Almost all the population seem to have some kind of myopia or vision problem, Jewish induced ?

I really don't think that people in the early 20th century, maybe except intellectual who read all day, had any eye problem, not as close as we do now, especially in the young age of 5-40 years old.
According to the """common sense""", people lose their quality sight like "that", for no reason at all. That we almost all have somekind of vision problems, including myopia and others, is "normal" and "natural".
Somehow, I extremely doubt that people in the 16th century were that blind, not even close.
I think that our societies make people more and more blind…But what are the reasons ? Too much screen-pixels times? Reading or watching the screen too close too long? Being closed inside (home or school) all day, lack of Sun light in the eye? Lack of outside time when a child and teenager and adult ? Too much masturbation and lack of good nutrition ?
Somehow, I think that glasses/contact lens makes the situation worse and make it so that the correction makes the situation worst, in the sense that the correction does all the work and your eyes makes no more efforts what so ever anymore, meaning that your eyes can't never improve and recover from bad vision, but it keeps it in this bad vision state and degrade it even further. That's my sense on it.
I don't think it's organic to have that many 5-40 years old people having vision problems, it makes absolutely no sense biologically wise.
So let's imagine you are myopic and in your twenties…Could you make that your myopia recovers slowly ? Not wear glasses anymore, going outside all day, getting all the indirect sunlight in your eyes, watching landscape and very far in the distance to work the eye?
I somehow feel it's one of these situation where the Jew creates the blindness problem, makes goyim weak and then sell you the solution which also makes the problem worse in the long term.
Any thoughts on that ?
I personally have around -4.00 myopia each eyes, got new glasses and I felt that as soon I removed them, I felt much more blind than with my older weaker corrections.
PS: Don't delete this mods, this is a very important issue that we don't talk while afecting the first sense of probably billions of people and eye health is very important in my opinion, just how it is important to talk about a good nutrition (cf: the third reich meat thread) or about what they put in the water (the countless fluoride tap water threads). Maybe with this thread, we can raise awarness if people here know things about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Interesting notion OP. If not a slide thread have a bump!

Read the work of Dr Jack Kruse. It's due to under exposure to natural light, exposure to toxic light, and conditioning the eye to only have to see as far as a book or computer screen. If you want to fix it, go outside and expose yourself to lots of sunlight and challenge your eyes to see far.

I have a - 3.5 myopia, got it due to playing ps1 and other pc video game shit. I will make sure in the future my kids don't play vidya.

I didn't play vidya as a kid or even use a computer since my parents thought it was bad for kids but I did read a lot and ended up nearsighted. So I'd recommend you make sure your kids don't read books.

Yes user, with poor visions, you won't be able to aim correctly. Thus preventing violent revolutions in the future and no one can oppose jews.

Have you consider LASIK treatment?

Do you have any specific book or maybe a youtube link to get introduced to his work? Thanks.

Me too, my mother gave me a Nintendo N64 (awesome console) when I was around 6 years old and spending my days inside had been my routine all the time pretty much and now, I have -4.00 and -4.25 in the two eyes. Not spent enough time outside (while it could have been way worst) and not enough outside activity. I'll try what the other aon said and going outside more and looking far away (without correcting glasses I assume? ) and see if it changes something. I also believe that sexual excess (masturbation pretty much-) affects the whole body, even vision and it can make you "blind", a.k.a weaken your sight. I'll try this semen retention thing. I'm just worried that there might be a point of non-return if you are too old, in your twenties…That maybe the way you lived during your childhood and your teenager days might determine your vision parameters for the rest of your life.

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No, I don't want my eyes to be permanently mutilated for life. I wore contact lense on and off for two years, before I completely stopped, because they are way too intrusive,uncomfortable and just unnatural.
LASIK would be like mutilation of a penis in my opinion.

Maybe the solution is to read books outside? with a place where you can take pauses where you can look far away from time to time.

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This is a good start OP. Lens induced progressive myopia is something that involves the jews obviously, but it's likely more of a situation that their jewy tendencies have led them into, rather than something they schemed about for years and pushed into motion deliberately.

