Sperm donation as a REVOLUTIONARY ACT

A lot of people see sperm donation as DEGENERATE because of what it suggests about society; a society of single, borderline infertile cat-ladies using sperm donation as a means of conceiving. This is of course true. However if we ignore the societal implications of widespread IVF, and look at this topic from a tactical perspective.. it makes sense for as many high-testosterone white men as possible to become sperm donors.


Sperm donation and IVF is going to happen ANYWAY. The amount of single women being forced to use this kind of technology to conceive is going to go up, no matter what we do. Now given this reality, is it better or worse for the sperm donation system to be full of the sperm of high-testosterone white males with working amygdalas, or city dwelling urbanite soyboys, poor losers who need the money, heaven forbid Africans and Muslims?

I believe that one of the reasons that some people become red-pilled in response to certain information such as terror attacks, demographic projections or crime statistics, whereas others don't seem to care - is BIOLOGICAL in nature. Research has shown that Leftists have small amygdalas. The amygdala is the part of the brain responsible for threat analysis and detection. That's why they can't seem to grasp the concept of how terrible it will be to live as a white minority under black/hispanic majority, they are biologically incapable. That's why their own children (Mollie Tibbetts) can be killed and they'll take the side of the killers. They are biologically deficient, not just in amygdala functioning, but in various other measures also (such as testosterone level- the root of masculine type thoughts).

Now how does this relate to sperm donation? A lot of people don't know this, but sperm donor clinics in the Western world actually have a HUGE demand for sperm. They simply don't have enough of it. And the reason they don't have enough of it is not because there aren't enough men donating, but because 90% of those who apply don't pass the tests because their sperm is of such a LOW QUALITY. When they take your sperm, they initially freeze it, and then unfreeze it, to see if enough of your sperm survive the process, because without this your samples won't be viable for usage in artificial insemination procedures. Yet due to the fact that the people donating sperm are often poor malnutritioned losers in need of money, and do-gooder low-testosterone soy-boys, 90% of all sperm applications FAIL. Their sperm literally do not survive the freezing process. Sperm quality, defined by sperm size, mobility, and volume, is MASSIVELY correlated with testosterone level, a diet high in healthy fats and LOW in sugar/processed carbs, and fitness (weight lifting). While 90% of the losers that apply for sperm donation fail, if you are a high testosterone lean individual (literally only 1-5% of men are genuinely lean, muscular, high-testosterone, and eat well), you are VERY likely to pass the test, as your sperm will be of much higher quality. Now due to this massive shortage of viable sperm, those whose sperm pass the test often end up conceiving 10+ children, sometimes even 30+.

While many cat-ladies are anti-racist ideologues, they are not so brainwashed as to say "give me any man's sperm, I don't care what the race of my baby is". Many of these progressive women STILL want a cute little white baby, as much as they will deny it. And so there is a HUGE demand for white sperm. Far more than any other race. And due to the fact that most white men who are donating are soy-boys whose sperm don't pass the test, there is a massive demand.

Now given all of this, it makes sense for any high-testosterone male to become a sperm donor. Of course in an ideal society all of these women would have conceived at the age of 18-20, but we don't live in that society. And so given that reality, it is a tactical move to get as much high-T white sperm into the donation system as possible. Though any children you conceive will probably be born to a lot of feminist cat-ladies and brainwashed into being progressives - they won't fall for it with the fervor of the true believing leftists, due to their functioning amygdalas and their father's xenophobic traits being passed down to them. Children born from the sperm of a high-T white male, even to a feminist cat-lady, have FAR more chance of becoming red-pilled as adults as children born from soy-boy sperm. They will have that fighting spirit, deep in their DNA.

There is also the perverse pleasure of knowing that a feminist pussy-marcher is unknowingly growing the baby of a right wing high-testosterone white male in their womb (their enemy). This is the biggest fuck you, you could give to the system. Maximize your T levels and go donate sperm. It is a revolutionary act.

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Who owns the pharma industry?

Kikes, obviously.

And that's why filling the sperm donation system up with the sperm of amygdala-efficient high testosterone white males is an act of revolutionary subversion.

They won't let me donate, because autism is mostly genetic.
Btw, autism usually results in increased testosterone, increased amygdala size, and a different, less expressive brain wiring, the only actual problem with autism is a higher risk of comorbid disorders. Take out all the comorbid disorders (good luck with that pal), and autism is more an advantage than a disorder.

Revolutionary acts are actions calculated to bring about the end of this unjust system.
This is not and thus is by definition, not a revolutionary act.

Don't nitpick over the term "revolutionary".

We can call it "subversive" if you'd prefer?

And that's what this is. Subversion of this system. If children are going to be born to IVF then it is better that they be conceived with the sperm of high-testosterone high-IQ white males, not soyboys.

