Zig Forums should be primarily about mobilization
It seems that the most effective D&C tactic at this point in time, either from shills or defeatist assholes, is discouraging people from taking any kind of action, ESPECIALLY in threads proposing a new campaign for us to try. News articles about the latest degenerate event, with no possibility of action, only serve to demoralize us.
the left has thinktanks of morons, sitting around whiteboards, brainstorming ways to win over the culture and corporate policy, as well as ways to disarm us, but you don't want to mobilize? We have BIG PROBLEMS, and we either do something or we lose.
Pay attention:
replies like "Stop wasting your time and focus on something that actually matters" should be a bannable offense
A comment like "Stop complaining, go out and better yourself" is the ideal shill disarmament:
1) it disperses our efforts
2) It is not a suggestion
3) it offers no alternative, or an ambiguous alternative, and
4) It results in the same thing: NO ACTION, NO RESULT
5) every one of us is already bettering ourselves, and if you're not interested in doing more, then what the fuck are you doing here? Stop demoralizing us, take your own advice, and get the fuck out of here
6) It demonstrates a strong attitude: people respond to that here because we all view ourselves that way, or aspire to, or desire a strong leader. WHEN EVALUATING SOMEONE'S POST, IGNORE THEIR ATTITUDE. CONFIDENCE IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A GOOD IDEA.
"who cares what [normies, the media, NPCs, popular culture, millennials or Gen Z] think?"
Who cares, you ask? Everyone else cares, because it's the key to control.
be realistic:
You are not going to take down the entire jewish system from the inside anytime soon, and even if you did, their creations of radical leftists, communists, social justice freaks, and on and on are not going to instantly collapse in the wake.
remember: you outnumber them. If their efforts, with their vastly inferior numbers, were able to get the masses on their side, you can easily counter that.
It doesn't matter that they have Hollywood or newspapers: People prefer real people and grassroots memes over any plastic pop culture icon bullshit. And the values they push are ultimately unnatural and undesirable anyway: their propaganda is ALWAYS running against the current of human nature.
i encourage you to not even bother reading the replies to this thread; all the information and direction you need is written above. This thread will be reposted periodically with new insight and ideas.
The post below me is a Jewish agent.