That's a very good question, and one I've been trying to answer for the past 3 years or so. As it so happens I was introduced to the possibility myopia being reversible in either a book or self improvement thread here in mid 2015. Since then I've been doing basically exactly what you described to the extent that it doesn't create a significant disruption to my life. At my worst I was using around a -3.00 correction, and now with the exception of the occasional bad vision day from sickness, stress, vision abuse, oversleep or excess sugar/alcohol I'm seeing between 20/18 and 20/20 with a -1.75 correction even in poor lighting conditions. Progress seems to be consistent based on stimulation time and quality. Obviously more progress is made in summer, and it stalls in winter, but despite all the closeup work I do for work and personal, it seems to be working. I'm sure if I were a rancher or farmer or pilot my progress would be much faster but the fact that it seems to be working at all is very gratifying.

Terrible idea. Removing material from the front element of the eye that is finite and cannot be replaced in order to correct error due to the eye elongating is a fucking hack fix at best and results in suicides due to functional blindness at worst. Progressive lens induced myopia is caused by bad habits. If you permanently modify your eye to correct your vision without addressing those habits you'll just end up back at square one in a couple years, only this time the abberation and astigmatism will be far worse than before, and subsequent procedures will quickly be running beyond functional corneal thicknesses leading to smearing, light sensitivity at night and a whole host of other debilitating problems. Not to mention the FDA being paid off by the proponents of LASIK to greenlight the illconceived procedure and hide the negative studies and reports. LASIK is a shit procedure, a massive gamble, and should not be considered by anyone.

I've stared at screens to the point of pain for the last 30 years. No vision problems. Overman confirmed.

I'm near sighted, and I have 20/20 vision when it's a clear hot sunny day. I don't know why.

It's called TV and computer monitors you absolute fucking mongoloid sub 20 iq retard how do you even have the intelligence to breathe let alone type all that stupid fucking shit out you stupid fucking retarded mongoloid cunt holy fucking shit kill yourself you blind cunt

Yes, glasses make it worse but unless you're going to stop looking at a screen 24/7 and start doing eye exercises like the Bates method you are fucked by YOURSELF.

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Sure. Be warned, unless you have a science or physics background, you'll probably have to research a few things but the message should stick regardless.

All you need to become healthy is lots of sunlight and DHA. And use your eyes how they are supposed to be used. Execise them. I've used this info to cure myself and it works like a miracle. Jack is probably one of the greatest geniuses of our time.

You know what causes the need for glasses?


Usually what happens is something like this: Your third grade teacher with shitty handwriting tells your parents you're having trouble reading the board and you probably need glasses. Parents love to think their kids are intellectual, and also most parents are all too happy to leave parenting decisions to labcoat-wearing experts. So they take you to an ophthalmologist. This licensed, board-certified quack gives you a completely contrived "vision test" where they confuse your eyes by putting dozens of different lenses in front of them in a matter of seconds and then ask you to read things before your eyes even have a chance to focus. And then…surprise! You need what they're selling. Nevermind that you haven't even reached puberty yet: science tells us that god, nature and evolution all failed and your eyes are broken. Then like every branch of the medical scam they tell you "we can't cure it, but we can treat it…and good news your insurance covers it!" Your parents put the glasses on your nose, your fate is sealed, and the optical industry has one more customer for life.

Just as if your parents had raised you to walk on crutches, your body accommodates this visual crutch and becomes dependent on it, until just taking off your glasses throws your confused eyes into such a tizzy that–like an opioid addict–you reach for your optical drug to make everything will seem normal again.

This whole scam is justified by the completely implausible theory that your eye is just like a camera, and for some mysterious reason the focusing mechanism is broken. Nevermind that your eye is a mushy piece of flesh, not a precision-ground piece of glass with calibrated threads. The priests in their lab-coats will show you diagrams of their story, and like good little slaves we all say, "you're the doctor! I'm sure you know best and would never be saying something that you learned to say just to perpetuate the industry on which your livelihood depends."

Want to learn the truth? this book is one place to start:

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I see user, I probably was interested because some patients can see clearly after doing it. I never think that way

Thanks for the input. I should've researched more about it. I didn't know about LASIK paid FDA to get a pass. I think I will try to recover my myopia slowly by doing what OP said.

Well for me, it was school who told me to get glasses after one of their tests.

Warning: blog post:

I wore glasses for 20 years including through puberty. Every year I had my eyed checked, and every year they told me I "needed" stronger glasses. Eventually my glasses were as thick as coke-bottles. I literally needed them to find the bathroom in the middle of the night. But it never made sense to me why my body was broken like this.

One day a friend told me about the Bates method. I got his book and started reading, and immediately it made sense. I started trying some of the exercises and it was very hard but it worked. I couldn't even finish the book because I kept stopping to try bringing the letters on the page into focus.

