Baked Beans

Many killed as leaking oil pipeline explodes in central Mexico
Dozens more suffer burns with officials placing early blame on gangs of oil thieves who drill into the pipe.


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Other urls found in this thread:–-for-low-fat-use-transformer-oil/

Jesus I was just thinking about this scenario this morning but in Africa. I figured only niggers were stupid enough to run up to a leaking fuel truck or pipeline to start gathering fuel in pots and pans and then some fucker lights a cigarette and then it's KABOOM AIIIEEEEEEE! hahaha

I had no idea beaners were this nigger stupid. I thought they were superior to shitskins..

You could say that oil drillers just end up burning, as they should.


these are the people that libfags are importing into America all the time and defending. Just think about that

Imagine if this could be repeated thousands of times…every time a big caravan of these fuckers came up to the border the USAF would just swoop down on them like condors of the high sierra and hit masses of them with napalm cannisters. It would be just like this; a massive fireball and then hundreds of screaming lowlifes running away engulfed in flames from their gas soaked clothing.

Absolute subhumans

Man I wished I saved the before and after photo of that turned over tanker in India where all those shitskins were gathering gasoline with buckets and all burned up


What smells worse, burning beaner or burning pajeet?

oil under pressure

There's only one thing better than this; In Kenya they've spent millions of dollars trying to erect an electrical grid throughout the country but it keeps getting dismantled by shitskin idiots that want those transformer cans that are full of PCB laden mineral oil. They take those down and use the oil to fry fish in makeshift stands by the side of some dirt road. Hundreds of niggers drop dead each time, either electrocuted taking down the hot transformers or poisoned by eating battered fish fried in toxic PCB mineral oil.

Nairobi, Kenya - The morning scene is increasingly routine for Kenyans. When it's time to start the day, the power is already out. Somewhere nearby, the shell of a wrecked electrical transformer lies on its side underneath the pole where it had been fixed seven metres off the ground.

The culprit is an unusual one: A vandal who is selling the toxic oil, drawn from the transformer, to chefs who use it for frying food in roadside stalls. Five litres of the viscous, PCB-laden liquid sells for $60. It looks like cooking oil, but lasts much longer, users say.

Kenyans' appetite for fried food and cheap frying oil is stalling the country's urgent efforts to build a modern electrical grid, even as it sows the seeds of a public health crisis, experts say.

And with utility companies reporting similar vandalism across East Africa and as far away as South Africa and Nigeria, the crime spree is becoming another thorn in ambitious plans to electrify Africa.

Sudden blackouts darken businesses and communities across Africa. In a continent where 70 percent of Africans are not yet connected to grid electricity, the World Bank says even those manufacturers who do have a connection lose 56 days a year, on average, to blackouts.–-for-low-fat-use-transformer-oil/

Thank god Turdoo is bringing tens of millions of these shitskin retards to Canada to enrich our impoverished country.

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Eh? That's a flaming homo.

don't settle for your dreams being simply memes.

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THESE PEOPLE ARE TOTALLY 100% LIKE YOU AND…well, maybe not me. But certainly like YOU.

Explosion video embed

Kek. Even their fucking gay language sounds like it passed out drunk in the midday sun.


Tell them that dry-type transformers exist.

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LORD SATAN….Take your own!

I'm so ecstatic about this video I just need to dance!

baked beans

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This is the most comical thing I've seen all week. I wanna set those screams from about 1:38 to 2:15 as my ringtone.

Oh Dios mío! Listen to the beans scream!

Attached: Momento exacto de la explosión del ducto de gasolina en Hidalgo.webm (640x360, 14.27M)

Attached: She's washing the fish with motor oil.webm (202x360, 8M)

Can you hear the beaners scream?
Screaming the screams of burning men?
It is the music of the people
Who will not be beans again!

That's some fiery sauce, compadres!

Now, for that rock in Zimbabwe that miraculously dispenses diesel fuel. . .

