Zig Forums should be primarily about mobilization

Zig Forums should be primarily about mobilization

It seems that the most effective D&C tactic at this point in time, either from shills or defeatist assholes, is discouraging people from taking any kind of action, ESPECIALLY in threads proposing a new campaign for us to try. News articles about the latest degenerate event, with no possibility of action, only serve to demoralize us.

the left has thinktanks of morons, sitting around whiteboards, brainstorming ways to win over the culture and corporate policy, as well as ways to disarm us, but you don't want to mobilize? We have BIG PROBLEMS, and we either do something or we lose.

Pay attention:

replies like "Stop wasting your time and focus on something that actually matters" should be a bannable offense

A comment like "Stop complaining, go out and better yourself" is the ideal shill disarmament:

1) it disperses our efforts
2) It is not a suggestion
3) it offers no alternative, or an ambiguous alternative, and
4) It results in the same thing: NO ACTION, NO RESULT
5) every one of us is already bettering ourselves, and if you're not interested in doing more, then what the fuck are you doing here? Stop demoralizing us, take your own advice, and get the fuck out of here
6) It demonstrates a strong attitude: people respond to that here because we all view ourselves that way, or aspire to, or desire a strong leader. WHEN EVALUATING SOMEONE'S POST, IGNORE THEIR ATTITUDE. CONFIDENCE IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A GOOD IDEA.

"who cares what [normies, the media, NPCs, popular culture, millennials or Gen Z] think?"

Who cares, you ask? Everyone else cares, because it's the key to control.

be realistic:

You are not going to take down the entire jewish system from the inside anytime soon, and even if you did, their creations of radical leftists, communists, social justice freaks, and on and on are not going to instantly collapse in the wake.

remember: you outnumber them. If their efforts, with their vastly inferior numbers, were able to get the masses on their side, you can easily counter that.

It doesn't matter that they have Hollywood or newspapers: People prefer real people and grassroots memes over any plastic pop culture icon bullshit. And the values they push are ultimately unnatural and undesirable anyway: their propaganda is ALWAYS running against the current of human nature.

i encourage you to not even bother reading the replies to this thread; all the information and direction you need is written above. This thread will be reposted periodically with new insight and ideas.

The post below me is a Jewish agent.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The problem, OP, is that most Zig Forumsacks don't know what to do. So here is a mini-essay giving my two cents on what the person reading this thread should do:

Every social movement has two classes: a Bourgeoisie thinking class and a lower "action" class.
The difference between the two is very simple, the thinking class thinks, then tells the acting class to act. The thinking class is made up of educated, often rich individuals, and the acting class is made up of lower class, non-educated men, which Zig Forums and WNs has dubbed "lemmings". The thinking class is easy to influence through education, and the acting class won't act unless their more basic needs aren't being fulfilled.
The NatSoc movement in America due to a shortage of both classes. In my opinion, the purpose Zig Forums is to create a strong thinking class for the NatSoc movement, who will then create cells of other thinkers who in turn will amass an actor following. If you've found Zig Forums and stuck with it despite the rampant wrong think on it, then you are almost certainly not an actor. You, yes you, should be bettering yourself in the areas of social philosophy, logic, rhetoric, debate, and other potentially useful skills in order to be the start of this chain reaction. Once you're well versed in all of the former, find other potential thinkers. This part is the most difficult, but you'll have to redpill them. They in turn will become well versed in the previously mentioned skills, and will help you start a movement.
This is correct. But every revolution and resistance group had some sort of legal front either before or during the period of their activites. The IRA had Sein Fein, the USA had the continental congress, and Hitler had the NSDAP.
Your goal is to create a cell party to spread you ideology. Eventually your cell and others may combine when the time is right. Nonetheless, try your hardest to become the next Adolf Hitler
Now comes the even harder part. You'll have to convince a decent number of actors that your movement is worth joining. For this, I recommend advertising to impoverished white southerners, or waiting for or causing the US economy to crash. I also recommend not taking too much inspiration from European fascist movements. Hitler was great and all, but your movement should be of American identity, something new, fresh, and tailored to our culture. Once you have a decent following, 5% of the population to 20%, you declare yourself the new government.
Now the easy part, mobilize those actors take down the government. There already a couple threads on this so I'll skip this part
Now assuming you've won, there's another hard part. You have to consolidate power. Make sure you keep a close eye on your thinkers, that they don't become either too liberal or too extreme. The first will ruin the point of your movement, and turn you into that which you fought against. The later will also ruin your movement, as the thinkers will then utilize the actors against you, and try to kill you. For an example of the later, see the radical phase of the French revolution. Be ready to fight any (((external))) forces going after your newly formed country. Also make sure to add checks and balances to your government. Even if you're pure of heart and totally dedicated to your ideals, you will eventually die, and somebody who may be less dedicated will take over.