Immediately my glasses started bothering me, and within three days I took them off for good. Daily I would go outside and practice reading signs. At first it would take maybe half-an-hour or longer to bring a few letters of a sign into focus for a fraction of a second, but over time it improved slowly. Within a year a was driving without glasses. The main problem was reading street signs at night. Without GPS I would get massively lost in an unfamiliar area. But I never crashed and even saw some animal in time to brake–I couldn't see what it was but I saw it was there.

Another amazing thing that happened was these killer headaches I'd had for years went away, and I could feel muscles in my head relax that I had never felt relaxed before. The glasses had been making these muscles tense all day every day until they were just solid, numb blocks of stress.

Still, giving up the glasses cold-turkey really fucked my life up because I couldn't see detail at a distance. Couldn't read small print quickly and couldn't see if someone across the room was making eye-contact. After ten years of not wearing glasses I gave in and started wearing them again for work. Also, though I passed the test for my drivers license in one state when I moved I couldn't pass their test so my license says I have to wear them for driving, which I do.

So I conclude I got fucked by wearing glasses through puberty and 20-20 vision is not an option for me now. But when I finally got tested again after my ten year break my prescription was weaker, so my vision did improve. And unless I need them, I keep my glasses off my face. I only wear them for work or driving or when I need to be able to see fine detail.

I don't know what pic 4 is supposed to mean. I call niggers by name all the time, and nothing ever really happens. Niggers are like dogs; if you show no fear, they confine themselves to harmless barking.

good post, the fluoridated salt is especially strong today

Probably a lot of it is kike doctors confusing and disconcerting (breaking the concentration of) children before giving them the exam, I remember feeling Jewed or befuddled and bamboozled when I went to get my eye exam, like I could feel the Kikes and Kikesses expecting the wrong answers and asking me to answer in a way as to make it seem acceptable and expected to answer wrongly, like "oy vey goyim, we know you can't see, the goyim don't know."

Why wouldn't that fine young Black gentleman prefer to spend his valuable time with an African Queen? He should be making Wakandan sons, not miscegnating with an 85IQ wypipo

1M Fluoride salt (aq)

Not a bad thread. I'm 20/30 in one eye, 20/40 in the other. My optometrist is a woman with a gentile last name… but still anons, I swear that bitch always tries to make my prescription too strong.
I may need to do more research. Maybe stop going to Lenscrafters. They advertise that you'll have your glasses "in about an hour" but it always takes 3 weeks. Seems pretty Jewish to me.

We need cybernetic eye implants with zoom and filters that highlight and outline kikes.

This is good. I still wear glasses… can "correct" my vision without them by working my eye muscles… which eventually makes my eyes twitch and gives me headaches.
I have no problems without glasses unless I'm reading fine print or shitposting on my tablet.

My wife was blind as fuck until she got LASIK surgery. Visually-impaired anons should do some research. Anyone who can't survive without glasses should at least consider it. Don't be looking too hard for a joke here, guys… she finds me more attractive now than before the 5K procedure. Trust me.

Guess my genes are a conspiracy.

>I may need to do more research. Maybe stop going to (((Lenscrafters))).
If you're still going there your IQ is below 20. If you know the prescription just buy the fucking glasses online. You don't need to use the kike equipment if it didn't change, and if it did change, you know what direction to go. They come in +-0.25 increments. Not very difficult.

because the absolute worst of our White women will forever be superior to their absolute best black women. most black men despise their own women for their high testosterone levels and low IQs.

Maybe it is a combination of poor diet, lack of circulation/exercise, chemicals in the water turning the friggin' frogs gay (that I'm sick of btw), looking at computer/tv/phone screens for long periods at a time.

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It's crazy, isn't it? I had a boss who used to do that shit when I did delivery work, just squaring up to them and calling them niggers right to their faces. I saw him do it a couple times at gas stations when niggers shucking and jiving at the checkout counter kept us from leaving in a timely manner. Seeing him do it a couple times really opened my eyes. Niggers don't try and fight you for calling them niggers, niggers try and fight you for showing weakness. If you square up and get in their face, you can insult their whole nigger family and they won't do shit.

Sounds like a great idea

Maybe wants everyone to wear glasses so can big brother the population even more?
LASIK can only treat certain vision and has issues.

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That only works if you're actually bigger than the nigger.

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post video pls

I personally think that it's caused by teenagers staring at a bright light source for hours on end that happens to be at arms length, fucking up with the development of the eye

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You are correct in most of your suppositions.

