>The following October, (((Avi Loeb))), the chair of Harvard's astronomy department, co-wrote a paper (with a Harvard postdoctoral fellow, (((Shmuel Bialy))) that examined 'Oumuamua's "peculiar acceleration" and suggested that the object "may be a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth's vicinity by an alien civilization."
Oumuamua and Project Bluebeam
Ah, Alright, bump for interest and we haven’t had a Antarctica Nazi UFO base , Hitler on Ice thread in a while
Stop making blog posts about your mom's dildo, OP.
I'm surprised people still don't believe that there are aliens out their with their own culture and civilization as well as being an advanced species. What's even more amazing is how people don't believe in ancient advanced human civilizations that existed here on this Earth nor do they believe humanity's ancestor came from another planet. The history books say we evolved from apes, but if you were to say we descended from ancient advanced aliens, it would make history class more enjoyable.
what an absolutely retarded statement. We didn't evolve on earth? So then where did all the mammals on earth come from? The warm-blooded whales, wolves, and cows? Did we bring all these animals with us? Or did they evolve here on earth and just coincidentally parallel human evolution so that we look like we match and fit into their evolutionary tree?
Yeah a real shocker. The only extraterrestrials I could genuinely believe in is the Dark Forest theory - and even then, the whole thing becomes inherently irrelevant due to it's own nature.
Oh goody.
Go back to /x/.
I like you guys, I really do…. You are so accurate in certain things… But your scientific illiteracy really makes me question your judgement.
It may have been an alien probe of some sort - we have no way of knowing. It is already gone. Its shape was unusual, but there is no reason to believe it wasn't just an oblong asteroid.
Here's what actual scientists say about it
Most scientists are just wondering where this ASTEROID originated from. Of course it could be some broken alien craft, we know there are approx. 8 billion earth-like planets in our solar system, but they way you Anons have your minds made up before looking at (or understanding) the evidence really makes Zig Forums a tiresome place to be sometimes. I know OP is probably a Christian who thinks archeology is a hoax, and fossils are the devil's illusion, so maybe it's pointless to even try. But any of you with half a brain need to realize that while it's fun to speculate, there is little reason to believe it is an alien craft.
>8 billion earth-like planets in our solar system
I meant Galaxy, not solar system. I think i had a stroke.
If you think that's interesting, you should check out Project Stargate. It's a series of interviews conducted by the CIA on remote viewing artifacts left over on mars. Pretty neat stuff what the medium discovers from her remote viewing. And yes, this event was recorded in the CIA archives which is now publicly available.
Another fake gay aliens niggatry thread.
Did jim make this?
Fuck you cia motherfocker
I bumped
Oh fuck off, I corrected it in my next comment. I meant Galaxy, fuckwit.
you cocksucking nigger. you just wanted to throw a punch
I'm so mad I'm triple posting
FUCK. I meant:
quadposting now. what have i become
whatever. it's a shitty thread anyway.
Fuck off, we know jack shit about its shape. All we got is bunch of data points that is interpreted one way or another depending on person and their bias. Even solar system-related objects experience non-newtonian acceleration - comets for example.
I'm surprised that people don't start taking the circumstantial evidence of the Nazi UFO claims seriously when material 30 years old starts to mimic evidence from 40 years earlier and even today. Funny how claims of leaked documents in the early 90's from the USSR fit perfectly with this story.
Either they're hiding the truth or we over the course of 70 years through the collective consciousness meme'd it into existence.
It's not actually accelerating. It's still slowing down as it pulls away from the Sun. It's just doing that somewhat less than would be expected, suggesting it might be outgassing, or that something else might be tugging on it somehow.
I only bring this up because "accelerating" makes it sound like a starship, while "slowing down, but less than expected" is more accurate.
Is there any actual evidence Oumuamua actually exists and isn't simply something NASA or "muh aliens"-logists made up to make them seem relevant? Are these pictures? I mean not CGI. Actual pictures.
Go read Up in project bluebeam ffs.
OP isn't saying what you think.
So you are implying that those paid (((scientists))) are more (((legit))) than anyone who isn't like them? no thanks man. The only scientist that's legit is Nikola Tesla and his Electric Universe concept and The Janus Cosmological Model by another (forgot his name) those two (or was it three?) got the inner workings of the universe just right unlike a certain (((Einstein))) who just so happen to be friends with mao, gandhi, and a fucking rothschild. The only good thing anyone can get out of his relativity theory would be 'ether', which is definitely useful for some isekai anime plot.
OP here. I am, but I posted it because (((they're))) trying to monetize a fucking asteroid with woo.