Assuming you did all of the above, Zig Forums has won. So, either start improving yourself, or, if you already have, start contacting other thinkers. Assuming you've done all that, which I doubt anybody reading this has yet, grow your mustache, part your hair, and become the next Hitler

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Blah blah blah nobody is going to murder politicians or sabotage the zog so posting here is a waste of time. It would be different if people acted but they dont. Go ahead and talk about hoaxes like storm roof and bowers. Doesn’t make it real.

Zig Forums is not a place for this. You should do all of this locally and within the circle of people you know face to face.


Wow wow, that glow

All true.
Stop wasting your time and start killing your enemies.
Kill jews.
Kill leftists.
Kill shitskins.
Kill faggots.

Paid jewish shill confirmed.

No, Zig Forums is about killing (jew).

Every fucking shabbat, these kikes run their fucking scripts.

"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!"

…but that doesn't mean you can't drag them closer to you. Push their schisms, use your arguments to fragment them and (((them))).

God Bless, I'll see you in Constantinople or Valhalla!

75% of these people have absolutely no power at all
thanks for the useless advice agent smith

Q predicted this

You will first have to remove White Nationalism larping for any mobilization.

Hey, I supported a thread to false flag the lefties, and that shit got deleted. Someone reposted the thread, and that got deleted too.

Apparently, the mods don't like using jew tactics against the jew. Or maybe they are threatened by Zig Forumsacks actually DOING something instead of sitting here and complaining. That's a thought, Zig Forums as a containment board, hey guys, sit here, drink beer and complain. Wouldn't want you to go out and do something dangerous like putting up posters. No, you goys just sit right there, now discuss.

New home for the thread: ml pol.net/ml pol/res/198959.html

stop wasting your time and focus on something that matters op you massive faggot
not your personal army shitlord

What we should be doing is logistics, networking, setting up barter systems, financial assistance, asset mobilization, moving into the same neighborhoods, setting up militias, getting into agriculture and industrial niches, setting up folkish communities, learning trade skills, learning mercantile, hiring our own in local businesses that supply each other across borders and state lines.
The power of the jew is to make you a social outcast, unable to get a wife, have children, or get a job.
If we have our own industry, our own networks. It won't matter.
The Third Reich grew out of a communist shithole of constant harassment and ridicule. They survived being social outcasts by banding together, hiring their own, having their own businesses and supplying each other rather than relying on everything from a jewish run state.

Yes. It's hard. It requires you to stop being a dopamine fiend. It requires a lot of time and effort. There is no single solution to this situation. It is a complicated logistical equation and requires planting the seed of a civilization, rather than trying to resurrect or save the current civilization which is designed to eliminate your race. Stop playing jewish games, stop winning stupid prizes.

Whites will never mobilize with play Nazis. Yet you faggot keep trying to make it work.

It's already happening, fbi.

What makes you say never?
Whites organized before and it certainly can happen again. It’s all dependent on material conditions

Assuming all the blackpilled posters on this board aren’t shills (which is most certainly and assumption), I think the problem is a lot of us are hoping and praying for change. Itching for some sort of movement or revolution, and that’s great! But with such a massive yearning I think we get upset that these things don’t happen overnight, or that in the real world their will be failures and shortcomings.
5 years ago I would have (and did) think you guys were mostly nuts, I recognized the JQ but didn’t think it was a significant problem. Now, well, let’s just say my thought process is different. Whites are waking up, to various degrees. Various nationalist sentiments are on the rise, race relations are hitting lows not seen in recent memory. The material conditions become more ripe every day.

