What we need to do is not to expulse the rest of minorities but make them our subservant slaves
What we need is racial unity and create a racial caste system like our aryan ancestors once did
We need to embrace our aryan identity
What we need to do is not to expulse the rest of minorities but make them our subservant slaves
What we need is racial unity and create a racial caste system like our aryan ancestors once did
We need to embrace our aryan identity
Other urls found in this thread:
No. Segregation or death.
This is the only way to coexist, if we must coexist. Lines must be drawn and values must be taught. Rome was built by slaves.
multiracialism under aryan caste system is a good thing (for us)
The racial caste system was tried in Indus (India) and Tarim (China), both ended up not working. To try it yet again, even it is more "natural" from a historical perspective would be the suicide for those who believed it to be working.
it would work perfecly if we adapt to the natural talents of every race ,we have all the technology needed to built a prosperous world the only thing that we are playing know is stability and status
we only need to embrace our aryan indentity until every european people is converted
once we are one ,united by the same interest desthnoe this putrid system would really easy to do
Show bob please.
Only segregation by large distances is what has kept our race around for all these centuries, forget that and the Aryan in the lands conquered disappears quickly.
pajit shitskin caste system leads to mongrelization even faster.
Some fucking elites ordering the warrior class? no thanks. It is why india is full of streetshitters now.
european are basically aryans specially andronovo tribe the one who conquered india
indians castes has not been mixed even afer thousands of years of cohabitation
that guy is a dravidian
Dalits blacks
Shudras south americans south east asians
Vaishyas middle easteners and indians
Kshatriyas impure aryan europeans would the warriors and administrative work east asian
Brahmins pure aryan genetically engineered ubermench
The problem with slavery is, in addition to limiting the slave's freedoms which some people have problems with, that you have to live in the same society with those slaves. You have nigger slaves, you're living with niggers. You have kike slaves, you live with them. Chances are that some day the people with go soft on the slaves, and want to liberate them, like the case is now in America, and you're living with niggers. Maybe the slaves will rebel and you have a place like Haiti.
Like it makes any difference pajeet. Pic related are your northerner 'aryans'.
The west destroyed the indian caste system. modern india is only what happens when races are supposed to coexist as equals, and this is of course the fault of the eternal anglo
Yeah they have by some 2,500 years ago.
even norwegian are only half aryans
Fuck off, kike.
if the society is built with strict values there is no danger of it
look at england and how even is this time of egalitarianism class system is still working as 1000 years ago with feudalism
"I'm for a multi-racial world in which each race keeps to itself, in harmony with the other races. Like in a garden, you have flowerbeds of roses and flowerbeds of carnations and irises and different other flowers. They don't intermarry. They stay separate, and each one has its beauty. . . . I'm against colonialism for the reason that colonialism infects the master as well as the slave. It even infects the master more."
They are here. They can either be leashed or not. If our culture were able to accept the idea of racial inequality as a caste system it would provide an adequate solution to the demographic issues. Having multiple solutions to a problem is only a bad thing if youre trying to propagate against them.
this would be a interacial world where every race do what is better suit for
is not as much as master slave thing but a cooperation bettween diferent people that embrace their strenght and weakness
We let Jews import niggers to the Americas and ruined it. Learn history and don't repeat it.
England works very well with paki rape gangs allowed to operate freely. Just as intended 1000 years ago.
in a caste system they would have a garantized job and much harder sentence if they ever try to do something like that
No it is not. They fuck up everything. You wishj to be king of a dunghill? Great. You wish to be a humble man serving his people in a functioning state built on trust and mutual respect? It won't work.
England is multicultural and denys that pakis exist as a seperate entity. That is the only reason they have been allowed to become a problem.
Hitler suggested a seperate citizenship for non racial residents and a caste system only takes this a step further. Stripping certain legal rights from the subhuman castes would solve all these problems
it has been all the history since the firt aryans spreaded all around the world,greeks conquering the acheamid empire and roman the mediterranean
and of course the european imperialism worked perfectly for everybody where everyone has a much more secure and stable life that they have now in 90% of the world
Things that will never exist ever because of the kiked (((British))) judicial system.
Pray tell, why are you promoting the idea of hosting multiple races within "white" countries kike? What exactly is so wrong with having each race of people residing within their own lands?
A nigger having 17 nigglets in a white country becomes a white man's problem. A nigger having 17 nigglets in a nigger country, it is the niggers' problem. As it should be.
Every race should reside within their own territory and not intermingle. Except the kikes. Kikes like yourself need to be eliminated. Starting with the women and children.
The holocaust did not happen, but it absolutely should have.
Kikes are the most despicable creature on this good earth. Absolutely incapable of generating any sort of value, usurping and subverting host nations and preaching about intermingling with other races precisely because the kike does not have a clean genetic ancestry and is half nigger anyway.
