Can one of you idiots explain this to me
Islamic and Arabic immigration to Europe is the fault of the US/Israel/the jews
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews are Europe's leaders. Search Rothschild.
The same Rothchilds Hitler captured and then released
Who funded Churchill, Marx, Israel and the likes.
Sure thing. You could say we specialize in this subject.
Post-WWII, most of the Western world's leaders have been kid-fucking degenerates. Jews know this, because they choose up and coming politicians through monitoring and advocacy groups like the Anti-Defamation League, which derails politician's careers at the early stages if they show any independence of spirit or might not be open to blackmail later on. The worse their baggage, the higher and faster they rise. Jewish billionaires, like Jeff Epstein and Michael Bloomberg, routinely arrange illegal trysts on their secluded private islands and yachts in international waters for the world's pedophile elite. They provide the girls and boys, film the rapes, and then keep the footage in a vault in Svalbard in case it's ever needed.
Meanwhile, the masses are dulled into blank compliance by the Jewish-controlled TV and other media outlets. These create a deliberately crafted false consciousness that discourages majority populations from ever realizing their racial identity, which is almost the only force capable of motivating armed resistance to the kikes' reign of terror. As a result, those of us who have mortified the flesh of our own bodies to break the conditioning we all got are practically outlaws in our own countries, harassed on the airwaves by lies and agitprop, hounded on the internet by witch hunters with a self-righteous streak, and rejected by our irl human contacts for being crazy and always babbling about Jews and the Kalergi Plan for total white genocide.
Ultimately, the big plan is to use cucked Western political elites to import millions of shitskin foreigners to fuck our girls until brown babies fall out of them, whether they ask for it or not. Media Jews are training them to ask for it, of course, but just in case they don't, there are still the grooming gangs, which incidentally supply fresh white children to both the archaeo-judaic elite pedophiles for their rituals, and an always-fresh crop of elite Janissaries for the global caliphate to wage jihad on the formerly Christian world, which for some reason insists on maintaining the farce of democracy and equal rights.
In brief – If you only knew how bad things really are.
Most of Europe"s finest men died in both world wars, I have some hope for America but right now where still in the infowar, and most on the right are too afraid of being called racists to take necessary action.
I can explain it…
And they wonder why they get Ebola and AIDS
Captured and ransomed.
fixed that for you
There's no ransom if you get your money back.
Whats your point? That banker jews plundered germany after the war?
stop bumping this low effort threadyou nigger
listen to who Salvini says is facilitating this massive immigration. These private donors pouring millions of dollars into non profits from some spontaneous sense of charity.
Golly gee, (((who))) could have possibly made this thread, and a very shitty one too
There were compromised, brainwashed/indoctrinated/etc, by the US/Israel/the jews
There, explained.
Good post user
Go back to 4chan you fuckin' loser.
For a moment I thought I had landed on cuckchan.
Good right up until you his the Christnigger shit.
You were so close to a marvelous post, and you blew it by referencing back to your snowflake form of Abrahamism. Too bad.
It's really simple:
The US/Israel makes the Middle East unlivable by bombing it and supporting terrorism against it's stable, authoritarian governments.
The US/Israel does the same in North Africa, esp. Libya which served as a bulwark to African immigration into Europe.
The US tells its puppet Merkel to let in the refugees.
Clash of Civilizations ensues between native Europeans and refugees.
Israel presents itself as a white ethnostate now; as a solution to the problems rather than a facilitator of them.
The 'Right' is now preoccupied with Muslims and willing to advocate a continued Crusade, thus making it's problems worse by chasing more refugees into Europe.
The focus of attention is taken away from the root of the problem.
This is a side benefit.
Preaching to the High Priest brother.
Sick lad post
I hope that answers your question, you fucking idiot.
False. They desperately want that as a pipe dream, but it just doesn't happen on any industrial scale which could achieve replacement. The goal is displacement. It is to dilute white western countries with a critical mass of shitskins who will then be beholden to vote for the party of their choosing (left leaning, but the right wont oppose it by offering and enacting a contradictory stance and implemented policy) who will transfer wealth from working productive whites to the sub-humans. The whites, the not poor ones that is, will form isolated communities surrounded by teeming favelas of criminalistic browns who will rape and steal from whites when they can whilst taking welfare checks on the side anyways. Jews will live in even more secluded towers and bunkers, taking their cut of all the transferred wealth to the tune of trillions. The goal is for them to rule as masters over the earth with two castes of slaves. Working whites and brown/black chattel to keep the whites afraid and in line, trying to mix with them when they can, but ultimately never will unless they could get away with eugenics programs like Paraguay centuries ago to forcefully mix them.
Morning in Jerusalem, is it? I thought you guys got Fridays off. Filtered and reported for spamming kikery all over this shitty thread, and a threadly reminder that the holocaust was not a fabrication, it was a prophecy.