
Why don't we get a campaign to end the race problem by deporting all the whites going? It would be just as big of a mindfuck to the enemy as #ItsOkayToBeWhite because on the one hand it seems like the most desirable and easy way to end racism and be rid of the hated whitey and yet on the other hand it's going to cause mass cognitive dissonance due to them all realizing that as much shit as they talk about whites and as much as they hate whites they need them around to parasite off of and will be pissed if all the whites are gone.

If you think about it, it's a situation where we win no matter what the outcome, because either we succeed in getting them to deport us all into an exclusion zone which then results in a white nation being formed with all the inevitable consequences that come from that (wealth creation, zero crime, etc.) or they left reach another level of insanity due ti cognitive dissonance.

Video unrelated, merely required to make thread.

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Come on this is a brilliant idea. Why don't we meme them into deporting us?

Sounds like a great idea
t. meme pro

Supporting it means you support the ideas of segregation and deporting people.
Not supporting it means admitting that you want to live among white people.

Should we make some kind of videos or images for this that we can use? How should we go about spreading a massage of deporting all white people?

Great idea. If it gets any traction we get to see lefties squirm and try to dance around the fact that they agree with it. Or even better, they just straight up agree with it, and redpill the white masses.

Prepare for shill invasion of this thread.

The NPC is forced to support it. Since it's disallowed to say It's Okay To Be White, you also can't say that whites are entitled to exist in the U.S.

Flood Europe with American whites… see what happens when they're competing with Somalis for cheap housing lol. It'll be 1776 all over ag'in.

where to?

everywhere has natives; it'll be like south africa where sudden whitey hopped on a plot of land that no nigger wanted, made it worth a shit, then suddenly niggerflood claiming some kind of divine right to it.

The whole point of genocide is that there is no where for us to go you stupid fucking nigger. These are our countries. It's the kikes and shitskins who don't belong.

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I was thinking about this recently.
Why not designate an island somewhere as Racist White Man Land?
All the racist white men could go to live there happily among their own and the rest of society would be much better off without their poisonous influence.
It's a win-win, everyone get's what they want:
1. Racist white men get left alone on their island to live free from shitskins and excel now they are not forced to carry their inferiors any more.
2 Traitor whites get to get raped to death by jamal once all the actual real men leave.
3 all the shitskins and any remaining traitor whites get to slowly starve to death or start cannibalizing one another now nothing gets produced effectively.

That island used to exist, it was called Germany.

because Israel would pay someone to nuke it

Great. That way we can be blockaded and starved to death.


They tried this shit, it's called Australia. Guess what? Cuck genes are inherent to smegskins, and so not 300 years since they got dumped on that shithole, they're back to open borders and race mixing. The problem isn't minorities, it's that smegskins are a self destroying race, destined to fail and collapse time and again.

Very good. Start deporting whites to Africa.

This is actually a pretty good OP for the mind fuckery alone.


Does anyone have the story where the Russian businessmen visiting South Africa after apartheid? Where all the nogs had taken over the office blocks lighting fires indoors and using the elevator shafts as toilets?

It seems to have been shoahed from jewgle.

Please stop.

You know I think he's right, if we can convince them to deport us, maybe they will fall on their own sword over and over and never win anything ever again.

Buckle up Anons, the future is now!

Attached: DeportAllWhites1.png (2550x3300, 111.24K)

This is ingenious.

What the hell is a smegskins?

More! Give me some ideas.

Attached: WhitesAreCancer.png (2550x3300, 120.06K)

Smegskins means Oriental people.
Or Asians as they are called in Murrica for some crazy reason.

I like this one, where is home? What is going on at home? Why is home being invaded?

Attached: SendWhitesHome.png (2550x3300, 114.21K)


If Orientals are a self destroying race, why are they the largest?
Though I do see that you're a different user than the one who said smegskins are naturally cockolds.

we can call it:


Derail in progress.

JIDF has entered the fray.

trips confirm

That is a difficult question. I think its because their societies are naturally ordered and stable.
Its even more difficult to explain why Murricans call orientals asians. Asia is a big continent.

Nah, suicide now.

You are smegskins, the race the thread intends to deport. The combination of the Caucasoid's grimey sweat, foul odour, pasty skin, and unkempt body hair, perfectly imitates the consistency of pube covered smegma.

What drugs do you take?

No im not oriental but I would stick my dick in one.

