The former president of south korea Park Geun-hye was impeached/arrested

The former president of south korea Park Geun-hye was impeached/arrested
for "abuse of power, bribery, coercion, and leaking government secrets"
two years ago. She was a puppet of choi soon-sil who was supposedly a member of a secret
society known as "The 8 Goddesses." Some say The 8 Goddesses group has connections
to Emmanuel Macron (the macron leaks had pages in korean that talked about a spiritual shift)
and that Macron's wife Brigitte Macron is a member. It was also thought that the rise of Megalia
was connected to the 8 Goddesses. The daughters of megalia was supported by the progressive half
of the korean media. Choi and park were friends since at least
the 70's and their fathers – choi Tae-min (leader of the "Church of Eternal Life" cult)
and Park Chung-hee, respectively – were also close friends. Choi's ex-husband (chun yoon-hoi)
was park's former chief of staff and choi's father claimed to channel messages from park's dead
mother to her. He wrote in a letter to park “Your mother has only relocated herself so as to
raise you as a true leader of the nation and of the world” and claimed this was a spiritual message
from her mother.

ITT: we search for evidence of this and macron's connections to the deep state, pedophilia, etc.

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Megalia.png (1028x413, 69.25K)

Your vid is bullshit propaganda. Koreans are good at protesting, no question, but it's not all peace and love. They're great at violent protests, and they've done a lot of them.

Take that saccharine garbage to Upworthy.

Kpop Illuminati BTFO

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More like he was put in a position that had no victory, so he took the hate and made it official.

Any time that bitch wants to actually fight without chains on his feet. Say so.

And the gook that replaces her?

Reading Confucian texts, you might get the impression—if you were raised in the classically liberal Christian tradition as I was—that these old men in the past were extreme misogynists and patriarchy was oh so evil. We see, in Korea, Japan and China, what happens when particularly Asian women, but clearly others as well, are untethered from patriarchal control. Thanks women studies depts across the world for giving us this handy vocabulary. Let all men rejoice in the healthy social arrangement of patriarchy!

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lol, shill. the 8 goddess thing is public knowledge.

Nice proof faggot


The absolute state of post election Zig Forums

South Korea is controlled by women and I've always thought that was the reason their male idols look like flaming faggots.

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Said the one with no proof where you literally have one of them corrupting the president.

Want proofs? Go look for yourself.
We will keep spreading the truth, no matter how much you try to burry it.
You always lose.
We always win.
We will keep killing you all. And there is nothing that you can do about it.

Castration of males to be weak faggots. When korean women will jump on white dick, not black like jews want.

Whatever you say you retard

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Doesn't Korea have a bad drinking problem?

Is this how gullible Zig Forumstards have become? They'll believe whatever gets posted on the internet and sperg out whenever they're told to get some critical thinking skills


Are you saying that your entire proof isn't chan posts and twitter posts? Both from the same gook?

Take a breath and read what you're typing. Seriously.


I'm not sure if OP is the same gook but it's pretty fucking hilarious Zig Forums is believing whatever some ilbe faggot (the korean equivalent of /b/ if /b/ was filled with NEETs in their 40s+) posts.

i made no claim that anything i posted was proof
you are being awfully unhinged AND closed minded.

hooly shit speak for yourself

You're an idiot.

So you're admitting that you're just shitposting?

ok so this all started with you saying this isnt public knowledge
but my goy, i have your flavour of source right here
www npr. org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/29/499864915/swirling-scandal-involving-shamanistic-cult-threatens-s-korean-president

national PUBLIC radio

There's not a single mention of 8 goddesses in the article though?

Are you just wasting my time with your shitposting? You type like a five year old and I'm honestly starting to think that you're genuinely retarded after posting all that shit then saying 'i made no claim that anything i posted was proof'

I mean, if you start a thread then start spamming images, then turn around and go
How am I supposed to take that?



yawwwwwwnn :

seriously if i can google it its public knowledge you dork

lmao do you even know how ids work

Okay slightly better. But they call it eight fairies (선녀 doesn't mean goddess btw) and make sure to call it a rumor


Okay we established the fact that you're genuinely retarded and is a newfag who doesn't understand how posting here works.

go look up the archives then faggot when we dug this a few years ago
The witch and they are witches connect to Killery & pizza

(((you))) again
The user was right. The 8 goddess thing is public knowledge because we dug into it a few years back when the scandal was all over the news. Now go crawl back into your hole.

