"Disrespectful": Google Employees Melt Down Over The Word "Family"
> - Google employees melted down after the word “family” was used in a company presentation, documents obtained by TheDCNF show. > - Employees were upset that the word was used in a way that links families with children, which they argued was homophobic. > - A Google vice president acknowledged that the word “family” had sparked “concerns” about inclusivity.
> This is a diminishing and disrespectful way to speak. If you mean “children”, say “children”; we have a perfectly good word for it. “Family friendly” used as a synonym for “kid friendly” means, to me, “you and yours don’t count as a family unless you have children”. And while kids may often be less aware of it, there are kids without families too, you know.
> The use of “family” as a synonym for “with children” has a long-standing association with deeply homophobic organizations. This does not mean we should not use the word “family” to refer to families, but it mean we must doggedly insist that family does not imply children.
> Even the sense, “suitable for the whole family”, which you might think is unobjectionable, is totally wrong too. It only works if we have advance shared conception of what “the whole family” is, and that is almost always used to mean a household with two adults, of opposite sex, in a romantic/sexual relationship, with two or more of their own children. If you mean that as a synonym for “suitable for all people” stop and notice the extraordinary unlikelihood of such a thought! So “suitable for the whole family” doesn’t mean “all people”, it means “all people in families”, which either means that all those other people aren’t in families, or something even worse. Use the word “family” to mean a loving assemblage of people who may or may not live together and may or may not include people of any particular age. STOP using it to mean “children”. It’s offensive, inappropriate, homophobic, and wrong.
Stuff like this is where the old timey, hard line Soviets got to thinking that "fascism", or what they saw as "fascism", was a product of faggotry.
Sebastian Ross
Classification is still lagging because they don't know how they can create an AI as insane as they are. My solution would be simple: just keep adding if-statements.
Aiden Perez
All I feel is rage.
Thomas Hernandez
What would these faggots think “the family pet” refers to? Anyway, just another example of orwellin attacks on culture in service of furthering the goal of state-owned children and the destruction of traditional non-faggot families.
Dominic White
I can't wait until being straight, or what they call heterosexual, is homophobic in 5 years.
They will do it. Doesn't matter if it's a vocal minority too, that type of thought shouldn't exist from people who control information in the first place.
Modern self-proclaimed communists (aka "Marxist-Leninist" tranny types are fags), the old ones were opposed to faggotry.
Asher Bailey
You can go back to lefty/pol/ any time you want, cultural marxism includes faggotry and pansexualism, trannies come from marx.
Cooper Clark
Google employees shouldn't be allowed to procreate anyway. Same for any "white" stupid enough to still hang out in San Francisco/Silicon Valley in 2019.
Justin Torres
So much mental gymnastics So having a family is good? So, celebrating something which is good, is good? So celebrating the family unit is good.
You can't even read properly so I don't even know why I'm bothering.
There's really no argument that the corporation skews towards faggotry, as does capital. It's another market to sell to, they have more disposable income because they don't have families, more time to commit to the corporation because they don't have families, often eager to destroy other entities and consume the assets because they don't have a legacy attachment to the future of the state. None of which has anything to do with the National Socialist state that was constructed, so I don't really understand your defensiveness.
My gut tells me you're probably the actual shill, running interference for Trotskyism.
Henry Flores
I dunno, there was this one political ideology that wanted to destroy the traditional family structure and make the state be your daddy forever, don't quite recall what that was though. we're already ruled by a communist technocracymost people just dont know it yetsoon you will be on the SPLC hate-watch for keeping a traditional familyand refusing to allow genderqueer pedo-sexuals to babysit your childrenwill result in mandatory gender-educational camp
It's good to keep all of them as your enemies as they defend the fags, but it's worth noting that the Leninist cocksuckers consist of fags and trannies.
Wyatt Garcia
Such disgusting weimar perverted faggots in big tech.
Alexander Williams
CIS (gender) is already practically an insult in liberal circles. To be "normal" is to be wrong. It won't be long before being heterosexual is the same. Then they'll have something new to hate themselves for.
Wyatt Lee
Trotskyism. There's a reason Stalin had an ice pick shoved through Bronstein's head.
Josiah Howard
Don't forget, ZOG is the reason tech is all concentrated in the San Francisco Bay Area in the first place. letsrollforums.com//www-world-wide-wiretap-t31105.html Ignoring the debatable reputation of the forum (Cluesforum-type limited hangout), this thread offers an insight into the Big Tech congregation in the SF Bay Area and how ZOG, the Queer Agenda, and Big Tech all go together hand in hand.
