Future of the Human race(s) and the goals of Applied and Conscious Eugenics

Human gullibility is the main cause of our issues with the Jews. Their lies are pathetically weak. "Oy vey, they killed us for no reason at all, wage war on them already!" It has never been more than that. It takes intentional stupidity on a whole different level to take it seriously from any perspective. In fact, any analysis of the situation would result in some of those claims being proven wrong, and especially making the demand dubious at best.

There has always been a human selection system. Control of sexuality has always been at the core of human civilization. The old system of distilling great individuals has been crashed. Schools and public education took their place after the Egalitarian, Democratic and Humanist revolutions and wars. Instead of distilling quality, the system has been replaced by submission to authority, lack of personal agency, obedience and parroting. Leaving school perimeters is a punishable offense. Bullying others is not. Resistance to bullying is. In Sweden, resistance to rape is penalized in schools. Every solution to personal problems has to come from authorities, using your own hands, head and heart is banned.

So once we free our societies, how will we organize the selection process? Mere castration of niggers and gassing of Jews isn't enough for me.
The whole Education system has to go. But the alternative models have been eradicated, aside from the remnants of the Church - which was always in support of the class structure, until it was filled with (((Educated))) goons.
Most of our time on Zig Forums has been spent unlearning what School taught us. Civil disobedience is an absolute minimum requirement, and we're seeing quite a successful episode of that in France.

Once we win, however, it's not going to be that simple. We need some plan and then slogans and knowledge of it available. A hidden eugenics program will only be usurped by corrupt assholes who want a slave race. A public one, I think, can lead to good. Unless the 'losers' such as lower classes revolt and kill all the genetic capital a population has accumulated. France never recovered from its revolution, and we've yet to see if Russia can. If they can, it'll be due to them neglecting the Jewish orders during USSR times, in the same manner as they hid the artistic treasures of Hermitage instead of burning them.

But we've evolved from apes once, so a beneficial eugenics program can produce intelligent, observant and aristocratic people. But how can we make people want it?

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Jews don't run the world. You're a fucking retard OP.

Never said they did. I stated that our problems with kikes are 110% because of a willing gullibility. The absolutely disgusting desire to never see something bad in another person.

Jews, merchants and Masons seem to be directing the course of our nations. Democracy made it so that governments are arbitrary and mostly a money making scam for political parties. Media makes sure that its favorites get the power during each money-grab cycle.
This means that jews have overwhelming power in our societies through the media institutions which they largely own from Sweden to USA.

Once we get rid of the kikes (plenty of methods, one of which is banning baby torture and cattle-branding humans/jews), all the powers that be lose their secure standing. It will not be a small-scale victory, I guarantee you that.

sage for doublepost.

Racism is a normal biological instinct, science is on the side of the White man.

You're just an ignorant christshill. Also eugenics LARP - you don't have any fucking power to implement your fantasies in the first place.

it'll be pretty ez man
if you're a superior male then kill scum and and spread ur cum
and you can start today even

Our problems are with their values overwhelming our own normal historic values. There is no 'value for pity' or value for the 'downtrodden' in nature. Nature does not reward the 'weak'. These nation/species ruining ideologies have been with us for 2,000 years and they are the EXACT OPPOSITE of the methods which healthy and normal biological system operates. Pity based and individualistic systems favor what is degraded, deviant and weak rather than rewarding merit and strength. So these pity systems favor the jews in our society because they are weak and mongrelized lesser beings. They also allow us to destroy and cut down anything that has natural merit either through the mechanisms of envy (because 'wealth' and achievement must be distributed, goy and if they can't be distributed because they are a quintessential part of your essence like the intelligence and creativeness of Europeans, then you must be killed to make way for the 'weak'. The jews entire philosophy is the worship of weakness and defectiveness. We need to learn to return to valuing what has merit before it is too late and the world ends in destruction because of their overweening love of the deviant and those lacking merit.

I know, I agree.
Care to elaborate, torfag?
Ah, you're a jew. I don't fucking need power to discuss proper utilization of power.

Jews have no power either. If they did, they'd keep their foreskins from pedophile rabbis and demons.

You can lead a normalfaggot to water, but you can't make it think.

Yes there is. It has many causes. One, it makes you more popular, and less likely to be killed by your neighbors. Say, a night of frost kills your neighbors' fields, but yours is safe. You spread your blessing among your village and they'll do so for you. Second, even a wasteful behavior can be corrected by suffering, but not death. We have always kept those of our own alive.

You're a retarded American who believes what their kike sociopath rulers tell them. They are the first people on this planet who get to rule without a care about those beneath them. Because they don't have such. Everyone else cares about themselves enough to care about others, even if they were a crooked criminal. But jews hate themselves enough to practice circumcision, and become blind to their own ills.

SJWs, humanist revolutionaries, bolsheviks and all such rabble have enforced such rules because they are losers. They have no mercy on others, just themselves. It's their enemies, the actual humans who have mercy. Sometimes too much, but that is automatically fixed.

More on this, there are plenty of wild animals and pets saving humans and other animals. Nature is very caring. Jew is not.

We kept the entire planet alive through pathological altruism. It is not 'just our own' that we support, we support every nigger and subhuman parasite on the Earth.
Yes, and where has this pathological altruism brought us? I brought us to the point where weakness reigns rather than merit. We spread our culture and values all over the planet in an effort to 'raise up' what doesn't deserve to be raised up (that which could not manage on its own merit).
The only way to 'fix' this now is ETHNO-GLOBE.
I am studying biology. Nature is not caring at all. This is why we recognize the few instances where we can see nature 'caring' as something extraordinary, because it is not the 'rule' it is the exception, so much so that it is remarkable.

Systematic programming* and atheist desire to buy morality from the state. Altruism has nothing to do with it.
But you may have ignored purposefully (as per usual, for kikeman and white man alike) some key words from my text. Our own. Neighbors.
I'm not a neighbor to Nigerians, not Afghans, not Somalis. I do not wish them unnecessary suffering.

Whereas it's easy to ascertain why people hate niggers, no one understands anti semitism. The JQ is bizarre, illogical, and outlandish to the wider public. The few followers of white nationalism are all anti semetic insuring the movement doesn't grow into a mass movement ever.

Jews couldn't be happier linking white nationalism with conspiracy shadow-cabal-runs-the-world tier shit, it discredits white nationalism and makes the possibility of a revolt null.

If nobody understands anti-semitism, they deserve their fate. Extinction for human race and its overgrown parasites.

More mindless drivel from a christnigger, you're a niggerLARPer

You are now. Our pathological altruism had led to these people 'becoming a part of our nation'. We should have killed them the second that we could see their faces, by whatever method we deemed most fit, roasting alive, poison, decapitation, bio weapon…but no, we allowed these invaders into our nation and then PAID FOR THEM TO STAY, rather than following natural law which recognizes 'change' and 'struggle' as its only litmus for life's continuance. If you were serious you would be killing their women and children and their week wearever you could find them, recognizing that the weakest of the parasites is the easiest to dispose of in invasion situations.
Instead they do this TO YOU and you hide behind the idea that you are having 'pity' and are 'moral' in the sense that it applies to 'humanity' via the kike paradigms that they have instilled in you.