Getting as much of our sperm into the donor system will LITERALLY result in hundreds/thousands of white children being born who have the fighting spirit of their father living on in them.

There are zero negatives to this.

Yes, they do screen for hereditary diseases. It's a shame they don't let autists donate, but then again, the woman giving birth is probably going to be in her mid to late 30s anyway, so there's an increased chance of autism whatever happens.

But are there any high testosterone people here?? Doubt it

Dubdubs aside, I somehow do not think it's likely that women who get sperm donations will raise their children to become healthy racial nationalists.

There are. The myth of the "skinny nerd" is somewhat true, but also a Jewish creation.

All throughout history there was a "warrior-intellectual" class: think of Rome or Ancient Greece. These were erudite high-T white men. "Nerds" by today's standards.

While a lot of the people here will be nerd types who live on the internet, there's also a sizeable percentage (maybe 10-20%) who lift, are high-testosterone, just very high-IQ and lurk boards like this.

You'd genuinely be surprised at how many gym bros are secret 4chan shitposters.

Lmao that's down syndrome.

Doesn't matter, because a lot of what makes a person susceptible to the red-pill is GENETIC. Testosterone level, amygdala size, etc. Consider this. Were most people here raised as racial nationalists? No. We were raised in leftist infested schools, taught to hate ourselves, often to single mothers and feminist/boomer parents.

Yet we still ended up here, red-pilled. And that's because of the warrior spirit of our ancestors living on in our blood. That's the reason why some people become red-pilled in regards to demographic projections, and others don't. People with good genetic quality and functioning amygdalas see clearly the threat of mass immigration, and so when presented with this information become "red-pilled". People of low genetic potential, soy-boys and leftists, don't. They literally don't have the brain hardware necessary to process threats, until it is too late.

So yes, any children you conceive as a result of sperm-donation will be brainwashed as children, will probably be progressives throughout their teens.. but they will have functioning amygdalas, and a functioning hormonal system, giving them a great chance of breaking the conditioning in their late teens and twenties.

Fuck you and your gross transhumanism, kike
It goes:
Any other way is a degenerate farce for disgusting jewish faggots

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The flip side of that is that skinny computer nerds start lifting because they come here.
like me


Keep an eye out for the "gamer gym-rate" and other similar stereotypes, it's just the rebirth of the warrior intellectuals.

Likewise fren, I'd have never touched a weight if it weren't for this site

tf it's was supposed to say "gym-rat" but ok.

There's me, I have abnormally high testosterone, to the point that my parents had to put me on hormone blockers just to push my testosterone to normal levels. (I usually would just put them in my mouth and spit them out when they weren't looking.)

That's how it goes in an ideal society, yes. That's why this is an act of SUBVERSION, and not a claim about the optimal state of reproductive conditions.

Tell me. If there are going to be children born from IVF (there are, and will continue to be, and we have NO power to stop it), then is it better that these children be born from the sperm of high-testosterone white males or low-testosterone soyboys?

You make a good argument, user. And I stand corrected. This would grant some children a higher chance of breaking the conditioning.

That's exactly my argument, and why any high-t white men reading this should seriously consider sperm donation. Seriously, just do it.

I have Hypothermia in my torso, so the only hope I have is that a grill will see past it. No doctor will ever even consider taking my inbreed genetics into their sperm bank.

I remember a thread about Brazil wanting white donors. Make the world whiter Zig Forums


Go for it but do take into consideration that it isn't sufficient by itself. There are plenty of ways the plan can get ruined. Wasn't there a particular doctor that gave his own sperm to like 200 women instead?

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I have been doing this for months now.

NO. There is legal precedent for bitches who get artificial insemination with donor sperm to sue the donor for child support. Hiring a white surrogate is a one-time only payment and you get full custody.

Oh, and don't forget, it's just as likely that the kike OB/GYN will switch out your sperm for his own.

That's why you do it through a third party and remain anonymous.

Sperm donating was my genetical go-to excuse for being unable to find a life partner in Spain, the one country where the male is legally inferior to the female and you can spend a long weekend in prison on so much as an acussation. Things aren't getting better and I should get back to donating.

Jonathan Bowden being a prime example of that. He was pudgy and nerdy but higher T than the vast majority of men.

This idea is not mutually exclusive. Donate now while finding a wife and having a traditional family. There's no reason to tell your spouse either.

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Nice strawman.

You can donate all the sperm you want. Your retarded offspring will be niggerwits no matter who raises them.

Idk, I've never measured my testosterone levels, but at 6'3, 210 lbs and 9% bodyfat, I think I would qualify

Sperm donation, while it technically may increase the white representation in the world, remains a degenerate practice for several reasons. White anons are urged to avoid the test-tube Jew for the general spiritual health of our society, such as it is.