Nicholas Kelly
That started in the Current Year.
Five years from now evidence of faggotry like a picture in a dress will likely get you beat up, poopdick is hanging, and pedophilia with concrete video and eyewitness proof is torture before hanging.
Jonathan Mitchell
Stalin was a thug without an ideology, Original soviet union had communal dining halls to break up families eating together.
Tyler Bailey
Are they saying they aren't a family when they adopt? They just buy kids to indoctrinate and abuse? Huh.
Kayden Carter
Big tech in San Francisco is a loony bin.
Not a week passes by without someone getting triggered and trying to create new speak.
Luis Adams
Build-a-bear commercial just now: “bring your family”. So homophobic.
been noticing childless women call themselves 'child-free' why do people with no personal investment in the future, being children, have say over the future?
heterosexual is a politically correct term for normal
Brayden Long
Same reason as to why you cannot publicly demand traitors and murders are executed but as a consolation prize if you're a woman you can get your child murdered at almost any time since conception until birth with no legal consequences.
Parker Perez
Google will eventually be sued for discrimination as it walking too fine a line now and will eventually stumble. I for one can't wait to see them taken to task for their downright subversive biz model.
Austin King
Oh please What's next? Even having children will be homophobic since two faggots can't reproduce with each other
Lincoln Stewart
They're shipping the 'child-free' idiocy with the same delivery and tone they applied to anti smoking campaigns. They want to make children seem like nuisance insects or being seated in smoking sections at a restaurant.
Ryder Williams
Nah, they'll give your kids to faggots like they're doing with penguins.
Jeremiah Flores
Anyone who isn't a homosexual is homophobic, by simply existing. Much like some women believe that men cannot have consensual sex with women, and all sex between men and women is rape.
Landon Morales
This has always been the case. I wanted to murder suicide the last time I took a plane flight and had to sit near screaming, crying children for over an hour.
Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and Ray Bradbury were right.
Owen Collins
Fixed it.
Kayden Scott
I think pure normalismexuality either is clinically considered a mental disorder or is just a formality away from being so, unless you say you also want to fuck dudes in the butt on occasion.
They are child-free but believe they are the future, somehow if they indoctrinate enough of other peoples children they can continue the agenda of destroying your childs future and cultural past but at least they can live in the knowledge that they are doing everything they have been told to by the kike system thats completely brainwashed them with lies and degeneracy.
They believe they are in the end times with global warming and whatever bullshit they are being told to resist everyday by the electric jew, its a fucking cult user, the preachers are the media, the idols are in hollywood and its sermons are injected straight into your fucking eyeballs electronically everywhere you go.
Nicholas Miller
Doesn't exist. They use it wrong. "Cis" is latin for on this side of. AKA CIS mean faggotry.
Jace Adams
Critical soy overload, category: unquantifiable. We are reaching soy levels that shouldn't be possible.
Evan Wilson
I'm actually pretty irritated about Latin language being debased by faggots.
Ryder Johnson
Is there a word filter?
Henry Nguyen
gender is in everything you fucking retard
Easton White
219. Leftism is a totalitarian force. Wherever leftism is in a position of power it tends to invade every private corner and force every thought into a leftist mold. In part this is because of the quasi-religious character of leftism; everything contrary to leftist beliefs represents Sin. More importantly, leftism is a totalitarian force because of the leftists’ drive for power. The leftist seeks to satisfy his need for power through identification with a social movement and he tries to go through the power process by helping to pursue and attain the goals of the movement (see paragraph 83). But no matter how far the movement has gone in attaining its goals the leftist is never satisfied, because his activism is a surrogate activity (see paragraph 41). That is, the leftist’s real motive is not to attain the ostensible goals of leftism; in reality he is motivated by the sense of power he gets from struggling for and then reaching a social goal. [35] Consequently the leftist is never satisfied with the goals he has already attained; his need for the power process leads him always to pursue some new goal. The leftist wants equal opportunities for minorities. When that is attained he insists on statistical equality of achievement by minorities. And as long as anyone harbors in some corner of his mind a negative attitude toward some minority, the leftist has to re-educated him. And ethnic minorities are not enough; no one can be allowed to have a negative attitude toward homosexuals, disabled people, fat people, old people, ugly people, and on and on and on. It’s not enough that the public should be informed about the hazards of smoking; a warning has to be stamped on every package of cigarettes. Then cigarette advertising has to be restricted if not banned. The activists will never be satisfied until tobacco is outlawed, and after that it will be alcohol, then junk food, etc. Activists have fought gross child abuse, which is reasonable. But now they want to stop all spanking. When they have done that they will want to ban something else they consider unwholesome, then another thing and then another. They will never be satisfied until they have complete control over all child rearing practices. And then they will move on to another cause.