This too.
I read a medical study also in which it was stated that people living in cities have poorer vision, due to rarely seeing beyond on average 50 yards. The amount of people, cars and buildings mean your vision is constantly restricted, so your full focal range is not used.
It is like exercising your legs by shuffling, the tendons and ligaments will shorten and the muscles will atrophy.
Read a medical book some years ago, which said that any reading was bad for the eye, as our eyes are designed for spending most of the time looking at something 20 feet away, not 1-2 feet with a book, not 6 feet with a television.
On top of that, modern medical studies show that the blue light from screens, mobile phone, computer etc, damage eyes.
If you have to use a computer, take breaks every 16 minutes, one minute is enough to make a difference.Look out the window at something distant. Focus on different distances.
There are exercises for looking around, left and right, for the larger eye muscles, that improved blood flow and should improve repair.
As for your theory on glasses prohibiting recovery, and worsening the condition, I have thought the same for the last 20 years, that it creates a dependency. Not seen any studies on that yet though.
The other thing is fine work, very small things, small print or text, causes eye strain. This was common knowledge in the past, seamstresses, performing fine needlecraft every day would lose their sight early.
The best vision on the planet is supposedly held by Australian aborigines, who have very long distance vision. That is likely genetic as well as habitual.
If you have the resources and the will, try spending six months living in the countryside, spending time outdoors every day, without using your glasses.

the only reason someone has glasses is myopia, never mind genetics and him being over 50
Gee, I hate you faggots so much.


htt p://

People have had bad eyesight for a long time. Normally, survival of the fittest takes over and bad eyesight would generally be minimized, but we have been correcting bad eyesight for centuries. So that really has no bearing on ability to reproduce anymore.

It probably doesn't help that we hardly get outside buildings anymore, and thus our vision is limited to 10-20ft.

But are you supposed to do this with your correcting glasses or without them ?

I don't think jews are to blame for every single issue people face

I bet the jews made you think that.

I've heard this and never seen any evidence for it. Just like how regular niggers are better at athletics yet I've never seen any evidence for that either.
It's just jews trying to chalk some kind of achievement up to them so they can parade them around for disinformation.

pdf or gtfo

kill yourself

Yes they are

having good distance vision is likely, they live in endless flat plains with ultra bright sunlight and lived the same, without history or technology since the dawn of time.
if an animal species has good vision or hearing, you accept it. they are animals.
there is the possibility that it is propaganda, but doubtful. the media stays almost completely silent on aborigines as they are such a clear example of human subspecies that it makes people aware of other subspecies not being the same. hard to push a narrative like that.
keep in mind the aborigine vision is for long distance, it didn't mention near sight or colour acueity, night vision etc.
as for negroid running, part of that is to do with short torso length, they tilt forwards and their centre of mass is in the upper body. in reality it is only one region of africa, but when africa has anything 'positive', then all negroids are included.
note how pygmies have never ever been mentioned or shown, as they are another example of clear evidence of subspecies.
strongest in the world as a fact are northern European. look at world's strongest man.
best swimmers the same, partly due to long torso, also to do with cognitive function and breath control.
it's a Scandinavian with the record of 22 minutes for breath hold.

It's from not using our distance vision very much anymore. That's all.
Most have -1 and -1.5 tops.

If this is actually statistically true and not just your anecdotes, it's probably from staring at a smartphone screen for six hours a day. Or maybe yet another side effect from consuming too much sugar.

so clever

I think OP was going for a joke; as parents used to saying "masterbation will make you go blind" to keep you from pulling your pork too much.

Lel, imagine being this much of a dumbfuck.

I'm serious, some people report improvements.

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Absolutely 4chan

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Yeah, the thread got deleted (((Because))) so I redid it.


Don't worry I'm screen capping all your (((shit posts))) for when you try again.

It's a result of not playing outside as children. When you are constantly focused on things that are very nearby your eyes have trouble focusing on things that are far away later.

It's the source of the stereotype of nerds wearing glasses. Used to be only the most studious suffered from this, but now it is everyone thanks to all the screens we sit in front of all day.

Recent research shows that growing indoor makes the eye not receiving enough UV-a light (low energy UV, close to violet light).

In many people, this makes the eye keep growing too much because one gene activated by UV light is not activated. It also happens to most animals living indoors (cattle etc…), they have much higher rates of myopia than the ones living outside in the sun.