Fuck you, fuck your kiked-up stupid ideas and fuck right the fuck off kike.
we only need to convert every european man to his true nature aryanism, once we are one the jews wouldnt be a problem anymore
I think your on to something. Like this?
they are already here and politically you wont achieve nothing anymore
we should redirect all our will to power in a colective sense and rule over non aryans like we always have done
Beautiful quote.
Imperiliasm is the reason they were imported to Britain to begin with. That's the original problem.
Even if theoretically it might work to strip them of the certain rights and privileges (like ability to rape unimpeded), eventually there would be a liberal revival and give them equal rights, they'd have the same problem again. You'd just be dooming your future offspring for no reason other than you seem to like pakis.
Indeed. This thread is full of kikes promoting kikey ideas.
No compromise.
No mercy.
You've had your chance.
Jews could have used their power for good but they wasted it on promoting faggotry and hedonism - pretty much anything destructive.
Slavery, wars, the opium trade, pornography, Weimar, red-light districts, communism, pedophilia, organ trafficking, blood libel, collateralized debt obligations, etc, etc.
That said, jews could fix this almost overnight.
End the SPLC, affirmative action, AIPAC.
Stop doing greedy shit like NAFTA, SOPA, PIPA and other subversive shit. Stop promoting things in Western countries that you wouldn't want happening in Israel.
Be normal, compassionate human beings and you won't end up with NAZIs.
All the enemies of the jew were born out of self preservation.
stop thinking of jews and think like an ARYAN the true master race that have shaped the world since ancient times
Revoking citizenship by reason of caste could only be a stepping stone. Since demographics are as bad as they are it isnt reasonable to suddenly correct them, the idea should be that it is established culturally that these demographics are not proper brittish or wherever citizens before it is suggested that they must be removed. As a second or 99th class citizen, they may even find life preferable in their ancestral homes and leave by their own free will. The first issue to overcome will always be the idea of racial equality no matter how things end up being done.
our culture eon't accept inequality or lynching, so we need a new culture
Well, I don't know about you guys, but that pointed argument convinced me!
Yeah, its not reasonable to think anyone could introduce a caste system to america, but it would work if it worked.
Are you not aware that colonialism happened because of kikes like yourself Shlomo? Your suggestions are stupid and infantile. Fuck off.
Hitler was the profet of a new era
like cristianity needed hundred of years to gain traction the same would happen with aryanism
All european converted to his true roots
We have the inteligence the numbers , the history backing us
We only need to organize and reclain our legitimate throne in this world
Dont fall for the illusion. The media is controlled to make you feel isolated but the reality is most white Americans are sick of this shit, even when they conform, they still know something is amiss. The yellow vests should offer you proof that things can change in an instant.
Trump even said they hide the size of his rallies, its true thet manipulate your perspective. Theyre not dominating for long, theyre getting desperate whichbis why theyre ramping up the anti white shit. The kids are fucked but so was I until I was out of school, we were all brainwashed at some point so chill out nigger
Reclaim the throne aryan man gett ridd of the usurpers
OP I'm sorry, but…
From now on dont call yourself white or european you are ARYAN that what you truly are , the builders of this world and his legitimate king
Grima the Wormjew
>lol why don't we just enslave the niggers, worked just fine the last time!
We fall for egalitarianisn nonsense and give them freedom when the only thing they need is being treated like children they are
How we convert whites to something so criminalized as aryanism?
Books, newspaper ,comics ….link europeans with the aryans until they end up seeing as one
Then once we are one we can make the next move
Its amazing how badly /int/ has been shilling this place the last few days, jesus christ.
This is the only way forward
nah, here I compared ancient samples with modern samples
East-Slavs have the most Yamnaya/Andronovo DNA, while Balts have most EHG related DNA
Keep in mind that I took all Asian/African DNA away from the samples, because It would confuse it
I didn't say they will eventually revolt.
I paraphrased liberal revival and equal rights because it is effectively the same. The point is to proactively solve these things
Niggers are animals that can not be domesticated, only partially placated with government gibs.
Much like their counterpart, the sand nigger, they are simply violent, ignorant animals, used to destroy and cause fear in the general populace.
Social justice warrior bullshit keeps anyone from saying such, out in the real world, but everyone can silently agree that, when surrounded by a pack of screaming niggers, there's legitimate reason to fear for your safety, and our natural response to such savagery, is to attempt to kill it, or flee from it.
We conquered the entire world without problems , being the elite in their countries and m9ving them forward
It would be reallt easy to replicate it
Subhumans need to be bred out of existence.
Billions of 70 IQ niggers and arabs have nothing to offer humanity. They should be sterilized.