First, you are not just your genes. A technically white human being raised by fat lesbians of color grows up to either be a soycuck embarrassment, a dysfunctional emotional wreck, a faggot himself, or all three. Not only is this no credit to our race, the latent competence of the white vestige you've unleashed will now be on the side of the darkness, which means a naturally hardworking and energetic person will be unleashed who pursues the anti-white agenda with more diligence than a lazy nigger and greater ability than an incompetent female. If your sperm spawns a daughter who miraculously doesn't grow up as a dyke herself, expect to answer to God for your halfling grandchildren, whether you're aware of them or not.

Second, more importantly, our National Socialism is nothing if it is not a consciousness of the spiritual connection we share through the cry of our common blood. While helping out white kin who for some reason cannot conceive is laudable, casting pearls to the swine who buy it like so many silver shekels is an esoterically degrading act. Think of it this way: There's no objective reason a white girl shouldn't have fun and make money whoring with niggers who'll pay her, right? Except the degradation of such a thing leaves a stain that never washes clean. Some wounds leave scars, and the extension of your seed into the house of the enemy will follow you as a curse for as long as you live.

Another consideration is the bond you must share with your white wife. Technically, it would be irrational for her to object to you fathering a child you'll never be on the hook to support, but women are irrational, and her genes rebel against the idea that you might have a child who isn't hers. Again, of course this is irrational, but to know you have another set of genes out there makes her feel like you're less than fully invested in her offspring, and that's acid in the face to a good woman with a loving heart.

Finally, we don't want to encourage this behavior at all. "Families come in all forms" is a doctrine of the purest madness, and letting single whores and lesbianic wastrels breed without a husband creates a living example of the most devastating kind of "family" possible. Play a role in creating such things, and you are loading ammunition into the gun that will execute us all.

No. These subhuman failures must pay the price for their base natures and bad choices. Let the bloodlines of our racial culls come to an end in either the barren wombs of strong and brave career womyn, or the trash fire of race mixing in a bloodline that will eventually get shipped to Liberia anyway.

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No it isn't you idiot. It's a way for fat, defective women who are repulsive to men and dykes to get access to quality genes. Let the schizos keep jerking off into cups for the societal rejects to use to reproduce.

OP is a kike who realizes that the single-mom-sperm-donation-dependency plan will become a problem if all of the offspring are retards and schizos in constant need of supervision and medication.

Save your seed for a worthy white woman that you can build a family with rather than sending your genes to be abused by Bertha and Betty.


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What's wrong with that?
Is this what you want? Shouldn't we try to avoid this for the sake of our society?
Why not both? You do know how making babies works right? You can impregnate as many women as you want in an instant, retard.

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you want more or less white babies?
You can have a healthy family AND donate your white baby sperm at the same time.
These kikes are getting completely braindead, and desperate. They're not bringing their best!

These Cad ladies are going to take sperm donors no matter what. If they have higher quality genetics then there's a higher chance that the kids will be less fucked. It's simple.

Holy fuck kill yourself.

If they don't let you donate we basically need pickup autists to impregnate as many women as they can

OP, you are advocating giving strong healthy genetics for offspring of a potential enemy to your cause.

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Has anyone actually used IVF treatments at all? What kind of things can we do with it? Can we select based on height, eye color, hair color, intelligence, etc?

I was thinking about doing this with my wife, but I also heard that eggs must be fertilized and developed for several days, before they can be examined. Then they discard the eggs not used. To me, this almost seems like abortion. Would I be allowed to donate the fertilized eggs to other couples that can't have children on their own? What's the cost of such a thing? I'd like to have a large family, and my wife is up for it too. I make a relatively good income, so can afford such a thing.

Do any Anons have any suggestions or recommendations?

The first load of IVF kids from England, where it was 'invented' 20 years ago, are under close study for health effects, and they all have higher than normal rates of illnesses.
Dan Winter from goldenmean whatever shows how organism creates some kind of charge that helps the sperm and egg. The IVF has no orgasm, and hence the children develop less well.

Look up women that want children who are single, not lesbians (or they'll be condemned to a life of insanity)…then fuck the women; explain the benefits of natural conception. Many women are up for it - there are websites hooking people up for home insemination and natural insemination.

Hmm, have you seen this yet?


They use a process to select the best looking eggs/sperm, and have done this for a while now. Just look at the results though. No DNA altering or anything like that…

I could see not altering the genes and all that, but if they just take the best looking sperm/ovum, then fertilize the eggs, and implant them, wouldn't that gain an advantageous result?

Well, it's not that I want to donate sperm or anything like that. It has more to do with the moral issue of letting the already fertilized eggs expire. I'd rather donate them to individuals who can't have children on their own, instead of letting them die. Surely there's some mestizo out there I can give Aryan children too.

