Gay penguins raise adopted baby

Zoo CPS take penguin egg from "bad" hetero penguins
Give egg to better, gay penguin parents to hatch and raise.
Nellie Bowles covers tech and internet culture for the New York Times

> It was a young penguin colony, and all but one of the couples were pretty bad parents. One couple, though, was extraordinary. Not because they were the colony’s only gay penguins, though they were, but because Sphen and Magic looked like they would make great, diligent, careful egg-warming parents.

> When a particularly negligent heterosexual penguin couple looked to be leaving an egg exposed, the aquarium workers figured they would give it to Sphen and Magic. Now Sphengic, the chick of a gay penguin union, is waddling around an ice enclosure.

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Wow, so caged faggot penguins took care of an egg stolen from hetero penguins without their consent. And because the egg hatched they are held as great parents even though hetero parents successfully make and raise offspring for thousands of years.

Shit thread.

I saw this on March of the Penguins. They have to march for miles to hatch their eggs. Some of the eggs crack. Some of the couples with cracked eggs try to steal other eggs. It's an instinct that keeps the race alive. Unlike faggotry.

It is unnatural, and perhaps they are indeed merely friends.
Fuck me, these retarded fuckers need to be killed.

Yea, no. Anthropomorphism.

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Future generations will look back on our misunderstanding of sexual pathology the same way we look back at Greek pederasty - with disgust and shame. I hope they understand that not all of us were like this.

lmao that's a good point

(polite sage for double post)

More pointedly is how much of a fucking huge deal they're making out of the fag penguins. Nobody with healthy views on sexuality gives this much of a fuck about animals being faggots. Only shitlibs and other assorted varieties of faggots care because it gives them propaganda to spew.

Just like people.

I see they left out the bit where the baby penguin was fucked and given aids.

Too bad penguins are one of the most tame animals and there's not much of a chance of the fag penguins eating it because of stress or something.

They're probably both going to be having sex with it in front of everyone in a year or two.

Let me guess, since they did this it would have a progay argument?

Old slides are so exciting!

Reminds me of Wernor Herzog

They are not gay, you freaks. Jesus Christ…

good redpill for bystanders at the zoo

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We look back at Greek pederasty as made up jewish nonsense because we're not fucking braindead niggers that believe every stupid thing rabbi Shlomo Bagelstein tells us.


What is the point of this sentence?

What exactly makes them gay though? They aren't fucking each other in the ass. They aren't kissing each other.

There's no such thing as gay penguins, they're abused and cut off from females for queer feels.

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to link the idea of consent to animals in peoples minds. it pushes bestiality

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May God have mercy upon us.

Because they are mutually incompatible. Greek pederasty didn't actually happen. The modern homo kikery is actually happening. This isn't complicated.

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Okay this confirms that they're just friends and some bull dyke working at the Aquarium just got excited and wanted them to be gay. Women do this shit with Human beings - who the fuck would put it past them to do it to Penguins?

Fujoshits are getting out of control.

What's that an animu pornu? You can yes or no don't need a picture

Term referring to females who like anime and usually fantasize about heterosexual male characters being romantically involved

These faggots leave their disdain for the natural way things work right there on their sleeves, don't they? They have seriously gone so batshit insane that they openly hate and mock nature in regards to animals if it isn't two males or two females genetically dead ending to prove their skewed life style has any merit within the world around them. A male dog robotically humping another male dog for dominance is "love", "consent", "family", "beauty" whilst the productive copulation between a male and female, the offspring that comes from such and the rearing of said offspring by the mother is a horrible affront to their beliefs. So search they will for nature to deform a tad bit from the norm to point and cackle that they are okay, or create situations for pictures and articles to prove to the world they are right. If it wasn't for all of those "pretty bad parents" they would have no penguins to mock.

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its okay to be normal.

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