Snitch o' thread

after a year long hiatus, we're back!
the classic thread where Zig Forumsacks report on facebook drug dealers and have them jailed or fined.
Today we will be focusing on exposing mexican cartel associates and gangsters

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Other urls found in this thread:

where to snitch to:
[email protected]

who to snitch on:(will update as i post)

bamp for justice.
I don't know if you guys saw it or not, but I made a similar thread advising you guys to get paid via crimestoppers whilst you report shitpeople to the gov.

everyone hates mexicans but get your kike cannabis D&C jew self the fuck out and peddle some pills and kids elsewhere

the label is upside down but is says CDG-gulf cartel

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weed dealer

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are spic's this stupid? i'll bet he posted that shit straight from his android signed into his google account with his name all over it too, into a facebook account with his real name from the facebook app that tracks his location

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weed dealer:

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At least it looks like he's selling good weed. Most spics sell shit weed that's overpriced

guys. i think i found a hitman.

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Don't be autistic, user.

gulf hitman

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he's a criminal

Owning a gun and bullet proof vest and being a spic posting pics like that means he's almost certainly doing some shit, let's be real

Although he still looks like genetic trash, so if you can dig proofs on his ties to the cartel then I'd be all for vanning him.

he has ties with gulf cartel
check his friends

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imagine being such a cuck that you think non-whites should ever own firearms

Fuck u art

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Are you retarded?

Naw. It's good. Take all that from them scum. There have always been civil and non-violent, non-greedy ways to assert one's rights to own a plant just as with to own firearms… woops.

BUMP for great justice. Oh and in 99% of cases, owning a gun in Mexico is illegal. THAT, they actually do take seriously.

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confirmed gulf cartel member

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Remember, cartel niggers are bound to appear here as it is known that mexican neets work for them by usin' poorly developed jidf tactics and reporting their findings to them. their range of action does not work easily outside of mexico and it's borders.
Good luck.

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how to search? what are keywords. i dont speak mestizo.

aight, then fuck em.

check the few FB links i posted,then dig down their friends and friend's friends
some keywords are CDG,sicario, zeta,and numbers like 11

meant to reply to

That does justify it, yeah. All gangs burn. Except for the mafia, since they have a long-running history of being good for the community.

i used to snitch on a lot of united statian pill dealers too

If it wasnt for the war on drugs and hollywood, cannabis would have been like alcohol. A few addicts but the majority would use responsibly, if at all. Instead we have this cannabis counter culture that is being normalized. End the war on drugs and teach social responsibility.

I wonder how many people that kid shot in that grassy area

Finally a thread actually worth having. Bumps for justice.

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a wild POTHEAD appears

Shut the actual fuck up you loser faggot.

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Bump. I wish we'd just go to fucking war with Mexico already and kick all the spics in this country out.

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The mafia was all jews

Going after pot dealers is dumb but shit like this is completely unacceptable.
Expose the hard drug dealers anons, it is a good cause.

See kike post. Post, kike, post.

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Cannabis is better than alcohol and tobacco. I don't see you calling for distillery and tobacco farm owners to get the rope.

That's because you can't see my posting history, weed-kike. Stop talking past the sale and accept that weed is degenerate burning garbage, like the mainstream TV-style narrative you're trying to push about weed not being filthy fucking poison Jews and spics use to undermine the white race.

And yes, the ETOH-Jew is equally bad. Not as bad as the sacramental wine they serve in your synagogue, of course, but still unworthy.

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I didn't say make an exception, I said it's dumb.
It's called priorities.
Lot's of pot dealers that don't do much damage.
Hard drug dealers are harder to find and do more damage.
Nice try though

Plausible. The point, though, is to snitch on cartel members.
You're always gonna get some puritans itt. As long as you are highly productive and intelligent you have every right to use medication in moderation. I don't support drug abuse in any form, but I also think old warriors deserve pain relief, PTSD treatment, etc. Disclaimer: Any man under 55 should be hitting the gym, reading, eating a healthy diet, etc. Trying various hobbies, associating, networking.

Don't be one of these subhuman's customers.


I want everyone to pay attention to what is going on here. This is how to pilpul a fallacious argument into a general consensus, Jerusalem-style:

First, beg the question. At issue is whether pot is degenerate and hateful, which cannot be argued, so talk past it and pretend we already all agree weed isn't so bad.

Second, divert. All of a sudden, we're talking about alcohol and tobacco, as if it's relevant to weed being nigger cabbage.