I am just saying, how could they NOT WIN AGAINST YOU? They enter your nations and do unto you what is justified by natural law, killing your women, daughters and children…and you respond to them with nothing but altruism and your warped sense of 'justice'. They need to be killed on sight because they are invaders and treating you in the winning methodolgy (that of killing your weak and defenseless) so a war of attrition of you and your people, that you are financing. Every murder and rape of your own people, YOU FINANCED VIA 'WELFARE'…even the name 'welfare' makes me want to smash someones face with a shovel.

Actually false, but we're a small nation.
More like our arrogant desire to not have decent values worth anything. All the values people have and want to enforce are installed through media and school. It's not our natural altruism. In fact, I doubt that we enjoy reading about invaders raping a local girl, because we care about that girl, and we care about justice. You say this caring is pathological, but it is not. It is symbiotic. Jews are a pathology, as are leftists, journalists, globalists and what have you.

I expect my nation to rise up within the next 50 years, on the latter half. Expanding to the desolation in the West. In fact, I expect healthier white/ish populations to inherit the crippled lands. Be it Russians, Poles, Hungarians or even the enclaves within those diseased carcasses. You just look at demographics and spell doom and gloom. Well, that doom and gloom is for the arbitrary governments that lose their control grid as a direct consequence of their Globalist -never to be mistaken for legitimate care for others- movement that simply wants to make national and ethnic identities null and void. They use slogans about things that we care about, but against us.
Sometimes it works so well that those who are supposed to be on 'our team' go against our values, and are turned to fight for the heartless globalism.

I have a hard time caring about niggers, but I wish the best of luck to the Lebanese, Iranians and Syrians in their fight against Judah/ISIS.

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Evil doesn't want to win. It wants to remove victory itself from the world.

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Problem is a lot of people here think Women have been the selectors of genetic fitness in our species forever but that is a false. It was Men and the society around them that decided who would go with who - resulting in Male societ having a hand in the eugenics of mating. This was what they referred to as patriarchy - and it was how our ancestors maintained our most valuable, albeit not the most attractive genetics got passed down. Like IQ. The sexual revolution handed the keys to Women and through their poor decision making abilities and shallow reasoning our population is once more heading in the wrong direction.

Go fuck yourself you ignorant retard. Passing down 'valuable genes' via a patriarchy is THE EXACT GODDAMN OPPOSITE of everything we see demonstrated in nature, animals and eugenics. When males have a say in genetic selection the nations are weakened because the only thing you guys think with is your dick. The only reason that Europe has so many creative, beautiful and intelligent people is because women had more freedom to sexually select a partner. If you were correct islam and its vast network of retardation would be 'the pinicle of humanity' instead of one of the most retarded religions on earth. If you were shooting for the retardation and race mixing of humanity you would use Islam as your weapon of choice. Removal of the womens perogative to choose is DEATH TO THE RACE, because women breed for selection of certain traits that are viable in their climate to ensure offsprings success. Allowing men to be in charge of reproduction is the worst and most disaterous method of reproductive selection that could ever be possible. Look how much islamic men race mix, they have no care for beauty or intelligence, everything is about 'muh dick' to them. You are going to breed a contingent of DICKHEADS that are easily dominated by jewish interest.

Yes, this is correct. It also presents us with a multifaceted problem. How should we handle women in our policies? The best way to avoid popularity is to demand their rights to be revoked.
I say we must enforce responsibilities and integrate women into the society as well. Their development has been neglected as a result of the lack of resources and tools. Abortion is self-selection outside the gene pool, as is the cruel and uncaring hypergamy women practice. After a few generations of bottlenecking quality mothers from the rest, they'll be fit to be societal creatures. Or at least, there is hope.

If we only survive the jewish plague…

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Families and men had a lot more say in how a family unit (= patriarchy) was built than in current civilization. Islamic societies are horrible because they practice circumcision, damaging the male psyche and sexuality, which results in more antisocial behavior. The family unit, marriage, was born out of nature and spirit as all beautiful things are. It is a structure that helped populations survive, hence why it was selected for so long, and also why it is being broken down right now.

Both men and women conduct selection for good parental qualities, beauty standards and matching personalities. Our ability to alter DNA in the womb might make eugenics into an automatic feature of the future society, rather than a top-down enforced rule. Surely we must have laws that ban harmful DNA from being injected into the children, and possibly even some enforcing health standards.
Women are right now largely producing single-mother households which live on government handouts and breed crime. This needs to stop. Malignant, bad quality women should be put down.

It is not 'false' you dick. It is simply that they haven't flooded you with your nigger contingent yet. What good are you if you are a small nation, when the larger nations are busily taking it up the ass via pathological altruism? Don't you realize that the largest and most powerful military on the planet is run by kikes and people who want you dead? Are you going to tell me that your 'tiny island' is going to fight off invaders when they come calling backed by le 56% fucking mutts with every advanced technology on the planet? Like it or not, YOU ARE DEPENDANT on what happens in larger nations that HAD your genetic interest at heart, aka the USA when it was white and not the disgusting mongrelized filth that it is today.

You are wrong. Yes, when the USA was not mongrelized this would have been posssible. But this is similar to turning over Frances biological weapons stores and nuclear facility to shitskins, once that happens in the USA and the niggers (think about their value choices in Africa) are in charge of the US Weapons you are going to fucking do whatever you are told, anything less is a fantasy.

The heartless destruction of almost the entire globe is what we need to do to get rid of the parasitic plague (as well as the jews who are mongrelized with the half humans).

They won't, either. They'll try, but won't succeed.

I'm not too scared of African military prowess, ability to launch nukes correctly. EU tried this already, and are failing miserably. USA deserves its end for siding with the kikes two world wars in a row.

I have no problem with men being the head of the household. As a matter of fact that is desireable for as long as marriage is still a 'thing' (rediculous fucking concept) with humanity,
as long as women select their mate,
it is retarded that they are required to select just one, only a male could think of something as dysgenic and horrific as 'marriage' to destroy genetic material and quality genetics. Nothing in nature operates this way despite all the 'examples' that the patriarchy gives for wolves and birds, when examined closely these all prove to be fallacious. Indeed, social bonding of these examples, are more similar to early, pre semitic, values of the European people reproductive rituals (before the retardation/social/genetic death of marraige) rather than the semitic values that you THINK are the true solution (one man, one woman, life bond/chains of reproductive slavery reducing human selection to beta tier genetic reproduction and the slave values of the fathers being taught to the offspring).

Really? Now who is the kike here who wants to kill off 300,000,000 Europeans?

They will. Kikes are in full control of your nation. You just don't like looking into the mirror that is 'america' to see what your future holds.

It has been fun OP, I missed you. I have to go work now, I have spent far too long chitchatting with you already…biological weapons won't manufacture themselves. :)

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Time is running out quickly. A shallow, meaningless pogrom will do nothing to stop the incessant plod towards jew world hegemony. They have done well to castrate White societies, dumb them down, remove their drive, get them on no-productive welfare systems and put them on Walmart scooters.
The grid is almost fully in-place. They're bragging about it, thumbing their noses and putting it right in our faces.

That is why all high-t white men should consider SPERM DONATION, as an act of subversion of the system.

Children are going to be born to IVF whatever we do, so it is best that they be conceived with the sperm of high-t white males and not city dwelling soy-boys.

Obviously reproductive conditions like this are not optimal, in an ideal society every woman would be conceiving during her years of peak fertility, but we don't live in that society. Therefore we have to maximize the effect we can have WITHIN the world that currently exists. Therefore I recommend sperm donation to all high-t white men

Read this thread for more info:


There will be no wombs to bear children. Get out of the cities. Have a safe place to be. Have a method of water purification. All is not what it seems.

EU is in shambles. Don't expect it to live past 2020.

I've always been doubtful of this kind of thinking, that a mongrelized US is just going to go around killing all whites in Europe. My opinion is that the USA will fall into such disorder and third world status, the elite there will be too busy keeping relative control than to worry about other places. And I also bet on some US military and states decentralizating and defecting as the rest of the country becomes third world. Some massive jew empire in the US will be eating itself too much to worry about much more than its own confines, is my guess at least. I'm talking 50 plus years.

USA absolutely deserves to die for what it's done to Europeans and the world, and most coward conservatives and liberal whites disgust me more than jews. And saying that doesn't mean I want whites here to die, but I definitely think we're due for some turmoil and death, and in the wake of the fallen ZOG empire, we'll stake out our own portion of North America. You seem too concrete in thinking the jew will win. Whites won't stand for some third world living as it descends into that, and there will be a chance for a turnover. Nothing stays the same,

what about other forms of donation? You could use them to raise money for guns.

So much This.


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Everyone wants a nation for their own people. Most everyone has a homeland that they desire to go back to, whether they admit it or not.
Remove their free gibs, make them second class citizens, and they will eventually leave.

There is no other solution.

Not your book club moshe.

It's not gullibility, but different survival strategies and value-systems. You have people who have evolved to form highly efficient, high-trust societies based on cooperation and organic mutual benefit (The whole is greater than the sum of its parts philosophy), allowed by ethnic and cultural homogeneity on one side, and people who have evolved to be a bunch of ruthless, selfish cutthroats with zero-sum game philosophy, fueled by constant mongrelization and no cultural identity of their own on another. Allowing the latter among the former proved to be disastrous, and this started happening on a larger scale in the Bronze Age, today we are only witnessing the final consequences of it all. Hitler didn't do anything revolutionary or new, he just made one last, desperate effort to prevent the world that we are witnessing today from occurring.

But whites were always very racially and ethnically selective, and certainly not "pathologically altruistic" for most of their history. They got subverted first by memes like Christianity, then by degenerate rulers mingling with Jews, then by socio-political systems enforced by those rulers and their (((advisers))), later developing into brotherly wars and financial slavery, ultimately leading to the modern world with all of it's abominations.

Jews are the anti-race developed entirely by memes (their religion is a development program, carefully designed to select for the exact traits that they exhibit today), Aryan religions were too. Proper fight starts with proper values, genes will shape us towards it. We have the mental capacity to shape our species to be exactly as we want it to be, and we can achieve that by proper selection and eugenic programs, genetic editing is degenerate and completely unnecessary in the long term.

Memes are the best selector of genetic fitness once the consciousness develops. Survival on it's own means nothing, rain-worms survive and their existence is completely meaningless, they could as well be dead. Would you want to be a rain-worm? How about an ass worm? I guess kikes could be compared to ass-worms, as they enjoy their parasitic behavior completely oblivious to the shit (societies plagued by them) that they are living in. Only guided, teleological evolution that leads to objectively superior life-forms matters. Random, purposeless evolution is a lie. All things strive towards their maximum actualization.

Islam allows polygamy, which is pretty much inverse feminism, and equally degenerate. Some of the most beautiful species in the world have one partner for life. Proper Eugenics would also value character. Blue eyes are worthless if not accompanied with other traits, which we are witnessing today by white genetic garbage mixing with niggers (or the other gender allowing it), no matter how "smart" they are or how beautiful they look, they are living, scientific evidence of your theories about sexual selection being false. Character warrants loyalty to your partner, the ability to resist lesser urges that would reverse your development, and most importantly, the ability to choose a partner for life (something that most apes are incapable of, and something that is exclusively an Aryan trait)

Why don't you fight the concept of marriage by finally fucking with me? :>)

Breeding is not everything, proper upraising is much more important. Women's obsession with reproduction brought so much suffering upon humanity.

Ideally, we would create a race that's high-trust, but also immune to jewry. They thrive in low-trust, cutthroat societies, even more so, as it's their natural environment. So eliminating the "altruism" genes and memes entirely is not a solution. They need to be … modified.

We would increase the sense for pair-bonding and improve selection mechanisms (current trend is the opposite). We would enhance racial instincts greatly.

We would select for the neuro-physiological traits allowing for both high intelligence and strong character, including the potential for creative thought.

(checked) for racial truth.

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I am currently too busy to fuck anyone. The life of asceticism {sigh} and you know that I may not have much value for culturally derived 'morals' but I am ethical in the sense that I do what I say, when I give my word (is this not also a part of the greater error of marriage? The limitation of the chance to find a soul mate and become a completed individual? Tragedy! How will we ever become Gods and escape while 'marriage' is an issue holding soul mates apart and chained to others? Meh, I know why it is done, just not why people keep accepting it as a social paradigm)…so no sucky, fucky in this lifetime, and of course, I am jetting out at the end of this one so, my dear, you will have to take a fragment from the masses whose panties fall off appropriately easy (shouldn't be too hard for you).

You caused me to think about Lucifer falling here and the death spiral, which caused me to dream about DNA and it burning off into a dispersed cloud as we plummeted down through the atmosphere. It was interesting.

It's affecting your reasoning. Asceticism is very hard to pull off in our over-sexualized societies where you get bombarded with (open or subliminal) sexual imagery from everywhere, people walking around poorly clothed etc. There is a reason why monasteries were invented.

Don't fall into a dialectical trap, your poor choice does not invalidate the institution of marriage. You are getting overwhelmed by your natural urges, which puts you at risk for engaging in complete degeneracy. I warned you about this, and it's the reason why I called your understanding of marriage degenerate. The most rational move would be to admit that you made a mistake, and find someone more appropriate, without flipping the coin and engaging in complete debauchery and decadency.

We should strive towards the ideal (one "perfect" partner for life), but humans are pretty defective so it's expected of them to make mistakes. Marriage should be taken much more seriously, and you would be expected to change a couple of partners before you find the right one. My "offer" was more a thought exercise than an actual proposal, I am aware of how unrealistic it is.

You got the order wrong, and Christianity wasn't the only, nor the first memeplex to invade Europe. Christianity cultivated the kingdom -model and class-based society for Europeans. The open borders ideology is a direct consequence of egalitarianism, which has its roots in the French revolution - the secular, polar opposite of Christianity.
Whether this is a genetic taint coming forth from deep within us, or a foreign agent taking over the minds of the masses, I know not. But it is a disease.

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Yid harder.

It was a mutual-feedback loop, first they got control over rulers through political intrigues (Christianity played a great role in this as a political tool), then they attacked "barbarians" to spread their religious poison (just like they do today by spreading (((democracy))). In any case, it was one of most destructive and most subversive memes to reach our continent. We had kings long before Christianity and medieval class-based society was based on Jewish values (being chosen by "god" and nepotism), not on meritocracy. French, and other revolutions were only a controlled reaction once they could no longer sustain their old model (Many kikes were advisers in Russian royal court before becoming leaders of Bolsheviks). SJW's are the greatest carriers of Christian slave morality today despite being atheists. Open borders "ideology" is profit-driven, it has nothing to do with altruism. To defeat the kikes, you must transcend above appearances and understand the true nature of their model society, and our (Aryan) model society. Everything else is cosmetics.