Afraid kike
Go away, and take your stupid jewish evolution bullshit with you. You're just as fucking stupid as ufotards
Lmao you didn't even read the thread before you posted. Just the OP.
Fucker. Made me pit out my whiskey.
get fucked, Mordecai
Biological Evolution is a Racial fact, and its most ardent critics are the first to deny the reality of Race.
don't worry, you niggers did evolve on earth from monkeys
white people are aliens tho
White men truly are from mars. Explains the 1 hour of circadian rhythm which matche's mar's and not earth's.
If we didn't develop on Earth through natural processes, why do we share genetic material with terrestrial organisms?
a rock on the moon shares genetic material with terrestrial organisms
Christcuck? ==Ancient Alien mofo==
Bluepilled ladyboy.. you don't know shit.
They share elemental componentry, sure, but not genes.
It is obviously Niburu
nigga, stop soiling Tesla's good name with this electric universe retardedness, Nikola never implied anything of the sort, he just made discoveries in electromagnetism
the "electric universe" in a moronic invention by morons who believed they more or less understood electricity, and who believed they were allowed to explain everything with it because it's the only tool they have
we already know that gravity, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force exist, because we have seen them at work, and we know that they are not electromagnetism
so "electric universe" is BULLSHIT
Your nose is showing
Well, you definitely are a nigger, but evolution isn't even close to a fact. It's a self-serving delusion based on the insane belief that codes can write themselves and then perpetuate themselves for no reason at all in a universe that came into existence from nothing for no reason either. YOU'RE CRAZIER THAN THE MOST INBRED JEW ALIVE
How do they know that there is approximately 8 billion exactly in such a grand place where they have never been? Lol
U just offered the same argument that they use, so, what's your point, monkey?
you mean the argument where wee see 4 fundamental forces, while the "electric universe concept" clowns pretend there is just 1 and refuse to admit their "theory" is demonstrably incomplete?
what are you, flat-earthers? moon-landing-in-an-illerminaty-area51-soundstage-on-mars ?
You don't have any idea what you're talking about. I suggest you stop watching Kent Hovind.
you sure convinced me with all those buzzwords and emotionally charged hot air nigger
check a fucking high school physics manual, for fucks sake
and when you don't understand why gravity, weak and strong forces can't be explained by magnetism, check the manuals of one class higher
and when you keep not understanding, do experiments to see how the 4 fundamental forces work together
and when you still don't understand, check wiki fucking pedia
and when you still don't understand, inject carfentanil in your dick, it will make the universe magnetic
I won't summarize a whole century of physics because you're too retarded to find a source
Your model is incoherent and unexplainable without years of indoctrination. Most people are complete niggers, like yourself, that can't toy with the idea that they're wrong without experiencing extreme mental anguish. When confronted with controlled opposition, that shouldn't exist, you think everything is fine and they're just crazy. But it's niggers like yourself trying to keep their money flowing and Jews trying to keep you in your box.
I absolutely hate people like you. Pointing and shrieking, unable to think, becoming violent over theory for the most petty reasons. I actually want this cycle to continue so I can watch you all splatter on the pavement. How hard is it to use thought as a tool? Your behavior is absurd. You people shouldn't be alive.
Macro-evolution or transmutation of one species into another is not a fact. Those who believe in it are the ones denying race, they practically denying the distinctiveness of different species. "We descended from fish and trees and niggers. We're basically the same stuff + time."
Sage for offtopic.
Project Blue Beans
Cap this post.
It accelerated. That was the issue. It changed its path. This is not widely known but either means it has a thruster or drive of some kind or was out gassing (doubtful} or had an absolutely tiny mass so that sunlight could move it. That thing was weird.
You really have no idea what you're talking about. Macroevolution is genetic change at or above the level of species. By definition, Speciation events are examples of Macroevolution, and there are many thousands of observed Speciation events that human eyes witnessed. The only distinction between Microevolution and Macroevolution is scale - both operate with the exact same mechanism and principle.
Evolution is Racist by definition as well, which is why Liberal subhumans misrepresent it so often. Your own misunderstanding probably stems from mainstream misrepresentation of facts.
Evolution? Change over time? The most successful species on Earth don't experience 'evolution' at all. The ones who do experience it are predestined to the slaughter.
They do, but it's slower since they're in a niche that suits their traits. Change the selective pressures enough, and evolution will speed up, or you get an extinction if the species isn't versatile enough.
Evolution is change in allele frequency in a given population. It never actually stop applying to a living species. .