And so I know time is short, we do need to act. But you gotta let go of your anxiety, fear, and depression. If shit doesn’t go your way keep pushing on. If you make a thread here and blackpilled faggots and shills crush it, come back tomorrow and try again. If you try to start a group and it collapses, try again in a few months. Maybe the time wasn’t right but later on things start getting hairier, and groups become more attractive.

And OP I agree with your post, I’d be curious to hear more of your thoughts on how to counter this subversion of the board

My cousin has mobilized his family to Argentina already! Whiter than the US, that's for sure.

Censorship is unamerican

Paid jewish shill confirmed.

Gas the kikes, hang the niggers, drown the spics.



You mean christian system OP? Every retarded policy has been enacted by a christian politician some time or other. But that doesn't appeal to Zig Forums's big bad jew narrative.

We don't outnumber them they are the vast majority.

If their shit wasn't popular then people wouldn't buy into it.

Face it you're never going to win over the public with your jew narrative.

The """JQ""" is a psyop to make white nationalism look retarded. You're being led like a sheep by gaslit morons.

This place exists for exactly the opposite. There are a million and one different ways we can mobilize, and communicate both in public and private. What sets this board apart is that this is where discussion happens without identities, meaning that the focus is solely on finding the truth itself. One of the reasons that this board is NatSoc in nature is because of that very idea. Start to make this a "recruitment drive" or as a way to mobilize a radical group, and you're going to bring a lot of shit down on everybody's heads. If you want to network, do it outside of this board. Leave this place as somewhere we can openly discuss ideas and philosophies through the lens of current events.


Discussion of ideas won't lead to the creation of irl groups. OP made this thread precisely because he felt that irl efforts are inadequate and he is looking for us to support him and ourselves with more than mere idle chatter. That being said relying on every lurker/poster turning into a one-man redpill and organisation machine is a risky strategy for success. Perhaps we should collaborate on a guide or pamphlet on how to best organise an irl group?
How to create your own local NatSoc movement: the guide

Until the shit really hits the fan, it's best to be small groups who don't know each other. It's the isis/ Al-Qaeda model. Any larger organisation will be infiltrated and brought down, making this all just one big honeypot.

this x100000000000000000

Good luck with that. And I mean it. But you'll need it.

The time for action was probably a year or more ago. We're petering out as a race, the alt-right collapsed due to incompetency, this board is under constant raid by MAGA Christcucks or false flags, and the next generation is already brainwashed beyond belief. Every day that goes by the situation becomes harder and the action needed grows. Yet the will do to it only shrinks.

Nice thread, OP.

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And just like that you destroyed anyone’s interest in your lies, moishe.

Delusion doesn't help anyone. If speaking the truth makes me Jewish, you're really not very superior, are you?

Bullshill, you are just cuckchanian with perfect Zig Forumsshill

Truth is not ideology, back to 4fun

What is that even supposed to mean?


Go back shitposting about the latest muh Trump tweet, muh Q, muh thots, muh e-celeb, muh Russia, muh China, muh bumpstocks, muh degenerate literally who the media is serving you and debating holocaust shills!

Just organize locally and create a militia centered around vigilante values and the preservation of your respective posterity and when the time comes, if enough groups like this have been organized in advance then whatever may come we'll be ready to adapt to it.


We need 1. uncensorable payment and communications platforms. 2. Clear ideas about what laws to repeal or pass.

I'm not willing to support anything that can be shut down by (((them))). They will attack the payment or communications at some point.

Also not willing to "do something" without a legal end-goal in mind. We need a manifesto or some demands we can press for in the republican party.

Our freedom of expression is now censored by tech companies, who are now operating in concert as essentially monopolies, by those who can't censor using the state.

Our freedom of association is meaningless unless you're free to discriminate.

We need a "net-neutrality" but for payment processors.

We need more ideas like this compiled into a manifesto. Let's meme it.

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I'm making this post assuming you're not a bot
Sorry Pajeet, this is an English speaking board

Curb your Autism mate, anyone with half a brain can tell I wasn't seriously saying you should dress up like Hitler. Did you also miss the part where I said "I also recommend not taking too much inspiration from European fascist movements"

If you actually read the post, which I don't think you did, then you'd remember the part where I said most Zig Forumsacks want to act, but don't know what to do. My post gave a clear outline on how one should take action

What did he mean by this?

Anyway, you are correct, I'm a Jewish shill for suggesting that you should convert others to the NatSoc ideology then overthrow the ZOG.

You glow in the dark, nigger.
Reported for kike shill.


Basically the entire thread was filled with low energy shills. A few hardy anons have been holding out, like these guys.

The rest of the thread is filled with (1) spam insults. Without actual moderation, the signal/noise ratio has clearly swung to noise. I think it might be time to move to greener pastures, 8/pol/ is dead.

This was an excellent reply actually.

This is the most important part IMO. This is how you will get people on board. Personally I like the idea of the "Orange Vests" It is similar to the French Yellow vests but emphasizes American gun culture in a big way since this is the color of hunters nation wide. Personally I think this may be a good symbol.

The demands for this group should be the bills sitting in the house RIGHT NOW. In particular the ones about abolishing the IRS and the FED and leaving the UN. I think we could all get behind that right? How about a complete and total reinstatement of the 2nd amendment over-riding the firearms act of 1934? That would be a good demand with and elimination of the Brady Bill as the icing. How about an end to the county land ownership system and a return to Allodial Title/Land patent systems of true freehold land with the highest possible title. How about a return to a gold standard. How about an elimination of all social benefits for anyone able bodied from 16 to 75? I think all these things would be a very good idea.

I think the point some of them are making is that we should better ourselves in order to have children and obtain status or wealth so we can infiltrate the institutions working against us. Basically using the same strategy Jews have used; Aryan Talmudism, if you will.

Of course every time theres anything that even just positive White reinforcement ,
(((faggot losers))) an bots start shitting up the thread. So first thing is the board needs some basic vetting then move on from there.

The FBI.

< Teh anshwur is Murican nashunaleesm
We already know what that looks like. There are good reasons Lincoln Rockwell took the actions he did and they are more valid today than 52 years ago.

Just give up, fellow Whites! Wanna see porn activisn thread #354 or the Incel 4 Life thread #846?

Srs tho, the first thing needed is to delete all the useless (1) responses and deletion = autosage.
All distraction/slide threads must be deleted and there needs to be several mods at least working in shifts.

Pretty good question and response.
Though there is a downfall to exposing your identity. Even if someone becomes too high profile on this board something might happen.
Bowden, assassinated. Georges Ernst Boulanger, assassinated. George Lincoln Rockwell, assassinated. Any revolutionary right wing intellectual movement that gains traction, their leader is taken out. Thats why the online movement has so much promise, we are leaderless, headless, an idea. It should be kept that way during this inchoate period.

The thing about these mobilization discussions is everyone has these delusions of grandeur that put the cart before the horse and how they'll be be marching down Washington with their own army of orange vests or blue jackets or whatever LARPy "nu-American" symbol they concocted. /pol's strength is the dissemination of information, and whenever operations are done that aren't in a reactionary manner or have a clear goal for everyone to works towards, they feel quite forced. Not saying that you should stop trying of course, but what I guess I'm trying to say is that the Yellow Jackets were spontaneous, and that natural situations will arise for us to co-opt and usurp into our favor. For the particularly bright programmer anons, >>12695853 are good things to works towards. We need paralegal, mass communication, and payment methods as a start. Can work from there. For everyone else, we work towards redpilling those around us, preparing, and creating parallel structures until these moments arrive.

Nah, it's over. We needed Trump to use his connections to rebuild the financial system after a financial crises.

