or not she's capable of understanding something.

She has a degree in economics, so she's at least able to plug & chug like a monkey flipping a switch. She also literally understands none of what she was taught, or she was brainwashed.

Figuring out which she is is how you destroy her.

You seem to be incapable of understanding common vernacular.
If you think a minority woman with a degree actually holds much meaning, you, might be retarded. Hint: Not in your monkey flipping manner, the low IQ waste of space fashion. Now, what degree are you babbling about?
Not an economics degree then, if you weren't braindead you'd understand that. These silly fusion degrees are taken by retards who take all the easy courses from a basket of related fields. It only impresses very stupid people, and you would be a case in point.

Tell us again that you tutor math. I laughed out loud that you thought that premise would add any weight to the rest of your drivel.

Pro tip: You're retarded

So she's retarded, as are you.

Recent polling by Rasmussen suggested Crazio could net 40% of the vote versus Trump at 43% in 2020 had she been the legal age to run for President.
That is fucking insane.

Yea that's right. Don't bother to understand your enemies, that's a sure fire way to defeat them. You seem to think that this AOC crazy bitch is just going to go away, but the fact is she appeals to the retarded masses. Taking the time to understand her weaknesses is how you defeat her. You both think small and trivially, therefore you're not really any different from that communist monkey. She is fucking dangerous precisely because she appeals to the retards and doesn't understand shit.

It's all good though, the world needs monkey switch flippers like you two.

Because her constituents are fucking racist.


Board instead wants to allow the old guard DNC
She's just smart enough and dumb enough to bring real trouble-traitors before adversaries.

this spic cunt need a bullet in her head,unless allowed by your leave to further make commie sub human scum show all their cards

Seems extremely unlikely to me. She was dramatically outspent and represents a direction that the New Democrats like Clinton fought hard against. The DNC play seems to be: give her lots of attention but no real power and wait till she falls on her face (like Corbyn or Hollande).

Go back to teaching 15 year olds how to "complete the square," that's more your level. AOC is a retard, but I never once implied she'll be going away.

There will be more like her to assume office. The demographic situation in America, combined with the machinations of the DNC, paint a grim (s)picture of future candidates. Their success will almost be guaranteed without decisive and unprecedented action against the hordes.

That's what they said about Hillary.
I don't see one miscegenated gargoyle getting elected in jew york as the end of America.

The boomers are losing population and votez. The rise of ditt poor browns and rich white shitlibs as the DNC shoppers, means this trend remains; they already admit they can't have ducking white males in 2020.

It is their progressive taking over of the party at the electable level that is the problem. Hillary was as establishment as they come. Corntez is a puppet made to look like a maverick 'real person' putting a wrecking ball through the stuffy corridors frequented by the infamous old white men.

Blacks are ugly but spics look like psychopathic death. What a freak.

That's just a typical leftie pumped full of xenoestrogens in a shit-hole urban environment. They all do that freakish open mouth shit (soy face, remember?), those weird bugged out eyes, they always have really strained faces and necks etc. Leftists are sub-human freaks.

Welp, user said it, it's over. Might as well breed out with shit-skins and stop trying.

Of course she was abused as a child. First, she's half-spic, half-Jew, so her family is probably full of pedos. Second, I want to smack her in the face, which is a sure sign of someone who was hit a lot growing up. They reproduce the same conditions as adults.

The good news is that twisted nutcases eventually break the rules of the establishment that's using them as little brown sticks to beat the whites with. In time, her boyfriend will get arrested for beating her and she'll get arrested for DUI or something. Unless the kikes have appointed a minder for her, which I doubt since she's had to hustle for GoFundMe cash, she'll do something sooner or later.

Define "establishment." So far as I can tell, this socialist whore is as "establishment" as it gets. Establish to me is government. No one loves expanding the scope of government more than socialists, and using that government to achieve their ends. That is, oppress white people, steal everything we have, stick us in labor camps etc. That's about as establishment as a person can be.

This is a slide thread.

Hallmarks of the 'latino' too. Wide Mayan mouth, soulless eyes and aggression beyond all reason.

I'm not saying stop trying. I'm saying that unless there is drastic action taken there will be little hope.

I meant newcomer, a pawn, compared to Clinton who was ingrained in the establishment for most of her life.

She was elected because nobody fucking bothers to vote in the primary, and she literally talked to all of the people who voted for her. Hard work, but less difficult than it seems, if you look at the vote tally.

In the general election? What kind of person in the Bronx is going to vote for a republican? Once her original Democrat opponent gave up the chance to run a third party campaign, she was guaranteed to win the general election.

