Losing the Culture War

Losing the Culture War

We're losing the most important war, and that's the culture war. The power driving the left's momentum right now is staggering. They currently control:

� Academia
� Tech
� All social media
� Payment processors and credit cards

They are leveraging every advantage they have:

� All levels of academia from K through college are indoctrinating our children to believe that republicans/conservatives are the scourge and excrement of the known universe. With each passing year, more and more of these millennials reach voting age while the oldest of our generation die
� Social media and tech are monopolized by leftists like Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, Sundar Pichai of Google, Susan Wojcicki of YouTube, and Jack Conte of Patreon, all of whom have cultivated leftist monocultures within their organizations. With unfathomable power to silence dissent and change our culture at their fingertips, they continue to suppress non-left-leaning speech all across the internet
� Payment processors like PayPal and Stripe routinely ban high-profile conservatives from their platform. And if the payment processors don't get them, Mastercard does

This is massive territory that the left has claimed and you can see the effects that it's having on our culture right now:

� The latest incident in wokeness can be attributed to Gillette with their ad that uses a broad brush to paint men as harassers and general misogynists. In any other timeline, such an ad would have been a very bold move, especially for a company with such a large male customer base, but it is likely that Gillette were coaxed out of their shell thanks a perceived political climate cultivated on Twitter where progressive ideals have taken over the mainstream. However, it backfired on them as soon as the dislikes started rolling in ten-to-one on YouTube, one of the last social media services that remain mostly untouched by algorithms that favor left-leaning content. This thrashing didn't last for long, though, as dislikes and comments critical of the ad were deleted until the ratio gradually narrowed to two-to-one three days later. This tells us that YouTube isn't far behind in implementing AI to protect left-leaning content that fails to stand up to the slightest scrutiny.
� For past incidents, we can look to the companies that dropped their advertisers and discount programs whenever David Hogg would take to Twitter with a tweet that amasses 100-200k likes and retweets. With approval numbers like this, companies are quick to buckle under pressure in fear of losing customers in a PR disaster

Sadly, I don't know what can be done between now and November 2020 to reverse this defeat. Republicans had the house and senate in the first two years of Trump's administration, but squandered every opportunity to pull the reins on social media. They have held numerous hearings with social media CEOs over the topic of suppression of conservative views on their platforms, but, each and every time, the hearings consisted of nothing more than a bunch of old men who know nothing about technology asking softball questions while the social media CEOs talk circles around them.

Now with the 2018 midterms behind us, it would be impossible for an internet bill of rights to make its way past the dem-controlled house. With Ocasio-Cortez's tweets oftentimes amassing hundreds of thousands of likes within a 24-hour period, a ratio that not even POTUS could dream of reaching, would anyone expect them to give up the power they currently wield on social media?

So, basically, I think the future is bleak for anyone who doesn't lean to the left. Unless Trump can legislate tech and social media reform through the federal court, we're all going to be dead in the water when 2020 comes around. So does anyone care to white pill me here? Because I am feeling pretty black pilled.

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Fuck off.

There is no peaceful solution. Political violence is the only thing the system fears.
If you are unwilling to commit political violence, you admit that they have already won and that white genocide is already complete.

It is all an elaborate stage play. Trump is a liar and a cuck, giving just barely enough redmeat to keep the Zogged boomers in stasis, without actually accomplishing anything of substance. Social media and commercial entertainment is a dead end waste of time. The only solution is becoming as strong, clear, and brave as you can, as we descend into the final days of empire. There is no political or social solution, but the problem will solve itself when the lights go out.

I am tired of you faggots actually giving anshit about the corporatiat globhomo advertising products.

If gilette came out and said all whites must suck BBC for jamal, i wouldnt even blink let alone post a thread about it. Who the fuck cares? Arent there bigger issues? Why are you still holding onto the tails of consumerism? None of this matters. Stop thinking you will somehow get the public on your side by writing op ed pieces on sjw culture. Its fuckin pointless. Go out and better yourself and your immediate surroundings.