Gonna need a source on that, but otherwise you're right that public schooling isn't great for child development.

In terms of making eugenics politically palatable, it's important to examine it's appeal from the perspective of the people between the 10th and 90th percentile of natural ability.

Anyone in this category, or even any human alive today, have some good and bad genetic qualities, and most people are still primarily driven by self interest. If a eugenics program means that they can't have children, or will be excluded from or punished by society in some way or another, they won't support it as they view it as a threat to them personally, even if they are already sympathetic to the end goal. The other major barrier is making people admit that they aren't equal genetically, and are themselves flawed in a way they can't control. This is quite an extreme emotional barrier some people have, and overcoming it will be very difficult for them.

The problem is modern society places the local of control within the individual too much when it comes to how it evaluates their success, so they would feel diminished around others who are viewed as having superior genetics. To fix this persons genetic ability should not be viewed as their fault, but rather something they can be helped with, and the gifted should not be cruel to the weak, or they will lose their sympathy entirely

If the eugenics program is created for the benefit of the common people, in that is promises to improve the supply of talented, beautiful and compassionate artists, engineers and leaders then they will become sympathetic to it, as it benefits them personally and is sound morally. Birth rates in the developed world are already low enough, so the program should simply reward the top tenth of people having five or six children, rather than punishing normal or below average people in any way. This way the genes of the top tenth would become more common and spread throughout the gene pool when normal people intermarry with them, and the average improves with each generation, without hurting normal people or ethnic minorities.

Exactly. We could also reduce the population of the lesser races tremendously this way without a single bullet fired except for those who refuse to comply

Everyone would have a right to live, and a right to reproduce (except for the most genetically damaged ones, with a lot of hereditary diseases khm, kikes, khm). The key is to enforce a one-child policy to those of lesser genetic quality (non-whites, low quality whites) and promote the top of the genetic stock (pure Aryans) to reproduce as much as possible. Normally, followed by strict racial segregation laws and race-mixing being punishable by death (except in very rare cases when a member of another race has top-tier genetics). When their numbers get small enough, they would be mixed with generations and generations of whites until their offspring eventually becomes white with sufficient purity. Pretty much the exact opposite of what the kikes are trying to do.

That way, you did not genocide anyone (everyone could reproduce and pass on their genes unless they are totally defective), you did not kill anyone, and you have pretty much created an ethno-globe. On top of that, you have allowed lesser races to become a superior lifeform rather than eliminating them.

No rational person would be against this. Of course, kikes, being a sentient virus, would be the most opposed to this, and they would convince the masses to act against their best self-interest as usual.

Nobility was achieved, not just born into. Meritocracy is a futile dream similar to communism in many ways. In fact, if taken to the extreme, it opposes all forms of property-inheritance as 'unfair' towards the individual. However, the sacrifices and labor my forefathers and mothers is valuable and valid. My inheritance is divinely protected. It is the same for blood. Cultivated over long periods. The lower classes could advance into nobility if they could fund the military. Aka, if they didn't drink all their money, saw through hard work for multiple generations. This cultivated quality people, the polar opposite of what the jews want to cultivate. They want semi-capable niggers.
Race is validated the same way the Dynasty is.
You're pretending that the barbarians didn't invade us / we weren't barbarians or the like to other whites, and we didn't do it for millenia to those around us. Heck, chimpanzees wage war. It's in the blood of every man to wage war. The religious poison is what makes human sacrifice, mutilation, circumcision, eunuchs, there is also toxic blood. That of the lower classes (resembling the Ape more than the Man). Also, the kikes didn't truly get control over the rulers, but the lower classes. The rulers could and often did, kick them out and rob them blind. Then there were plenty of rulers such as Spanish, French and Russian courts which had their problems with the jews. The Russians especially banned usury and Spain took hold of their jews after Reconquista.
Christianity was removed from society in the 20th century. The effects are visible. Not sure we can go back, Vatican is pedo central and protestants are pants on head retarded wannabe-wahhabists with no understanding of heritage, humans, theology or spirituality.

The resistance people have to Christianity and the retardation surrounding it is due to the same programming that allows homosexuals to thrive in public spaces. Jewish manipulation of opinion through selective spreading of information, defamation and blasphemy.
I'm ashamed of my race for being so gullible. Well, journalists and school can extinguish only the gullible DNA strands, so I suppose they are building our hope in secret.

It's always nice to see a healthy perspective with common sense. There's no reason to make it more complicated than it is.
I know it's cheating to use Sweden as an example, but they do these things before others.
There's plenty more if you dig any Nordic country.

Not bumping my own thread anymore.

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Not sure that there is anything someone else could ‘offer’. Let’s say that I found the perfect partner in every way, they would still exist exterior to my own experience and perceptions, so it is doubtful that there is anything substantial that they could offer me that I could not answer more quickly myself. We will always have the barrier of ‘understanding’ and perceptual reality that will prevent us from sharing anything outside of exterior perceptions. Mankind exists in isolation. Partnership is unrealistic on all but the most superficial levels, therefore it seems an exercise in futility. What exactly would you be hoping to accomplish by finding ‘your ideal woman’? You can’t have anything but a material or physical partnership with them…the spiritual is as off limits as their mind/understanding is to you since bridging that infinite void is impossible. Union occurrs but only on the level of the material realm.
Maybe ceasing to seek is the answer rather than continuous disappointment…surely you have given this thought, I am curious your deeper reason for rejecting it as a proposition. It is a curious thought…perhaps children of the Light/Spirit are manufactured a different way than Union of opposites. It could be that the Light can only come to be born in isolation rather than the model of the material realms. There doesn’t seem to be any real reason that duality would exist in higher realms…indeed it seems contraindicated due to their nature to assume duality as a foundational principle. IDK I am going to have to do some serious studies of Descartes and Locke as well as the Pythagorean’s to get a greater understanding of this issue.

Wiser rulers allowed that in order to slow down the decay of their hereditary rule (which is bound to perish eventually as it's inherently dysgenic). They called it the refreshing of the blood.
Meritocracy is the natural order. There are not many similarities as communism promotes the equality of the outcome, which is antithetical to meritocracy. But meritocracy is only a utility of the Aristocracy. And true aristocrats rise into prominence through their deeds, genetic qualities, wisdom and character, not by being born into the right family or inheriting wealth. Pre-Christian Aryans based their societies on this model before the Semitic poison of "divine right" and hereditary rule, accompanied by a population control mechanism called Christianity corrupted and enslaved them. And before it's dialectical "answer" , the revolutionary and bolshevik movements set up the next stage towards the global slavery.
On the extreme end of the spectrum, yes. But we could also utilize "situational meritocracy" which would select for those most Aristocratic at the moment, regardless of their background. That way no one would be penalized for their wealthy or influential origin, nor sabotaged for the lack of it. I believe NSDAP had a similar model of two-way social mobility within a very hierarchical system. It would make both modern instruments of the international Jewry, communism and capitalism, inapplicable. This is the model that we should be striving towards, rather than engaging in class warfare.
How similar are you to your ancestors centuries, or millenia ago? How similar to you will your successors, 500, 1000 years from now be? Physical family bloodlines are meaningless in the grand scheme of things. It's characteristics, values and other qualia that matter, and those are defined by something much larger and more encompassing, the race, the ethnicity. That is the ultimate center of development, hanging above the abyss of absolute individualism, and absolute collectivism, both leading to annihilation.
Dynasty is just one step above individualism. You need to make a few more, but not one too many!
Why of course, but we should have learned from it. Our brotherly wars only led to our mutual downfall. When we eliminate the vermin we could go back to fighting each other like in the good ole' times, that's what was guiding our progress for so many centuries. As long as we don't overdo it, then it has the opposite effect
They took control of the lower classes where they couldn't take control of the rulers. Most of their religious myths are about having a powerful gentile ruler marry a kikess which then takes control of him and eliminates all the opposition, practically subduing the entire nation/empire to the Jewish rule and interests through it's (absolute) ruler(s). If that fails, they rally up the masses and stage a revolution, which is much more expensive and risky. But it seems that lately they are going for a hybrid model.
Perhaps we should start something similar, preserving the qualities, but eliminating all the negative influences
Rejecting all of their programming would be as harmful as embracing all of it. My point is that things are not black and white, and that even if they used many critiques of Christianity to advance their goals, that does not invalidate those critiques.

