Couldn't archive this sorry.
Will they take the bait and sit and wait to see what Macron's "national debate" produces (immigration is off the table) or will they once again hit the streets and take the punishment from the police?
Couldn't archive this sorry.
Will they take the bait and sit and wait to see what Macron's "national debate" produces (immigration is off the table) or will they once again hit the streets and take the punishment from the police?
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that frogs will never do anything.
So is this round X of a XV round bout?
The Jew only fears Racism
How many decades.. hell centuries are they depicted as Evil on Earth and yet, still alive ? Even Kings only displaced them, sometimes killed them but they never fully addressed the issue neither fully understood it.
Another nice quote :
Reported because if you were white you would have kept it to any of a dozen fucking yellow kike threads.
Ahh bullshit.
I started this thread to follow today's protests. There's going to be news soon with videos and stuff and I thought I'd put this here to contain it just like it was contained on one or two threads in the previous 9 weeks.
Go sit on a tack.
God I love Dr. Destouches. What a great guy.
They should keep it going to the point that the government confiscate guns. That would really help Americans,and it would spook the internet.
It's still night at Paris but 5000 police are already in position, mobilized for another Saturday of protest
The protests are scheduled to start at 11AM
It's 7:15 AM there now.
Oh shit the plebs are revolting, quick pretend to be patriotic!
They have Nothing Toulouse
This. They're a bunch of cucks and some fucking frenchie retard has been spamming this protest shit for literally weeks.
It's time to accept your defeat and keep on sucking on macron's dick, which you voted for btw, frenchcucks.
Answering yourself. Totally not a jew move. Shut yer semen-tic filth hole kike.
Fuck off, kike.
It's scared
Dont give up frogs, show every one your not a bunch of race traitor cowardly scum!!!
There's 80,000 police deployed to deal with the gilets jaunes again this weekend.
Demoralization shills already out in force. Ferme la bouche, mossad.
So whats happening today, is it literally nothing so far?
Prove him wrong, (((1))) faggots.
You know them well.
Their numbers are decreasing. Theresa May remained in power, so will Macron. Nothing will happen. Another red herring to mask preparations for upcoming wars, propaganda and increased censorship. The arms industry just got trillions in public funding through the new space based defense program, but you hear about the wall causing a shutdown for 5 billions, useless frogs and Brexit like the world cares.
t.butthurt Ami who has been stroking his guns and talking about revolution for decades while his nation turns into Brazil 2 and he keeps electing zionist stooges
Spotted the Shill.
If they can keep up the people, which it seems they will, it will greatly weaken the public perception of the people in the government. Saying nothing has changed is a lie, already you see the system desperately trying to appease them, the national debate for instance. You will see them fail completely, and bring more people to the Yellow vests. Already the Yellow Vests stuff is spreading outside of France, and the media is desperately trying to suppress it. People are pissed off.
This, I noticed it spiked considerably after that one frog went into a coma after getting shot in the back of the head with a tear gas canister. The pigs are scared shitless at what the gilet jaunes are going to do next, and apparently so are the fuckers hiding behind screens, decrying any actual action that takes place. Reminds me of a larger scale version of the kind of demoralization that happened when anons started taking photos of that CTR HQ a couple years back.
Put a bullet in your brain.
The yellow vests have been able to escalate tensions between people and their own government more than nearly anybody else in recent memory, and the one thing that the modern state wants is stability and maintenance of the status quo. France is headed towards extinction if nothing changes, so persistent escalation is a win-win scenario for anybody wanting to preserve their culture, even if things get "worse," because there is literally nothing worse than your entire people being wiped off the face of the earth in a political whisper. Even if nothing comes of this group of protests specifically, the agitations caused by them isn't going to simply go away, and depending on the actions taken by the French government to suppress the movement, even more people will likely end up getting really fucking pissed, even if they don't immediately show it.
The only people who benefit from inaction are those composing the state and those under its payroll.
The people who benefit from action are composed of literally everyone else.
Good luck.
Best hopes for you all, stay strong french anons.
So I'm assuming groups like Hamas, Guerroro citizen militias, and the IRA aren't recent enough? Those three groups accomplished more than the yellow vests against their respective governments. Give me a list of conessions the yellow vests have extracted from their government.
No. Nobody cares about them. Make another thread to talk about whatever they did.
Yeah, your avatarfagging isn’t going to work here.
So this is a thread about “doing nothing,” got it.
And what have you been doing?
And that poor guy was a fireman.
There's a reason why they had 80,000 cops out on riot duty across France today.
RT disagrees and says today was a strong turnout throughout France
Get a load of this hothead.
The French protesters are a bunch of neo marxist cucks, you can look over on YouTube at how cucked the yellow vests with niggers making rap songs out of it and getting praised by the French cucks, and the niggers making money out of this so called "revolution" the French are a bunch of mongrel rat looking race, I hope they die out, the East of Europe is our only real hope, at least the East of Europe understand how bad communism really is and have a sense of ethno nationalism unlike the French ape looking cucks
Nigger, Russia is just as bad as everywhere else.
I am in France, and seen these race traitors in person. They say nothing about niggers and will turn on you if you even say anything about their replacement and the endless tides of niggers.
American spotted.
Good luck mon cheries. Décapite Macron si vous plais.
Excuse my French, it's been a year or so since I took that class
More than you'll ever do.