One thing most of you dont realize about the dont do anything crowd. Most arent jews, most are cowardly white men who try and find reasoning and purpose behind their traitorous, cowardly actions and confirmation in their pitiful behavior by converting others to the do nothing cause.
And the honey pot excuse is just that, an excuse for these traitorous cowards to rally behind.
Truth is, people like these are cancerous to white people and do way more harm then the jew or its shit skin golems ever could.

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*or don't have a clear goal. My mistake

"You know, we live in an age of shirkers, of deadbeats, of people who actually think they're being smart by never being responsible for anything. It seems like the first rule a lot of our soldiers in Vietnam learned 25 years ago was "never volunteer for anything." That's what I hear from a lot of Vietnam vets. But this attitude also has permeated our whole society and has affected many Americans who are too young to have been in Vietnam. People who spend a lot of time on the Internet discussing political and social issues with other people tell me that the word there too is "never join anything; if you do the government may cause you trouble or you may be asked to do something; so the smart thing to do – the safe thing to do – is never join anything.""
"Well, of course, the thing about the Internet is that it is anonymous. People can express their opinions about anything they want without anybody knowing who they are. They all use pseudonyms or nicknames. It's the perfect environment for cowards, for shirkers. They can shoot their mouths off and act like real men without being called to account. And like shirkers everywhere, they would like for everyone else to be a shirker too, so they are not shown up for what they are. They would like for their cowardice and irresponsibility to be regarded as prudence. They want to thought of as smart guys instead of as shirkers."
"But really, how smart is it never to accept any personal responsibility? What that amounts to is opting to be a spectator in life instead of a participant. Life is interesting. Life can be fun. There are many fascinating things to observe, to talk about. And I guess these smart guys figure that they will watch it all first. They will talk about it all with their friends first. Then when they know everything they can go back and make smart choices about what to become involved in. They won't make any mistakes."
"But you know, it doesn't work that way. You don't get to go back and start over after you've watched it all and got it all figured out. You only get one shot at life, and you've got to make the most of it. You've got to figure it out as you go, even if that means accepting some risk and making some mistakes. There's no going back. If you just watch it all the way to the end, telling everyone how smart you are because you're not making any commitments or taking any chances, you've missed your chance to live. And that chance never will come again. The people who live are the people who participate in life, not the spectators who just watch it go by."
~Dr. William Pierce

I'd have provided the video but (((Google))) censored it

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Sage: negated.
Cringe compilation: updated.

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This place has become cuckchan.

This is not english speaking board, most of you are using new made up word from media or social media (its kind of laughble how "based" is actually from nigger song) also I believe this board should strat making up words to make sure boomers don't catch up just like after the elections otherwise pol's indenity will be just a memory

ZOG is really predictible, it works like this create fake outrage->fuck over evryone while destracted->if discovered create even more fake outrage
If you want to overthrow it then gather facts on mass scale and keep them as safe as possible and stay sane but have fun with that it is impossible, elites win becuse every one is fucking stupid to immoral level, you want take them down you are on your own

Truth is not an ideology

Cosmic Fire has the torch for the time being. Press F for Herr Nordstrom.

But that's not true you fucking FBI faggot, we're just making sure everyone understand that they should neither reveal anything online nor should they go to "meetups" honeypots where faggots like you are waiting for them. Why are you so fucking incompetent?

Even for you slackers who sit around doing nothing…


Create your own library. Use something with an easy search function, like a private wiki. One of the gamergate diggers used a simple text file that went up to 4MB because it was better than nothing. Use whatever is easiest for you to put info in, and easier to pull info out.

When a subject comes up again, dump your info. Dump someone else's info that you saved. Someone challenges it? That's cool. Fix the errors, add references, improve the quality of the info.

Take the info offsite and start evangelizing.

