Ever notice how in light of one Nick Taleb's chimput there're attempts to meme:

1. Greeks and Romans weren't really "White" but instead belonged to some Mediterrean Club that included Achmed.

2. That the kangz in the Levant/Mespotamia were inventin' n sheet while the White Devil was all up in garbage

The screenshots I have are examples.

Attached: wuz.png (1238x1220 161.77 KB, 379.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


White people were at the time barbarians who deserved genocide for their violence and jeopardizing society and acting like niggers.

Debate me.

You're a faggot.

Kys LARPagan, greeks diddled Little boys

>>>Zig Forums

Attached: greeks_vs_faggotry.png (1198x700, 101.61K)

Hey leftypol.

Everyone was a nigger at some point. It's just a question of when they stopped and started being useful instead.

You probably shouldn't be throwing stones in glass houses.

Out of Africa was disproven.
Unless you are just using the term "nigger" as a description of behavior.

Reminder that Taleb is a Sandnigger squatting in America who LARPs as a Phoenician Greek since he's ashamed of his heritage.

That was just a leftypol poster.

You know what I mean. Nigger is a very good way to indicate people fucking things up for themselves and others.

All of those people listed don't understand IQ because they're not using it in the context of a racialist. Stefan Molyneux deliberately skirts the issue of why its important and its relation in the modern world leaving him open so that Lebanese sand nigger pretending Greek Taleb can make him look stupid.

Poor man, the memes have overtaken him.

What you mean is still wrong. Out of Africa is disproven.

They mostly shitskin at night, mostly.

No one is talking about Africa, you shitskin-obsessed nigger.

^Thank you for the very good example, by the way


He's trying to piece it together without coming to the full understanding of what that implies like what most fags on the right and fags on the left have been doing for generations now. Playing humpty dumpty sitting on a wall afraid to go one way or the other.

Talking about IQ is only one baby step that leads to a whole world of differences like the fraudulent jewish IQ, which you don't really need to even go into the fraud of their average because the nepotism just blows it out of the water by the numbers. Then you have the difference of how IQ plays out within specific racial groups. Differences between creative skills, verbal IQ and so forth. IQ is just one part of a much bigger subject but stefan molyjew refuses to go beyond just the basic bitch understanding.

Man, do all Lebanese squatters act like this?

Or you're Taleb and deny it since your kind aren't that high in IQ.

Attached: N Sheet.png (593x475, 50.89K)

Yeah he goes on a strawman there, Molyjew didn't say you will NEVER see something like that from subsaharan africans, he said right now in the immediate future. It's possible that perhaps with selection and the sort of hundred if not thousand years required to civilize a people eventually some group of ssa africans may catch up. I think Igbos for instance have relatively good average IQ, and really, when it comes to history and technology, it is driven overall by a small elite of people at the top, the vast majority of plebs in history representing the lower castes are more or less livestock supporting the overmen in their society who write history. Perhaps if current "mesopotamians" weren't inbred all up to their elites and didn't dysgenicize themselves out of history they would still be relevant.

Kind of

Haha get the fuck out goat fucker

And? whites have ICBMs now, who cares? they can glass all the mudslimes if they want

In exactly what period of history?
Whites made up the founding and ruling class OF ALL ADVANCED CIVILIZATIONS.
Ancient Egypt? King Tut was white


The Egyptian civilization fell when browns and niggers took over.

Ancient India? The Brahamins were white (cast system literally means colour system)


The first emperor of china was a RED HEADED WHITE MAN.


Native Americans remembered the white man as GODS


The only thing whites have not learned over the millennia of trying to civilize brown savages is that it will not last, ever, and do not breed with them. We have already fallen so far from our potential. Xenophilia is self destruction.

There is no metric for a creativity quotient. A CQ' metric would explain why "Whites" (Non-Jew Caucasians of European descent) can understand how to create a single concept/idea/technology from multiple platforms. Were it not for the takeover of our education systems, and intentionally dumbing-down "Whites", we would leave the planet behind

He is mistaken about most of those statements.

