Halfbreed and sandnigger cousins beat German teenager to death

Halfbreed and sandnigger cousins beat German teenager to death

Halfbreed Kenny R. (16) challenged Aryan Maurice (15) to a 1 on 1 fight in downtown Passau.

Little did he know that shitskins never fight honorably and are backstabbing roachpeople that just ramble on about "muh honor".

He brought his three cousins along and 20 other teenagers watched.

He told Kenny R. he was fighting like a pussy and allegedly kicked him while he was down.

His roachcousins Alan B. (17) and Nurettin U. (15) jumped in and Maurice was able to fight them off.

Pas­cal K. (25) the much older body builder saw his family honor threatened as everybody now knew that his family were loud mouthed wimps that can't even fight a guy 3 on 1 and gave him two knock out punches, which he bragged about.

Maurice suffocated on his own blood.

The murderer is sentenced to three and a half years in prison.



Lessons learned: Never fight sandniggers 1 on 1, they'll roll up with half a dozen people and beat you to death and they'll get off lightly every single time due to jew judges and laws made for whites.

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Wimpy fight inducer who knew his roach family would back him up in case he was on the losing end and beat up Maurice anyway. (and with these "people" there is always a good chance they might even stab you to death)

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Roll up in a Cali prison with those nigger loving tattoos and that faggot would be the peckerwoods communal fuckboy

I dont trust em at all, not only do they bring a posse, they also break out knives, guns etc. ooshtbhfam

Just like with their semitic cousins the jews, lies and deceit are their mode of operation - they're just shitty at using it beyond making money of scamming goys in used car sales.

And? The German is dead. The end. It really doesn't matter how fair it was. Honor is something losers bleat on about. Worst case they'll be out in 20 years to a country less German than the one they exist in currently.

Kill or stop posting.

So it takes 3 older teenagers and a fully grown man to fight 1 single white kid.

Why not publicly execute them ?

Good, one less cuck.

False, the lesson is not learned until sandniggers are dead.


What brand of mongrel are they?

Honors exists only between humans who stand on equal standing field.

daily reminder that this is what Germany looks like nowadays.

clown world everyone, enjoy your stay

If the Germans don't do anything about this then they get what they deserve. No sympathy.

Because we're too cowardly to overthrow these monsters who have made these animals privileged citizens.

That's funny because it happens in your country too unless you're Czech or Hungarian or Polish.

Get out.


He won't make it out alive. Turn that faggot out.

Your sentence is incoherent.

This. Whining about a subhuman lacking honor is like whining about a kike being a liar. Shows what a newfag or autistic larper someone truly is.

Are you retarded? German prisons are full of turks. It's smooth sailing for this guy and his three years.

It's the permanent conservative virus this board caught circa 2015.


Unless you live in an all White society, it is normal for non-Whites to murder White children.

Oh, you're just wishcasting. Should have picked up on it earlier. Filtered.

There should be a Merkel death/rape count, it might help Germans wake up.


Permanent conservative virus.

Yikes, I misspelled

Occupation that started under Roosevelt. Whom was basically a Communist. While the other side was occupied by real Communists.

Stats plz. You come across as an Untermensch that is repeating rhetoric without actual knowledge. No room for your feminine emotional outbursts.

because that would be racist, user :(

German underclass mixed with mudshit.

Descendants of Communist era rape babaies.

Trolling, I presume?

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Serious question: Do muslims butcher German the way nigger butcher the English language in the UK and America? Is there fucked up shitskin German slang?


Why not take your own advice for once?

Sorry cannot make a thread for whatever reason. Listen up faggots. I came across this forum were Radical Feminists are admitting to sexual and physical abuse of their sons and other boys.
Basically they claim that they are forcing their sons to transition into women, including putting them on hormones and chopping of their penises and other surgeries against their will. Their sons are 12-15.
Apparently a user called "Edita" even managed to blackmail her husband into transitioning. Then she got in trouble with the police and escaped from Netherlands to Latvia where she is still abusing young boys.


Can you just report this to Interpol and maybe contact some twitter faggots with loud mouths to help spread the word?

Hello maganigger, how many spics and nigger with maga hats you have licked today?

Why do you hate America?

Germany has really degenerated after 1945, and this degeneration has massively accelerated after 1989/1990 and reunification. In some ways, the BRD regime is worse than Weimar was.

Capital punishment has been abolished in all (((EU member states))), and pretty much nearly all of Europe for that matter. The only country in Europe that still has capital punishment is Belarus.

oh, look at these (((stars))). hmmmmm….

it is hard to be sure about that



We are Gaining Power.

sounds like a (((kike)))

very interesting


Spam bot caught red handed.

Attached: Be Angry Now.png (900x605, 945.57K)

For those that missed it.

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I don't think anybody missed it, been going on for days, hours today

Would be nice if somebody would help me spread the word, please.

If a white man would have been that killer I promise you all whites involved would get 25 years minimum in prison.

As I said before, the jew is waging war on whites on all fronts, this is just the legal/jewdicial front, wake up!

Why do you love multiculturalism?

This is exactly what they deserve for the Holocaust and the 6 million.

I was just attacked by a literal mutt while multicult whites sat and watched.

What about this makes you think I love this?

Where's the lie? There are the victorious on one side, and the dead on the other.

White trash that spends time with roaches tends to end up like that. Nothing of value was lost.


Your wisdom is true user.

Yes they do.