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The central banks of the world are using their power to engineer society in all aspects.
The cause of the 2008 financial crisis was the Federal Reserve conjuring money out of thin air and giving it to 'minorities' for free
through "loan affirmative action", a.k.a. race-based wealth redistribution turbo-communist style.
This event was the greatest redistribution of wealth in history, along arbitrary racial lines at that, to the tune of about $50 TRILLION moved.
That much manipulation becomes meaningless in terms of dollars because that much money changes anything the manipulators want, it changes the meaning of the currency completely.
And they still keep doing it to this day, and have even expanded the scope of the loans beyond real estate to cars, or whatever else.
Not only did this massive scam cause people with money they actually earned to lose their homes and cash because 'minorities' were driving up the prices with conjured money,
but they crashed the stock market further destroying the investments of hard working people who actually earned what they had.
In addition they took the opportunity to make more regulations to give them more power over the economy and propagate 'affirmative action' deeper into society.
This scam was planned from beginning to end, in every aspect.
Learn how the world really works. The central bank funnels money into businesses that help its social engineering agenda, and drives the rest out of business with engineered bubbles, regulation, lawfare, etc.
They make sure that greed always works in their favor.
It's your responsibility to study these scams and inform your friends and family, even if you have to confront them when they're dismissive. Force them to listen!
Stand up against ignorance and apathy! We'll never get anywhere without a unified narrative.

Protests and marches aren't going to take down the system either. There is no fighting the system from within the system. Read pdf related.

It's a start. Doing things together is how you get organized. It doesn't have to be a protest or march. You have have Fluffy Cat Holding Day and get likeminded people together, then start dropping little red pills.

You didn't get to the point of posting siege by seeing people burn cars on television
You got to the point of posting siege by being presented information you wouldn't see otherwise

just need good leadership


This is what the OP is pushing against. The idea that the only two possibilities are drinking the MUH SEEJ kool-aid and getting arrested/killed, or else doing absolutely nothing and sitting in your basement, is a bullshit false dichotomy.

Both of those are losing strategies which is why both are constantly shilled around here. Occasionally you might see another variation along the lines of "Go to this rally but you MUST bring a swastika flag and doxx yourself or else you're a cuck, plus be sure to sieg heil for the TV cameras :)" but that isn't what OP is suggesting either.

Believe it or not this used to be a board for sane, productive activism. Stuff like local organizing, smart poster campaigns like IOTBW, and stunts like HWNDU actually work and shift the culture to the right. That's why threads like these are constantly shilled against. That's why there's 7 no-content shitposts in a row right after this thread was posted. People who want to keep us either ineffective and inactive, or actively destroying ourselves, want these ideas buried.

Sadly I agree. Anonymous imageboards are GREAT for meme dissemination and discussions that require a wide range of opinions, but for actual strategizing and intellectual discussion they are very easily co-opted by spamming shills.

A chat service along the lines of Discord can be better, although Discord in itself is megacucked and I wouldn't recommend anyone use it. It would be ideal if the effortposters from this thread were to get together on another platform, like IRC, so as to stay in touch after this thread dies. Either way if anyone is interested respond to this post and I'll set up an IRC channel.

This is an index of genuinely good effortposts in this thread:

I like where you're going with this, but you don't need to lie on the posters. Put direct, attributed quotes from leftists on them. E.g. "White men are the greatest threat to America" and a CNN logo.

This is along the lines of what we should be doing. I'm working on something similar, but for right-wing groups in general.

Fuck off glownigger.

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The worst part of all this is listening to Schumer make a joke out of democracy. He doesn't have a single legitimate argument on his side but has no problem lying on camera to give the impression of debate. He is a bully and war is the only way to get rid of people like him.

Literally the only way to get rid of the jewish menace and all the other sub humans is to kill them, you will never be able to get the masses on your side unless you win the war on judaism and are the ones in power, we need lots of usefull idiots to spearhead a revolution then implement national socialism then kill all those usefull idiots, wipe the history books and any evidence of the past and create a new begining.
there has never been a point in history where a group of whiny faggots got into power or changed anything it was always the men of action that killed the big wigs then installed their power, like when the native americans got wiped out or when that french bitch ate some cake