220. Suppose you asked leftists to make a list of ALL the things that were wrong with society, and then suppose you instituted EVERY social change that they demanded. It is safe to say that within a couple of years the majority of leftists would find something new to complain about, some new social “evil” to correct because, once again, the leftist is motivated less by distress at society’s ills than by the need to satisfy his drive for power by imposing his solutions on society.
221. Because of the restrictions placed on their thoughts and behavior by their high level of socialization, many leftists of the over-socialized type cannot pursue power in the ways that other people do. For them the drive for power has only one morally acceptable outlet, and that is in the struggle to impose their morality on everyone.
These people are so self-centered and apathetic that they think families have to be like the shitty excuses for family they have. The multiple people that tranny fucks is family, but a mother, father, and their kids? That’s homophobic.
David Cruz
Lol, these kikes are desperate.
Anthony White
Stalin promoted families because of how harmful the original soviet union policies were to the country, it was on the brink of collapse due to them and a limited embrace of some traditional aspects is the only reason that it didn't do so decades earlier.
Camden Cook
It already is. See: (((Agenda 21))), (((Replacement migration)))
Jason Thomas
Try this then:
< homophobia is family-friendly
Thomas Watson
So the opposite of cis-gendered is ultra-gendered?
BTW, if you know Latin, then certainly you know the meaning of gender.
Gabriel Walker
diversity is strength
Asher Murphy
so, these faggots would claim that Zig Forums is a family-friendly board I suppose?
Juan Morgan
Kill faggots.
Cameron Nelson
It's got to be exhausting, being so perpetually butthurt about every reality of terrestrial biology 24 hours a day. I'd pity them if they weren't so virulent and evil.
How would on go about boycotting (((Google)))? They have ingrained themselves deeply into many ventures and I want to knowingly stop using all of their services
(checked) It's become sentient
They won't for long.
He must have been so tired from being right all the time
It's irritating because the majority that fall for this transparent ruse are whites. I don't know whether to be despondent or happy that these retards are willingly taking themselves out of the gene pool.
John Foster
Hahaha this is our enemy. If you run out of bullets, just drop a spicy monologue on them and they'll kill themselves loooooooool.
Julian Miller
Actually, I find it rather entertaining we live in their heads rent-free 24/7.
Start by researching Alphabet.
Bentley Kelly
Cooper Bailey
My initial reaction on seeing this was rage. Then I had thought and realized they are admitting fags are anti-family. Thanks joogle.
Matthew Brooks
Not really. The cosmic duality of which sex is but a manifestation is in everything. Gender is a modern concept, strictly a social theory, invented by the corruptors and defilers of humanity.
Caleb Gray
"As a straight person in a relationship, I find the term ‘family’ offensive because it excludes me and my boyfriend, having no children of our own."
Caleb Davis
the world is being run by petulant spoiled children with unlimited power
Jayden Murphy
Dude, smut is not a theory, lmao.
Jaxson Ross
user's not wrong, though. The Soviet commies of old once thought decriminalizing homosexuality was a good idea, but then they found out it was detrimental to their people so they criminalized it again, anyways. I'd say they were no different from your modern cuckservative. They once called multiculturalism and open borders propagandists "rootless cosmopolitans", but they generally believed in some old form of civic nationalism.
Jackson Harris
Having kids is required for society to continue to function. Family values are not homophobic they are simply logical.
David Harris
This is really what it has always come down to. The radical fem shit, faggotry, tranny BS, single motherhood shit and so on and so on. All that shit always was chipping to the big prize which was the destruction of the nuclear family. A person without belief or faith is easy to mold, a person without family/those who love them is easy to mold, a kid without a Father is easy to mold, etc, etc.
The destruction of the nuclear family has always been the primary goal right alongside the destruction of the primary majority of population. You destroy the nuclear family and the chances of the kids coming out as loving their country and furthering what they learned from their own parents goes down significantly. You keep it to single mothers, everybody on state social programs and everybody learning all their knowledge from the corrupt media, education system and you have yourself an indoctrinated populace.
