Another TRSodomite Doxed / Exposed as Kike

Spectre was doxed. A 49-year-old man named Norman Asa Garrison III, who has written under the byline Trey Garrison for publications like The Dallas Morning News, D Magazine and Reason, identifies himself within the racist “alt-right” movement pseudonymously as “Spectre.”

Second pic is Spectre's dad. He's a Jewish doctor in Alabama.

Is anyone in TRS not a kike?

Third pick is the (((DailyStormer))) promoting Spectre's podcast which destroys the false narrative TRS and the DS aren't working together.

It's really starting too look like TRS/DailyStormer/other associated propaganda networks are MOSSAD operated.

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All kosher nationalists are kikes either in blood or in spirit.

sure seems that way

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I hate the alt-kike with a passion, but this homo about twice as much. Easily top two of the faggiest voices of this already completely homosexual "movement".

That is the curious thing about the Anglo-kike. They never say what they actually believe. When pressed, they give some jew global analogy, as if people, specifically racially aware Caucasians, just need to drink the Koolaid and die with earthly dignity

this is a rhetorical question, right?

lawl yeah

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Are you for real?

Weev looks shockingly different without the beard.

just rhetoric

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So, when is your buddy going to show up bitching about the irish?

the kike isn't after "Whites". the kike isn't after the "Caucasian". the kike has to eliminate the Aryan before all others, or the kike fails yet again.

kinda. but europeans are part of the larger Aryan race.

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They have made a big to-do about "destroying whiteness", so that is debatable.

White is just another word for Aryan.

Everyone has probably noticed how whenever enemy groups like Hatewatch dox some right winger, they immediately post a thread here on Zig Forums pretending to be sneering Zig Forumsacks and using the same old tired agree-and-amplify consensus tactics, the same stale and inauthentic memes, infographics, arguments….
Yawn. It’s getting boring, and all that’s happening is you’re creating more and more personalities with their names and faces out there, with careers as far-right broadcasters and entertainers. Kinda shooting yourself in the foot?

Reminder nu/pol/ quotes these fags daily.

t. mike enoch

there should be a mass genocide of nu/pol/



Michael Hayden has done good work outing the kikes within our ranks. When it comes time for his life to end, he gets a nice, clean bullet between the eyes. No torture for him.

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angry TRS noises
we're nazis and you're anti-nazis
Zig Forums embraces the truth no matter how difficult it is to accept, you cucked faggots reject it because you swallowed too many loads of e-celeb semen and got emotionally attached

It's gotta be rough being a kike with just enough interbreeding to experience white altruism. The cognitive dissonance must really fuck you up. I vote that we give him fenatyl. Painless death and humorous irony at the same time.

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I like your style.

No. Aryan is Aryan. A cut above all others, in his/her own class. The Aryan is a nexus of the best of the best that nature and biology can create. "White" is toy terminology used to weaponize non-Aryans against Aryan potential. It will take 100's of years to begin seeing Aryans born again en masse


Torture is inherently degenerate. It is a perversion of revenge in this case.
All enemies and traitors should be swiftly and effeciently ended. Save resources and save time, so that more important things can be done. The true revenge lies in their lives being forgotten and their deaths a matter of moments.

Real nazis don't call themselves nazis.

Yeah, but all jews deserve it

boo hoo muh jew invented word
call hitler's ghost I dont give a fuck

A compromise? Hanging,no drop ,for the worst traitors?
What about those who torture& abuse white children& adults? Quick death?
Not spic cartel style perhaps,maybe beating to death?

Also I have to ask, how did this jew get "doxed" or did he get bored leading idiots into a meat grinder?

Probably the latter. These people probably come out of the closet intentionally as the final blow the the movement they're subverting.

Maybe so, but it would fuck you up. Don't let the kike kike you one last time like that.