So it's rendezvous with rama except we missed the rendezvous? Oh well.
im compelled to believe that our abnormally fast evolution was due to fire and being able to cook meat, thus having excess energy and the body not being the primary consumer of energy
Well that explains the spic baked beans thread. I don't really understand what Europeans are worried about…just make sure you never fuck a subhuman and you are golden. They are going to go the way of all non-versatile species. BTW there are actually species on Earth who have changed at all in hundreds of millions of years, now that's what I call success. Pure principle reproduction at its finest, course they lack jewish and subhuman parasites.
It hasn't been demonstrated how fish grew limbs and lungs to be able live on land. It's been merely theorized. According to evolution, evolution happens through mutation, and mutations are rare, and usually harmful. It has not been demonstrated that mutations have managed to cause these useful abilities to manifest.
Also evolutionists have not managed even explain how life came to be. They have their theories, but no actual explanation alongside with proof.
I don't really want to involve myself in an evolution debate, but care to give some examples of speciation witnessed by people?
I don't want to discuss a subject about biology with someone who conflates it with cosmology, or simply lies and misrepresents what evolution actually says.
Mutations are very common, though. You yourself have more than 100, and that's just going by the average. Most of them are benign, and the minority are good and bad, usually about equal to eachother. If your bad mutations are too harmful, you'd be weeded out by natural selection under normal circumstances, but not right now since humanity likes to keep the defective around.
I'm surprised how many smart people are falling for the alien shit.
They robbed trillions. This is the cover story.
Which will double as justification for one world order.
no dude, just no, stop that shit
your model, the "electric universe concept", supposes that electromagnetism is the ultimate explanation of everything
just take a magnet, a piece of iron, and any non-magnetic object that has a mass
by playing with these stuff on your own while being inside a gravitational field, even you can notice that gravity and magnetism are different
which implies nevessarily that something called "gravity" exists that cannot be explained by "magnetism"
which debunks the basic postulate of "electric universe"
"my model", as you call it, is not yet completely defined (this will happen when we have a "theory of everything", if it exists) and it only begins to be understandable after years of study
your model is demonstrably bullshit
and I don't give a single fuck that you hate me so much that you get all red in the face with a peepee getting hard because I show you that your brainfarts are real retarted
It actually makes a lot of sense, you have a bunch of rats, these rats are constantly mutating, the bad mutations die out because not competitive, the good ones survive, this cycle of the strong surviving and the weak dying goes on millions of generations.
What I really like to know is why evolution is still so slow, logically there should be some kind of mechanism preventing species from mutating to fast.
Those didgeridoos
Never stop speaking the truth user, even when you're clearly having a stroke.
Mutations usually are benign/have no great impact. You could view that fact as the mechanism which prevents super-charged hyper-evolution. That being said, evolution as a process can and does act fairly quickly in certain circumstances, even to the point where new species form while under human observation.
there is, it's called racism or discrimination
ordinary individuals don't like weirdos and losers, they want to reproduce with other who look like them
unless a set of mutations is beneficial enough to a random guy that he gains obvious advantages, no one will want to fuck him
evolution can be extremely fast in a laboratory or in a breeding farm, where a chosen mutation can be imposed on a large population of descendants by forced reproduction
Look up light field technology.
Here's it being implemented as a hologram.
This is the non-muted crowd reaction. Watch this is you want visualize how people would react to a alien hologram.
I don't really believe in blue beam, I just started to learn about the technology because of the following.
Opps, meant to say
I don't really believe in blue beam, I just started to learn about the technology because of the following.
first id like to say stop feeding the shills and trolls, haven't you fags learned anything by know, just call them out as shills and ignore them, let them waste their time not yours
as to the topic at hand know that all 'images' you have ever seen of this object are pure cgi, we currently don't have the equipment to take a real photograph of a small dark and cold object travelling fast within our solar system
the way they analyse these things is mostly due to IR spectrometry, it can give you fairly accurate data on the elemental composition of an object but the dimensions are the result of various large assumptions and filters on the data and if an object is too far outside the known qunatity these assumptions break down. all the data they are basing their analysis on is pretty much a graph of a straight line with a small dent in
and we only discovered the object pretty late which resulted in poor data on incoming trajectory and somewhat beter data on outgoing trajectory
now if you were to read the actual paper by the researchers they are detailing the shortcomings and assumptions used in analysing the data, yet today every university has a (((PR))) department that is staffed by the usual (((suspects))) that don't understand anything about the science and sensationalize the news to generated mediabuzz and justify their pointless jobs
Or you could just sage the thread.
