James Alex Fields Jr. EXONERATED
This is 18 minutes long and too big to attach as an mp4 without shrinking the video quality, which may prevent seeing the movements of the Dodge Challenger. Amazing shit. Thoughts?
ART proves Fields backed up before the crowd turned left, dismantling prosecutor's central premise
Other urls found in this thread:
He wasn't the driver.
James Fields isn't a real person.
This was a political psy op to instigate aggression and anger on both sides.
Heather's death was luck, and they jumped at it.
Jews are to blame.
here is a shorter 13m version that skips to the point faster
enough of the psy op shilling already, feel free to have your own slidethreads about that but I'll ask you stop trying to smother the more realistic lines of explorations. We have enough conspiracy theories to go around without needing a different driver.
If the facts mattered he'd never have been locked up ion the first place. Justice doesn't matter to leftycucks, you fags need to stop being such retards, all they want is pure revenge. They're literal evil demon spawns
No, we won't stop uncovering jewish psy-ops, thanks.
The only issue of CV that I am interested in is the one we never got anymore material on other than the initial "report". The report about the helicopter "crash". The original videos from people on the ground claiming they say "small objects" fly into the propeller made it sound like micro drones suicided into the chopper but we never got anything else (literally nothing else at all) on it.
Facts matter to some people, but a lot of people still put faith in the media, faith in the "middle left" to tell the truth, and the right-wing people are the ones we need to wake up en masse. Justice still matters to some people, and it is not retarded to make better arguments, make the truth harder to ignore.
The better we point this out, the harder it will be for them to deny, they will expend more energy coming up with new arguments. Scrambling. Contradicting themselves.
There was obviously a Jewish psy-op in the sense that many UTR leaders are probably FBI plants. Psy-op in the sense that cops pushed the innocent peons into violent confrontations while the leaders remained safe.
The overall event being a psy-op isn't grounds to ascertain the Challenger incident was, though. If it was, I think it would've been pulled off a lot better.
link please
If you are serious about bringing up the chopper then you better fucking namedrop its official designation of N31VA, and the NTSB designation of the flight/crash per ntsb.gov
if you are serious you also better name-drop the pilot (Jay Cullen) and the videographer (Berke Bates).
You also better point out that Berke videotaped the entire thing: Fields backing up, followed by the crowd turning onto 4th Street, followed by the crash, followed by the arrest.
You also better point out that Richard E. Moore outlawed copying this video less than a month ago: charlottesville.org
You also better point out that Fairfax attorney William Evans has fucking DISAPPEARED after making an August 2018 motion to unseal the video c-ville.com
I wonder what they were doing in CVille they don't want us to see. Because it is obviously not related to the crash. There has to be more to it than that.
I have no proof or no link as I have searched a ton, many times over, since that day and never found anything on that subject again. It was heavily discussed that day right here along with the license plate issue between Fields and his "Mother" but in both cases nothing further was ever found (at least by me but, granted, I stopped looking long ago).
As far as I am concerned, the chopper and license plate issue raised the biggest red flags but neither of which were really dug into so they just fell off the table many months back.
This is the last thing they want.
You're a jewish spy op.
This was a jewish false flag.
kiked 2nd post???
Kiked 12th post????
confirmed .. we have jews v non jews in this thread … pick a side find out who is jewish
sure buddy
oy vey that was fast , cant even make another post with out you fags being on top
Fuck off shareblue
so 487d22 ???
my first post agrees with the false flag comment
yes you are saging …we understand
Filtered for kike shill. TRSodomites get the fuck off my board.
just listen to this , its completely someone trying to force you to not be questioning and skeptal
"nothing to see here move along … you are wrong I say so"
3000% obvious … and look at the quick replies … you are on to something boys
dig … deeper… enhance … enhance
you own nothing jew
Go worship the jewish narrative somewhere else.
Which crash? Challenger into Camry, or N31VA into ground?
I am not actively disbelieving you, many times I have recalled seeing a video and not been able to relocate it immediately. Is it possible somewhere in youtube.com
I think it's great you want to be questioning and skeptical, but unless you have something new to add about the blurry photos and your stunt driver theories (which is better for a new thread) I'm asking you to move along and stop derailing.
One thing I think we should agree on is that we both want access to the hi-def photos the photographers originally took from north>south through the back windshield of the Challenger. The ones submitted to court were blurry downscaled black and white 640x480p garbage.
did Chris Mahoney get FBI to murder William Evans for asking about the Pie Chest after FBI told Mahoney to STFU about it?
We know that Red Pump Kitchen was only one of several businessES that Steven Young took footage from, guys. We also know that the time stamp on the video was fucked with so even if we do get access to it, we're going to have a hell of a time syncing it up for simultaneous play with the "Stick Girl" and "Burke Bates" videos (latter still unreleased also) and "Pie Chest" if what Evans said of Mahony is true.
Looks like FBI+Mahoney have either disappeared Evans or threatened him with legal action if he keeps pursuing it, so it's up to us.
That guy wasn't the driver and hes not a real person.
evidence or GTFO shill, always trying to derail.
We know, retard, and we resist despite the odds because we're not servile pussies like you.
stuff like this is all the proof you need that Donald Trump prefers to play ball or even engage with the deep state rather than actually fight it
just another blod faced scam and the best data you get that Trump may be doing something about it are 5th hand accounts of prison barges at gitmo being loaded up, which shouldn't be good enough to any real patriot
Trump = fraud
not pardoning him could be for the greater good, if doing so would prevent Trump from winning re-election in 2020. Still open to idea he's hiding power level and saving a wave of pardons for 2021.
the whole thing has to be a psyop, sorry I agree that the guy can't be real. Doing this level of fraud on a real person would simply be too risky.