Quick death is still death and an end to that branch of that particular bloodline.
Those that have no honour - criminals, kikes, non-whites - they will not be buried, they will be cremated (ie. their remains will not return to nature - also a reminder not to be cremated if you are honourable. Only let your own be put in your soil, for your land is as much a part of you as you are of it. I ramble and lost my train of thought, eat my boogers and all that, I'm going to bed user)

Im already not having kids, just make a memorial and put me to sleep when im done like a dog.

Of course it's another jew. If a person becomes a popular person a platform such as twitter, and youtube who're infamous for censoring there's no doubt that the promoted individual is controlled.

I like how they are beginning to include (((reporters))) as muhh victims.

yeah true. but it's tit for tat. if reporters will dox jewish controlled opposition, what can you expect

or uses bots like douglas mackey

It's just jews stabbing jews. The war that is going on isn't A vs. B. There is many factions, some of which are neutral to each other, others are aggressive.

mebbe in the end we can gas them all

This. It's all controlled opposition.

fuck off reddit, all ecelebs are fucking jews.

TRS and DS are shills

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where is the connection proving thats his dad and that he's jewish? i just read that article and page but didnt see the connection.

So the (extremely Jewish) SPLC doxes Spectre, and this is somehow proof that he is a Jewish shill?

Is there any proof that his dad is Jewish?

inb4 the spergs - I don't care about Spectre really. I think I heard him talk once about the history of Jewish opiate families or something. It was a good talk but, that's all I remember.

If anything is Mossad it is probably this thread.

Enlighten me, I'm open to a better explanation.

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There is no connection because, like with everything else Zig Forums does regarding the “alt-right”, they get things wrong. Everyone is either a sodomite, kike, informant, pedophile or all 4 according to you guys. There are 2015 memes that get posted when TRS are mentioned or when any user who even slightly deviates from Zig Forums logic is responded to. The talking heads of this so-called “movement” provide only one good thing and it’s the message. Even if it’s not 100% in line with the hybrid of pseudo-National Socialism, thotposting and one liner OPs that would’ve been purged regularly not even a month ago, it still checks out. I have qualms with TRS myself, but these types of threads always bring out the glow in the darks and Gabniggers who think anyone pays attention to a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

Tl;dr the alt-right is more successful than Zig Forums and TRS continue to live rent free on Zig Forums.

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Saging for doublepost, but refer to

49? Dude sounds about 20 on the third rail wtf

What the fuck, are you niggers actually happy that TRS is getting doxed?

What is wrong with you people?

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The very fact that 8pol is still up tells me what I need to know about its current disposition.

There is almost zero chance that this board isn't a CIA/mossad operation at this point.

I guess the best we can do is use our instincts to find the genuine anons among the ocean of shilling.

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Have a swim in the bog, TRSodomite.

Tl;dr some anons from the TRS 504um were shilling on here, which meant that Zig Forums and /baph/ had to unite and dox Sven, Mike, Bulbasaur and Ghoul.

Looking at >>12693564’s comment lends me to believe that most anons here are just retarded faggots who don’t do anything but lurk, post and call everyone a kike because of namefags. There was a thread recently calling white nationalism a Jewish psyop and there’s been an user spamming that on every thread for weeks now, but the mods do nothing about it. They’ll definitely fuck with National Socialist-related threads or make sure they slide down the catalog, though.

Maybe going to the bunkers is better.

based and siege pilled

Siege pills are best put on the shelf.

Mike Enoch's wife isn't a B'nai B'rith BioQueen? Ghoul didn't court a tranny and have two mommies? Bulbasaur's social media interaction wasn't almost exclusively with niggers?

The SPLC also reported on Hal Turner being an FBI informant after /b/ found that proof, does that mean he really wasn't and was /ourguy/ all along? Should I contact him and find out if he's still trying to recruit suicide bombers?

That being said, I can't find anything solid that this guy's dad is a kike, despite him looking a lot like Roy Cohn as he was on his way to becoming a good jew thanks to GRIDS. According to an obituary I found, his brother was a devout Methodist.