Niggers cant move forward and wasting resources on niggers that just ruin everything they touch is fucking retarded
No it isn't, you faggot. It may be unclear what I meant by it, but you can always ask. Liberal revival meant that a bunch of White people will look at the poor pakis living in the slums and being treated like second class citizens, and say "oh, look at those poor people. Isn't it time we treated them as equals?" White people tend to have empathy, especially for mistreated lesser beings, which is something you wouldn't understand.
If you dont think I understand what liberal revival means I think you dont know what proactive means.
Is unironically a good idea and posibly the only alternative
Lets ryse aryan again brothers!
IP hopping faggots
Well anyways, the "Aryan" people in India are 10% Aryan, they are just native people really, only the rapebabies with 10% aryan blood got dominant
OP is a leftist shill trying to advocate for open borders (which would lead towards to outbreeding)
Race is what is important, not national identidy
We are already a minority here already yew
The borders have been opened for too long , the only way to solve this is all aryan united domesticating the rest
Let me break down the english language
To have the same effect
To take initiative. In this context to solve a problem before it occurs.
Now, what equal effect between a 'liberal revival' and a 'revolt' could I have been referring to? The caste system is annulled. What was my proposed proactive solution? To gradually remove the lower castes from proximity before the system can fall apart. I will always be here to help, friend.
Liberal revival and revolt are not effectively the same, kike.
I don't care about your (((proactive solution))). I care about the final solution, which will start with you.
maybe we should just set up sun colony tomorrow, I mean the niggers can't reach us there
Tell that to the white liberal americans who revolted for the blacks. During the civil war.
This is the most jewish thing I've seen all day.
Because aryans are the true master race
jews are arab merchant mutt with delusion of grandeur
Ww deserve to rule this world
English is not your first language. I'm sure of that now.
they got so many IP-s when you arrive at this thread, you start believing that people unironically agree with this kind of bullshit
yesterday they had some thread for deporting all the white people, it however got deleted
seems like the shills have been upgraded to the next level
Meh, all it takes to pull that kinda shit off is a VPN.
Hell, 90% of the free proxies that are even able to post are either already banned by shitposting shills or are actively in use by them until such a ban.
Get a VPN with ability to swap IP, add in the Torfagposting that pops up on occasion, and bam, you've got the appearance of a team of shills when in reality its just like, one sad transexual autist who owns a Communist flag and probably has it hung up on the wall in whatever wretched hovel it calls home.
Based on what I've seen on offer, I'm leaning towards some kind of squirrely Eastern European, maybe a Jew but probably not. From what I've seen here and elsewhere, the Eastern Euro section is where you're most likely to see the poor English shitposts in succession like this. But then I could be talking outta my ass and it could be an Orthodox Jew sitting on a computer in Brooklyn whose mother tongue is Hebrew.
delusional scum we will rule over you until the end of times
Deal with it goy
Please dasyu , you have been nothing more than slaves for over 2000 years
You have won a battle in a war of thousands years
Soon you will know your place
Im in my aryan brothers !
My hypothetical european caste system has transcended your pathetic indian definition of the upper castes. Keep walking.
Who the fuck cares dasyu
Why is it that when they push for diversity, it's never qt3.14 elf girls or even hobbits or dwarves?
The new aryan race, subcaste.
there have been lots of cuckchan tier threads last two weeks but since yesterday we have threads like this or
some of them have been deleted already
This worked so well for Vedic Aryan India…
I jist figured it out. Its the pajeet girlfriend poster. He hasnt been around for a while.
We should implement a caste system (but the one based on merit rather than on birth) in a racially homogeneous society. That's literally the only way to achieve the most optimal society, the true Aryan way, everything else is kikery. Slavery is kikery, racial diversity is kikery, titles based on inheritance are kikery. They will try to poison the well with either of these.
Because it worked all those other times in history and didn't inevitably break down leading to loss of more and more land and genetic erosion. Ethnoglobe is the only answer, and breeding them out of existence as suggests will be too slow, as we will only get a few decades of productive support from the masses before the usual idiotic sympathies reemerge, the subhumans and their "plight" are romanticized, and the machinery behind the purge to permanently secure our future begins to work against itself.
I think he is Danish or at least from Denmark
looks like he wants to mix with black girls, that's why he shills for multiculturalism
aryans banded together like brothers and put thenself as the ruling elite in every place they were
They were highly homogeneous like the vikings were
Why all of a sudden do we have numerous (((/int/))) and (((Zig Forums))) posters shitting up the board?
Int and lefty pol? For saying to create a caste system where we are basically gods over thecrest of races
You kikes cant be more retarded
Mods manufacture this content to increase PPH, happens often here.
Lording over semi-sentient beasts sounds pretty Jewish to me.