No Balkan region
Russians are Mongoloids, they were so stupid that they thought that they were fighting for Russia when in fact they were fighting for jews, Russians and any Russian collaborators like igor dodon are pro judeo Bolshevik scum which I consider as traitors not true nationalists, any true nationalist in the east shouldn't side neither with the EU or Russia, both jew controlled
No grandson of waffen SS foreign divison volunteer, fuck you mongrel bastard, keep on being jealous of my European heritage you shitskin
8:20pm, so… What happened? Nothing!
Frenchcucks proving, once again, that they're retarded. They're gonna eat some baguettes and cheese and laugh about how they "showed" macron who's boss by getting shot in the face and beaten by the police. Fucking pathetic and every week that this charade goes on only increases my already huge hate for the french.
Stay home sitting on your guns, amerifat. You will never do anything politically than bitch online, as useless as always.
Why should anyone care for what you say, when you can't even bring a hundred people to the streets to protest being cucked by Trump. Respect begets balls and you have none.
Crooked nose spotted. You don't want to speak like that when pretending to be White, JIDF scum.
And please, the East is under Jewish rule as well. See
Hello Chaim.
Here's a fun fact: no more than 20% of the French voted for Macron.
Though a man is never, he is always to be blest.
Well ain't that fast?
Since the US has existed France has had 4 republics 2 empires and 3 royal families. They have been doing something every 40 years.
Only eastern euro countries with nationalistic populations are Ukraine and Belarus and both are quasi dictatorships about to be swallowed whole by the Golden Horde
Protestors drive forklift into Ministry, Macron official evacuated
Brave 1
Brave 2
Brave 3
Perfect bicycle throw on a policeman
Bank under attack
Policemen chased out of Rivoli Street
Insurrection scene in Paris
Clash between protesters and policemen near l'Assemblée Nationale
Town Hall's door forced by protesters in Rennes
Boat fire
Just don't bother with the federal agent in chief, he wins if you play his game and not debate the french. Vive La France
How do you guys get over this cognitive dissonance LMAO?
Yellow Vest protests outside of France:
(January 19th, 2019)
Australia: sunshinecoastdaily.com.au
=Les gilets jaunes triompheront=
Keep trying
You're sounding like a hippy fag tbh
Fill out your ballot and fuck off to reddit.
why do they always do this?
Since the Revolution, no, it's not. Only revolutionaries that preach socialism, government welfare and rampant bureaucracy live there. For perhaps a dozen generations. It is ingrained in French culture so hard that it leeches off to other countries and provided the basis of arguments for all the crap you see in the world today: illuminism, communism, atheism…
I'll believe France has risen against their old lords when they officially recognize the Revolution as a mistake and instate the King of France back to their throne.
Hezbollah and Hamas are on Facebook too, are they sponsored by Zuckerberg?
Yellow Vests Teargassed from Helicopter
Any good streams up?
Oh you need to start killing these fucking pigs man.
I'm usually supportive of law enforcement but the moment law enforcement supports the state against the people like this, they are effectively just mercenaries and all bets are off.
Waste these faggots wherever possible.
Molotovs where able.
There's nothing wrong with holding beliefs, everyone has them unless they're lobotomised, but it's painfully obvious that mainstream ideals do ultimately fall under the control of those in control, the banks, the fed, the international (((clique))
dunno, are they jews?
to meme in the facejew into the optics of riot footage is steering discussion in a very pointed way. the only pieces of text to frame this video are the words facebook and angier. and facebook is the first word. so going by the boring but effectful Z-pattern of how people scan images/screens what is the first thing that enters. what is the opener. what is being invoked etc.
Exactly, the french are neutered cowards.
They get man handled wile the niggers they support laugh at them, how pathetic can you get.
>it usually takes a crane to remove (((it)))
No America. :( So doomed.
Could someone give me a rundown or link so i can catch-up on the yellow vest shenanigans? I have not followed it at all and I want to catch up.
Oh fuck. Could it be finally happening? These poor people are tired, they are oppressed, they are suffering. They need HITLER.
Is the Saxon beginning to hate? Has the global nazi revolution finally begun?
Any news from today? I asked on the other thread but this week was pretty silent. Went to the cuckchan archive but couldn't find much I'm only spoilering to test the feds
Nevermind I found the archives. It's happening
Still pushing that stale narrative?
If dubs siegepill puts on yellow vests and starts it in America
Check periscope for streams. It's after dark so they might be breaking and burning right now. If you find any, post them ITT.
It's still going now for the 10th weekend. Macron is trying to start a national dialogue with city mayors and small town-hall meetings but nobody seems to be taking the bait. 80,000 riot police were deployed all over the country, so the riots are still serious enough to warrant it.
Controlled opposition trying to redirect popular anger away from targets of actual value.
cheers bud
Battle of Paris, 2019-01-19.
Forces in presence
A few hundred protesters wearing yellow vests, 1 forklift, 1 door.
Casualties: 1 door
Outcome: "a decisive victory against the new world order." - RT
These are from today.
Also a police station was burned in Avignon. Some video clips here:
Videos from today:
Bordeaux, water cannon and flares
Paris, riot police charge, tear gas:
Paris, water cannon, tear gas:
Rennes, a guy wounded, possibly dead:
Banque Populaire stormed in Toulouse:
video of the aftermath
Wow. Holy shit.
video related
neat huh
i feel so smug now thinking about those demoralisation shills
i wonder if they get demoralised?
just so comfy right now watching it burn
More video clips, fire, cars burning:
Toulouse, at the bank: