It's like they're ghouls, trolls, freakish demons…
No other race looks so abnormal…
On the other hand middle eastern jews generally don't tend to look so hideous on average.
It's like they're ghouls, trolls, freakish demons…
No other race looks so abnormal…
On the other hand middle eastern jews generally don't tend to look so hideous on average.
Other urls found in this thread:
Billionaire Dan Gertler looks pretty much like a "white" negro, a built that is pretty much never found among western Europeans.
bc race-mixed + in-bred
There is also the Neanderthal theory.
They’re one of the most inbred people in Europe, if not the world.
They’ve spent the past several centuries trying to keep the genes of their already relatively small population in as small a pool as possible. To the pont where today the majority of ashkenazim are all sixth or seventh cousins.
It doesn’t help that at one point they had to rebuild their entire population from only four individuals.
I'd check your trips, but then you self-bumped, so fuck you.
Anyway, the race we now call Ashkenazi Jews got their start about 500 years after Jews first arrived in Europe in large numbers. Around 1000 AD, increasing numbers of European governments got redpilled on the JQ, and they forced the proto-kikes into isolated ghettos in the area between the headwaters of the Rhine and the Danube.
Living in these shtetls, the Jews developed an economy and society all their own. Intensive inbreeding seems to have set in by the 13th century, and the harsher laws against them in the mid-14th century drove them tighter into quarantine. During this time, there was a strong selection pressure toward scheming and shylocking behaviors.
When you put people in that condition – tight gene pool, pressure to fuck the rabbi's son, and all the normal-looking and -acting ones leave as soon as they can – you get bizarre results. The founder effect and elimination of the culls crafted a people who are extremely cunning with words and symbolic logic (remember the rabbi's son effect; it's not easy to learn three dead languages and memorize the Talmud), but extremely deficient morally and physically.
The Jews who spent 400 years in these conditions left the ghettos in the early 1800s, but they carried certain cultural inhibitions against outbreeding. Every Jewish mother mourns her son's shiksa fever, and warns her daughters not to marry a goy. In effect, the Jews' DNA never left the ghetto, and they're still breeding very close, like an isolated tribe on a South Pacific island.
Except, it's worse than that. If a tribe is truly cut off, then after a while all of its recessive genes reach fixation and harmful effects are exposed to selection in every generation as if they were dominant. This tends to purge the harmful genes from the group and actually makes close inbreeding safe, as long as no outsiders ever deposit genes with the population. Jews have the worst of the two worlds – very close inbreeding, with just enough influx of gentile DNA to mask the lethal recessives most of the time, so there's never a healthy selection against Gaucher Disease (affecting 1 in 10 Ashkenazi), Cystic Fibrosis (1 in 24), Tay-Sachs Disease (1 in 27), Familial Dysautonomia (1 in 31), or Spinal Muscular Atrophy (1 in 41).
Being uglier than a divorce goes along with this. Pic related actually doesn't have anything wrong with her face, in isolation. It's symmetrical, clear skin, nice teeth, the whole deal. But I'd still rather fuck a sponge soaked in battery acid than kiss it, and so would you. She's a real beauty by Jewess standards, among those who've evolved to look like that and whose mothers imprinted this on their early brains. But to us, she's in the uncanny valley, and for a really good reason. She's a carrier for fucked up genes, and we instinctively know this. As her people evolved big honkers to signal their Jewishness to other tribesmen, we evolved a revulsion to the look – which we feel as a person just looking "off," whether we know why or not – to keep our offspring free from Yitzhak-Revelshekelstein-Youpornberg disease, or whatever she'd pass along.
Also, the Jews are morally deficient, and they age like shit on a shingle because they sin with every thought and deed, which makes your skin papery and blubbery all at once.
This. Jewlywood's sneering at "muh southern redneck inbred hicks" is nothing but projection from the ashkenazi nexus who have fucked their cousins for the last 2000 years.
fear not friendo…
You know what really skeeves me out? Jews with blue eyes.
Their religion has genetic disorder problems.
Hollywood's projections of whites being inbred is just projection.
Jews claim that they're only a religion. I meant to say it in Sarcasm.