Can (You) exist without exterior experience and perceptions? Not even God managed to do it. Try isolating yourself from all external communication (that includes reading books and other ideas of others) and let's see how long it takes for your mind to break and fracture into several personalities talking with each other.
They could offer you access to the portions of the Self currently unknown and inaccessible to you
Our "translation algorithms" , despite highly ineffective, seem to be working in the end.
Isolation is illusory, at least unless you know how to isolate yourself in the ultimate reality
Completion. Fullness. Release.
Of course you can. But in order for it to happen, you must know that it's possible, and what makes it possible.
We would have no meaningful way of communication or understanding each other then. Bridging that void is what makes us resonate together, leading to a shared perception and understanding. Hell, perhaps even a shared reality.
In a sense yes, you are required to find your other in the realm of separation, so you could be united in the immaterial realm. Inverse quantum entanglement?
Many times, but then again, why do I seek it so much in the first place? There must be a reason, a fundamental one. My pride, my rejection of it is what led me into this predicament.
This world was modeled after the 'other' one, but as a sick parody of it.

Now THIS might actually be an adequate resolution to the issue. Perhaps the only 'other' is the one we are capable of manufacturing within.

IDK I am really depressed since my one option for communication has been cut off (due to new time constraints)…I already fucking exist in a fucking world where I am 'present' but live in total isolation because its 'not pc' to have the thoughts I have day to day and some of them are so strange that they wouldn't translate well anyway. What good does it do me to communicate if they are using a false paradigm and I am striving toward the REAL…I am already in isolation (yes, not 'total'…but it might as well be…because nothing of value can be communicated with people who have nothing of value to say [except you, and a few others, of course; no wonder Pythagoreans met in secret]). IDK user, I get the feeling you are trying to help, but you are sort only pointing out things that make me feel worse. Totally not your problem. The longest I have ever gone without speaking to another human being is three week…so not 'total isolation' but IDK you might really be onto something there…

Solitary confinement over longer periods of time is one of worst torture methods for a reason you know … It would be a good experiment, but you'd need to approach it carefully. Try total sensory deprivation for bonus points. You'd have to eliminate exposure to other's words, ideas, thoughts expressed in any form. That means no music, no books, no internet, not even chatting at the grocery store.

People 'ahead' of society were always isolated, it's a burden that we have to carry. But when you encounter minds who are like you, even if they lived long time ago, then you know that it was all worth it. You just need the right company IRL as well.

You must face those internal conflicts and resolve them. Otherwise no matter how much you run away from them, they will return to haunt you.

At least I can freely shitpost about niggers IRL lel

:) No wonder you are looking for your other…in that sense, I understand your relentless searching, not different from my own ceaseless longing. I think I might crave that more than anything else the world has to offer.

The following is rhetorical as you have answered them all or in part before…how many times am I going to have to attack this question before I gain understanding anyway. I am like Don Quixote without even a windmill to joust against; what is the fucking problem that I can't get resolution on this issue?
I just can't help but wonder if I am doing the right thing, or if I am engaging in one of the distractions of Babylon, yet again…those who seek not money nor fame but the resolution of the innermost being or completion of the self (are these so different than material restitution in the universal hierarchy). That cloying desperation for something that the material world offers? I wonder what the true difference between the physical and material longings are anyway. Is one categorically more advanced or do they share the same value?

My worry is the thought that I would be creating a further flawed iteration, so outwards (so to speak) instead of inwards (so to speak). However, if God did this already, then 'it exists' (meaning it has no 'beginning' or 'end' in any meaningful sense but is as much of an ongoing endeavor today as it was when it happened if you compress time into its rational whole, rather than a sequential partition). I wonder what product I would get or expect to receive as a result…hmmm something to think about. I would rather go 'inward', I think but perhaps that is not an option (though I can't imagine why not); however, if we compressed time into something reasonable, I am both God and myself at the same time…?so? Do you think many people have succeeded in duplicating a further iteration? I wonder if this something people do and don't speak about? Alright, math awaits…it isn't going to finish itself.

I suppose this is a reproductive event without a scale since it is an iteration. I wonder what it would be like to be the new God?

Meet the new God? Same as the old God? Hmmmm…

Shitposting about subhumans is awesome.

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It's the slut trying to justify being a slut again.

Tell me which sex discovered genetics again.

A genetics program based on in-vitro fertilization of many eggs and choosing the best zygotes out of hundreds allows people to have children that are genetically still theirs, but allows them to pass on the better half of their genetics.

How blind you are.

What was that supposed to mean? lol
I'm more and more convinced that I won't find it in this world as time passes. It's more fickle and perishable than organic life. Even if it was a person at one point during my lifetime, it might no longer be, despite the physical body it once occupied being still alive and well. I've seen people die long before their physical death, and I've seen dead people come to life through others or through their works. Every time you read a book of a long dead author, you tap into his mental space, which never ceased to exist (waves in the mental domain propagate indefinitely due to no constraints, unless they are 'cancelled' by very advanced powers, but that's too far-fetching for our current perception so I won't go into that). This is why they are so hell-bent on removing certain books and other material, they don't want the spectres of their enemies to haunt them. Same goes for the ongoing destruction of the ancient historical objects.
So you do understand my perception, despite not being me. We are ultimately separated, but also ultimately connected. One cannot exist without another. "Oneness" is a lie, but so is solipsism.
I have witnessed an existence far superior to this one. It is the subject of my ultimate longing, and nothing that I saw in this world (with few very rare exceptions) came anywhere close to it. This world could be transformed into something close to such existence, but it's (((their))) ancient task to prevent it from happening. Transforming the world was the real goal of the innermost circles of NSDAP, and they were looking for certain objects and locations, which is the actual explanation of certain military operations that seemed rather "odd" from a purely military-strategic perspective. You probably long for the same world.
They are seeking the only thing which is real, everything else is illusory.
Material (finite) things can never bring completion. Finite numbers do not converge. They do bring experiences and necessary separation though, which is as important. Therefore, for the unity to be actually experienced subjectively (at least initially), it needs to happen in the material (dimensional) universe. Unity in separation, 0,1, - 10. It would simultaneously happen in the dimensionless universe, and while it would eventually perish in the dimensional domain due to entropy (physical death being the most obvious example), it would stay in the dimensionless domain as information stored there cannot be erased by any means. This is the sacred marriage. Another thing that (((their))) occult war is aimed against. But that's only one of the aspects of the sacred number 10. Odin 'losing' one of his eyes also represents it.
Freudian slip? :>) If you meant spiritual and material, well, one is finite and another infinite, that should answer your question.
Outwards is a function of inwards and vice-versa. Imagine you were born without any senses, what would you have within to reflect on? Battle for the material world is as important as keeping the connection with the immaterial one.
Good, you are getting it. The same utility which allows you to understand me and my perception will also let you understand God. Time is a mathematical function indeed, by learning the proper "formula" you can effectively neutralize it and thus 'slay' Cronos and become effectively immortal.
It's more about returning to the original one. The counter-clockwise swastika. That way the paradox is eliminated but your Self and your experiences merge into it (while retaining their Form), turning 0 into 10
There are no new and old gods, just those who have threaded the path to the same realization. God above god is the total actualization of all the possibilities, and even Godel's incompleteness theorem does not apply here because any system, no matter how separate, would be contained within it, but so would separation (as guaranteed by the mathematical laws) be.