This is not some kind of national phenomenon, and we cannot read more into it than that. She's done a great job of self-promotion, including riling up the opposition. But, her rhetoric and the reality of the thing are worlds apart.

They will just use someone more palatable to fool those less inclined to support Corntez type candidates.

So she's retarded

She's a woman; and a latina at that.

Fucking retard.

I'm with this guy on it fuck those shitskins we got mudslimes and spics trying to takover congress its time to litterally expell the JEW along with the hordes they fight to bring in to destroy the best society ever created by whites that blatantly shows them to the world as nothing but feces.



Jealousy of hook nosed rats,just like niggers they are fucking ugly

The problem for the US is that this time the kikenvermin marxist banker elite has kept a tight rein on the military only allowing the most doltish of niggers and the most insane evangelical retards to ascend in the ranks so that there is no potential Pinochet waiting in the wings ready to seize power in a coup d'etat or capable of purging the country of it's parasite scum.

She wasn't outspent

Actually I taught college level math, stats, diff eq, linear algebra, operations research. Monkeys can teach low level math.

So she's a triple retard, a hat-trick of retardation rolled into one

crack you head open lick a watermelon and piss on you useless dead brains.No More Remorse shitskin

There's nothing to understand about retards, they're just retards and should be memory holed into non-existence. Something strikes me odd about your posts. You talk about how stupid she is while at the same time subconsciously defending her which is very odd, wouldn't be surprised if you were actually on her side

R we making sense yet

the host knows its infected and will die unless you are removed



Okay first of all I'm talking about the primary. That district was never going to vote Republican, that's why they didn't spend any money in the election.
I'm talking about Joseph Crowley, who by all appearances was the DNC's preferred choice and was ousted by AOC. He dramatically outspent her in the primary, wikipedia says $3 million vs. $300,000. If you think she was supported by a super PAC during the primary, I'd love to hear about it.

sorry, 3.4 million vs 200 thousand

I can see that, many of us tend to project our distrust on others here even it's not warranted. I think she represents a complete and total failure of our entire country that she was even elected. I don't blame her for her spectacular ignorance of the world, I blame the voters that actually elected that ignorant bitch to office. I'm not defending her, I'm just putting the blame on the voters. That bitch should still be working in bar, or in fast food. She has literally zero qualifications to solve any problems in the world.

That is low level math… except for Operations Research, even first year engineers would study those topics. You're definitely an odd one, you demonstrate low self esteem in being baited into trying to prove your credentials; why would you do that on an anonymous Afghani carpet selling bazar online forum? Don't you think you're overreacting to the common occurrence of calling a dim girl retarded?

It proves jewish tribalism is so extreme that a jew will hire a stupid jew over an over qualified goy.

I always wonder why we don't hear more about anons with terminal cancer. As an user that had cancer myself I knew well what I was about. To the benefit of the kikes I got better. Maybe the weird tricks I tried healed me like apple cider vinegar, but on my holy lord Jesus I would've taken so many kikes with me.

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She has too little power to be worth controlling. She's a freshman, and there's only one of her.

I really don't care tbh, just trying to put things in perspective so that people can have better information on which to understand my perspective. That's how we build understanding of the world. And as for tutoring, it was just part-time work while I was going through school. I realized early on that in order to effectively teach some people, you have classify them before figuring which strategy to take. Most people didn't understand the math, they just wanted to plug & chug to pass a class. A few really had potential and wanted to understand what they were working on, and how it could be applied. What mattered was being able to identify and understand people to teach them. The same rules apply to the ignorant bitch AOC. We need to understand her flaws and exploit them against her. She's ignorant as they come, so that's the truth that must be revealed to the masses.

Anyway, just trying to be productive and offer a better approach. Calling her a retard isn't going to be sufficient, and ignorance doesn't mean retarded.

because she's a shitskin jew
jews need to SELECT puppets that are appropriate for the future politics of a nation

The future is women of color ruling over everything.

She's just a mouthpiece, we need to find out who is pulling her strings and greasing the skids for her career. Not one part of her success story is organic. If you listen to some of her earlier interviews, you might reevaluate your stance on her retardation; she's bimbo tier.

Or dying old men in Germany. You've got 3 months to live… Ja, das ist gut! BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.

Yeah man its a real fuckin' mystery.

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No, you wouldn't. You would have focused on trying to get better until you got too weak to do jack shit and then you would've died.

The reason you don't hear about Anons with terminal cancer is because thats what they all do - struggle to get better, and either succeed and go back to not doing anything, or spend their last few months failing and they die quietly in a hospital weighing 11 lbs.

Maybe the remains of everything. They will never rule over Europa, or her children.

Too late fam, britain and germany at the very least have proven this wrong.