By increasing goods imports from the U.S. by a combined value of more than $1 trillion over that period, China would seek to reduce its trade surplus – which last year stood at $323 billion – to zero by 2024
By increasing goods imports from the U.S. by a combined value of more than $1 trillion over that period, China would seek to reduce its trade surplus – which last year stood at $323 billion – to zero by 2024
Not tired of winning mister president
Also, i might not be the best at math, but how does one increase spending by 1,000,000,000 and only reduce the surplus by 323,000,000?
323 billion per year times 5 years is 1.6 trillion.
What a guy. Everyone else just stands there with their heads tilted back like little children staring at an insurmountable barrier and Trump just walks in and waves his hand and makes it disappear.
One buys a lot of machinery and equipment for factories for a few years, then never buys another thing from the US ever again.
Yeah, I missed the whole "over that period" part
Stand by for the shills (who are gathered around in private right now trying to come up with talking points to dismiss this news ) to rush in and start howling about what a Globalist jew puppet Trump is…
And neither do we. The factories come here and we make that shit because they're of strategic importance.
Imagine the fukkos that planned for total war with the Chicoms while sending the steel and microelectronics industry to the Chicoms.
Imagine that.
A 12 year old school boy playing Total War on his computer has more sense in his head than that.
That's the catch: the Chinese are offering this as a concession for Trump to take so they can continue to clone US technology for 5 more years.
If it isn't autarky, it isn't solving the root problem. I'm sure Trump's dumbass supporters will love it, though.
They have to buy all our niggers or no deal.
Here's the news; Caroline Kennedy is no longer American ambassador to Japan kek
Buy more Kanye. We have plenty of Kanye here for everybody in China.
And buy more porn. Do you like watching niggers fuck things, China? America is expert in that area.
You sound like a gigantic faggot.
Oh, it's a Trump shill talking about shit that isn't relevant. Filtered.
We should just sue them for everything because of all the intellectual theft. We don't owe them shit.
This is also them trying to steal more of our water.
The Huawei threads have brought some absolute retards here
There is zero demand for Chinese products. Zero.
Everyone knows they're shit. Anyone that can avoids them.
Already tons more reasonable than the "Federal Reserve System". Yet "China is the big bad enemy". Not the FED, not Israel, not AIPAC, and not the Jews. EVER. They're the best, goys, the best!
give me that sweet (you) reverse q nigger
Nice inb4 user you beat them by 3 minutes.
Calm down kampfy he said autarky not Atatürk
Thanks for identifying yourself foreigner.
Imagine being told you have to buy a billion dollars worth of products from the U.S. and not being able to figure out what to buy despite being the race with the highest IQ. It's like asking American Ivy League students in the 1950s to buy billions of dollars worth of goats from Mogadishu. It makes no sense.
Imagine giving a shit, I can't.
((( )))
((( )))
Global report these posters are admitted jewish shills
am i doing it right faggots? :’)
MAGA niggers being 2smart4u to do the math and falling for (((Bloomberg))) propaganda aside, when exactly has this become a legitimate source in every corner of the pozzed media? Thats line has become a stapple and is in every second article regardless of the topic.
Actually their phones and laptops have been surprisingly good compared to the shit Japan and India tries to shill down out throats.
but if Mossad cant monitor you anymore thats a security risk for Israel
MIGAniggers selectively decide what to accept as legitimate at each moment to maintain the "we're winning" fantasy. (((Bloomberg))) might be considered absolute fake news, but any pro-Trump articles that it happens to churn out are true without question.
In before picture of Trump touching the wall.
Dude just ass backwards said commushit isnt about the state owning everything even you
Capitalism may be shit to a small minority of noobs making shitty decisions, but the alternative is the state owning your shit and i hope you dont have extra or u have to share.
Communists are retarded ant people with no outward motivations besides "muh gibs for existing"
Commucuck leaders do just that, cuck their whole nation for their own capitalistic ideologies
"well, somone has to be in power… but not you, only me and my buddies" -communist leaders
Inb4 retarded communists defending their cucking like good cucks
Nope, chinese everything is shit. When i get batteries, car parts, circuit board replacements, pretty much anything that isnt a raw material besides steel, if it says china on it, i send it back and request a different brand / source until i get one that says "mexico" or "japan" because those parts dont break after 2 months. You obviously know nothing about manufacturing/ manufacturers and should stop showing your ignorance.
Samefagaru here, chink merch is shit
Japanese and US electrics are both made in China
yeah because china and israel are totally enemies
Why aren't you replacing the bad capacitors yourself with japanese replacements? That's 90% of circuit board repairs. Caps blow out after 2-3 years of being on 24/7. Quality ones can go longer depending on rating, etc.
chinese phones are useless! maybe the laptops are better but i doubt it tbh
That dandy but literally what does America even sell besides guns and Hollywood neither applicable. Media piracy is the one aspect of trade warwhere China does it right.
Go back clapping like a retard for your puppet regime in your goodcop_general. Its better suited for you.
yeah because America is totally not a loyal servant of Jewsrael and totally just in a unidirectional economic partnership
How is it a concession? They're trading useless fiat for actual physical goods, helping the increasingly bankrupt US federal and state governments stay afloat a few more years so China can keep growing its own consumer base.
All China needs to be No.1 in all fields is…time within the status quo. This perpetuates the status quo. Just 2-3 decades and China will be global hegemon.
Whatever it is they're up to it can't be any good. You can't trust the Chinks.