Seems like these Kikes are trying to stomp on the gas pedal to speed up the final solution. What's their end game?

Attached: DxJY_9jUUAApueP.jpg (2048x1536, 478.64K)

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their endgame is to force their belief that God will come back and make goyim slaves to them, remember it's not what you believe that matters, but what rich men with infinite wealth and the influence to make things reality that matter. the kikes really think they are going to be able to use their influence and tech to make their endtimes a reality

dbl posting to say that every human involved with op's pic should be found and killed

they are afraid of white people and want to destroy our society/our people, I don't think they have thought much further
they want greater Israel, declare war to Iran/Syria, probably rule our countries from their central-power (Israel)

Kek, nobody's gonna watch that stupid shit.

Pol 2015 - jews are behind a huge global conspiracy to destroy the white Western world it's our duty to warn the rest of the world and open their eyes to the jewish conspiracy

Pol post Trumpstein psyop

For fucks sake

this , so much
fucking disgusting filth
i cant wait to see the world burn

Zig Forums has been talking about jews since 2010, you schizo retards have always been the majority.

Probably why you're seen as morons by everyone in society.

They are sick in the head End game most likely Start shit get people to attack them then get ((( victimized))) run a hit campaign against the attackers blowing the attack way at of proportion using your monopolys of illgoten media outlets to run stories of people trying to let people be them self's the sweet Little white boys just wanted to be dancing in girlie make up and wigs and dresses on their own terms with out being bullied for being different in a world full of hate Something Something White man bad …basically destroying Decency and proper ways in which youth should behave fucking them mentally as kid figurativley and something physically so when they grow up they are a messed up pile of shit and in need of guidance but the only guidance they will be reseptive to is that in which (((they))) programmed them for Slavery. Because critical thinking is not good for their endgame ==
Also the think it's funny
the convince others it's ok and pit you VR yours for Dand C and distract you all from othe evil schemes until they have it all and you are dead
Kinda weird but mostly true

jews are unironically an insane end of the world cult and they want to summon their messiah and enslave everyone. they think that this will only happen if everyone who's (((chosen))) spends two saturdays inside and not working or touching money after the third temple is built. to get this done, they plan to pretty much kill or render useless all goyim.

basically jews want to jew god and do telepathy with aliens, and the only way they can do this is to fuck over goyim.

Poor kids are gonna feel ashamed when they get older, assuming their Jewish owners don’t feed them to Satan first.

And only since 2015 and the Trumpstein scam has Zig Forums been so openly railroaded by you kikes into championing ZOG

Communism realy did not worked out. I can't realy imagine how would they make this propercy real. Until they go full Samson Option and than with AI Skynet controled Terminators hunting surived goyim, you can't force open global slavery. Even today with their banking slavery, game is set to fail. Earth is too big to be one giant gulag.

That also reason why jews are so dangerous. Their End Game is unreal. But they still act like it will hapen because it is in their cult book. Just listen how jews talk about holocaust and Israel. Because jews lost 6 000 000 they deserve Israel. It is in book. They will tell you nothing more. Everything is justified because it is writen in our holy book. Doesn't matter if it is right or wrong. It is writen so it will hapen.

It will backfire on them like allways one day. Maybe their god actualy take over Earth. Maybe all that satanic talmudic crap worship demon who are behind this reality. Maybe we are reincarnated to Earth again and again. Maybe all David Icke thing is real. But they are parasites. If parasite get too strong, host will notice it. Get rid of parasite or die.

You're going to get lynched.

Population control. World power. Israel as the center. Open control (not hiding in the background) more wealth. Continue having sex slaves

They could use AI to enslave the entire planet. Look at who controls the most advanced AI in the world right now, Google, with its DeepMind division in the (((UK))). They also seem to have taken over IBM and nearly every top AI company in the West.

Attached: satan.jpg (768x768, 184.27K)

I didn't think it could be true, but after "superdrags" (pic related) literally anything is possible on netflix. Please, let the fire come soon.

Attached: superdrags.jpg (1024x576, 104.18K)

I used to think there were good Jews, Jews that did not approve of what the zionists were doing, but anymore, I'm fine with saying just kill them all, wipe them off the face of world, right down to the last mewling baby.

Goddam filthy kikes.

Because accelerationism is a jewish tactic.
Its entire point is to help (((them))) win faster.

