BuzzFeed Report Fake News

BuzzFeed BTFO by Mueller. Let the salt flow.

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And? You think anyone is going to be punished for this, in any capacity?

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This picture is really based. Where can I find more of it?

he used this image as the op last time

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Clown world.

Shills btfo again.

Note to newfags: This right here is why we do the "kike-free first post" thing.
t.Chad OP

Normalfag leftists are damage controlling hard, grasping straws that "w-well, Mueller didn't debunk it ALL, just few specific parts of it, read between the lines"

But until real evidence crops up for all intents and purposes it's Fake News

Reddit goes full Qanon

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haha hilarious.

Add another episode, occuring two or three times a week where

"It's the beginning of the end for Trump"
"he's about to be impeached"
"There's no route to the nomination for Trump"
"There's no route to the white house for Trump"

and so on ad infinitum.

Interesting how ancient threads are moving but this slightly focused current topic that isn't fuck drumpf (actually quite the opposite) is being dodged.

Bill Maher is on TV talking about how Trump may be impeached. There is a panel of idiots arguing about exactly how it should be done and how proof can be established.

I guess it was taped before the special counsel made its announcement.

What a bunch of assholes. And thy will never publish a retractment and the sheep will move on to tomorrows story.

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The Jews have been trying to impeach Trump for 2 years but nothing. I hope they keep it up.


All the niggers at gawker need their fucking skulls caved in they were pushing this shit hard.

Trump needs to blackbag him at the WH and throw out of marine one.

Kill yourself, subhuman.

Holy fuck, just checked out the twitter responses to trumps twert on buzzfeed fake news and the dossies… these retards actually believe mueller saying it's not true does not mean he is denying the report, they also think "most of the dossier has been corroborated" and that trump supporters pointing to muellers denial of the story somehow is a contradiction because they criticized him in the past… how can ppl be this retarded and still be able to use a computer?

-I think that if you read the special councils response you'd see that the wording is vague, it's not a blatant dismissal of buzzfeeds info. clearly it's a non binding statement.
Does Cohens legal advisor in this interview deny buzzfeeds accusations? no he makes a de facto concession that it's at least somewhat true by taking a no comment position.
Trump know he is fucked so he will try to create a distraction, which is why he has announced Friday he will be meeting NK dearest reader
Additionally expect heightened rhetoric regarding building the wall to reinvigorate his base. empty word from the commander in chief who has the power to order the building of the wall with no obstructions.

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quality post fellow republican wow nobody fucking new buzzfeed (of all people!) created fake news

Meanwhile the democrats who have called impeachment during the story, have now gone full silent after the news being debunked.
Much salt coming from the Hollywood.

Shouldn't you be sucking the worshipful master's cock?


this place is turning into cuckchan at full speed

How does he know that he isn't controlled by Russia?

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Shills will be punished too, nigger.

No, you kill yourself, shill. You're nothing but a fucking blackpill nigger and you don't own the truth.

homosex CIAniggers screwed the pooch yet again.


D.O.B. 7/21/1978

2507 Ditmars Blvd, APT 2
Astoria, NY 11105-3120

Cell Phone:
941 320-5615'
(Confirmed cell phone number. He answered.)

Other Associated Numbers:
(941) 932-0424 - Wireless
(941) 756-7902 - LandLine/Services
(941) 536-0718 - LandLine/Services


Kyla W Cormier
•15522 29th E St
Parrish, FL 34219-1845
[email protected]
•(941) 993-5314 - Wireless
•(941) 755-6746 - LandLine/Services
•(941) 727-7293 - LandLine/Services

Annette Denardo Cormier
•7801 SW 48th Ct
Miami, FL 33143-6130
[email protected]
•(305) 662-6280 - LandLine/Services
•(305) 345-9468 - Wireless
•(305) 345-9488 - Wireless

Joseph Frederick Cormier
•7801 SW 48th Ct
Miami, FL 33143-6130
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
•(305) 439-7606 - Wireless
•(305) 662-6280 - LandLine/Services
•(305) 439-7702 - Wireless

Nicole A Mancini
•21036 Lagoona Dr
Cornelius, NC 28031-7120
[email protected]
[email protected]
•(954) 581-9931 - LandLine/Services
•(954) 345-9468 - LandLine/Services


Kek, gave ol' Tony Cormier a call and duped him into believing I was a buzzfeed correspondent with insider information. Dumbass wanted to meet me till I called him a stupid POS and a fake news motherfucker.

this should be the biggest news story in the world right now, but it's been buried.

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I've just read an article that stated that Buzzfeed has emailed employees stating that lay offs are coming in the next week. They are looking to scale back and lay off around 15% of their employees, which equates to around 250 people. This comes shortly after laying off 100 employees.

There is no wonder they continue to pump out articles attacking e celebs like pewdiepie who drop the occassional redpill to their large fan bases. They have become a big threat not only to their income, but to them controlling the narative. Even normies are waking up to their bs stories, and if not waking up to that they are certainly clued up about their crappy clickbait methods. They are losing ground fast and struggling to compete against against those who get the truth out there.

Wew, instant karma