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I like this discussion and I'm glad we're having it.
We have different ideas on what is effectiveness, but we all seem to agree that often "the right" (as if that were a monolithic entity anyways) focuses too much on ineffective fringe movements or gets bogged down in infighting.
I agree with the sentiment expressed by a number of anons that we need to (and have, frequently, so it's nothing new) focus on achievable victories, understanding that our diligence is our strength and that we are playing a longer-term game (necessarily, given the left controls the media, world government, banking, etc).
I suggest individuals start simple and resolve to take one action a day. An action can take many forms, but it's small stuff. Spreading suppressed information on mainstream channels, openly questioning with wit and grace some eceleb bobblehead for some dumb talking point they're parroting to their followers, etc. Little stuff, done consistently, over time works. Anyone who's improved their health or got out of a dead end career can tell you that it works, even though each day is not necessarily fun and you don't see the result you want as fast as you'd like.
Globalism is very unpopular right now, the left wing media is trashing to keep its control on information, faith in government and bedrock institutions is low around the world. People are open to a new alternative, and we bring that to them through constant, unglamorous, diligent action.

Too lazy to read the entire thread but I made a lefty twitter to learn about their motivations and movements and saw one incredibly powerful networking tool:

They have hashtags like #FirstTwitterParty or whatever they're called, you just make a post in it formatted similar to the following:

And then add the hashtags

I did this and got 1,600 followers in under 48 hours.
Of course it has downsides, most people on there are retarded and you'll get a lot of edgy shitposters but you can filter those out manually. If we did this, our impact on social media would likely grow tenfold, simply because we would be connected enough to be noticed more.

this shit never works remember all those leaks that where touted as complete bullshit by everyone then turned out to be true but no one gave a fuck when they where confirmed to be true? i imaging revealing that you kidnapped your own citizens and tested various methods of mindcontrol and brainwashing on them for 50 something years, or revealing that the vietnam war was entirely preventible as the attack didnt even happen to those ships, or the plans to firebomb cities and blame it on cuba so you can go to war or claiming WMDs then finding none, then doing more shit in the middle east would cause some sort of commotion amongs the population but they didnt and the govermet is still in power, no one cares about the amount of cops commiting crimes and terrorism just to potentially get an arrest which turns out to be some FBI undercover agent anyway all the time or cares about the FEMA camps or about most shit that goes on like mass surveillance. if they didnt care then, what makes you think anyone will care now or in the future? the only time shit ever gets done is through armed violence and the destruction of the current system, you know how hitler and his goons fucked with the jews before doing anything else, because once the jews where gone and where not in any power they couldnt stop him, if hitler just talked shit out or pasted ITS OKAY TO BE GERMAN everywhere he probably would have gotten into that artschool.

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What tag shall we use? #OkToBeWhite ?

fuck off JIDF

No, Zig Forums is for information warfare and redpilling whites that is, removing the jewish spell that has been cast on the West since the end of WWII.
Mobilization is a local or maybe national issue, Zig Forums is global.

That is true, and Zig Forums is 100% about (re)creating this thinking class.
And it's succeeding, hard. How many millions of whites have been redpilled for life by these boards, directly or indirectly? How many people have these Zig Forumsacks redpilled themselves in real life? It's insane, and the pressure on the jews is now increasing every day.
The time for action in the physical plane is getting closer. Curious to see how jews will try to escape this time: in the internet age it will be harder to hide.

Attached: burn_it_down.jpg (2400x1197, 743.97K)

They just leave, to israel or elsewhere. They are doing it in France right now. Oops, we imported muslims who hate us. Time to get out.

I suggest something easy to remember and discreet. Their tag isn't that obvious either, and if we make it too obvious lefties will flock to it or even get it removed.

We also need to push this idea on other chans then. It could be a great networking tool. Perhaps we could even at some point move over to localized hashtags to have people connect irl.

you know who gives out pills?
You know which type of people have the most doctors?
the jews

Attached: The Jews.webm (480x360, 421.79K)

This, abso-fucking-lutely this.
Further we need to resume actual digging. The research institutions of the world order are all looking directly at us like an eye of sauron and our own eyes here have largely failed. We need to be the think tank that opposes the major think tanks because we are like it or not all that is left for now. Through research and counter intelligence work that we all contribute just a little to while ignoring the blatant nay-saying shills, we can work towards gaining a perfect understanding of the capabilities in memetic warfare of our opponents. And need I remind all of you, our enemies are tirelessly reverse engineering all the memetic tools and ideas we have produced.