Always kill jews.
Genocide the jews.

I don't mean like AI like google or Program Talpiot. They realy don't know what to do with this power. All they can do is shut it down.

I mean AI like real SKYNET. Even with all power jews have now, their shilling and tricks are obvious. We are souless animals for them. They realy belive moving millions niggers and muslims to Europe will start massive racemixing. Europeans will not start racemixing because Sarkozy told them.

If uncle Adolf seen this, he would propably tried real holocaust. I still waiting for day when they show real gay and blacked porn to little kids as part of education.

But goy, if you kill yourself you win! Vote Democrat!

Torpedo jew is scared to post from his own connection yet talks shit… You realize that your mention of, 'schizo' is you projecting right? hahaha bonus lolz with, I was still in prison for setting a jew on fire in 2010 and have been building a massive arsenal for five years now. Your time is coming cunt.

Reminder that the website owner personally supports these paid shills.

Well what the hell does it look like? Their "endgame" is the same as it has always been. Degrade the host culture and its population into lows of malaise sufficient to sustain deeper and deeper corruption and organized criminal influence over it, until they can plunder it more and more, until one day they completely and ravenously devour its twitching corpse, just as they will do to these children one day.

Either this society will ADMIT that it was wrong (and I speak here of all of White society), and that HITLER did NOTHING wrong except FAIL to exterminate the Jews and their minions (such as at Dunkirk), and fail to listen to better heads in the military so that his war would be winnable! OR, they will DIE, boiled in the juices of their own hypocrisy, cowardice, shameful stupidity, and utter depravity! THAT'S IT!

Just look at that image and then the LANGUAGE:

"Snatching trophies". What could that possibly mean other than being an entitled queen claiming and getting her "propers"? Obviously it means starring in some type of porn as the bottom. Wake up you god damned cucks!

Very interesting article that appeared on Darkmoon a few years ago from a self-proclaimed minor Rothschild. Seems Darkmoon took down her writings,but here's a mirror. Take it for what you will, but it reads like a take on what the jews intend for Americans.

As absurd as that sounds, little would surprise me at this point. If you accept the kikes likely have been hoarding suppressed technology since at least WW2, then you have to accept this is actually a possibility, however slim it may be. They tend to hide the truth in plain sight though, so wouldn't there be clues? Well aside from the matrix, the terminator, and hundreds of other games and books and movies about similar scenarios, there's the more recent "metal head" episode of the Netflix show black mirror, where they depict what looks exactly like today's Boston dynamic quadrapeds hunting down goyim. Hopefully it's nothing. It's probably nothing… But it doesn't hurt to be aware.

Flattard raus.

This is what I see as the most realistic scenario. The internet is full of very powerful and effective, but narrow-purpose AIs as it is. What happens when an AI is developed for the sole purpose of steering and leveraging all the more basic, modern AI we see today? We could be closer to something resembling a true AI than anyone realizes. Quantum computing will make such an approach possible and kikes have a monopoly quantum computer development and access. Now combine this with the 5g network being rolled out globally, with the intention of saturating even the most remote, rural areas. Add in the internet of things, and what do you get? A nearly invisible, quasi-hivemind AI that covers the planet. One that sees and hears everything, and can control the information received by nearly every individual, directing the vast majority of human behavior. Facebook new secret jacket logo makes this pretty clear. The smartphone over the eye symbolism is pretty damming evidence. They want to be the filter between goyim and reality, controlling our perception and thus our behavior. Most with welcome it eagerly with open arms, because it means more conveniennce and easier access to pornhub and Netflix. It's more of the tradeoffs most goyim have been thoroughly conditioned to accept for generations.

This is what I think they are betting on, right now.
Tried to find a pic od the jacket but it's been all but scrubbed from the internet. All I can find is the relatively tame one from 2010.

I get what you're saying and all, but holy shit learn to spell.

I this is one of their plans.

Sorry for my lame english. Would love to fix it but…I realy don't know where i make mistakes. I should rather lurk than post, i know.

Good lord that is Semitic as fuck.

$20 says they already is

Why youse still have netflix account?

Found the picture. It's actually from D9, not Facebook, but a kike by any other name is still a kike.

Attached: D9hoodie.jpg (970x724, 124.08K)

Keep posting. It's how you get better at writing in English, and most of us don't care that much as long as your content is good.