Then it should be easy for you to post proof user

And while you're at it you can try proving

rofl, this kike doesn't know that even normies heard about this shit. Literally everyone knows, and has known, for years.

>If you dont just take (((my))) word for it you're a kike
I've seen niggers smarter than you

We used to have pizzagate threads continuously pinned (one after the other) here. When someone made another thread, we didn't tell them to look at the archives. We did further research. We can do further research into this, as well, you nigger-faggot.

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Ignore them, they're not worth your time.

You can IP hop all you want, Zig Forumsacks can recognize each other by linguistic patterns alone.
Then fucking shut the fuck up and do it while you lurk four years.

it's pointless to try and convince paid posters, but here's some MSM sources anyway

Megalia: South Korea’s Radical Feminist Community

Ferry sinks in South Korea, nearly 300 still missing

South Korea Removes President Park Geun-hye

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199add and 5b8735 are the only IDs I've had in this thread before making this post, shill.


The YV should be taking example

You seem like you're trying to derail this thread into pointless conversation. It's pretty obvious what he was trying to do. He was telling us not to dig into this further.

Protests in South Korea that the media isn't covering.

BREAKING: Korean Shadow Government Uncovered

Little to no coverage of South Korean scandal?

Images of mass protests in Seoul, South Korea calling on the president to step down after discovering she is controlled by a secretive group of 8 oligarchs

South Korea President Exposed As Member Of Cult And Told What To Do By "8 Goddesses" Cabal. This Same Cult Is Linked To The Sewol Ferry Disaster. 476 People Sunk With The Ship, Mostly Korean Children On School Trip. As A Human Sacrifice.

Media censorship in Sweden over presidential corruption in South Korea

BREAKING: South Korea's Choi who Controlled Park has Possible Ties to Merkel and Clinton

Theory: the small-time Korean oligarchy controlling Park Guenhye was exposed by the vastly more powerful Western oligarchy controlling the United States and Europe.

The "8 Goddesses" of S.Korea groomed President Park, Country controlled by Shadow Government

What the hell is going on in South Korea? Shadow government of women including Choi Sun Sil who has left the country..

What happened inside Sewol ferry 2014.04.16

A ferry with 300 students ordered to stay in their rooms while the boat is sunk, and the students drowned. Haunting video of the students trapped on board while the captain and crew escape safely.

Secret advisers, nepotism and even rumours of a religious cult: the political scandal that could destroy South Korea's president

They can get out of my country before I side with them.
Probably go fuck yourself sliding shill.

Jesus fucking Christ. Go do some actual digging before faux-shilling

the media in S. Korea is controlled by the far-left/juche LARPers, its possible all the scandal is over-blown by the media. And most of the gooks posted on cuckchan are pro moon jae-in(a pro north korea, leftist current president) so take their words with a grain of salt. Now S. Korea is worse than ever, high unemloyment, high cost of living with low income, low birth rate, government sensorships, shutting down right wing politicians, passing pro-immigration laws, all the pro-north korea propagandas on media… etc.

Attached: moonjaein.png (426x240 198.19 KB, 1.82M)

shit wrong file

Attached: moon-vYibVU6Wbas.mp4 (640x360, 6.8M)

Ultrasound to determine the baby's sex and abortion of girls because boys are favored in Confucian societies, plus a government that told its married couples to limit themselves to one child, created a generation with far more boys than girls. Result? Lots of fags.

The woman in the purple robe reminds me of pic related.

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Why are they spinning their molotov cocktails around before throwing them? Isn't that dangerous?

You're just trying to discourage us from posting and digging in this thread.

Threads about the 8 goddesses used to get shoa'd on 4/pol (just like pizzagate threads did), So there must be something
to it. This connects to pizzagate and ritual sacrifice, so digging/researching this is just researching pizzagate
from a different angle.

Purple and scarlet are the colours of the whore of babylon and that colour
has importance to the (((seep state))) and the cults they control.

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They have more alcoholics than any over country in the world.

The 8 fairies is another name for the 8 goddesses.

Who are the other seven members of the 8 goddesses cult? Do we know their identities?


Yeah, jews sure do HATE it when whites mix when gookshit

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