Awesome video. They couldn't even find a man to interview that didn't sound like an effeminate soy boy. As it turns out, all you need to do against any of the leftist BS is to ask them to explain/define what they mean. You can literally see the NPC systems crash in real-time.

webm, had a bitch of time trying to compress it below the max cap, so it's choppy.

Attached: toxic masculinty.webm (320x240, 13.27M)

Can't wait to go to NAU. I'll be the only male with muscle tone and a pair of nuts.

Fucking hell the students respond like they're in a North Korean Work Camp.

And how the hell can we fix any of this damage being done? Seems to me these soy generations are fucked beyond repair at this point. Just imagine how much further down the rabbit hole of faggotism our country is heading if any of these soy creatures actually breed and raise children. We're looking at generations of time to undo this shit.

When Léon Degrelle said that the White race was collapsing, he was not kidding in the slightest. The good guys lost World War II.

If the whites go, so does the world.

Yeah, they sure did BTFO these random nobody's! The white race is saved!

that won't be very many children, I'd think

That's what they're counting on. They don't need a world with culture and history, or innovation. They need good little goys to buy their products, drive down wages, and raise up the demand for overpriced housing.

Out of curiosity, who built the wall around Israel for your people?

Attached: jew behind it.gif (120x160, 826)

Women are cancer.

Attached: feminist dishwasher.jpg (1000x910 133.9 KB, 213.75K)

Attached: Toxicity Comparison Scenarios.png (865x417, 398.37K)

Man, you know how much femipussy you'd get if you walk around one of those campuses telling women to get the hell back in the kitchen? In my experience, every single self-proclaimed feminist wants to be utterly dominated by a man right down to the tiny fragment of their soul that remains.

And yet, I can't even be bothered to mistreat them. Sad!

Attached: Smug_Feminist_Philosopher.jpg (480x640, 30.19K)

They can't define it because it has no operation definition. It's purposefully done to will something that does not exist. Sometime in my sociology core class asked the professor what the operation definition of a microaggression is, with which the professor responded there isn't one. The same applies to toxic masculinity or whatever bullshit they come up with

Mistreating them is ultimately mistreating yourself, user. Best not to do what I described.

Attached: fa73de4014c1d2c554bace4268e9fe723938b6a9080d9bb854b6f0249a662435.jpg (300x373, 23.83K)

Yes, goy! It's women who are cancer! Blame women for everything and go MGTOW!

Attached: jew_basic.jpg (600x600, 38.19K)

Already done.

Attached: feminist golddigger.jpg (951x840 43.28 KB, 224.86K)

Here's a better webm.

Attached: Students Hate Toxic Masculinity... But Can't Define What It Is - Campus Reform.webm (1024x576, 14.42M)

World War II lasted 6 years. Involvement of the USA was even shorter.

The problem is that boomers accepted to become slaves forever, in exchange for those bombs to stop dropping. We have everything to learn from afghanis who never surrendered to empires, despite getting turned into atomized tribes.


This is how you do it, lads. Make them clearly define their terms and the brainwashing begins to wear off when they realize they don't understand anything they're saying and are robotically repeating what they were told.

Attached: b175021931ae7c3950694fc527617f9cec6e5fb545cdee9bdd8da0730951874e.gif (500x382, 561.99K)

It’s what these women are most attracted to.

Attached: 8FA86F4C-5312-4451-9AF1-5180988EA6F4.jpeg (788x960, 96.63K)

I hate auto-generated caption so may I have the transcripts please?

I remember this being the standard for colleges over a decade ago. Nothing's changed. Kids in college always think they're the smartest fags on earth and above everyone else till they leave or drop-out and have to deal with reality

Go away nigger lover. We know who runs campus reform.

Yeah OP is 100% a faggot.

Attached: The_Nose_On_Her.jpeg (964x836, 116.66K)

They totally are. Generation Z isn't generation Zyklon, they're post-modernist soyboys. Compare alpha male gen Zer to an alpha male of yore. An alpha male today is any male is basically something along the lines of Justin Bieber (discounting the wealth because I'm speaking generally). They are who we have to hand the fight over to at some time in the future. We're totally fucked. These weaklings will implode under the pressure of responsibility.