What if, here's the mindblowing banger, buckle up and imagine this: universe is part electric and part gravitational. Why is it always a radical one or the other with those people. Why the dichotomy? All I'm seeing in astronomy and cosmology is physicists talking about gravity and shit, nothing about EMG, they don't even mention plasma, FUCKING NONE, you even remotely talk about it-> you get kicked out, grantless and stigmated. Great fucking scientific community in pursuit of the universal truth. Good job. On the other hand we get independent nutjobs clearly going in the right direction but all of a sudden backflipping and joggling with midgets like the thunderbolts inbreds. Why is this always happening? Is the status quo needed unshaked that much?
To anyone even remotely interested in the topic, consider those for study:
via thermodynamics of enclosed system with some solar thermal input, even measuring temperature instead of heat, it's fucking insane.
Compartmentalization of natural sciences destroyed their purpose
ayy lmao
flat earth
Your ignorance does not mean lack of evidence.
accept the reality of*
You talk with one Creationist, you've talked with them all.
IceNazi, SpaceDildo, Tesla, Multiverse, StarGate, Remote GlowNigs, Atlantis, PoleShifts, BlueBeam. It's so Tiresome.
SameTime, Only Electrical Currents Produce Magnetic Fields.
And you provided me with no evidence of speciation witnessed by people.
You talk with one faggot, you've talked with them all. I'm a not Creationist. Gas yourself.
biology doesn't matter, races don't exist, and man is above creation goyim, now shut the fuck up and worship the motherfucking aliens
Earth is a colony.
He thinks it's bad to stick to your own model with too much devotion. He is probably right, but in this case, what is being explored is uncharted territory, so you have every right to be overzealous when exploring it.
That made me laugh. N1
These electric phenomena like elves and sprites are reported every now and then on spaceweather.com
It was probably just a rock probably didn't have a tail because it's very old and all the water and gasses had already burned off. Even if it was a alien ship/craft/prob it was tumbling out of control and obvously not "maned" or operational if a prob. So its a rock or alien space junk.
Yeah keep believing in the dirty snowball comets and the bendy spacetime jew. The Schwarzschild fixed his equation in his later days and it did not end in infinity. There are no black holes. Kirchoff's blackbody radiation law is false, reflectors don't produce a blackbody spectrum and the laws of Plank's quantum bullshit doesn't apply universally. The Sun is not a constantly exploding fusion furnace, the surface is highly ionized grid of anote tufts. The sun is solid matter. The corona does not have a million kelvin increase as it goes further, it's the huge potential accelerating the charges in a plasma double layer (like a capacitor), not by extreme heat. All stars are connected by an energy flow and align magnetically to it. The Earth's climate is dependent on the Sun cycles, the Sun cycles happen because of the placement of the Planets in the Zodiac sign, because they drain charges from the strongest sources and also directionally from the Sun through Birkeland currents. The daily storms in the equator are caused by voltage breakdowns from the high amount of "Solar wind" absorbed in the polar regions.
Planets form by cosmic discharges and they are hollow because that's the nost reasonable form they could have. All Planets stay in polar alignment until the chain is broken by Star ignition. Gas giants are all Star candidates that don't get enough input. Jupiter and Saturn produce more electromagnetism/light than they absorb. Planets stay in orbit because of charge imbalance and not because they were lucky. A good example is Asteroids. They usually get repelled by potential difference but if they enter the atmosphere they usually explode in high altitude because of the dielectric stresses. They cannot discharge because of the fire covering until the dielectric has a voltage breakdown. How do you explain exploding asteroids? Muh disappearing rock creates vacuum n' shieet? Io's "geysers" are plasma discharges connecting to Jupiter, not water. That's why NASA got anomalies when they flew over it. They are absolutely ignorant liars and believing them is a sentence to a stupid future. Hans Alfvén was right.
I don't want to go into the insane stuff that probably won't even be believed.
The only thing I'll say that check out Goethe's color theory. It's the true one, not Newtons. Light and color requires a medium, otherwise everything is pitch black. NASA can only record the Sun in space through a tiny amount of spectral lines that they get in low Earth orbit because of the very low pressure hydrogen and helium at the edge of the atmosphere.
The Sun is black in space with a light ring around it. All else is pitch black. No shiny dots all around you. This is the hypothesis. It is blinding still but black in the middle.
After NASA discovering this they developed special cameras with double layer lenses with pressurised gas inside so polarization can occur. That's why the lense looks like the pulled it out of a dogs mouth when it is directed at the Sun. You can only see it in reflections and that's why it looks so weird. With single lense you wouldn't see another dirty glass pane with markings.