I don't think these scientists know what they're playing with. IVF childrens ill-health shows us, but not them, that there is something different, something valuable, in actually sexual procreation, as opposed to petri-dish children. How can they say what is the best looking sperm or egg? The best egg, in nature, is clear - it is the one, or few, that reach the egg. We don't know - perhaps all of the sperm are working together, knowing that they're support staff of the winning sperm. What looks good to us, might not be good. But in any case, the evidence is showing IVF is in fact dysgenic in that they're inferior versions, and this could be because of the above too.

I entirely understand what it is you are saying, but the following leaves me a little perplexed.
Wouldn't this be a form of eugenics, much like was used during Nazi Germany (the best looking stock are the ones bread)? Perhaps I'm just not understanding it correctly. I'm still very new into this research, but am very interested.

If the children are more prone to illness, they it is dysgenic. Add to that, because of the age of IVF adults, we don't know how their children will turn out yet. If they're more ill after the first batch, what it the compounding level of illness going to be on their children if they have IVF - and are they able to fertilise as normal? These aren't known yet. It is certainly not something that looks good so far, when you can stick your dick in a pussy, and have better results guaranteed. It is almost like IVF has been created for lesbians, as it is so gay.

This is completely and utterly untrue. The only cases of men being sued for child support were in cases where they didn't use a licensed clinic, and did the insemination themselves a.k.a had sex

If you use a licensed clinic you are LEGALLY declared ineligible for child support or any other maintenance. You can do the entire process anonymously.

I doubt this would happen. That is why the emphasis is on high-testosterone, naturally xenophobic white men to donate.

The reason lesbians tend to raise those deranged kids is a combination of factors, brainwashing of course, but also the low quality of the sperm. The sperm they're getting is from losers and soyboys. A child born of a high-t white man would most likely resist the conditioning.

There is also the fact that single women trying to reproduce are only one of the groups that do IVF. Another is when a couple involves an infertile man, but a fertile woman. Often these will be white couples.

So there is just as much chance of the child ending up raised by a normal middle class white couple than the worst case scenario of an SJW.

SJWs, the kind that turn their kinds into trannies, are actually quite rare. Most cat-ladies are simple shut in female incels that left it too late, most are not actual blue haired SJWs.

Though there is a theoretical possibility that a blue haired SJW might be the woman the sperm was inseminated into, as I stated, the sperm is of such high quality that the child would probably resist all attempts at brainwashing.

I've yet to see an SJW born to a high-testosterone white man. I have NEVER seen it, ever. They are ALL born to betas and soy milks

This would be comical if the mongrels didn't have to be slaughtered fro the sins of this mismanaged seed bank.

What's sad is how these Dutch women selected African sperm, instead of other Dutchmen.


At least they'll be white.

The only sperm bank I'd ever donate to is a german/nordic/celtic national socialist genetic preservation clinic.

Kikes are already doing this to the max. They are the biggest sperm donors in white countries. Also, jew doctors at fertility clinics will swap sperm with their own or other jews. Also, surgeons frequently sterilize white women during operations.

All Zig Forumsaks who are high IQ and white should donate as much sperm as possible. Visit multiple banks. Spread your NatSoc Aryan seed as far as possible.

Nobody here has eugenically valid DNA lol

They do. I do. I've met many people from this board. All were white, high IQ, good looking, and university educated. Go back to Zig Forums, you drug addled faggot.

Pics or it didn't happen.

Mostly this. Which is why that guy didn't reply.

It offers shitty genes into the pool but replaces them slowly. And increases White population. But still tho. Kikes

Reported for being a trannypol shill.

Aww your feelings hurt ;_;

brb, going to donate some sperm


This, I've thought about this just now (even looked up the nearest sperm bank) and it just doesn't feel right. Sorry user

pol indian here, if i marry ever i will secretly make sure her egg is fertized by a chad whitemen sperm.

I plans on having 5 kids the first 2 will be through ivf or cuckholdery(provided I can convince her)

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It also has the fantastic ability of giving kikes the genetic material they need to start solving their inbreeding issues, while giving them the ability to wipe us out while still having our genetics in file.

Aren't these children going to develop extreme hostility to their surroundings, and thus turn into even more radical types than OP would expect?


Personality is very heritable, as is intelligence.

Intelligent non-cucked men (the men doing the cucking by donating to make lots of babies they don't have to raise) are going to on average have intelligent non-cuck babies.

Any bad programming or soy lattes the mother gives the kid will get washed away once they're 18 anyway.

Plus it frees you to later have your own kids only on your terms, knowing your genetic heritage (x10 or x100) is assured for eternity.

If you and/or your parents and siblings are literate and consume zero soy & do zero sjwing then get out there and spread those genes.

You can donate direct to the fairest of mothers (weeding out those with the femin virus who'd corrupt your good genes) through facebook and online if you're not into rolling the dice on the sperm bank.