I agree. Any investment in this system is willfully demoralizing yourself and obsessing about it doesn't help.

Im not going to offer a white pill, but a possible solution

Every elite knows the demographics. They simply have to ride out the wave of discontent. No one wants to invest in "Whites Inc." because it is a failing business model. Hedonism and nihilism are rampant from small towns in West Virginia to the university cities.

There are 2 solutions; the first one is difficult, but likely to work over the coming decades.

1. Transcend simple populism. Again, the political, social and economic elites know the graphs as well as we do. Counter Culture that started with memes and owning the libs is not enough. Disdain is not enough. Too many people are checking out of society, leaving only our favorite merchants in control. The right needs to provide a vision for the future that is not McDonalds/Walmart World; a vision that is not current modernity.

This means no paranoia of the future, as bleak as it is, while not seeking to resurrect a dead past. The right needs to become a counter culture that cant be stopped, only reasoned with. Otherwise, every room temp IQ will gang up for their very survival. It worked against Germany and they had some of the toughest people and greatest minds. Train and lead impressionable young people. Inspire them to give a damn about honoring the past and sacrificing for the future.

The right refuses to provide firm ethics for the here and now. And anyone not a Boomer is starving for it. Our civilization gobbles up the poison of modern life because there isn't any wholesome food left. Just look at Catholic Twitter and its growth over the past few years. Even as cucked as the Church is, its less damaging than modernity.

Except the past isn't dead, dumb fuck.

2. Accelerate and hope that the cards come out on our side. It is childish and pins all the hopes of mankind on a fucking dice roll. But even here, those who survive the ashheap will need to form and honor alliance with people we hate. Otherwise we get 1945 Berlin'd

Why not both?
Become the counterculture that burns this rotten structure down.

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Was there even a culture war in the past? I though people just swallowed state media and Hollywood productions blindly before the Internet gave all sides a platform?

Blackedpill shilling. Sage and report the vile jizz-gobbling goblin that OP is.

I guess I'm going to waltz on over to mom and pop store, talk with my non-druggie high school friend who runs the shop like his father and his father before him. Talk about my work in the factory just down the road from where my father worked for 25 years before getting his pension.

Then I can go to the non-cucked church and worship like my parents and their parents did.

The prewar past is dead. We killed it by listening to the jew and doing his bidding. The peaceful solution would require an enduring culture built from the ground up. Taking from the past is simple, but 2019 isnt 1909. Adapt what can be used and what has endured since before firearms were invented and discard what is only going to become dead weight.

Possible, but would require the resources of both plans. We simply dont have that time, energy or money to implement both at this time. The demographic clock is ticking

it's called the past because it's dead but maybe i'm just not thinking hard enough

Have you actually been anywhere online that's filled with teenagers? It's becoming popular to be a national socialist among the youth.

We don't have resources at all. We are the oppressed underclass in this judaized society.
All we have are passionate and dedicated individuals. I believe that we must strike out at this monstrous regime in any way we can. Other believe that we must maintain good optics and solve our problems peacefully.
Therefore, each perspective should try to solve the problems that affect our race in the manners in which they believe they will have the greatest effect.
Violent organizations need a culture of resistance in order to operate. And a culture of resistance needs people willing to conduct political action to change policies.

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Im on one right now


100% this.

larpers cut their feet out from under them by not understanding how fucking psyops and propaganda works.

Not even close.

Preaching to the choir. Fortunately for us, (((they))) have made a system which nearly every modern person who isn't in finance or directly benefits from rootless internationalism. For fucks sake, even nigs know this age is fucked, though for different reasons than we do.

The right needs a message of hope. Something that says "For all the misery and pain of life, it is worth living because of X. You should care about the traditions of our ancestors because of Y. We should sacrifice for our descendants because of Z."