This guy has lots of recent papers on this subject: Hidemasa Torii.

Good questions you're asking, OP. You're onto something. Nearsightedness can be
1) Caused by cramping of muscles of the eye. This is induced by staring at close by objects and thereby fixing the eye to that distance. This condition may be reversed in a few weeks if you go outside regularily and give your eyes the chance to get used to different distances and light conditions again, relaxing the aforementioned muscles.
2) Elongation of the eye ball as mentioned by other anons. This is also referred to as lense-induced myopia. Not as easily reversible, but still reversible. Takes time and effort.

I reccomend to watch vid embedded. This guy fucked up his vision over time but managed to improve it gradually.

Bang up job, OP.

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I've had my eyesight degenerate rapidly during my teenage years - I became more myopic with every year, to the point when I couldn't see clearly beyond 1m. I couldn't see the face of a person sitting across from me at a table, everything was just a blur of colors.
Wore glasses with thick as fuck lenses, whenever I lost or damaged them it meant essentially being blind until I could find/replace them. Contacts were even more of a hassle, and none of the conservative therapies helped.
So eventually I bit the bullet and signed up for LASIK. PRK was also an option, but it's even more invasive. The surgery took barely 10 minutes and the first few days of recovery were awful - itching, swelling, eyedrops up the ass, blurry vision. But then I realized I could see! I could read signs from across the street, discern faces of people in the same room as me, etc. It was like being born again. After two monthly check-ups, the doctor told me that the scars have healed up and that I have made a full recovery. For me, it was a massive quality of life improvement, BUT only because I went to a good clinic, paid through the nose and had experienced specialists do measurements and perform surgery (I found it funny that there aren't that many kikes in opthalmology as opposed to, say, dentistry). If one goes to a McHospital and has Dr. Pajeet Streetshitabhat operate on him, he's fucked.

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Its from forcing people to wear sunglasses all the time. true story.


Bzzzz, so fucking wrong it hurts. Sunlight damages eye sight.

I've been staring at CRT and LCD screen for 2 decades on a daily basis. I also hate sunlight and tend to stay away from the cancer inducing outdoors.

My vision is perfect well into my 30's. Both parents went near sighted by their late 20's, never used computers always liked to be outside.

why do I even come here

PS it's more about diet

I just woke in my timezone slut, we can't all be matching our presence with you


like many have pointed out, being a lazy cunt and relying on the jew for help usually does this. check out the copiale cipher and the oculusts

"The Copiale cipher is an encrypted manuscript consisting of 75,000 handwritten characters filling 105 pages in a bound volume.[1] Undeciphered for more than 260 years, the document was cracked in 2011 with the help of modern computer techniques.

Previously examined by scientists at the German Academy of Sciences at Berlin in the 1970s, the cipher was thought to date from between 1760 and 1780.[3] Decipherment revealed that the document had been created in the 1730s by a secret society[1][2][4] called the "high enlightened (Hocherleuchtete) oculist order"[5] of Wolfenbüttel,[6] or Oculists.[5][7][8] The Oculists used sight as a metaphor for knowledge.[9

The Oculists were a group of ophthalmologists led by Count Friedrich August von Veltheim, who died in April 1775. The Philipp 1866 Copiales 3 document, however, appears to suggest that the Oculists, or at least Count Veltheim, were a group of Freemasons who created the Oculist society in order to pass along the Masonic rites[7][12] which had recently been banned by Pope Clement XII. "

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Myopeia is curable. Have to wear glasses just underneath your correction and restrengthen your eye.

This is true, both my younger brothers needed glasses, where as I didn't. The reason is because I got outside more, when I started getting them to come with me on hikes their vision improved, they are both 20/20 now like me.

Who has ever forced anyone to wear sunglasses

I'm just spitballing but maybe it has to do with our eyes readjusting after constant staring at close objects like monitor, tv, book, home stuff within 3-10m distance at most. Maybe it's something in our food, who knows. My father has eagle eyes and is a programmer but my eyes are absolute shit so to me this is a mistery.

Too fucking wrong. Too much sun damages the eyes. Too little screws optic functioning and circadian rhythm.

Falling for Jewish propaganda. Jews tell you to avoid sunlight despite D3 being something that controls over 100 physiological processes. And you can't just supplement, you need actual light to activate exo-D3. It's possibly the most important thing you can get.

