I'm just so tied of reading about banking this, media that, etc, etc. When is a man going to be a man and see other men as men? I am NOT saying a man should endanger is freedom by taking direct physical action. But a man is a man is a man. Re-attach your effin balls and start engaging with the world as a man among men, a man among equals.

You're not dealing with aliens or UFO's or illuminati, or bankers with absolute power. You're just a man surrounded by a bunch of jerks. You're surrounded by other men. If you see some jews talking garbage stop quivering about it or quivering about these other races constructing weird conspiracies to be afraid.

Just be a man. Use your words. Fight with your words. Curse your enemies, bless your friends. Pray to God for your friends to be blessed and your enemies to be cursed. Speak against your enemies and speak in favor of your friends. Stop acting like a bunch of little bitches running around with these silly fears about obscure things that make no sense.

The world is in front of your face. Your dealing with human beings and these human beings are organized in very apparent and obvious ways. There are synogogues, mosques, churches, schools, black organizations, hindu temples, media, all sorts of stuff. Decide where you stand, who you sympathize with and just be loyal to whatever tribe you identify with whether its your race or your religion or some other tribe.

To be a fighting man n the world doesn't necessarily imply taking direct physical action, you can fight with your word, you can perform rituals to curse your enemies. Sometimes you have to resort to spiritual means of revenge because the law prohibits physical actions.

Just be a friggin man(or woman), stop being afraid. Stop shaking. Start cursing your enemies. Pray for God to curse your enemies. Perform magical rituals against them. No one is any better than you. You are society, society is you. The machinery of society is not here to oppress you, you created it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


who are you talking to?


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try actually learning about the bankers


Stop looking at colourful bullcrap under post and kill someone, it's great fucking feeling, God's hand is hand on your shoulder, cheers OP


Yeah I'm tired of hearing about (((conspiracies))) too. We should do something to stop (((them))) from happening all the time, but I just can't imagine (((what))) could be the cause of all of them.

When a maaaaaaaaan lovess a wommeeennn,
When a maaaaaaaaaaaan is aa maaaaaaan who loves his fellow maaaaaaaaaaan.
Maaaaaaan a maaaaaaaaan is a maaaaan who loves his maaaaaaan maaaaaan.
Hey JewOP, how cute is it that here you are doing exactly what makes you so rustled.

me retard do stuff; we do stuff we retard; all retard; do stuff retard

Nobody is shaking, except the kikes and their golem. All oaths are null and void.

Attached: BrokenOaths.jpg (1109x1543, 463.76K)

How's that working for you?

So tired of words. Use your swords.

So tired of words, go rape a feminist.

Fuck yeah it is. It's more cathartic than good pussy. You want to know why combat veterans run off to join PMC's in shitty countries run by a government that hates them? The dopamine, bro. There's nothing on this earth that can compare to the rush of a good kill.

Personally I knew both these were fake based on how much the history channel promoted them. If you heard it on the history channel it was almost definitely a lie

Is winter break not over yet?

Attached: MAGA-CANT-STOP-WINNING-2.jpg (1552x3498 1.7 MB, 2.42M)

Jews are not men

Not your blog yid.


But seriously, this is pretty pathetic dude. You're not arguing with us, it's obvious you're arguing with yourself because you're dealing with some internal strife. This isn't your diary.

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Fight not monsters.


The synagogue of satan is filled with monsters, yet the devils are not monsters, only dying men.

Rush? No, best murder is the one you don't remember

get better sources next time m8

Are you getting at the fact that ideology distorts perception? That it acts as a D&C tactic to divide people into intelligence-based information ghettos and effectively disarms them? That no one's doing anything until they're out in the streets talking to each other in neutral language? What are you trying to say?

blah blah blah
You're dumb.

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Personally, I think you're the stupid one for putting a jewish spin on this. Not everything is about the jews.

The zoomys are probably to young to remember just how hard the illuminati meme was pushed a decade ago

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No one cares.

There are all sorts of virtues to treating people as individuals rather than members of a racial group or criminal enterprise. For one, you don't get insta-deplatformed, accused of racism, automatically dismissed as having run afoul of "our values," etc. Make any excuse you want for failing to conceal your intentions from your enemies.

The point is to treat everyone, of all races even, as individuals. Some good, some bad, but that doesn’t mean everyone is equal.

I'm tired of people conspiring.