Religion is good at this, but thanks to our skeptic and cynical world, normies don't generally believe in gods, heroes and the divine. It would need to be coupled with something to form a positive lifestyle instead of just sarcastic memes, smoking pot and engaging in meaningless sex. I honestly dont know what that would be, but it would provide an acceptable frame of reference for past, present and future.

The fucking jew has framed our past as racism being the original sin. The present is atonement for sins and living in pain because "muh reparations/ social justice". The future is atomized individuals living in a worldwide, flat, undifferentiated monoculture of sex but no kids, drugs but no deeper meaning, and endemic violence that solves nothing.

We lost platforms, but never the culture war. A lot of their media is failing because no one is willing to watch their bad propaganda anymore. Shoahsploitation films like Welcome to Mawren, Hatred, and Overlord failed in theaters. It's gotten so bad that leftist propagandists are resort to Streaming Services like Netflix and film re-releases like Schindler's List.

It was more decentralized back in the pre-internet days. They didn't watch Hollywood films at the time since it was designed for elitist Jews who made propaganda. The majority of masses watched independent films like Mad Max, Hard Boiled, The Passion of Christ, and The Terminator instead.

William Pierce was able to host a popular radio show publicly and states were able to choose their own TV shows.

Nowadays, leftists are trying to centralize everything so that they can curate that content easily. They try to lure people in with oversimplified alternatives (see: discord, patreon, netflix, uber, and the UE4 marketplace), kill/weaken existing centrist competitors, and restrict content the moment their service becomes popular.

I'm Catholic and it's been a good antidote to the poz. It teaches you to live without the useless crap that leftists push onto you. Attending 1-5 hours of mass every week is more worthwhile than >12 hours per day on Netflix binging.

Assuming you're not a (((shill))) you have to take into account not everyone is as "woke" to the situation. It took me several years to face up to the JQ.

ALSO the system is too big for one individual or even a collection of individuals to effect directly. When they try it often gets flipped against them. Therefore any movement needs to be accompanied with a memetic or ethical complex.


White Genocide
White Supremacy

These are all buzzwords with meme complexes attached to them.

The foundation has to be laid in the general population before industrious individuals take the next step.

The best thing whites can shoot for is a form of white separatism and a cultural renaissance. A new in group bias needs to be formed and we certainly do not have that now.

Racial survival 'ill do. At least, I believe so.

We evolved to hold our families and tribes in the highest esteem. This is why despite billions of dollars in race mixing propaganda and the System implimenting policies geared to benefit those who race-mix, racial mixing is still nowhere near what it would need to be in order to destroy our race.
The jews are right about one thing; Within every White man and woman is a racial nationalist waiting to be unleashed. We must become the match the ignites this natural and healthy nationalism.

This. Seriously, today is nothing like 2012, and I live in fucking Canada so we're extra pozzed.

While I’m not sure you are in the right place, you are correct. We are desperately losing the culture war, and i don’t know if it can be won at this point. We may have to cut our losses and abandon everyone who does not stand with us.

I consider the JQ a fucking misdirection of energy in saving the european gene pool from extinction because it looks outward to solve outward shit instead of fixing our own problems as a race and culture.


Like that fucking idiot who shot up that synagogue. Yeah, what a great victory for white people.

I went back to the Church about four years ago. They've been there before, God always wins.

Then you're a shill. Filtered.

Yup, keep telling yourself that and wondering why the situation keeps getting worse.

Shitty strategy.

Keep telling yourself that.

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I even normalfags are getting tired of (((liberalism))) which is shoved down their throats. You can see this in reaction against Poz Wars, vidya and the latest Gillette ad.

Another retard who doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

So, what, is there a tape of BiBi skullfucking a Palestinian boy? Shilling has gone from somewhat sophisticated to "throw any and all shit we have, this is it" since New Year's.