There are three steps in the war for truth:
1: Discern the truth
2. Spread the truth to those that will accept it
3. Once you reach a critical mass, use these people to overcome those that will not accept it

Zig Forums is effectively a decentralized intelligence agency whose purpose is to accomplish #1. There are some that come here and are redpilled, but that's usually not due to any outreach effort on our part. To accomplish #2, we need to actively spread the truths that we have discovered, in a form that is easy to digest for people that don't have the tolerance to read this board directly. As an example, I've been linking an easy-to-read redpill compendium on other websites (mega.nz/#F!rjhGSC6I!7o327OSRgtR8Tjmwbi_Ngg) as a way to dispense the largest amount of truth with the least amount of time and effort. I've found that simply leaving reading material for bystanders to peruse works better than direct debate, because people are often reluctant to admit they are wrong when personally confronted. I encourage you all to use similar techniques, either with the redpills I use or with your own. Once a sufficient amount of people understand our ideas, it will facilitate the rise of real life Hitler-tier leaders who will be able to accomplish step 3.

Attached: propaganda.jpg (1920x1080, 402.82K)

Agreed. The disemmination of data is ultimately of prime importance. Further to that end also simplifying the narrative so anyone can understand it without talking down to people is of exceptional importance. Most people won't read a 2000 word essay let alone a book nowadays as a result of the overabundance of choice and "truth" that exists in the world now. Thus our purpose increasingly appears to be to "create context" because ultimately the lalilulelo made some damn fine points, even if they executed it all in a bullshit way.

But the truth has already been spread and is out there, its just that no one is willing to accept it because it destroys their comfy lives and worldview. when snowden revealed that the goverment was spying on people literally nothing happened and no one gave a fuck with the classic "nothing to hide nothing to fear". there where no mass protests, no one died or was fired the only thing that happend was some dude got exiled to russia and got a TV interview along with his 15 minutes of fame.

People who are willing to accept the truth have already accepted it, if they didnt already accept it then they are not willing so you dont need to find anyone when you already have people with the truth
yet again, how is there supposed to be a mass uproar over shit if huge things have been leaked to the public in the past and the people did nothing? action creates action, you cant get action by spreading words to those who dont want to listen to you and you waste your breath spreading it to those who already know, the only way to get people on your side is to either use jewish tricks or by force because the masses always follow who wins the war

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I don't know any great IRC platforms, may you enlighten me user?

This Thread Glows

Attached: Glow in the Dark.jpg (1241x837, 240.88K)

The Snowden revelations didn't concern the average person the way it concerned us because the average person legitimately DOESN'T have anything dangerous to hide from the people in charge, at least nothing that would override the trust they place in the system that supposedly provides for them. Most people already assume the government spies on them anyway. The knowledge that the system is run by people that despise them and actively work to destroy their ethnicity is of an much higher degree of importance to the average person. Even if they do not grasp the full scope of the problem, they are much less likely to oppose radical reform if our struggle is viewed as a fight for survival, as opposed to a fight against domestic government spying, or something similarly unconcerning to them.

Made this pic just for (((you))), user.

Attached: pol guide to shills.png (2544x782, 314.76K)

Some people here have been tricked by extremists into thinking that there is some sort of universal Jewish conspiracy. This is patently untrue because even if there was some sort of conspiracy by powerful Jewish people, it wouldn't be known to the normal Jewish masses. We need our Jewish allies like Ben Shapiro to stop the SJW madness.


Zig Forums ITSELF should not be a "board for mobilization", but definitely should not actively discourage action or coming up with plans, etc. It is most certainly in the interests of (((our benefactors))) for us to merely do nothing.

This one's good. Saved.

K selected species can't procreate effectively when forced to be mobilized. Hence this site allowing trash to gaslight Whites.

Their religion is basic indoctrination.

Yeah purity is a pretty big deal.

Hypothetically speaking, say if one were to have a plan, how would they even get Zig Forums involved without outing themselves as a Zig Forumslack? Therein lies the paradox.