Show your Strawman Fallacy right up your asshole where it belongs. I would be nice if you actually got a brain someday so that you could come up with a coherent argument that addressed the actual issues, you fucking faggot.

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Only that you are in a form of solitary confinement, scanning the entire material world for what you desire, like me. It may appear that you are connected to things, but they are not enduring, so it is only the illusion of them.
Hmm that is a tasty thought. Do you remember when we were talking about dead animals and we were discussing the 'idea of live animal' and the 'idea of dead animal'…this dovetails right into that as well.
Oh, I understand it and I wish I didn't (sometimes) it has been with me my whole life (well since I was very young) and at this point, it is like a strong bass note in a piece of music, I think it is inseparable from me.
I recognize that place (I have my own unique version of it, seen by my eyes). But I don't long for that as much, to me, it is a foregone conclusion that I am heading home anyway, so my view of that is that it is attainable.
Well, that explains my compulsion to collect books (and preserve them), which I am always hoping to have a chance to read. I was actually daydreaming about finding a good cave for them so that I could attempt to preserve them and preserve something of this culture, as a last-ditch effort.
Urgh! It was worse when I was younger. lol Sure, it is always there in the background. But I have it tightly under control. As much as I can anyway. Despite the fact that Neitchze just erased my pity, destroyed my world's moral foundation so that it must all be constructed over again, ethics are something that IDK is etched into my soul at this point. They are carved into my skin.
Interesting thought.
If finite numbers don't converge how is solipsism wrong? Wouldn't I have to be the sole occupant here with no one else in order to fulfill that 'material' model? Boy, I have been giving this a lot of thought lately. And who are you? You are more real than many people I know IRL…
I have been so busy I haven't had a second to breath to even think about cracking that book! I have got to get on that the second I get free time.
You just keep patiently holding out the keys and I am running around tearing the house down looking for them. I swear I will figure it out. Things are converging even if it looks grim (for me…lol) right now. I am often more circuitous than circumstances warrant. It has a purpose, even if I don't always understand it.
Night user. ;)

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Having more than one child would become a status symbol and having a single child would make people automatically assume you to be inferior. You'd have to do something to combat that perception as well, can't have people wearing their genes on their sleeves.

All fact.

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Politics are downstream from culture. Culture is downstream from family. Family is downstream from genetics.

What's nice about these kind of things is that we can basically cut in wherever we want in the process to hijack it back. We don't have the means to instate eugenics or the like right now, and anyway epigenetics is a much more complete approach to this problem than just trying to cull the "wrong" genes (except of course for purely genetics diseases and the like).

I think we should focus on restoring emotional health to ourselves and especially our children. Cognitive dissonance destroys their minds and emotional dysfunction is what leads them to this pathologic need for validation from shitty, worthless people.

We let them get raised by trashy, non-functional women instead of using the pimp hand when we should. We mutilate their genitals "for their own good" (the "good" doctor Kelloggs, who reintroducted mutilation in our societies, was a jewish pedophile who by his own admission was designing sexual torture devices in order to destroy male sexuality, under "medical" pretenses). Hell, we even call it by its politically correct name, "circumcision" (nope, it's slave-branding, retards, and that's what we should call it). We throw them into the meat grinder of public education to get brainwashed by insane "teachers", wasting the most important years of their lives while they should be learning with their parents, mentors, communities and so on. Boomers were happy to let their young pile on debts (or even outright encourage them) in exchange for a jewish seal of approval, because "muh retirement". We talk about traditions, then go ahead and then shit all over it by accepting dysgenic, dyscivic shit like "Judeo-Christianity" when we should be teaching them about our greco-roman and germanic heritage (which the functional parts of Christianity come from in the first place). We talk about improving the white race, and then so many turn around and slavishly go suck up to retard, worthless "women" and undermen cucks because "they're white people, we HAVE to save them these poor, poor victims!!!111".

Confusion much?

How about we stop contradicting ourselves all goddamn the time? How about we let natural selection take place, stop trying to save our own genetic trash (and that of the rest of the world, while we're at it) and keep our resources for the best of us? How about we take up personal responsibility and start implementing it back in our lives and families? How about leading by example, which is what white people have always done until the last century or so?

We lost the day we stopped struggling and competing. We've been losing so far because conflict avoidance is for losers, and it is the epitome of jewish "values", because that's the only way they can survive. Yet our culture is over-saturated with it.

Seems to me that resolving that contradiction would be a good place to start.

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Fucking paint. Guess it's time for me to go to sleep.

This is something I am passionate about right now. I am going to have to resist laughing in the face of anyone who tells me that Nietzsche was not anti-semitic. I don't want to make my real argument here because I am going to write a paper about it sometime this semester and I don't want to get dinged for plagiarism of my own ideas, but basically here is the way I see it.

Keep in mind that this was my first pass and I haven't gone over the material in depth but basically his argument in Genealogy of Morals was that our entire society and all of its morals and values derive from a creditor/debtor ideology (we can call this the Babylonian model; for an understanding of the Babylonian model see The Sumerian Swindle; How the Jews Betrayed Mankind). Basically the rough argument is that the entire system (government, finance, so-called 'justice', punishment, morality, education, religion, entertainment - and we know and understand how these were derived, one from the next) all of it is based on a 'top-down approach' (pyramid) of creditor and debtor. Seriously, the ENTIRE SYSTEM is based in creditor/debtor slavery. So all the morals, systems and ideologies are structured in a sort of an 'if this, then that' methodology whose basis is the 'creditor' model. This goes extremely deep into the methods of control and how to stylize a system so that you can take advantage of EVERYTHING at any moment because you understand the underlying 'creditor' model to all of the society and its rules.

The question becomes the careful extraction of what is viable and actually part of the natural system from what is corrupted and part of the 'creditor/debtor' system. Extracting out what is viable is a monumental task, but it is one that we can accomplish if we simply #1 understand the system and #2 expose it #3 provide alternatives. Once you see the system and how the construct is based on this dialectic of 'creditor/debtor' we can move through it and focus on something that is more beneficial and, honestly true…the 'fiat system' of substitution and lending is an abomination.