Attached: 1350667604703.jpg (1036x1200, 182.9K)

You can deflect all you want, but you can't call Asian's yellow, claim the white color, then deflect when you get called out for being dick cheese colored

Dont blame me I didnt invent these definitions.



Attached: EveryoneAgainstWhites.png (2550x3300, 122.74K)

Attached: Cut Ju Muddafuk.jpg (576x445, 52.25K)

If all white people left the USA, this shit hole would be a cross of Africa, Mexico, and the middle East. Within a decade, the entire country would be in ruins and everything we fought to protect would be gone.

You're underestimating us, we could easily live off our own fruits, as well as build with only the resources on the island. Unlike niggers and other shitskins, we can overcome anything due to our sheer intelligence and willingness to love and work with our fellow men. Granted I will say that despite all that, kikes would probably find someway to fuck all that up for us.

Even more!

These need to be posted at Evergreen. No one would even fuck with you, you could probably get people to help you post this shit.

Attached: UniteAgainstWhites.png (2550x3300, 110.34K)

I think you mean dance around the fact they DON'T agree with it because they want to exploit and live off of whites. Only a few honest black nationalists like some of the old black panthers and a few others here and there that actually are crazy enough to believe they could live better lives without whites would agree with it. The rest will have to confront the fact they hate whites but need them around to parasite off of.

So we're basically co-opting anti-white propaganda to serve our own interests they way a kike spray paints swastickas on his synagogue. This user gives his/her full endorsement.

It's a shill trying to shit on whites, originally they called us cumskins, but then they realized we take that as a compliment since cum is literally the source of life, and considering that could be taken as a metaphor for how useful whites are. I assume they're trying this smeg shit cuz smegma is gross, but honestly it just makes them sound retarded more than anything.

If they all segregate us into one area aka "deport us" it's the exact same thing as white flight just by a different name and the result will be a paradise like Orania, South Africa or Iceland any other 100% white place.

It will also lead to non-whites all dying off in droves due to them not being able to maintain the abandoned infrastructure.


Attached: UNPARALLELED.jpg (1793x540, 222.44K)

They are too stupid to know this.

Checked, hitler. Defeat them with their own playbook.

Anyone have more ideas?

Attached: SegregateWhites.png (2550x3300, 89.37K)

It does not matter where. It could be Antarctica, Iceland, Alaska, some plot of land in America set aside for the whites, etc.

If there's non-whites in the area they can be paid to leave in order the evil rayciss whites can be deported there.

Too stupid to know what?

Whites are literally a human resource. They produce everything of value and keep the civilization afloat. White slaves built America and white slaves today keep the whole thing going. Once you free the whites and deport them all to their own place, the non-whites left behind are fucked, and the whites who've moved on… no matter how shitty or hostile their new land is… will experience a golden age.

Too stupid to know that they sponge off whites. That whites are responsible for the electricity, gas and running water. They think if whites were gone, it's going to be like Wakanda.

We can reclaim our lands when the mass starvation and other issues cause by absolutely no whites being around to maintain the infrastructure results in the non-white populations being decimated.

I think they realize they are parasites. However if what you are saying is correct and they truly believe it's going to be some kind of wakanda, then good, we will get a white nation and they will get death from their own stupidity.

Btw, the (((alphabets))) were the ones who intentionally sabotaged and destroyed segregationist efforts in the past, but it will be harder this time as we have internet now.

Wouldnt the biggest concern be China?
While they cant innovate without copying the white man they can certainly build a successful society with the inventions they have stolen off the white man so far.

There are already all White islands and they still require food imports to survive. Particularly smaller ones.

Well yes but the point is to push for this anyways because of the shitstorm it will cause.

In the end we have to be decentralized in order not to nuked and wiped out in one blast by the Israelis.

More like we'll make it into the new Haiti and produce so much excess food we'll be exporting all the time.

Meanwhile our nations we got deported from will be begging for food imports from us.


Attached: threadfullofnicebread.JPG (589x169, 39.24K)

False equivalence because the entire population of the UK was not removed to Australia.

I'm talking about something like deporting every single white from America and Canada and putting them all in one place set aside for them, and leaving those countries to shitskins, and then waiting for them to starve to death so we can come back to a depopulated land.

The purpose of this thread isn't to engage in white flight. The purpose of this thread is to mindfuck the leftists by either A) making them realize they are parasites or B) making them support segregation.

Leftists calling for deportation of whites will only benefit us no matter the ultimate, actual outcome.