Third, dash in some chutzpah to smudge everything all over. In this case, it's the glib assumption we can't/shouldn't rope marijuana peddlers because argle-bargle something about heroin. Then, toss in a condescending "nice try," in an effort to make it personal and complete the Jew-jitsu of the argument.

Typical tricks, Avram. Weed is worthy of a month's display in the public gibbet.

woah Zig Forums, sounds like you need to spark a doobie and relax

Zig Forums needs to innovate and go after the drug lords themselves and all the corrupt officials who they pay off.

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this is accurate

Wtf is that photo

Someone put cosmetics and human clothes on a baboon for a joke?

As a weed smoking acid dropping Nazi, I fully support this. Any faggot stupid enough to deal on facebook deserves what they get for being such low hanging fruit.

Lets dig some more info on these cartels and their ways, i wanna be able to spot a mexicaroach by the end of this thread.

It’s a photo.

Fuck off with your D&C, Moishe.

I wonder how quickly they'd get v& if they had "Nazi Paraphernalia" instead of posting outright drugs. Fuck the FBI, CIA, NSA, and every other alphabet soup agency. All of them are worthless.

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Spark a jay for uncle A


He would.

That is clearly a bucktooth nigger, you blind shithead. This is what human women look like

Bestiality; not even once

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Weed dealers are just as shit as the rest. Trash is trash and you need to clean up the trash every once and awhile

Attacking nonwhite women with that type of hateful rhetoric is Talmudry at its finest. You would understand this if you weren’t a neurotic kike using shiksas as objects.

lol what?
Oh, you're a jewish shill. Big shocker there, you shapeshifters will fuck anything. I'll bet there are half-jewish sharks swimming in the ocean tricking the other sharks out of their fish.

Serious question - why do so many drug dealers openly oust themselves like this??

Is there some kind of rationale to it? Are they just restricting it to their circle of friends on facebook, where it would be an insular form of advertising?

I'm trying to understand this borderline retardation.

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Whites attacking nonwhites is standard Talmudry. It encourages fighting the lesser evil and not going after the snake’s head itself. Patrick Little was wise enough to understand this from the very beginning and only pinpoints the main fracture point of civilization instead of engaging in shitty and edgy memes having to do with niggers.

No it's not. This thread is about reporting drug dealers and I'm saying to prioritize the hard drug dealers.
Maybe you replying to the wrong person but we never mentioned alcohol or tobacco. That shit isn't even illegal, and neither is weed in a lot of places.
Like I said we should be roping hard drug dealers first, and then we can worry about roping the pot dealers.
I didn't know Jew-jitsu tries to make it personal. Jews severely lack social skills actually, like you.

Oh it's an actual kike we have here

Lmao shut up you ugly kike beast. No one wants to fuck your gross poo skin.

Its a public profile,anyone can see it

literally to attempt to impress cunts

We have to meme snitching dealers until it becomes a mainstream media trend

you sound super retarded, please hurl yourself off the nearest bridge.

Fucking racist

Fuck off back to kikechan.

Peter Tosh made pretty awesome music tbh.

No one has any form of opsec and consider what they are doing. Most of them are not only in the marketing side of affairs, but are also regular users. Also- they aren't sending their best

And standing within a mile of a church and or school ans fines double if in a construction zone 🚧

NYPA. Fuck off.


Those doobers do look pretty good. Wouldn't buy em from some beaner faggot though.

Go inhale the herbal jew with your nigger friends you fucking subhuman, OP is doing god's work here.


If it’s non whites maybe. But working for the zog without shekel reimbursement is the most ducked thing you can do.


Reminder that Marley is a half jew.

Cannabis is Aryan you mong.

no , its rastafari and native american, ur a degenerate jew fag

That's a bb gun.

bamp. these degenerates gotta go down and thats the way its gotta be

You guys are fucking worthless, going after fucking weed dealers? That's absolute kiddy shit, you are not men you are fucking cowards.

Why don't you set up a "play" with your local fucking heroin dealer and take it from there. Reporting pot heads and people that sell fucking marijuana is a complete waste of resources. Go after the fucking ==DOPE DEALERS== you idiots. That's where the real (((money))) is you fucking fools.


how is it a classic thread if ive never seen it before
you fucking newfag


Youre the newfag ive been doing this for a while

You're the guy from Peru or Venezuela right? How's it going?

Careful what you wish for, in modern day warfare when you go into another country you then invite millions of their "refugees" to your country, because they want to go and live among the people of the country that attacked them, because you would. And the people of that country will welcome them, because that's what happens now.