I hate ugly mutts
here is some oc

Attached: mutt4.png (800x600, 99.66K)

So you like attractive mutts.
I prefer my own people.

user, I…

You can kill jews and others and still have honor. If you kill a rat with a poison in your house, do you speak of honor that you should kill it with your teeth, because thats the only weapon that rat can fight with?

Values apply to your group, not enemies.

it looks like a bunch of fat faggot pegboys?

In Poland we have millions of Ukrainians and they just knife you without any fistfight earlier.

Based. OP did nothing wrong.

Also, I disagree with facial tattoos. I think it limits your career options to:
A: Food service.
B: Another 6 months in prison.

Chad Ukraine lul

And if you were to bring a knife or something then you would be the one to get arrested. Self defense is not allowed in europe.

I live in an area of Brooklyn with lots of Russians (am a Russian-American myself).

There are plenty of sandniggers in the adjacent neighborhood and these sorts of altercations happen often, especially when everyone is young and trying to act like tough shit. Everyone here knows that sandniggers will gang up on you, so if you ever fight a sandnigger, you bring backup.

One time I fought a sandnigger and he, of course, brought his cousins. The sandnigger didn't know that I was a Golden Gloves heavyweight amateur boxer, so I made quick work of him (fight may have lasted about 10 seconds when he swung at me, I ducked it, hit him in the liver and then left cross to the face for the knockout). Sandniggers don't know how to fight and are often extremely weak, so this was no surprise, and neither were the 4 cousins that he brought who approached me aggressively. I brought my own friends as well, including two friends who were armed with bats. They immediately jumped on the sandniggers and started brutally beating them. We left one sandnigger with a broken wrist and several broken ribs after my 6'5, 310 lb friend kicked him in the stomach a few times, another with a fractured skull and broken nose, a third with 2 teeth missing, a fourth managed to run away with maybe a bruise or two and the initial fighter only probably had a concussion after I knocked him out, he decided not to join the melee and ran off as well.

We all ran away for fear that the cops would show up and we would look bad given that none of us had so much as a scrape and the sandniggers were half-dead. This curious characteristic is good about sandniggers, because if you bait them into bringing their cousins, you can beat a lot more sandniggers than just the one in an honorable fight. We also stole their wallets so we knew where they lived, in case they wanted to escalate the situation further. Sandniggers also rarely call the cops on you, even if you beat the living fuck out of them, so it works out.

This you?

Hahaha, I'm about twice his size, but the video is hilarious

I think 3 years is way too long. They should let him out in like 14 days after getting a stern talking to for being a naughty boy. Since the government won't dole out justice let the family be waiting for him on release day it's really the only thing for it.

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what's the breakdown of russian jews and russians in the US? Is there much difference? Alot of crossover? I heard Russians just pretend to be jewish so they can move to Israel?

And then you wonder why everyone is disgusted by your subhumanness.

Get out.

Not gonna click any of that shit.


Not 3, he will be out in two max.

Now if it was the other way round all involved would get the max of 10 years which they would have to serve fully and everyone watching would be sentenced to 2 years with prole.

Correct, while you are allowed to carry knifes in germany (12cm fixed blades and 7.5 folding, which have to be only openable by using both hands, so no switch blades of any kind, or double edged blades) you are only allowed to carry them in you Backpack in an closed container and only if you have a reason (work, theather, hobby).
Now the law says a littel different but I got into fucking trouble for having a basball bat while actually playing basball with a group of people.


Now now, com one the max sentence for juveniles (sometimes you can be sentenced under juvenile law till the age of 21) is 10 years with often 7 to serve.

So see germany is totally hard on murder, what you expect that somone that calculated to kill another person is tried as an adult and serves 15 years?!?!??!

Have you ever wondered where the Jews of the Pale of Settlement went? They had a low birthrate already in the 1930s, loads illegally migrated to the US and Israel during the 40s and 50s, others to temporary holding sites like Argentina and China, then during the 70s and 80s, lots of mishlings were able to move to Israel. Perhaps some are full Rus, but for the most part, they are Yiddish halflings or quadroons.

Theoretically, how could someone from America take his guns over to Germany so he can go on an anti-shitskin shooting spree?

based glownigger

that's not glow niggers territory, if you forgot it was illegal for the cia to operate domestically, so thats like all they do now, domestic ops

based glowniggers obeying the law


This fucking sperg again. Are you mad because your people are being called sandniggers?

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Holy shit lol, where was that from?

doesn't the uk still have the death penalty for piracy on the high seas?

Most Russians in the US are Jewish, or have a large amount of Jewish in them, but they tend to be pretty good since they don't really follow Judiasm closely and vote Republican in huge numbers (~80%).

I would say the split is about 60-40 in favor of Russian Jews. That being said, this proportion is getting smaller after a wave of immigration from Russian Muslims (Central Asians/Chechens). The Russian Muslims aren't that great, but are also very conservative and know how to fight. Plenty of them live in my neighborhood and would beat the fuck out of fags and trannies if given the chance.


Friendly reminder that Zig Forums used to be managed by one of these creatures.

checkd and rekt

Yeah but the ruski-jews are a whole new breed (culturally), separated from the ashkenaz. They're taking over Israel and only speak russian, not yiddish.


This. We must be like them. Related, all Muslims in a Muslim ghetto are sentries in addition to whatever they're primarily doing, they come to help a "brother" who calls and they intimidate unwanted intruders.