Nah, they think they wuz kangs. White people are a detriment. If they realized they were parasites, they might feel the slightest twang of guilt, but they do not. They are entitled to rape white pussy and rob whites because of all the past wrongs.

Pic would be nice to fuck up some shitlibs. Post those up in a "gentrifying" city neighborhood and watch the shit hit the fan.

Attached: Gentrification.png (2550x3300, 106.78K)

I had it but I've lost it when my hard-drive was wiped. I remember it though. The nogs were like orcs or zombies eating rats and stuff.

I don't believe leftists actually want to kill/deport us. I believe they want to exploit, tax, and rape us but never actually kill or deport us.

If they do want to kill us or deport us though that's quite fine as it's important to expose such intentions.

Whichever big guy prints these out and spreads them around starts the fire to rise first.

How about one that says "DEPORT ALL WHITES ; END RACISM"

Those two phrases combined together should be potent.

It's funny because none of the shit you cucks do have actually made anything better, you just make shit worse and worse and worse each year

I think ambiguity is best in this campaign. Let the reader think of all the reasons why they want to deport all whites.

Your beliefs are irrelevant, child rapist.

The left is already saying whites are cancer and it doesn't matter.

We need to "deport whites" segregate/apartheid to "end racism" actually ending parasitism.

t. black surpemacist who gonna miss whitey when he's gone

Looks like a man/tranny.

I'm impressed user, this is a great idea. Someone should try to infiltrate and shill on black twitter so they think they came up with it.

Attached: Tony_Joe_3.jpg (640x416, 76.32K)

We got Trump elected kiddo.



I don't know, this idea seems a little more like old Zig Forums to me.

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What exactly are you fighting to protect? Me I'm fighting to protect the genetic integrity and survival of the white race which also means the promise of a future in the stars. A bunch of roads, buildings, etc. can all be rebuilt but the race if lost is lost forever.

Well said, aryans have colonized and subjugated Africa and Asia in the past but when we left/race-mixed in those places it was the negros that descended back into anarchy while Asians maintained. It's important to know the only reason China remains a world power is because US tech is fed straight into China though the Israeli middleman.

That's not going to happen, user, for crying out loud. Whites won't actually get deported. At most, this will end up getting covered on NBC, and wake up some normies to our side.


I can use above to convert text into Greek pseudoalphabet and avoid YouTube comment censorship.

So could you all, and bring justice to the comments once more.

It doesn't matter whether we do or not, just that we get people thinking about it, because it's a mindfuck.

You can say "their" instead of "his/her".

Exactly. That's why I think this might be a good idea.

Keep pointless grammar dilution of this thread.

No, paid jewish shill. We won't be perverting English with jewish lies.

anyone who has been around for a while or can think logically will know that this kind of thing is often pushed.
"Yeah let's spend a lot of effort putting out anti-european slogans and images lol! That will make everyone angry and they'll suddenly side with us lol!!! white are faggots and should be killed lol"

Never ever follow any kind of suggestion that adds further negativity to the (((media campaign))) against the european blooded.
Note how he tries to link it to "it's ok to be white", despite that being a wholly positive and irrefutable message.
kike-poster is saged.

You think they would swallow "segregate whites"? It's probably better to say "deport whites". I'm not sure what saying explicitly "segregation" would trigger in their minds. I guess it's better than saying "segregate" or "segregate blacks" because when you aim it at whites it has the exact same effect but it's worded a bit reversed.

We won't actually get deported we're just running a psy-op on the left.

If we did get deported though China remains a threat sure but not really any bigger of a threat than they already are.

More like to maintain a comfortable standard of living I doubt they actually need imports "to survive".

But look at how many Jews have LARPed as Nazis to sew confusion and disinfo. The guy behind the infamous Skokie march, wasn't he actually Jewish?

Attached: 839.png (1130x840, 187.91K)

We don't have to be deported to an island we can set aside a portion of land that is either uninhabited or majority white (the non-whites will be paid to leave) in America that we'll be deported to.

Add #DeportAllJews into the mix and you'll set the internet on fire for a week. Maybe longer if you can get enough Boomers to join in. Video related.

Just because they assert and say they wuz kangz doesn't mean they actually believe it otherwise they'd move to the black nationalist ethno-states that are quite common in Africa.

Even the desire to "rape white pussy" is the action of an inferior. White men don't yearn to stick their dicks in the vaginas of sheboons and look down on the bestiality practitioners that do. Where's the niggers looking down on coons that want to fuck white women?

lmao I used to sell giftcards