Attached: Zimbabwe_Gas_Nigger_1.jpg (600x437, 74.45K)

obligatory song

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Why the fuck do you think, beanette? A valuable product that doesn't belong to you got loose, and your bestial, animalistic people responded like herbivores trying to graze on it. It turned out to be flammable, and when Jose tried to celebrate this good luck by lighting a joint, there was a fire.

That's why. And it serves you all right until we have enough sense to use napalm to finish the job.

That is a good ringtone, excellent call, good user.

This story has it all. The author even managed to work in niggers' love of fried food.

I am genuinely curious as to which commodity will run out first, stupid whites' patience or the world's supply of free shit for giving to niggers.

I'm less concerned now. If we ever really have to purge the streets, we just have to spill gasoline and set a time-delay incendiary on the curb. The worst of the problem should take care of itself.

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That's gotta hurt!

I like the "Affects brain" image under "this can happen to you".

I want to be an evil genius, guess I should start sniffing jet fuel.

wew, leave it to mexcrement to run while on fire

wasn't there another vid of oil thieves burning? think it was egypt

Then you wouldn't get paid to replace them on a weekly basis.

They're trying to catch up to Pakistan.

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We should never have given these cave people modern technology.


You think niggers can tell the difference?

I just love stories with a happy ending.


India has epic electrical fires.

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they're all fat as fuck. why do they need to invade the US again?

Stop, drop and roll, Neddy.

Explosion of a fuel truck in Egypt


Yeah, I knew what this one would be before I clicked on it. Hopefully codemonkey will start giving us prizes for guessing obvious threads.

No, I don't want to hear your best 'burning man' joke. Well, maybe I do.

Here's mine: Toll paid.

Let's be honest. If whites wanted to steal fuel like this, we'd make an aqueduct and dispense fuel into approved containers (well away from the "hot zone".)

Not just run up to the spraying fuel with a lit cigarillo in our mouth trying to catch some gibs in a jug.


Generally Whites don't go and steal volatile fuel in the first place.

Well if we do then we do it as a "whole," and efficiently. From the ground it fuckin comes from.

Theft is for niggers and spics.

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I hate to break it to you user but you might be just as dumb as those niggers. At the very least you are brainwashed by propaganda

Wish I could've shot a flare from my very pistol into that massive pipe leak as I drove by.

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Can you say, "Part niggers (10-30%) don't belong in civilized nations?"

I can.

Part niggers have all the characteristics of niggers while retaining all the negatives of their own people. They shouldn't be allowed around sharp objects or anything that requires something more advanced then a can opener.

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Welcome to club white man, Pablo

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you should probably reserve the word people for creatures that can maintain a reasonably advanced civilization.

It is weird to see kikes pushing Darwin since he was keen on their extermination. Cool dude. I still don't believe in evolution though. The most successful species on Earth do not evolve at all, everything that 'evolves' is probably destined for the garbage dump. Aryans have dysgenically degraded since coming here, so we don't really count.

Oh I am laffin.
They sound like arabs lol.

Check these maps for a good insight on beanerdom.

Attached: Crime, IQ and Race in the Americas.jpg (778x1626, 329.42K)

Is that a nudist club?

Look at the beaners in their natural habitat (a agricultural field) running all afire. Stupidity is a bitch.

It is because they, like the Middle Easterners bred with niggers. You can pretty much fucking watch the IQ decrease when you start fucking niggers. Anyplace with niggers or spic is a shithole because they are shithole people and they will never 'breed out' of being shithole people…the only thing you can do is breed out of being intelligent by breeding WITH THEM.

Attached: iq_us_map.jpg (1024x654 67.96 KB, 161.28K)

Also, I like this map group since it shows rape and crime.

Attached: skin tone rape iq homocide map world.png (1317x1060, 568.14K)

I guess you could say they like their food blackened?

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Spic here, no pity for these idiots. And these weeks, people act surprised that the transnational oil company (Pemex) Is complicit on the crime of stealing fuel from these illegal taps. People seriously think it's just Pablo drilling a hole in a pipe and extracting; someone must've tipped them off and many must've turned a blind eye for years. Now the president (a leftist retard) is thinking and hiring truckers so that now gas trucks distribute fuel allá over Mexico. It will turn into Mad Max, I can imagine, with people chasing after the trucks to get that sweet fuel. It will make for entertaining television at least.

your video led me to this video

How reliable is that rape map? Sweden is currently the 2nd country in the world with the highest rape rate, was it so different in 2011?