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hu-oh boy

I don't really have skin in the game here. I'm neutral on the TRS v. Zig Forums thing most of the time. I've always kept my distance due to suspicion of everyone involved.

But I saw the middle name 'Asa' and it sent my senses tingling, so I checked.
Asa is a Hebrew name.

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Why wouldn't I be happy that jew-loving, anti-NatSoc faggots are getting doxxed?

Except nobody cares whether or not any of that is true and this board’s obsession with namefags is pure cringe. I’m sure you have skeletons in your closet.

In the literal sense, only Enoch was.
You faggots are an embarrassment to actual National Socialists who don’t waste their time talking about e-celebs.

t. TRSodomite


woah, I've never seen that one before.

Remember what they took from you

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really sad. hope we can win the future.

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Why would anyone want to go back to 1915 lmao

90% white doesnt sound bad

TRS has paywalls on their site. It doesn't get any more Jewish than that.

America was 90% white in the 50s as well and look where it is now. The industrial revolution gave the kikes a way in and it’s been a slow gradual death since then.

No, it makes them desperate. TRS is a dead boogeyman and even the alt-right hate them.

Japan is 98.5% Japanese and they have all kinds of degeneracy. Still, they don't have crime through the roof, and Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto are definitely safer than Washington D.C., New York City, and Los Angeles.


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Honestly trying to tie the judeo-communist cancer known as feminism to "nazism" is laughably pathetic, given how NS was against feminism and was adamantly for traditionalism.


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I guess its a victory of sorts for jews to try and push their most unpopular ideology on the NS in an effort to keep people away from it.

Yeah. Seeing Democratic Socialism rise is a fairly good sign tho, as NATSOC followers DEMSOC


Zig Forums,/v/,Zig Forums,/tv/,etc. All have problems with namefags. In fact the entire culture of anonymous image boards is against naming yourself, unless it is to identify the poster's posts for ease of reading, otherwise it is considered cancer.
Simple as that.

I'm curious as to how many people believed he was a doctor. Listening to him attempt to talk about anything related to science was a dead giveaway that he was full of shit.

This is why you shouldn't listen to anyone who doesn't use his real name. Pseudonyms and anonymity in general is for faggots.

prbly a lot of people considering TRS listeners have a combined IQ of 16

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We don't want anyone to pay attention to us, TRSnigger. We work best in the shadows. I know that your eceleb-enslaved mind can't comprehend that we genuinely aren't interested in paypiggery, but that's how it is nigger. Now go the fuck away.

Ah shut up you dumb burger.

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Spectre is 49?? Are they actually sure its him he sounded WAY younger to me.

You can actually walk though some parts of the classier area's of Den Haag and get a somewhat similar vibe to this picture, an almost death world kept alive by a small minority of old families and upper crust, being crushed by insane leftists, working class white people and ghetto foreigners.

Okay, paid shill.

Does it really even matter if you say nazi or NASDAP when everyone know what you are talking about regardless

Ach halt doch die Schnauze du dämlicher Burgerfresser.

No. They're CIA and DoD. But Michael Peinovich has worked for an Aman/Mossad front company (Oddcast) in the past.

Say what you will about TRS, I have also grown skeptical of their intentions yet acknowledge that they have contributed massively to the awakening that needs to happen, I hate to break it to you, likely more than this apparent "natsoc" board or whatever it has been reduced to has. I do consume their content from time to time and thanks to them as well as DS have been introduced to Eric Striker.

Thoughts on Striker? Am I retarded for feeling that I would put my life on the line for someone who's inflection, compassion, ideas resemble my own? Tell me what I don't want to hear Zig Forums.


Do you also think that the heel characters in pro-wrestling are "enemy wrestlers"?

Don Black of Stormfront is 65 and he sounds like he's in his 20s.

It was a scripted psyop, as all doxings of neo-Nazis and white supremacists are. The SPLC and antifa are and integral part of these psyops.

They're CIA agents role-playing as Nazis.