If anything, it's motivates me to fight harder. The fact that there's a lot at stake when it comes to proclaiming the truth indicates that we're fighting for something valuable and worthwhile in the long run. The opposition isn't fair with you, but life was never fair to begin with. It's up to you to reach the top so that you can purge those unfair people for good.

You're thinking way too far ahead without thinking about the initial steps. A cultural renaissance can't be created if there aren't funds provided and separatism can't happen if there isn't political power. Do everything to can to amass those two variables and it'll be easy to accomplish.

Accelerationism is the only way. I really want people to start getting together, but until shit gets so bad that people are mad and uncomfortable, we will just keep sitting here shitposting. Nobody is organizing (I am speaking from the American perspective, the Yellow Vests are heroes over in Evropa) some people are arming themselves and /SIG/ which is great for the moment, but without political representation (which we will never get) we are doomed. I am afraid that Trump is the worst thing ever because he is pacifying the conservatives without doing anything to right the trajectory of this country. We need a financial meltdown or a government push for gun grabbing or both to really have any chance of returning America to its former glory.

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And you wonder why your movement is failing.

This. Racial nationalism is pretty much biological, it's only suppressed via brainwashing and disgusting propaganda. We'd be surrounded by mutts if this weren't the case.

This user gets it

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the reason we're losing is because they control the currency and manipulate it to accomplish all of their goals:


The Federal Reserve conjuring money out of thin air and giving it to 'minorities' caused the 2008 financial crisis,
through "loan affirmative action", a.k.a. race-based wealth redistribution turbo-communist style.
This event was the greatest redistribution of wealth in history, along arbitrary racial lines at that, to the tune of about $50 TRILLION moved.
That much manipulation becomes meaningless in terms of dollars because that much money changes anything the manipulators want, it changes the meaning of the currency completely.
And they still keep doing it to this day, and have even expanded the scope of the loans beyond real estate to cars, or whatever else.
You can't call yourself 'informed' if you heard about this and didnt look into it, so watch the report in the link or admit you're totally ignorant about politics, business, and everything else.
Not only did this massive scam cause people with money they actually earned to lose their homes and cash because 'minorities' were driving up the prices with conjured money,
but they crashed the stock market further destroying the investments of hard working people who actually earned what they had.
In addition they took the opportunity to make more regulations to give them more power over the economy and propagate 'affirmative action' deeper into society.
If you wholeheartedly believe this was some kind of accident, that this wasn't planned from beginning to end, there's no other way to put it, you're a fucking retard.
Learn how the world really works. The central bank funnels money into businesses that help its social engineering agenda, and drives the rest out of business with bubbles, regulation, lawfare, etc.
They make sure that greed always works in their favor.
This will never end until we take up arms and depose the central bank; this time it will make the past communist death toll a drop in the ocean.

Holy shit, I hope this comment wasn't bunk, this put a huge smile on my face.

I know you're a shill and I shouldn't bother, but normalfags don't have to understand everything. They hate the fruits of the labour of Jews. That's good enough. Besides, it's not niggerdeath that is of the utmost importance, but kikedeath. Once kikes are gone, it's relatively easy to unfuck our countries.

I think it's a good thing since it weeds out non-committed and low IQ types from those who are motivated to succeed.

Nah, they're not claiming that they're "ebul genocidal natzees" from criticizing the P&G/Gillete ad. They claim that it's the first fundamental step in seeing that the left lies.

How can you claim that "Toxic Masculinity" is bad for making men violent and emotionless when your publication also praises left-wing violence while mocking right-wingers for feeling emotionally distressed (see: Crying Nazi)? As people inevitably find more double standards from the left, they will eventually realize that it's better to preserve their own ethnic interests than pointlessly sacrifice it for those who will always resent them.

I call it manufactured scarcity, and given the terms of sexual selection, it seems it's been propped up as a eugenics boogeyman that can be tuned to influencing the evolution of humans.