Essentially its a muscle.
Our eyes evolved to scan the horizon for threats and discern information in the medium range.
But from early on we've been going "hah fuck off we want to do delicate close up work with tools" Which is where all human vision troubles stem from.

For most of my life I had a weird set of eyes. One was slightly long sighted and the other short sighted. Optician said I would be fine but to consider glasses if I got headaches often. I didn't so I didn't. In the last year I noticed my vision starting to blur in the distance. So I got checked out and my long distance eye has now fallen into line with my short distance eye.
Probably because I being a degenerate spend most of my time reading or on a computer and doing things with my hands.

Lemme tell you when I put those glasses on for the first time. It was shocking. Suddenly I realised I should have gotten this sorted out a lot sooner.
On top of that the tiredness/eyepain I'd been having for over a year just vanished. But at the same time my vision got worse.
The reason for this is that your eyes start to strain to focus on objects outside your ideal vision range and this strain is what makes your eyes tired. Which can lead to a lot of other problems relating to general fatigue.
But once you use glasses on a semi regular basis, your eyes stop straining so much trying to focus on distant objects.
In my case I use my glasses when outside and when driving. Otherwise I don't wear them. And I feel less tired for it surprisingly.
Don't get Lasik or similar treatments. They always have side effects its just a question of how severe they are.

Now as for monitors and screens. I recommend a set of blue light filter lenses. You can get some pretty good ones these days. Though most of them still make shit very yellow.
Or a program for your computer that adjusts the monitor output or changing the settings on your monitor if you can tolerate things being very yellow.

Now a personal theory of mine. I don't think this is a jew thing or even a deliberate thing.
Throughout human history its always just been accepted that your vision grows steadily worse as you age. Glasses have been around for hundreds of years at least. But mostly people have just lived with it and struggled on. But now we're able to do shit about it, so we do.

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You failed at the initial post, it's too long and thought out to be so stupid. You should be fired

Google myopia. It's the frequency of blue light from screens. The Jews don't do anything to you that you don't let them do. Name yourselves and the faggots you are for bring fooled by everything

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Sliding does not work. How many times does this have to be pointed out?


Here's a related article. I guess Chinkland has skyrocketing nearsightedness among the youth.

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No shit. Look up asthma and rickets statistics in China, you'll be dumbstruck.

It's not a "medical procedure".
It came from a literal industrial accident. Some guy in a french university/research center in the 60's was calibrating a laser and literally put his eye on level with the output when someone else turned it on.
They rushed him to the Quinze-Vingts (Oldest ophthalmology hospital on the planet, not because of that but simply because it was the closest hospital) and there the doctors were amazed that it had burned a perfect circle in the back of his eye, from this they had the idea to burn off tissue to correct the angles in your eyes.

But the thing is it's still leave scar, and scar tissue, especially of burnt tissue, evolves unpredictably.

But I still don't get it. They had to remove their glasses when hiking to get their vision improved or do they had their vision improved even when hiking with their corrective glasses?

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18 pages and free. It's worth your time any money to read this.

I'm going to tell you all right now why this happens. PAY ATTENTION. This is the most important post in this thread:

Grains. This is why people are going blind. We are not supposed to be eating grains in the first place especially not the Monsanto Glyphosate GMO kind we have today.

Never eat grains if you know what's good for you. Someone on a ketogenic diet will never go blind.

If you want to know more about Grains (and sugar) causing blindness start with the ketogenic YouTubers such as Dr Eric Berg or others. No I do not have a specific video but they do mention it occasionally.

I have been noticing more and more people needing glasses this day and age. Why is that?

The eye is a muscle, it needs nutrients and exercise, both of which the modern american eye lacks.

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The guy that does my eye examinations is a goy, but the guy that handles selling the frames is a Jew. Funny thing is, he doesn't act like a kike, he suggested to me cheaper frames of a similar style than the ones I was looking at. Unless him pushing cheaper frames to me is some elaborate kike scam.

This is retarded, I had perfect vision up until the 6th grade when someone sprayed sharpy whiteboard eraser into my eye as a joke causing me to lose a lot at such a young age. The reasoning is the radiation from the light that comes from computers, phones, and almost all the technology we use which is slowly killing us all. Granted its hypocritical for me to say this to an extent but humanity should not be dependent on our creations it should be the other way around.

You must be new

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There are very, very few things that are wrong with the world that you could honestly not place Jews as the blame.

Stop wearing glasses, go outside more and inside less and go hiking if you can and read book outside.
Not hard incel dweller.