Attached: murder-map.png (900x536, 149.64K)

finally, a tiny amount of justice in this clown world. That was really satisying to watch, I needed that. thanks, OP.

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Also note that in both of those circles self defense laws are either crippled to the point of uselessness or non existent at all.

He turned straight and ended up hating flaming faggots…

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Americans need to come up with a better insult towards these mongols. This is just pathetic.

you can show this to liberals who want open borders, specifically pointing out the part where ordinary townspeople go and help them

the rape map is very reliable, especially in mexico and central america (excluding "conosur", but still there is plenty violent crime in Arg and Chl)

that's probably due to the fact that if a "male" swede cries and confess to the swedish feminazi the morning after that he fears the condom he was wearing on his soy-softened dick may have slipped when he was touching himself while looking at a shitskin fucking her, she can accuse him of rape

don't mind the beans

Attached: spics burning.webm (960x540, 4.18M)

Remember, these are the kind of intelligent people we're supposed to feel bad about for not letting freely into the US. lol.

These niggers would rather have no electricity and poison the surrounding niggers with PCB’s. The only sane solution is law enforcement or locking this shit up. They realize niggers cant help themselves stealing so they will install more expensive transformers with no fucking oil to steal. Being a reporter in Africa, i bet you get used to quite a bit of foreign behaviors such as this shit.

Lordy lord lord it is going to be a /comfy/ weekend.
I thought even beaners knew not to smoke cigarettes near gasoline but I guess that was just the good ol' white altruism clouding my judgement again. Wew lad.

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They're probably more expensive, which would mean less margin for "management expenses". And chimps would still gut them for whatever components they can resell like the copper wire.

Attached: e7e93c08c11b7279940da9e874faa9a4a0cc8108563df463684e7cf2a3e62bbb brazil drivers.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

Just found a 2008 map about women's physical security worldwide and Sweden still appeared as one of the safest. Yeah, it looks like shit started getting really ugly around a decade ago.

Attached: Women's Physical Security_2009tif_wmlogo3.png (1500x1159, 741.7K)

Good stuff.

I knew you people were sick but your behavior in this thread is just disgusting. These are your brothers. Your fellow men. They are humans, just like you. They have families, just like you. How dare you fucking sociopaths laugh at people suffering and dying like this? You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Do your mothers know what you're doing here? Jesus fucking christ. I really hope you immature assholes take a look in the mirror and realize what a bunch of psychopaths you are.

tbh Satan, it's a still hot smoking Nilger trying to loot the copper from a live transformer

I know its bait, but fuck it I'll respond.
Lol spics aren't people. Kys you hopeless altruistic white nigger.

But did he get back to the future?

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How did they get the data from north korea?

fucking kek

moar explosion videos plz

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Shove a cork in your blubbery cunt and throw yourself off a bridge.

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Imagine being the red car that barely made it


This entire fucking thread and everybody in it simply fills me with childish joy. If I showed all this material to any of the people I know IRL laughing uproariously at all these retarded shitskin monkeyshines they would all recoil in horror and forever gaze upon me with amazement and disgust but here we can gather and share these hilarious "ludibriums" these drolleries….these, these…

Oh wow I went looking for synonyms for "ludibrium" and I found this wonderful article one one of my favorite subjects.

In the MMORPG Maplestory, Ludibrium is part of the continent Ossyria, and it is a bowl-like town suspended between two towers, the Eos tower and the Helios tower.

> Notes

Guy Debord in Society of the Spectacle (1967)

Chapter 1 “Separation Perfected”
But certainly for the present age, which prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original, representation to reality, the appearance to the essence… illusion only is sacred, truth profane. Nay, sacredness is held to be enhanced in proportion as truth decreases and illusion increases, so that the highest degree of illusion comes to be the highest degree of sacredness.
Feuerbach, Preface to the second edition of The Essence of Christianity
