In order for the future white minority to be safe, in addition to the whites who need to breed with other whites, there needs to be a cadre of white men who go forth into the world to bleach the non-white races through impregnating non-white women with white semen.
The only threat to the whites have Latin America is the importation of anti-white racial ideologies from the English Speaking American Countries. The Spaniards of the Latin American nations bleached so many women that to this day hispanics are on average half white and half native american. Watching hispanics on youtube look at DNA results you can see they don't have it in them to commit genocide against a white minority.
In South Africa the mixed race people there called colored tend to be allied with the white minority or at least friendly with them. If the whites of South Africa had bleached most of the blacks creating a mixed race majority with a white minority and black minority than the whites there would be a lot safer than they are now. And you can still create as many white offspring even if your bleaching the non-whites, especially if men adopt polygamous lifestyles.
There needs to be a cadre of white men whose goal is to bleach the non-white races, I guess the only caution there is that black women have higher rates of aids than other races.
White man: your penis is a weapon of conquest and your DNA, your genetic code, is a bomb that can be used to prevent any future genocide against whites. Use your genetic bomb, your semen, and fill the non-white wombs of the world with your semen, creating a population that does not have the heart to commit genocide against a future white minority.
Also impregnate jewish women, but don't tell them you are pro-white. Spreading your DNA into the non-white tribes will remove from them the will to destroy a future white minority, your genes are a weapon of conquest.
The image is a painting called the redemption of ham and it depicts a white man who has bleached a mulatto woman to create a white(ish) offspring, and it shows her black grandmother thanking God for having a white
I may not be the most handsome guy seeding the Wheat fields to preserve the greatness of my loins, butt that ain't gonna stop me from mastering Latvian and Estonian; amirite tho?
this is a butthurt faggot. Point and laugh at his oversensitive feefees
Justin James
Paid shill confirmed.
Parker Kelly
butthurt faggot confirmed
Jose Sullivan
Paid shill confirmed.
Angel Robinson
>ov vey, my feeeeeeeeeeelings! butthurt faggot confirmed
Eli Clark
Paid shill confirmed.
Connor Morris
>ov vey, my feeeeeeeeeeelings!
butthurt faggot confirmed
Jackson Butler
Based. Just by spreading our genes can we succeed the biological mission entrusted by our elders. I'll impregnate as many women as possible.
Heading to japan this summer for making babies. What places should I visit to fuck as many girls as possible?
Jackson Roberts
You do realize there are people superior to you form other races? Being white doesn't mean you are superior, it means you are very likely superior. You can possibly score girls with better genetic material from other races too.
Jason Gutierrez
I don't care if jews are 98% white, they will still act as if they are 100% jewish. Jewish mother, they are jews.
Not that this thread is anything but a larp, but don't impregnate jews. They should die childless.
Owen Russell
No, just no. That's an old school approach to idealize what came natural back in the days when men traveled to foreign lands, conquered, and fucked whatever was in town. It was as natural to the spirit of man and not some deliberate act of warfare until recent history although its often times cited historically in the modern times as if that was always the intent of the civilizations back in the day. It likely wasn't because they all knew who they were and who they weren't. There was no need to "smash the genetics" of your enemy, only to submit them to your will.
Look at what this idea has done to the entire North and South American continents. We could have had a billion whites living on this continent and instead we gave that up and gained nothing from the half-breeds we created by the hundreds of millions. Part savage unable to maintain or further civilization, and the other half tricks you with their European characteristics, yet when left to their own devices they always revert to the lowest element in their blood as written about and talked endlessly by the Germans in the 20th century. It's not even scientific, doesn't need to be, it's visually witnessed by anyone that has eyes to see.
tl;dr why was your time smashing genetics instead of just offing the people you want to conquer completely erasing them from the land? It's the exact same concept of genocide except you put a moralistic Americana approach to make you feel better at the end of the day
Ayden Moore
Cooper Cooper
From Mein Kampf:
It will be the task of the völkisch State to make the race the nucleus of the life of the community. It must make sure that the purity of the racial strain will be preserved.
It must proclaim the truth that the child is the most valuable possession a nation can have.
It must see to it that only those who are healthy beget children; that there is only one infamy, namely, for parents that are ill or show hereditary defects to bring children into the world and that in such cases it is a matter of honour to refrain from doing so.
But, on the other hand, it must be considered as reprehensible to refrain from giving healthy children to the nation.
In this matter, the State must assert itself as the trustee of a millennial future, in the face of which the egotistic desires of the individual count for nothing and will have to give way before the ruling of the State.
In order to fulfill this duty in a practical manner the State will have to avail itself of modern medical discoveries. It must proclaim as unfit for procreation all those who are afflicted with some identifiable hereditary disease or are the carriers of it, and practical measures must be adopted to have such people rendered sterile.