Thus they had to get rid of: a) The majority thus interbreeding push - making everything wrong in the world because of white this/that. b) Christianity/Catholicism c) Nuclear family
Scramble those three things and you have yourself internal issues within a society. Just look around you and see all they have done to attack those three things. You will see examples in literally every single thing you look into.
Christopher Parker
It's astonishing to see that present commies love the degenerate, hedonistic nihilism Brave New World talked about (homosexuality, feminism, open borders, race mixing, multiculturalism, etc). The Soviet Union despised such indulgences, but sadly only in its later years, and even then it was still kosher to the core. Now you get to see the new commies resenting almost everything they have ever advocated. You can't not tell me they would have all been gunned down by Stalin.
Jaxson Jenkins
was meant for Sorry.
Lucas Cook
I don't see a problem here. Google should be inclusive.
Lincoln Hall
So they're saying that fags don't have families now? kek
Pretty sure the terminology was adapted from its common use in chemistry, where it is actually meaningful: i.e. cis- and trans-isomerism. Once all the transgender bullshit started up, anybody not transgender was retroactively given the designation "cis"-gender.
Samuel Hall
They're upset they will never be normal. Never have a normal family with someone who loves them. Never have kids together and live a happy and loving life. They know this and that's why they project their hate at everyone else. Everyone else who is normal and sane.
Blake Walker
(checked) I'm aware of Alphabet, which makes this such a challenging endeavor
Ryder Lopez
This guy gets it. While often overlooked, nihilism is at the core of their self-destructive hedonistic ideologies. They've bought into it all hook, line, and sinker: global warming, zombie outbreaks, cataclysmic meteor strike/volcanic eruption, polar ice caps melting, skynet, "religious fanatics", super-viruses, alien invasions, supernatural monsters, you fucking name it. Just turn the fucking TV off.
Xavier Morris
Yes, yes! Well stated.
Nathan Nelson
there are no families without kids. those are couples.
David James
Give perverts any rights at all, and this is the kind of shit they then promote…that we change the very meaning of words to suit them. We should have kept faggotry illegal, along with every other form of sexual perversion, and kept it classified as a mental illness, so the perpetrators could be locked away.
Every time society give perverts and libertines a single "victory," they scramble to take a mile of "victories" until your society reflect the sickness of the very few, instead of the natural proclivities of the normal.
Hitler arrested fags, and this is always portrayed as a horrible thing, in the Jew media…but now people are seeing what those same faggots were doing to German society, and perhaps they now understand why Hitler had to do this.
We are Wiemar Germany, at this point, and the same solutions to these problems will have to be implemented. Open faggotry will be punished by incarceration and deportation, as will conspiring within any group to undermine the nation (Jews).
Some say this is harsh, but the destruction now being wreaked upon our society by these libertine groups is unforgivable.
and if pushed hard enough, these groups will make it impossible for the backlash to be anything but extermination. Just as capitalists, if their desires are not constrained, eventually push people to communism, these groups will push people to commit slaughter.
The only thing we ever learn from history is that nobody ever learns anything from history.
Reminds me of a movie…"Soldier" with Kurt Russell, came out in 1998. https: //www.imdb.com/title/tt0120157/
As I think back on it now, it kind of reminds me of what I see Zig Forumsacks as…people too red-pilled to have pozzed friends or relationships, and so feel they are alone in their fight against degeneracy and Jewish deceit.
Good movie, kind of heartbreaking, but still very poignant.
Writer David Webb Peoples has said that Soldier is a "side-quel" to Blade Runner (1982) (which he also wrote) because it takes place in the same universe, and in fact the vehicles used by the Blade Runners - spinners - are also used in Soldier. The premise of Soldier was actually based on an unused opening scene for Blade Runner, where a group of Replicants are dumped and left for dead on an Off-world colony. Both films were released by Warner Brothers, and both were box-office failures that gained a cult following after being released on home video.
Jaxon Young
They are very damaged people, the majority of the (((facts & beliefs))) they have been given they are the actual problem and enemy of themselves, they have bought into a modern original sin - numerous of them. Their very existence as white people is racist, the fact they exist and make use of anything at all is killing the planet etc etc You name it they are both the cause and the solution is to die.
Do not hate them, free them, most of us here used to be them.