Part of that problem with resolving this is that the system itself is unbalanced, we cannot 'fix' people while this particular system continues because it is geared, structured and derived from destruction and imbalance.
We literally can't operate with success in the system, it is engineered to strip away success and focus it all on one tribal group. This system has to be dismantled for us to progress and win. It is much more subtle and literally interwoven into our understanding of all aspects of society than the images would lead you to believe but for GROSS illustration purposes, they will suffice.
I think that our 'competitive edge is siphoned off' so there is nothing we can do to win inside this system. We need an overhaul and extraction of the values that are more in line with Living systems.
IDK it is complicated and, as I said, I don't want to make my whole argument here because then I will get dinged for plagiarism BUT I am cheered to see someone has the Will to Power and wants to LIVE and not die.
I enjoyed your comment. I tacked on a few resources for you as well, if you are interested at all. PDF of Sumerian Swindle and here is a YT link to "The Genealogy of Morals" audiobook in case you want to garner more understanding.

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Exactly. Things, people … Everything is losing it's essence, it's spark, decaying in the most subtle of ways, becoming an increasingly cheaper imitation and parody of itself.
Hah, yes. Or the animating force ("breath") and the lack of it. Rather binary, no?
I never regretted it. It's a blessing, and a curse. It gives you the vision of something far superior, far more real, but on the other hand prevents you from enjoying this world to the fullest. Have you watched or read Faust?
It might not be as attainable as it appears. Why were you born here in the first place?
They have a very long tradition of burning 'dangerous' books (Library of Alexandria etc.), make sure to protect them well. Paper ages badly and is prone to damage, so you'd need something more enduring, but also accessible to primitive technologies. I'd suggest information compressed into a 'holographic seed' . Think of a memeplex that's miniaturized by utilization of compression algorithms relying on naturally occurring mathematical ratios and holographic principles, you could store tremendous amounts of information with tremendous potential for propagating in a very small 'space', like a seed. You know, according to some theories, this universe was initially compressed into a single point before it started expanding. How could any information 'survive' such heat and pressure and eventually lead to such complex lifeforms, consciousness etc. that we see today? Certainly not by randomness. Simply, it was carried by 'immortal' mediums that transcend physical limitations ;) I just gave you another hint on how to ensure survival of 'your people' , even beyond this world.
You are not a finite number
Maybe we knew each other, from 'before' …
I'm waiting in the car

That could be used as an advantage. If you contribute a lot to the eugenics (or better, epigenetics as another user puts it) or some other area, you would be allowed to have one or two children more. For example, if you help creation of 5 superhumans (extremely simplified), even if you have two subhumans, the cumulative net benefit would still be progressively positive. Of course, many people wouldn't be obsessed with status symbols or having children to begin with. The model which I proposed is the best possible investment, as everyone not only practically ensures the survival of his/hers genetic lineage, but they'd also secure it's continuous improvement. Quantity of iterations is irrelevant since continuation is secured. From a purely materialistic, game theory, Darwinian evolution perspective, it's a win-win scenario for everyone. From idealistic perspective, it's also the best possible solution as it's both ethical and secures a good genetic basis for development of great people and ideas, as well as genuine progress. Of course, we would need to simultaneously build a society with a much different value system.

This, money grab. This is what western gov are nowadays, a quick bank job for the criminals involved in politics.

Before, kings and royalty treated the country and its people as their families property and therefore had every intention to see it grow and prosper(unless stupid or mentally ill). Now the jews and race traitor scum at the top see government and their people as a quick money grab before they retiree in wealth and private business ventures. They even passed laws so they cant be prosecuted for whatever vile crimes they committed wile in office, europe is disgusting at this point and I fear to far gone to be salvaged.

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Not yet, I put it on my audiobook playlist. I like to listen to audiobooks while I exercise or walk to school. My next audiobook is Descartes The Method of Rightly Conducting One’s Reason and of Seeking Truth because I need it for a paper that has to be turned in several weeks from now. I put Faust on my list after that. I hope it doesn't make me cry (so much of this stuff makes me cry).
Oh user, you know how to make me laugh. I swear that I have been very fond of people on the web on many occasions, but you are truly special on a whole different level. I have to run, it is 6:30ish and I have so much that has to get done today it is ridiculous.
You are killing me…lol ;) I love being in school, but I miss being able to relax, think and contemplate your comments, they are so rich and interesting.

How come whenever there's a discussion about eugenics it comes down to cutting off people's dicks?

How about anyone is allowed to have 1-2 biological children, but any more will require confirmation that you have good genetics. Even at 2 maximum, most people will not have 2 children thus bad genetics will slowly die out over time.

If you want a society that will actually work you can't just swing to the exact opposite end of the pendulum and take everything away from people who were born with unfortunate traits. You have to find some kind of equilibrium. Same thing with this "gas the kikes kill the niggers" shit, I'm all for keeping different ethnicities and cultures separate and deporting all the rapefugees back to their own shithole of a country, but you'll never be able to solve anything if all you think about is geniciding everything that isn't like you, it's too late for that.

So much for the Faust audiobook. I couldn't listen to it, the audiobook made a mockery of it. Will have to purchase it and put it on the 'stack'. Ended up with Pythagoras read by Manly P. Hall, highly intriguing as he delves into the purpose of archetypes and their function on Earth to establishing human potential. : )


What is genetics downstream from? Information. The circle closes.

The only way to survive, to preserve our qualities, is to evolve into something even higher. Kikes are the great filter. They have no other purpose, this is what they were created for. You either make it, or not. The universe doesn't care. Proper women are rare, but they do exist. Humanity is obsolete. We are faced against the greatest evolutionary pressure in our history. Discard the inferior, unite with the superior, forge the blade that will cut through Kali Yuga, become the Overman. No matter how grave our reality is, there was never a better time to become a god. You are left with no other choices. Embrace it, feast upon it, triumph over the anti-race, the last man, the animal-men and the machines, for you are Manu, the man to come! Even if you fall, you would have proven your worth to something much greater than this mundane existence.

Let the subhumans and apex subhumans (kikes) drown in their own feces. Let those not worthy of their race lose it. Let the weak-willed perish. Show no mercy.

Your mind is truly amazing. Their system relies on society being held down by it's own weight. It's a fine-tuned machinery running exclusively on self-interest, especially short-term self-interest. As long as the loss arising out of exclusion from the system (or it's destruction) outweighs the benefits of staying within it and preserving it, most people will remain enslaved by it, no matter how bad things get for them (boiling frog syndrome). This is why for us to build a new society, the old one will have to be completely destroyed.
Spot on. The game is completely rigged, the only way to win is not to play. But they did not design the system from the scratch, they have simply preyed on the inherent weaknesses and vices in people. Most importantly, they have created an entire "middle-man" layer that permeates every spore of our societies and leeches it's vital energy. And the only way to defeat a virus (kikes are literally a sentient virus) is to become immune to it. If most of our tissue is diseased, we will have to cut it out so that the small, but healthy part can regenerate.

Monarchy was not very different from modern politics. You just had a kike dynasty instead of kike political mafia. They are practically horseshoeing into becoming the new "royalty" now , it's only a matter of time until some hyper-kikes like Rothschilds start shilling themselves as some kind of aristocracy (They are already pushing for reinstatement of monarchy, with themselves as kings of course) This is the result of the anti-dialectics that they've been implementing for centuries and their endgame.

You really owe me to tell me your life story

That's precisely what I'm proposing. It needs to be racially focused though. We don't want to genocide subhumans because they are not like us, we want to genocide them because they are objectively inferior and because it's the most ethical thing to do.