Metallurgy was from southeastern Europe more than 5,000 BC in the Vinca culture. Serbia is NOT Mesopotamia and predates mesopotamian metallurgy by at least 500 years.


I could go through all of those but I can't be fucked. Off the top of my head Agriculture is also debatable, as is the wheel which likely came from the steppes of russia, Sailing HA! What a joke, humans have been sailing for thousands of years before the mesopotamians did it. The calendar and astronomy, pretty sure the South americans got the jump on the middle easterners by thousands of years, not to mention consistent astronomical observations were in evidence on megalithic stone structures in Britain >3,000 years B.C. Which makes them contemporaneous with the middle east's earliest astronomical evidence. Lets not forget the evidence of comet/meteors at Gobekli Tepe, which is in Turkey, which is north of mesopotamia and about 8 thousands years earlier too. Fuck off with your mesopotamian bullshit you arab masquerading as a greek. For shame!

Attached: (((Greek))).jpg (720x1200, 255.98K)

Na. Molydew is just the arbiter of pseudo-philosophers like himself.

All that matters is that he takes the flak for moving the over window 99% of where we need it to be.

For a man of his educational status and background you'd figure the mongrel would know that human history isn't static. History of thousands of years ago cannot be attributed to the people living there. Especially in the regions of the Middle East, North Africa, the Caucus region, and near East. It's been a genetic stomping ground for every race, especially those whom we refer to now as "Europeans".

In other words the mud blood is trying to claim history that belongs to only part of his genetic stock that happens to live there today. As if territory has never changed hands in all of history. It's an oxymoron because its what ALL history is defined by.

Moly's moving us to a world where all our "leaders" are empty e-celebs.
Any chance we can get someone who's actually accomplished something to be a spokesman for western civ?

No. When we say Europeans we mean Aryans. We came from eastern Europe and migrated westward. Our only passage through the Middle East has been periodic Greek and Roman conquests.

This. Modern day sand niggers are NOT the same stock as thousands of years ago. The recent egyptian study was a perfect example of this. Additionally the fucking inbreeding is real.



To samefag:


That Stefan Molyneux sounds like a faggot tbh
I guess he is some ricemixing drumpfag soyboy

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Ancient Greeks and Romans are overrated anyway. Medieval Northern and Central Europeans were smarter than them and rapidly overtook their achievements.

People can tell you're a kike because you reduce opinions to wanting to fuck something or not wanting to fuck it. I feel confident that telling you this won't make you any less easy to identify, because despite your best efforts, your diseased neurons will never perceive the world in any other way.

Ancient MENA was still mostly like modern MENA, stop wewuzing like some nigger. Being a bit more related to south Europeans didn't make ancient Egyptians Europeans, they were a better version of the current inhabitants of the area, particularly somewhat like current Lebanese/Assyrians.

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The posts don't seem to be strictly about sex, so you're wrong

Attached: china'man'.png (642x444, 347.41K)

No, DNA did and your insults won't change that. Today's Egypt is not what it was.

Attached: Egypt- Blonde mummies.jpg (986x794 602.22 KB, 209.82K)

Tell that to Taleb. And also tell him he's a Achmed, not Greek/Roman.

yes, but only in minor part though, still essentially MENA people deriving their ancestry in large from neolithic levant, anatolia and iran, you pathetic wewuzer albino nigger
the levant_chalcolitic population in had~50% blue eyes mutation yet it clustered within MENA or at best close to south Europe, that's because anyone who isn't a pale nigger knows selection can easily increase frequency of certain traits without there being admixture from modern highly blue eyed peoples, thus explaining your beloved blue eyed statues(if they are even real)
go play your little wewuz games with your melanated brothers

I'm working on it, but I'll take a few years.

Taleb is retired now and bored af. The shitskin is spending what remains of his life on twatter. Fuck with the sand nigger and give him a heart attack/stroke or something. Let him flop around on the floor like Eicenwald or whatever.

Good to hear. I will take you out of the 'wewuz' category unlike the rest of these whiggers


If anything, these incompetent semitic parasites have held back the scientific and philosophical progress that could have been, by being the ever incompetent middleman between.

