Dancing Queen

Slippery slope is a fallacy goyim.

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Every normie watching Netflix won't even flinch at this. How do we reset the slope?

It's actually really easy. Regular people, not SJWs, they are too far gone, require shaming and direction. Re-stigmatizing jewish poison causes normalfags to want to be accepted. Tranny faggotry is still seen as the digusting filth that it is. Normalfags need to be reminded they are not alone and that they should feel disgusted by trannies.

Followup comments of disgust with a redpill, and you packaged a mental payload that they can't ignore. Comments of disgust and redlills

Political violence. Only killing people will ever change anything.

Accidentally clicked send

Comments if disgust and redpills keep people in order. There are normalfags that are struggling with which direction to go in. One side is jewish enslavement where the normalfag develops a tolerance to poisons and adopt an SJW-lite mentality where they get a minor dopamine hit by virgue signaling.

The other direction requires group reinforcement. Because jewish poisons are everywhere and thus there is so much disgust to be had, they need to feel that they are not alone. I'll emphasize again: being bold to voice disgust and package disgust with redpills wakes normalfags up and keeps them against jewish poisons.

There is high correlation of being able to feel disgust and being right-wing. Acceptance has to end. Also, remember the left has too much group mentality and will reject anything if shamed to do so ("wow dude, not cool ya'll, wrong side of history ").

I'm not even going to call you FBI, because you're correct. If the director of such a show is found dead, the media will have a hard time telling everyone convincingly how it was bad that such a "person" is dead.

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Post all the damning proof of these (((sick fucks))) in this thread

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Does it feel like pedowood is just fucking taunting us at this point to anyone else?

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oh what the fuck man

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Looks like an average clip of any live-action Disney Channel show made in the last 15 years.

The fucking chutzpah of these kikes.

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A logical one but not a emotional one

seems legit


Nobody really wants it.

I mean whoever is the first to lash out will be immolated by society at large. Look at that Quebec kid that went into a mosque and started shooting muzzies. He's buried in the tomb of prison now but his motives were pure; I suspect he must have posted here or at half chan because he didn't want the muzzies bringing the kind of evil shit to Quebec that they brought to England.

But at some point there has to be a push back and yes it will be violent. How many will die? How many will lose everything they worked for in their lives? It's nice to look back at the American Revolution and contemplate the victory of the revolutionaries. It's not so nice to look back and read about all the noble minded patriots that lost everything and were impoverished by it.

FUCK THAT. The only reason I haven't shot myself is because there are hundreds of thousands of motherfuckers out there who need a bullet worse than I do. Let's fucking do it.

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At least livestream it when you go become an hero.

I'll go-pro it. I'm one bad day away from becoming the next Dylann Roof, man.

you know what? I want them to do this. let them be as blatant and disgusting as possible. these retards dont know when to take their foot off the gas. imagine the quantity of normalfags who would happily lynch the producers of this show?
embrace glorious accelerationism.

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come on let's get this going
agree with the sentiment entirely, why an hero when your enemies walk the earth

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Codreanu wrote about this. Modern man must fight the forces of hell, and by doing so damn himself so that his descendants can strive for heaven.

I didn't know those could stream.

Dont kill yourself.

That guy was a huge fag. Killing the least problematic people he could find was pointless. Highly ineffective.

If you are going to throw your life away, at least make a difference. Dylan fed "the enemy" more than he fought it.

You should definitely not do it. Definitely dont even meticulously plan anything illegal, or assault anyone important - like high-ranking pedos like J.Ebstein. ==Don't== do that.

Dont go to knife school either.

Unironically dont throw your life away, and dont do anything stupid.

Bitter loser much?

That's what he wrote about at all. He wrote the "devil's tools for the lord's work" analogy. Nothing about damnation for the righteous. You're not going to go to hell for killing the enemies of God just because you were cruel to them. The jews are the dictionary definition of the damned.

I hope rage user kills you while you're at temple, kike.

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That's NOT what he wrote about at all. My mistake. Polite sage.

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I'd like to point out that we've killed more leftists than you guys have killed rightists. You guys are king of the suckerpunch, but we're king of the bullet. Just like the spartacist rebellion all over again, huh faggot?