This is you falling for the trap that is your own consciousness.You still believe that you're important and that the world evolves around you, but in reality you're naturally a part of a collective. Individuality can only exist if the collective is stable enough to secure their individual members the freedom to grow by themselves, and it's then your responsibility to use it to help the collective getting stronger.

This natural principal was understand thousands of years ago by the very same type of jews, who since then, actively worked against nature to corrupt and destroy it. You're a part of this war if you comprehend it or not, and only helping the collective will give your existence any meaning.

I'm not saying that we should do that. What you're implying is ideological.

What I'm saying is not to wear your fucking intentions on our sleeve and side with a bunch of feds running a psy-op called White Nationalism.


This doesn't need pointing out. If you're not smart enough to see that you're at a disadvantage when you're on your own but they're in teams, you have no business being involved here.

Still, you will get much further if you drop this racialism rhetoric and actually accumulate some power. This board's tenor is about containment.

I'm assuming you meant revolves but either way it was pretty obvious OP wasn't talking about individual V collectivism but the fact we are dealing with men (humans) not lizard people or aliens.

B-but not all human passing creatures are men.

Some are the fabled boogeymen of yore, possessing supernatural powers. Others are beasts to be underestimated.

It's not about it being a lie. It's a operation to make viewers associate fantastic stories with the word conspiracy and dates back to the early days of the violent jewish takeover of print media. Over the next hundred years every form of entertainment was filled constant articles about UFO, Bigfoot, Loch Ness etc. But not only that, they added real life events like the JFK assassination or 9/11 into the conspiracy group to make people reject their credibility by the association with nonsense. "Conspiracy" is a weaponized tool to disarm dissident behavior and hide inconvenient truths out in the open.

We're dealing with all of the above.

Jerks is too small a word for what we're dealing with. What we are dealing with are psychopathic Jewish parasatoids and the race traitor whites who enable them.

No. Man is too small and weak. We should strive to become the overman.

We have been.

Useless as no such being has ever been conclusively proven to exist.

Secret societies do exist and most of them are run by Jews or have been subverted and taken over by Jews.

Not all ways are obvious and some ways are hidden in plain site but most do not see what is before their eyes.

The thing is I have seen specials about all of these on both the History and Discovery channels but you know what conspiracy I have never seen discussed even being brought up to be debunked was jewish power. And forget TV only, the freemason/Illuminati have been pushed front and center across all culture as a convenient way to both obfuscate the jews and attack the "old white men" that supposedly run the world.

Thanks for pointing that out.

See, that is the classical error that costs us so much, so many times. You cannot underestimate the collective. They were defeated, killed and kicked out everywhere…and yet they always gained while we were constantly losing. Why is that? Because we have always attacked the individuals responsible, but never perceived the jews as a collective.
They are not bound to any place, religion or race. From the very beginning they would split up and venture out to infiltrate others. This is the only group on this planet that for thousands of years, undisturbed, worked individually for a collective goal. A "race" that uses race-mixing as a means of advancement, that is drawn to every kind of degeneracy, that uses inbreeding undisturbed, that not only celebrates psychopathic behavior, but breeds it, and that consistently followed the path of crime wherever they went. No other race can even comprehend such a behavior.

Jesus fucking Christ no one but you was even talking about it to begin with

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But you should and must. Dealing with men, jews this, kikes that…that doesn't describe the dangers of a collective at all. This point always has to be on the forefront to combat the "not all jews" narrative.

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Tell me op, did you clean your room?

Only a jew uses the name of Jesus Christ in such a derogatory manner.


Jesus wasn't real

Literally everyone knows you're lying, yid.

eh, use better bait next time

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Fuck off FBI

King David wasn't real

Nobody cares.

You will all be killed by us, deformed kikes.
You will all be killed by us, impotent leftists.

This is why people laugh at you kike-whorshipers.
The Illyad is more factual than your Torah.


Look at that, the kike worshipper shows up in this thread.

The state of /pol… threads about OP's feelings… well you know what, nigger? Don't read it. No one is forcing you to do anything… except maybe your uncle when he's had a few too many.

Monkey men and bean people aren't my equals you fucking faggot.

Really? I guess you aren't in Davos this week. Private militaries, snipers on rooftops, glow in the dark motherfuckers in the bushes.

And where would this be? The Ritz Carleton in Paris?

The amount of soy in OP's diet is too damn high.

Actually a screen is or I'd probably be on top of you stabbing your bitch ass to death.

I see that dessert today involved some space cakes.

Now that's what I call projection!

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hey guys … op is tired cut it out

I got your back op , dont let them get you down