Pizzagate and Bananas in Pajamas

I never watched this show as a kid, but an acquaintance got the song stuck in her head so we pulled it up on youtube to watch. Its the first time I really paid attention to what was being said and shown. And I was really surprised how dark and pizzagatish it is. Watch it for yourself and pay attention to the images and lyrics.

Its basically two homosexual men coming out of their room after having slept together to sneak up on and capture children. It is really quite dark when you actually pay attention.

The song is older than the show and written by a man named Carey Blyton in 1967. Any info on this guy suggesting he might have been an active pedo?

We know about the pedo code words from pizzagate, but I have never seen any one ever claim "teddy bears" were ever used for that. Any info? Same question, but about the specific mention of Tuesdays at the end. Why would pedophiles capture children on Tuesdays specifically?

I am in the process of doing a blog post write up on this and have already finished, but not posted, a frame by frame look at it. I figured I would reach out before posting to see if anyone already knows some of the history of this that would be good to include.

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Other urls found in this thread:

reported for pedo shit and sliding

Yes, banning and removing threads attempting to expose this crap is helpful. Great logic there sherlock.

The people in the suits are a man and a woman who are in fact married.

no retard, you're trying to bring back this pizzagate crap that nearly got the chans shut down. Nice job shilling for a FBI psyop shithead

I couldn't quickly find a clip from the old show, but the new one is clearly both men. Was it different in the old one?

You are probably one of those faggots who doesn't want any of this to be exposed.

Fuck off back to reddit, yid.

Used to watch the shit outta this as a kid, fairly certain one was voiced by a woman but that was 17 years ago so I don't trust my memory of it.

Or you could just be reading WAY too much into it.

shill harder, glownigger

Nope, I'm wrong. I was thinking of the narrator. Both bananas are men. And banana is a common euphemism for penis. You may be onto something, OP.

After you Banana faggot

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If you watch the intro there is really something off about it. But of course it is all circumstantial

Yeah, it has an MK-Ultra vibe to it.

I agree, as a popular TV show it would be an excellent way to condition children into expecting/wanting to be chased and captured by adult men

When I was little, I used to sing along with the lyrics, except I would say that they were falling down the stairs.

Both bananas were played by two gay men who were in a relationship the whole time.

I did when I was 8 back in Brazil, it was the 3D version though

Holy shit, that is a nail in the coffin. If there was any doubt before there is none now. This was obviously intentional. I wonder how far down the rabbit hole this goes.

Good joke user. But anything more substantial?

No. Not at all.

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Thank you for sharing this. I always appreciate it when someone elucidates hidden meanings for me.

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It's getting to the point where I believe that any media where children are the target demographic is evil stuff.


cursed image

All media is an attempt to control you telepathically. We live in a world of psychic Darwinism.

How new are you?

“We’re Gay & Proud” TV Stars Hit Out At EU Banana-Straightening Laws

It's satire, but they're clearly faggots. Even Progressive British homos can tell.

Implying anything you've posted is on topic.

I almost didn't open this thread to begin with because I didn't want another childhood memory ruined, but there it is.

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do you cunts not get satire when it's slapping you in the face?

and i just watched an episode of Bananas in Pajamas and it seemed completely innocent. no pedo symbolism or innuendo that i picked up on.

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Ya, that was a joke reply to a joke reply. Pay attention.

one might've been, the other wasn't.

Here is the completed blog post with the more detailed examination of individual screenshots for anyone interested.

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The fuck, did you just write this??? I used to talk to you on Brett Steven's Discord.

I am still a mod on there.

The ABC are pedo apologist scumbags - the shit they've done in the last year has been disgusting and the entire organisation needs to be taken down. The ABC is the absolute shit tier version of the BBC and wouldn't doubt for a second it is filled with pedos. That said, the bananas in pyjamas is a deadend - better to spend your energy investigating and meming out the more clearly pedo stuff the ABC does. Good luck though, I had 4 FB accounts wiped after posting factual comments on ABC posts - those fuckers do not want to be exposed.

The original Bananas In Pajamas I grew up watching in the early to mid nineties was not subversive whatsoever. They were originally featured with the song on Play School, which was sung by one of the show's regular presenters Monica. As far as I'm aware, the original bananas on the first season of the show were husband and wife. They grew tired of having to be in the hot suits. As the show and toy range became more successful there were a number of changes to the show in actors, characters and from costume to CGI.

I probably won't spend any more time on this particular example. But after I first noticed it I could not find any other mention of it at all. I think it is important to document and point out any and all examples at least once.

Yeah. I remember the show too, there was nothing wrong with it. This whole thread is just some faggot spilling his mental spaghetti for all to see.

The worst aspects of the ABC in regards to children have always been the promotion of the usual politically correct darlings, aboriginals and various other minorities.

Well, I'll see you around.

Their names are like pills or vitamins too. Note that if you will

Good point. Though neither one of those vitamins are bad as far as I have ever heard.

Here's the original

Here to sage another thread while offering nothing intelligent to the discussion, it’s this faggot.

yeah me and my nextdoor neighbor came up with:

bananas in pajamas
they're falling down the stairs
they broke their necks and went to heck
and nobody really cares


So bananas in film are a visual metaphor for feces.

At the dawn of film, there was a lot of horse manure in the streets, and the physical comedy of slipping in fresh manure was a common joke but one considered too crass for the new art form of cinema. Accordingly, the banana peel was introduced in its place and has endured to this day. Keep in mind this was all the same group of people making these man in the moon and moon made of cheese visuals as well. They use cinema to display their Saturn cult, more recently with Nibiru in pop culture, black cubes, spy movies (the new Mission Impossible's dialogue: "Jupiter, Saturn's got your five by five" implying having the operative's back by context, but which doesn't actually make sense as a sentence except as a very specific out of context esoteric threat), Transformers, TMNT obviously, with all their aggressive molochian and corrupted labyrinthine imagery, anything Hasbro really, all the DC and justice league stuff, with insulting esoteric revisionist history in Aquaman etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

Anyway, as we may remember, cheese represents semen in the impregnation of Diana the moon goddess (or Chandra or pick a name they use them all). Tomato sauce is blood from the rape, and the pizza, the child, is ritually carved open and eaten from the inside out. The downward pizza slice of pizzagate notoriety is the triangular crest of the house of Medici with its distinctive six red circles.

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those striped pajamas seem familiar

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the first erection for a boy would most likely be a morning wood, a banana in his pyjama. Maybe the intend of the show is to let the boy make this association and as we see in the later part where the "teddy bears" getting chased, the boy actually stays until he is forcefully moved. At the end they all got caught and its okay for them, there is no way around so why bother.