They're like illegals. Latino when applying for Amnesty & welfare, white when they rape a white woman.
Region when they murder tens of millions of Russians, ethnicity when they want to brag.
QTDDTOT, nigger.
jews descend from niggers, they are also oriental
middle eastern jews are typically well fed. jews in the west intentionally starve themselves to remind europeans of the holocaust.
its what you get when an inbreeding race travels from asia minor getting cucked by every nation they encounter and then start inbreeding again when theyre in europe.
its like a recepie for an abomination genepool
they're semites/khazars mixed with germanics
everything in their face looks out of place
Mark of Cain
Because the ashkenazim were created from the unholy union between kike males and a small number of Aryan women they raped when they entered Europe centuries ago. Their very existence is abhorrent to nature.
They can't undo nigger genes. There's no going back. They're marked by multiple genetic afflictions.
kikes are so good looking when they aren't mixed with the inferior european genetics
t. schlomo groidberg
their entire population is based on around 350 common ancestors
Answered your own question there, user. They are not human but anthropomorphic untermenschen. Ask yourself, have you ever seen or known of a jewess who gives birth?
Jewish women are absolutely fucking hideous and are very easy to spot, even after they butcher their own faces. How can any man get a hard-on for them is beyond my comprehension.
a jew is like a rat
that will come in and immediately start constructing their little dialectic
before you know it, they have set up a whole network of shit to operate in
and will try to get everyone else to operate in it with them
it is best to just stomp on them and crush them immediately before they have a chance to start setting up their network of shit in your home
Some of them are talented musically or sexually and some have an intellect that is admirable.
Pre drugs Amy Winehouse was fuckable
Pre 40 Carol Vorderman and Susie Dent were fuckable and had interesting brains.
Jewish Princesses have pre-moistened dumpers according to Frank Zappa and there's the prevalence of jews in porn, women as well as men.
Their culture of hiding plus these "talents" probably ensnare many an unwary wealthy goyim.
More like whenever they're good people they're Jewish, whenever they're bad they're whatever nation they happened to be born in (Russian, German, Polish, whatever).
Eternal Anglo and Eternal Jew have morphed into an even more sinister creature, the Anglo-Jew.
because they're all inbreed faggot
Most probably european that been jewed. If you put your ear close enough you can hear him say "kill me"
All the curly hair whites that you see on tv - jews carrying black genes.
rampant incest
You only know their names because they were promoted by their fellow tribe members.
Nature does not favor the mongrel.
He's one of those neanderjews like Ron Perlman.
European civilization has been attempting to warn you about the 40k year-old battle between Cro-Magnon (Whitey) and the NeanderJew - throughout it's written history. You aren't listening. It's tribal warfare and why they inbreed so much. They want to keep the neanderthal race alive.
Beware of projection "whites are neanderthals"
This battle has been going on for millennia. The video in image #1 is still on youtube; you can tell a real Jew (god's chosen monkey) by the high-set neanderthal eyes; very interesting watch, recommend.
They look like lizards
interesting theory, here is another pic from kikepedia
Neanderthal Museum, Düsseldorf
not human
Jews are not neanderthals
None of the modern populations is related to neanderthals
Ryder, not this shit again.
Because they're inbred. You should never miss to point out that jews and niggers are the most inbred races on earth.
Personally, I often find myself quite delighted by the company of a Jewess.
On the contrary, they made quite a lot as well, trinkets, weapons, Nauglamír as well, formerly known as the Necklace of the Dwarves. Etc.
Consider who's doing the DNA testing.
What about Arnie? He looks like a little of both breeds
They're severely inbred and mixed raced. Your appearance also reflexes who you are inside and all Jews are parasites.
They are.
Stop spreading this BS, jidf.
Centuries of inbreeding. Same reason they are riddled with mental illnesses too.
do you have a link? not seeing it.
First take out the beam in your eye, goy
Then you will properly know how to admire the work of god before you
This. Also, Metapedia is back online so I'd recommend everybody read up if they want to know more.
Centuries of inbreeding
With such large noses why do so many jews have deviated septums and need surgery? You think they wouldn't have any problems breathing with those oversized air stealers.
Thick glasses, bad genes.
I dunno user lol