Lead, don't follow

There's a webm of 8 year olds performing roman salutes as a result of PDP having a higher sub count than T-series, I would post it here but kikes would relentlessly harass and dox them.

This user is right, the thing the world powers fear the most is a true, organic revolution in the US. It's been said before, but it's worth repeating: WW3 may very well be started as a false flag to prevent an American uprising. It's why they've been pushing for demographic change and the erosion of culture so hard, it prevents people from banding together.

Not good enough. You only need to look at the Charlottesville fallout to realize this. Pretty weak by Zig Forums standards, and the normies were against it with every fiber of their being.

A good example of a solution might be George Rockwell. Even donated to Malcolm X because they both understood what the modern world held for their respective peoples. Its why they were both killed. I might be more diplomatic on the terms of the Jew (bankers, war profiteers, mass media executives etc.), but using coalition ethnic groups to crush the ones that stray out of line is exactly how our opponents run things. Fear of the other. Its natural and stupidly effective.

A vision of the future that benefits every group, a confederacy of nations so to speak, is what is likely to garner the broadest support.

Not an argument. Gen Z is more liberal than ever. Kill yourself immediately. archive.is/eyHWG

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This and checked.

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Keep in mind that the majority of them are willing to push their own interests in favor of others.

Confirmed for not attending mass at all. 2/10 for trying


Are you implying the pope is not pro rapefuge???

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I did it once to taste the blood of Jesus. The congregation was a mixture of guilt ridden Italians, Hispanic, and I was the only Northern European.

14% of Americans polled agreed with the Alt-Right's arguments at Charlottesville
Normies were not opposed to them. Antifa, bussed in from hundreds of miles away were.

I understand what you're saying here. I have no problem with giving the Palestinians Palestine and leaving them alone to rule their land however they see fit. I do not want to conquer anyone. All I want is to be left alone.
That said, I see no way that we can possibly work with nationalists of other races to defeat the psychotic jews trying to kill us all. Most Black nationalists are unreasonable and want to drive us out of our land after fleecing us for everything we've managed to hang onto.
If a Black leader emerges who wants to ally with White nationalists, fine. I'd be the first to work with him. But as it currently stands, they do not want to work with us so I will not go out of my way to appease them. And when we win, we'll drive these unreasoning animals back into the sea.
With Mexicans it's even worse. And btw, Black nationalists feel the same way about mestizos as we do. No one is willing to work together other than us.
Lastly, the Arabs/Islamists. While it's impressive what they have done to the kikes in Palestine/Lebanon, there is almost nothing that we can do to help them in their struggle and nothing they can do to help us in our struggle against the jew.
So I do not foresee any confederation of nations in the future.

But again, if anyone wants to work with us to defeat the world Enemy, I'll be happy to do so.
For me, my position is simple; If someone wishes to fight against these rootless parasites, I support them. If they are more interested in stealing from and murdering White children, then I believe they should get a taste of their own medicine and die.
Those that seek to exterminate us do not deserve to breath the same air as we do and they absolutely do not deserve to trample upon the ground that our ancestors fought and died to preserve.

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checked double dubs

14% is not political power. Its a threat that needs to be crushed in the minds of our elites.

If we seem like monsters to a population, we will be treated as such. And nothing brings people together like the near threat of a monster. Bosniaks, Slovenes and Croats all had problems against each other. But those Serbians looked alot scarier than the local family from Zagreb or Sarajevo.

Essentially my point is to play up the threat of the current state of civilization, while downplaying our problems with other groups. Otherwise, the jew will play each against the other until everything outside their golden palaces is a graveyard. Seem like the unstoppable but reasonable one.

The infighting among people trying to help whites is a black pill in and of itself.

and why do you think we're doing that? same reason as anyone else, society has failed. at one point we have to identify the sources and causes of that

though i have a high degree of disdain for boomers, the generational conflict is entirely waged as a means to keep people from asking why younger generations have lower degrees of wealth

This. Anyone who says "le lefties xD" instead of naming kikes is a shill.

that's why we need a narrative that illustrates how we've all been exploited and how we can stop it

read this and watch this video you lazy goddam niggers:

The Federal Reserve conjuring money out of thin air and giving it to 'minorities' caused the 2008 financial crisis,
through "loan affirmative action", a.k.a. race-based wealth redistribution turbo-communist style.
This event was the greatest redistribution of wealth in history, along arbitrary racial lines at that, to the tune of about $50 TRILLION moved.
That much manipulation becomes meaningless in terms of dollars because that much money changes anything the manipulators want, it changes the meaning of the currency completely.
And they still keep doing it to this day, and have even expanded the scope of the loans beyond real estate to cars, or whatever else.
You can't call yourself 'informed' if you heard about this and didnt look into it, so watch the report in the link or admit you're totally ignorant about politics, business, and everything else.
Not only did this massive scam cause people with money they actually earned to lose their homes and cash because 'minorities' were driving up the prices with conjured money,
but they crashed the stock market further destroying the investments of hard working people who actually earned what they had.
In addition they took the opportunity to make more regulations to give them more power over the economy and propagate 'affirmative action' deeper into society.
If you wholeheartedly believe this was some kind of accident, that this wasn't planned from beginning to end, there's no other way to put it, you're a fucking retard.
Learn how the world really works. The central bank funnels money into businesses that help its social engineering agenda, and drives the rest out of business with bubbles, regulation, lawfare, etc.
They make sure that greed always works in their favor.
This will never end until we take up arms and depose the central bank; this time it will make the past communist death toll a drop in the ocean.

They're still reeeeing over McCarthy. Go to the local library or book shop and tell me if you find any reactionary literature.

Culture is like wood. If it's not protected, weather will rot it out and insects will destroy it. The process takes time. So the question is then, what do you do when wood rots? You can either let it rot until it collapses, or you can replace it with new wood. The catch in replacing it is that you have to remove it. The alternative is just starting over and building something new.

Which path is the right one?

McCarthy was a good Man and I would vote for him in 2024 if he could come back to us… and I'm a long hair'd pot smoking hippie. McCarthy saved us for a time from communist kikes.

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Interesting analogy of wood. Plays into the Ship of Theseus paradox

Wasn't our culture anyways.

Ay lmao

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It's a start. History is written not by majorities but by determined minorities.

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only the intransigent ones

America is already dead. Only something drastic like what you're talking about will spur enough action for any semblance of sanity returning.

cultures are just psychic gestalts tied to the lines drawn by winners of wars and ethnic tribes / slave states.

all wars are proxy wars, socialism itself is a spook. despook yourself and go full nazbol you niggerfaggot

Accelerationalism is the best thing that could happen for the white race, at this point in time.

ebin meme

We may be loosing, but this does not mean, that you should not be fighting it


Be a warrior of Odin in the culture war!

don't be such a faggot, make a complete post without tons of jargon

Pretty much this.

I'm not jewish, so no thank you.

I've said it from the start. You won't win playing by their rules. But everyone is too afraid of rewriting the rules, so here we are. Staring at the abyss, watching our people cease to be, arguing if it's a Jew on a stick that will or a bearded Norwegian with one eye that will save us. It's neither. Only we could save ourselves, and we failed.

No, we aren't. We are winning in every front. Leftists controllED those. Now, they are all being exposed, persecuted and avoided, losing all control and support from the people (the more powerful force in the universe), while the jews that fund the leftists are losing money rapidly, without being able to contain the hate and violence against the leftists and the jews.
All leftists will eventually be killed, and fast.
All jews will eventually be killed, and fast.

Kill your enemies, and you win. It is that simple.

Nonsense. The issue with this whole board is that we have Fed and CIAniggers shilling political violence to create the next spin story and the people stupid enough to believe is and people who think the collapse will suddenly shift things in our favour.
Our objective should be preparing for the next opportunity, the yellow vests is a lost opportunity for instance and as much as I fucking hate marxists they are much more organized in this regard.
Random political violence helps them, targeted, organized efforts whether violent or non-violent is the goal. Some dumb nigger shooting up a church then shooting himself looks bad, it accomplishes nothing and gives the press license to spin it however they want.
Gather information, infiltrate, plan ahead. Then when we have an opportunity we have the information we need to conduct ops and steal the limelight from people who we know are favoured by the (((chosen people))) or run by them essentially using their strength against them.
They've been doing the same to us, strike back and we can take them for turning Charlottesville on us.

I'm not even fiscally conservative heh fuck off back to /r/T_D mkay?

I'm of the mind that we have to build something new, let everything else rot. It's not going to be the same, but there's hope that it can be even better than what it was because we can improve upon what failed before.

That, the OGRE way isn't the best way.
It's the ONLY way!!

Concern trolling aside, there’s never been this many awakened people in my lifetime, in 2008 I was the lone bleating horn in a sea of complacent and ignorant people, given whatever personal attacks people could muster so as to protect their image of a comfortable, false reality. But years passed and with them I, and others who joined this cause, were and still are vindicated every step of the way. Despite all the censorship, banning and corruption they are unable to shut down people’s minds and stem the constant growth of right-leaning people. With the death of the cowardly, leftist-media pandering boomers and infiltration from the younger population that know how to hide their power levels and say whatever needs to be said to obtain power and subvert from within, we’ve never been in a better position since the last Jewish pogrom hundreds of years ago. Their end is inevitable, whether we take it back just in time or society utterly collapses and a new civilization is reborn from the ashes.

Given all that, they should've easily beaten Trump in 2016, eh? Given all that, they should've easily steamrolled the midterms instead of edging the House and losing several Senate seats, eh? Given all that, Europe should've swung to the left hard, eh?

It's not that way at all.


Fuck off with your black pill. We will win.

Great job, dumbass.


You mossadniggers really need to change up your scripts.

So what do you think our strengths are?

and we also have

resulting in the eastern bloc being strengthened. Many right wing movements, if they know what a right wing movement across the border does, they can act in tandem (making both stronger), also rivalries and conflicts among the right have been dwindling in numbers because apparently the islamics who want to kill all gays, now can talk to right wing dudes who want to kill all gays (as one of the examples)

I think that our total combined influence has made the yellow vest protests possible. It has already shown its fangs in Syria (it was the first of the conflicts that completely shifted the power into our favor), now is making sure that other nations are following suit. Italy, even the cucked to the zionist brazil (not sure to the extent of that). (yea the wall kissing is horrible but its not too bad)

By my estimation, if we can actually bring the chinese intellectuals into our side, so that they are more here. Using english, we will have potentially won the really long term battle.

You might not have resources, but we as a group do. I could quit my job today and live for 4 years without running out of money. If I did that I might start a normie safe media company and get some kind of reach so there would be somewhere with a non-pozzed message where people can get their news and do everything I can to grow big enough to dominate.

I'm not the only one of us with options like this. We have lots of resources, we're just not using them.

No. We must all do what we're good at where we see opportunity. Some of us will have perfect optics. Some of us will be extremely violent. Some of us will hide power levels and work covertly. Some of us will be open. All of us need to do SOMETHING. Many of us will fail, and some of us will hit gold and win a battle. Every won battle is a whitepill to inspire whites all over the world. Any of us can win that battle.

There's no use to say what won't work and discourage others. If any of us really knew what should be done we would already have a clear path to victory, until then we need as much trial and error as possible. Just decide what you think you can do to contribute and do your best at it. Glory is real and it's in our blood, all you have to do is win.

History is over goyim, you won

If we were losing they wouldnt be trying to shut us down.
Being put through the marxist indoctrination only turned me even angrier when I learned the truth.

well we are?