Does this dude have an actual Greek family name in his family or is he basing all his "Greekness" on some genetic test he might have taken?

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the past does not matter if all enemies of truth are eliminated

No but I also don't care what Nick Fuentes the Mexican has to say.

This is a (((lie))), Greeks and Romans were fucking Nordic and eventually got defiled by Arab shitskins turning them into the modern "Meds" we have today.

Attached: ancient greeks and romans - meds are blacked.png (801x584 306.65 KB, 109.7K)

And so were the Egyptian aristocracy, and the Persians, for that matter.

Only then will it matter.


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Jew, mednigger or Zig Forums?

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ancient DNA completely and utterly destroyed nordicism 10 years ago to the very least, but I don't expect white subhumans on this board to be aware of it
your inferiority complex towards mediterraneans is understandable though, I understand your need to cope

Attached: napoleone-bonaparte-orig.jpg (2497x3820, 1.58M)


Wrong. That's ancient roman propaganda

It is completely unwarranted though
Ancient northern europe, that is north of the alps was less wealthy for the sole reason that, coming out of the last ice age they had up to 6 months of winter and when the snow was 10 feet high little to no commerce was possible. When you take that into consideration everything makes sense, the highly distributed economy, the emphasis on self-reliance, independence and autarky and the comparatively low division of labor compared to the mediterranean countries. The iron-age economy was still largely centered around plants and wood, things that are scarce in cold climates. When you take all of these things into account, ancient nordic civilizations are nothing short of awe-inspiring.

Attached: statues.png (1120x697, 409.36K)

what are you babbling about, white trash? race is color/skin deep now? or only when it suits mutt- I mean "white" nationalist narratives? blue eyes are documented in copper age levantine dna samples, who nevertheless were overall completely middle eastern

The idea that there is a mediterranean race has also been debunked by DNA…..

Yeah he is fool. Nobody invented shit in the middleeast. Everything was in Anatolia and Egypt, between the lands of the Celtics of Europa and the Aryans of Persia. All the Roman and Egyptian rulers were complete or mixed genetic Celts. They mixed with the Aryans of Persia.
What is he even referencing ? That after the Sudic European forced the Nordic Europeans into "modern" civilization they invented the entire industrialized world, but yet it is they, who sculpted and painted and prepared very little for winter, with the higher IQ. Top lels.

I never talked about "wealth" as the indicator of the quality of a civilization, as I'm not jewish/white.

Never said "mediterranean race" either, I said mediterraneanS for a reason, though there is a deep common link in neolithic European farmer ancestry, especially in the western and central mediterranean

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Yeah, but that's the roman yardstick: "They don't have running water" "Why don't they wear linen clothes?" "They still use sleds, how quaint" "where are their public baths?"

You were saying?

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that seems more like modern propaganda, Tacitus overall largely praised Germanics in his work(and highlighted the differences between Romans and them)
the materialism that perhaps was more common in late urbanized and easternized Roman elites would disgust true ancient Romans like Cato the elder who praised a simple agrarian life and attacked nu-Romans of his time for their ostentation of wealth

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He means "pseudo chemistry" where they would throw in random shit and cook it/boil it and see what happens.
Even cavemen would do things like that, making basic poultices is "chemistry" by the standards of the time, what a dickhead.
He tried to take the modern value of chemistry and imply that they had anything to do with modern chemistry that involves actual calculations and looking at how atoms bond.
And pharma? The modern meaning of pharmacy involves immense live and theoretical testing, "pharma" in mesopotamia would have ended at "i gave this herb to a guy and it said it made him feel better, so take this, oh shit you died not my fault lol"
What an utter shambles

Napolean had blue-green eyes like Nordic men nigger because he was mixed Indo- and Paleo-european.

how progressive of you!
fun fact for white trash: the oldest DNA sample found so far with the blue eye mutation is still from Villabruna, north Italy, more than 10000 years ago

Yep. Like the modern claims that the Romans and Greeks didn't sculpt actual people and actual features found in Europe but imagined perfect or ideal features to strive for. It's simply jews mad that they are short and squat and out of proportion with the world.

well I guess it's a bit of both, kinda like Arno Breker's statues, that represent phenotypes one can definitely find in Germany but that are certainly not the average German's look, more like an ideal

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More infighting…

Yeah but those are clearly artistically styled. The Ancient Roman and Greek works were not styled so I can only accept that they are anatomically correct for the subject, sans the small peter, which was made to look modest.