This is what I am working on over the next few weeks. The same way I realized that my own people can't 'save themselves' I realized that they are doing NOTHING to manufacture the new society (we talk a lot here but it is time to take it to the next level). So on top of everything else that I have to do I am going to have to read The Republic, Book 7…I think I have my poor Phil teacher sort of baffled by what I want…but he seems to be handling me f a i r l y well thus far, so there is hope…It isn't like I can come out and just tell him that I am planning on designing the perfect Nationalist government that will endure for the Age due to its refinement and perfection, but I can 'be a pest' in other ways. This is really good for me as well…I had no idea that other 'philosophers' had tried to work out the problem before…I thought I was alone in this.
I also want to make a Philosophy thread that deals EXCLUSIVELY with the new philosophy of the 4th Reich (soon) so that we all understand the philosophical premise that we will be pursuing with our Eternal Government…just waiting till after Saturday, OR, I might just make a thread that focuses on resources in terms of philosophic treatise on 'government' so that I can really expand my understanding and begin to form the Virtues of the Governed (probably a bit farther out, maybe the end of the semester).

My life story is fairly boring. Not a good read. And of course the last few years have not been overly intellectual…put the potato in the ground, watch it grow; plant the tree, watch it grow. Shovel shit; {pause} shovel more shit. Build a greenhouse, tear a greenhouse down. Learn to use a tractor. Mow property. You know, that manual labor type stuff.

This, as well as the fact that leaving the situation 'as is' guarantees the death of all humanity and probably all Life as well, as the cheap/but increasingly destructive tech, becomes available to people who could not invent or comprehend it. Monkey and the submachine gun effect.

"There can be only one (species)"…and all that…jeez…gotta go :(

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Need help finding a guy on Jewtube that talks race reality. He's a PhD in genetics I think, early 30's, non-English accent, has a name like x-y z. He livestreams and shitposts.

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Dude, he is probably not on JewTube any longer if he does all that. You should search the other video hosting services.

What are you going to say about our Indian continent? We also contributed to the world with our philosophy,spirituality and Mathematics.

We had the best of everyworld, until Brits came with their ((new)) world order obviously controlled by Jewery after the Napolean war, the once best Eugenics system got fucked because of it.

Women are epitome of stupidity and they shouldn't be handed out the power to pass on the genes of unworthy, because they don't themselves know what's right or wrong.

And Islam didn't had any caste system faggot.

Come on now.

I saw him last week and he's careful with his words. He's there, just can't remember his fucking name. Will drop it here if I remember or another user helps me out.

Yeah HAHA…back when India was full of Indo Europeans…now it is just full of half niggers because you MEN will put your dick into ANYTHING, including the niggers that were put in your country by the kikes, lowering your IQ down to NOTHING on a national level. You contributed to the planet WHEN YOU USED TO BE WHITE/INDO-EUROPEAN. You can't even get your own citizens to stop shitting in the streets now. You are an example of why men (who are not discriminatory AT ALL) should never be allowed to dictate who marries/has offspring with whom, because you choose with your dicks. Where is your 'contribution' since you started fucking niggers (the Islamic slave trade)? Oh that's right again, NOTHING…NOTHING AT ALL…you guys have an average IQ of 82 (that is the FUCKING AVERAGE, meaning 50% of your retarded nation is lower than that, so basically fucking retarded), that is practically RETARDED…but 'muh dick', am I right? Females select for traits that they want to be passed to their offspring and fucking niggers and birthing ADULT RETARDS are not part of that selection process.

Show me your great contributions to the planet since you became half niggers?
You don't even make the charts most of the time. You all are BARELY ABOVE NIGGERS. I will tell you what, you keep 'doing yo' thang' letting men 'dicKtate' who marries whom and European women will keep selecting the very best of OUR OWN MEN, NOT NIGGERS and we will keep dominating the entire globe with our Species.

Enjoy your street shitting and your utterly destroyed genetic lineage.

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K I will check back to see if someone mentions his name.

Are you cereal?

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Perfect government already exists, but I don't want to spoil it for you ;) Any government that's not based on metaphysical principles and natural laws is bound to be a tyrannical, decadent and dysgenic one. The ideal government is the one supported by the collective will of the governed (don't confuse this with democracy).

I'm glad that you finally understood that you cannot save those who do not wish to be saved. They are guilty not only of betraying their ancestors and throwing away the greatest gift the Nature bestowed upon them, their race, but also of dragging the others along with them. Traitors deserve the worst of punishments.

You cannot destroy Life. Only specific instances of it. Once you understand that, turning this planet into a giant radioactive desert wouldn't seem like such a big deal to you (no more than stepping on an ant).

Go to some village there, look at average people and ask yourself, is this what I want? To be, to be surrounded with, to populate the earth with? If you could choose a race to be reborn as, which one would you choose? This is no longer about us and them, this is about striving to become the most superior lifeform we can be. Beauty, values, character, all can be measured OBJECTIVELY, and the closer you are to that, the more divine you are. Relativism, subjectivism, deconstructivism are all Jewish lies made to degenerate you back into the primordial soup. India has more than billion people. What are their achievements? What are their qualities? The wiser of your ancestors knew what I'm talking about. The majority sought to kill us, to exile us. Look what it brought to you. British (Jewish) Empire has ruined any nation it had a contact with, even a backwards one like India.

Women are far, far worse in that regard. Go to any western country and observe interracial couples on the street, the ratio of white women/men engaging in it would be like 5:1. Race mixers should be brutally punished regardless of gender, so we can pun an end to gender bickering once and for all.

He needed one quick shekel

what gives you the physical power to control anyone - aren't you just playing a role partitioned to you by nature

what do you mean by 'advanced'? capitalism? materialism?
it's all very well what you're saying, but your fondness for adopting the word "Aryan" ignores its source and makes you sound either delusional or a shill

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Half of those quotes are fakes or completely uncitable, user.

You idiots are just as brain washed as the leftists or niggers. You spout some nonsensical washed up Nietzsche idiocy like you know the truth. You are destructive cancer and I hope other anons can see it too.

If any one here has two brain cells to rub together, ignore these idiots. Their philosophy is pushed on them by the jews. A true future comes only when whites stand together as one, when we are ready to sacrifice ourselves for one another and out future.

Listen to brain dead fucktards pushing their selfish retardation and you already lost, being a selfish, shallow idiot is what got us here in the first place!

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If you cause a wave in the sea, are you the sea?
Having toilets for starts. Indians claiming to be Aryans is like those BBC movies where Sir Lancelot is played by a nigger. The pattern repeats. Ironically, some Indians did retain a lot of Aryan teachings simply because Anglo-Jews didn't bother erasing them completely, like they did, or tried to do with Europeans.

What does this have to do with selfishness? It's inferior whites who put us in this situation to begin with.

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I have only read Nietzsche once user. I made it quiet plain that I had not had a chance to thoroughly go over it yet. Are you denying that there is anything worthwhile in Philosophy, Nietzsche or looking into ideas? I can't tell what you object to…probably all of the above.

If you cant even make sense of a post on Zig Forums you have no business looking into philosophy.

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sure you are!
"Aryans" are not white. you're certainly a shill, mixing up etymology with race and pushing neopaganism just like Hitler warned against, or a psychotic drugged up neonazi who thinks he's god

either way you're a fool

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Are you capable of coming up with anything else? Like seriously, how much of a bot can you be. Stay mad kike.