Yet without tough alpha males, no society could survive because they are the people who are capable of fighting well and being dangerous.

This is exactly how I see it as well.

Love how the men define the bullshit better despite being on the spot and having their brain working overload.

i doubt gender studies will get them far in life
the problem solves itself

Attached: eric weinstein - biology privilege equality.png (580x542 35.65 KB, 63.41K)

Well, they are brainwashed by communist kikes.

Attached: f4baaa97e023e489665b8c869acc2f29f4ffe4a06a69893006c2da85caedd986.jpg (800x1088 631.23 KB, 59.57K)

Jordan Peterson says they get hired by HR departments. They probably get jobs at universities. There a a lot of pointless jobs at universities.

Attached: F69CA61F-8EA0-42C4-BAE3-9689BFBDB648.jpeg (600x789, 49.73K)

No shit, Yuri said the said the same thing. Once a generation is demoralized there is no going back.

And Jordan Peterson is a stooge of the (((trilateral commission))).

Say what you will but he's pretty spot on on "gender" politics and evolutionary psychology

Come back to me when artificial wombs and artificial human eggs are not only real but also affordable. Until that happens, your behavior will be nothing more than shilling for infertility.

Yeah, but he has to cuck out because he's an academic and will lose everything because of "toxic judaism" stifling free expression and inquisition within the academic realm. Also, can we meme "toxic judaism"? I like it.

Toxic Judaism

incels in this thread


Just fuck off

user… im just busting your balls, you get an E for effort

Since masculinity is something most if not all males are inherently born with, of course you could. Just replace masculinity in any tweet or article you see with Judaism, femininity, homosexuality, blackness, you name it and watch what happens.

Whatcha sliding moshe?

What exactly do you mean by "operation definition"?

fine chick

You can't fix them. Blood and tears camrade, that's what we are heading to. A full reset.

Attached: 1fc48eaaa4a2af376401b84b0016f856c61f5dbb6c14de1fec4ea823da2c9232.png (597x1034, 532.36K)

slide it

No, blame them and them correct them.

Here, have some toxic vagininity from big nose tribe.

Attached: The Deodorant for Pits and Private Parts-zoxZRMmtM4g.mp4 (640x360, 15.35M)

They now invented the concept of "Emotional Labor", which serves to pretend that women do a lot of work and sacrifices when they don't do anything at all

Evolution doesn't stops just because one don't believe in it.
Same as the earth don't stop spinning just because earth flatters.

Interfere with evolution,and you will multiply beta males and losers.

Women are hardwired to throw to the bin any rational belief or education at the day they are fertile and need to fuck to be impregnated. They go fuck the alpha, and next day suffer amnesia, and keep claiming to want a beta.


"Hard times create strong men."

no, newfag, jews turn your women into cancer.
do not attack the symptom, idiot

Here's a great interview about a common man's gripes with sexual revolution from 1989.

yes, that's what is going to happen. And so?

Live in the moment.
No roots.
No history.
No religion.
No community.
Creativity bound by political correctness.
Live to toil.
Live to consume.
Pump some iron and flex tattoos for the mirror.
Daughters bend over and think they're superior.
IQs too low to aspire for more.
No more wondering "what's life for?"
Perfect slaves for long-nosed beasts.
All they care for are their feasts.
Only for entertainment do people fight.
Perplexed by darkness when no more whites.

inb4 *cringe*
it just came to me
I typed it out

He's doing a great job speaking against gender politics but too bad he's a globalist.
Makes me wonder if they created the problem so they could be voted in to provide the solution.

user I am disappoint

Always hated this because they say nothing and the cattle just nod in agreement instead of analyzing it and calling bullshit.

Like this faggot. Fuck your monkey mother and fuck you for wasting divinity dubs. Go project your failures on your niggerkin. Real White Men know their line is of God. You genetic cesspools are not.

He means the simplified definition, not the literal by-the-book answer. In layman's terms, in essence, the gist, etc.

Attached: toxic_masculinity.png (1536x2560, 6.96M)