It really depends after all, Roman busts are more natural, and indeed often show phenotypes that are hardly "ideal" i.e the patrician of torlonia, thought to be Cato the elder. On the other hand statues not associated to any particular historical figure, like Gods statues, essentially try to capture what a Greek may have considered an ideal proportion I guess.

Attached: tumblr_mf2xe2vGsR1rmq9wpo1_400.jpg (300x417, 24.36K)

The Ancients recognized the Reason/Sensuality dichotomy (or Apollonian/Dionysian). The small penis in sculptures thus implied dominance of Reason over Sensuality

It is made to be accurate. Believe it or not, they weren't walking around with hard-ons all the time.

Makes sense. But to clarify, I studied European Art and Architecture in Germany and the teachers were all about spreading the German guilt to their international students, especially those of Germanic ancestry. It is taught that the beauty of the Greeks and Romans is a desire and not a reality. Clearly shit teachings.

Taleb, being majority Greek (= majority white) and high IQ, actually confirms the notion of Europeans being ‘superior’ in mental achievements to Arabs. Fuentes fucked up by mistaking Taleb as Lebanese, when he is actually Greek. Taleb also spouted more anti white bullshit, because of Fuentes’ mistake.

Hard-ons are anatomically accurate and would have been the not-so-modest option, which is why I emphasized "modesty". The testicles are accurate for sure if you have ever been up close to one of these statues, at least compared to my nuts.


The debate is whether we hang or impale you.

Flaying is pretty good if you've got 4 or 5 hours of free time. It's like a hanger steak: time consuming, but so satisfying once it's done.

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the good ole art of cherrypicking

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True, but larpers will look past mountains of evidence for any reason to call this revisionism. The fact is, the concept of sodomy as a sin was introduced by Christianity. The nords didn't even have a word for it until the Old Icelandic Homily book was written in 1200.

Roach larp detected.

Bring it on. Show at least one piece of believable evidence confirming this claim.

Sure, the extensive pederasty depicted in art at the time. If you can't find it, you're not looking.

Attached: augustus.jpg (1485x2307, 226.44K)

Quoting after Adonis Georgiades' book. Debunks both your claims about art depicting homosexuality AND your false understanding of "pederasty".

Attached: georgiades1.PNG (350x432 352.46 KB, 233.88K)

I can't wait for some leftist pseudo-historian to dig up a loli doujon a few hundred years from now and conclude that all Japs were pedos and that pedophilia was acceptable in Japan


Moving the goalpost is a fallacy, user.

Oh and when you're done with those, there's 108 more references on this page:
Yeah well the references aren't kikepedia, so just scroll down to the bottom and click the links.

All of it is bullshit that's used mistranslation and modern understanding of ancient culture, which is retarded and has nothing to do with science. According to your logic, if someone 2000 years from now of had found a gay porn site he'd conclude that it was done by everyone, not by 1% of population.
Do yourself a favor and read the book I quoted before you'll make even bigger fool of yourself.

Sounds about right.

t. "I don't understand human history"
"Achmed" was white before their "god" was born and led them on crusades in the last ~thousand years which resulted in an example of proto mexicans (whites mixed with subhuman animals). Just another example of why race mixing is bad.


I don't believe it.

What the fuck are you talking about? The claim you were defending is that all greeks were faggots, which is untrue; even if the claim is intentionaly reduced to absurd, I've done the same with my example.

there is a lot of red-hair in Greek brown-hair. if you look closely you'll see it shine out along with a mix of blonde and regular brown.
t. Greek

Italian's are on average at the very least part Greek

Are you illiterate?