Trump already cannot win in 2020. He refused to deport anyone. Demographics have already changed too much.
That's a stupid as fuck argument, what risk is even involved? It's not like you can prosecute a prosecutor for libel if they fail to get a guilty plea.
Not even if we turn the blacks against the dems? D+C w/ Jews?
I don't understand the reference.
this isn't just some murky circumstantial murder case where you can jam a real person up, it's a fucking circus
Get your head out of you ass, faggot, that's not what was being said. The point is that Zig Forums already proved all this shit on day fucking one, and it meant nothing in the (((courtroom))).
No user, the CIA is entirely led by women and all these federal agencies are forced to hire for muh diversity, rather than by skill. They have literal quotas to meet, to hire on incompetent shitskins who are significantly less skilled than other white applicants. They're not good at their jobs. This isn't the old days.
It’s impossible to turn the niggers against communism and big government. Nonwhites–all four other species of humanity–ALWAYS vote against personal freedom. Universally. They all vote COLLECTIVELY and racially. It is only whites who can be D&C’d like this.
ignore the second image; I just needed it to bypass the posting restriction. Though it absolutely DOES fit the sentiment.
Why did you leave reddit? You're not from here.
he's already been sentenced dude. i don't think anyone is going to overturn that, especially in that commie run town
not this again. Alt Right truth went super autistic on the fields event and proved he did drive the car. heyer did happen to die so they took advantage of it. the suspicious thing was the chopper crash, but they said the police chief ordered them to come too close to buildings and thats what caused that. the city of charlottesville is the conspirator. (((mike signer))), wes bellamy, mulatto police chief Al Thomas jr, police complicity and media collusion. thats what ive come to after all my research. yes, jews are still to blame though.
Double spacing is useful for emphasis. Particularly when repeating oneself. The "back 2 reddit" bullshit was probably started by Jew shills to D+C
You don't do it in the town, you appeal to a higher (state or federal) court and hold it elsewhere, with a non-local jury.
You mean "a suspicious" or "one suspicious", because THE makes it sound like the ONLY suspicious thing, and it wasn't. Off the top of my head…
1) Lizete Short's 5-minute minivan park
2) the sealing of the N31VA+RedPump vids
3) Downer replacing Weber with Lundsford
4) Lundsford + Antony's friendship
5) the unidentified store vid(s) Young alluded to
6) the ground cellphone vid aimed up at the chopper
7) the disappearance of William Evans after digging into Pie Chest
8) the cut segments of Stick Girl's vid
9) the cropping of the start of the 180 spin vid by interview guy
10) the lack of prosecution of waterbottle throwing guy and 2x4 guy
11) media constantly saying Heyer was killed instantly even though Susan Bro said they restarted her heart
12) vague "blunt force trauma" assumed to be from car impact and not (a) the fall off the car (b) the woman who fell on Heyer (c) the Antifa pseudomedics (d) the legitimate paramedics
reported and filtered for being a JIDF kike
The conspiracy that I see is on behalf of the city. Signer, Bellamy, Thomas jr, the police forces (there were about 5) and the media. i dont think a different guy drove the vehicle, the vehicle was different, or the chopper was a staged thing. the surveillance footage from around town, from attendees and from the chopper being seized is all still a city thing. the only thing bigger than the city that i believe was involved was the mainstream media and its many civilian sycophants (the bands and tonight shows that jumped in on it)
there are many strange things, but i have been looking at this since day 1 and that is what i see. for me to believe otherwise i need evidence the deep state made this a false flag, not simply that there are weird coincidences like the parked minivan.
I remember after Charlottesville there was another protest in some other city prior to UTR2 but I can't remember where… I want to say Washington or Jersey or thereabouts…
I remember the alt-righters were outnumbered and surrounded in this little purgola thing in the middle and someone had compared it to this shot from Thrones.
Does anyone remember what that was or have a copy of the shot? The shot of Fields being surrounded by a mob reminded me of it. But the one from the event was way more dramatic
also the courtroom railroading is still a city thing.
Who cares? he's already sentenced to death.
no, jury recommended life+419 years. We're still awaiting the 'federal hate crime' trial I think.
Commit a "right wing crime" in a left wing area you will get a left wing jury. He's fucked no matter what.
The police are all shit and liars. Curse them.
shills don't seem to care what you say, as long as you believe this is real
The most significant point here isn't that Fields is innocent. That's disappointing. The significant point is that the police are Antifa, through the (((student lawyers))).
That collaboration is a significant fact. A lot of people thought that this was something that was far off, the police merging with the communists.
But we now know there is no difference between Stalin, who killed 20 million Christians by man-made famine, the gulags, and exile, and any policeman you may see. His/her face is Stalin.
Fields didn't commit any crimes.
You don't actually have to believe it is real, arguing as if it were is still useful because the idea is to play to a public narrative of it being real to pressure the release of sealed footage which could expose the psyop. If your motive is to expose the psyop then why are you impeding narratives designed to compel the release of the N31VA/RedPump/PieChest vids?
Not all of them, pic related. Obviously they got scared and stopped actively telling the truth, but that's the more implicit "lying by omission" type.
By student lawyers do you mean the greenhats (including plainclothes Stick Girl) in the 18m version? The police weren't "merging" with the communists, but they were coordinating by driving the UTR guys into them.
I have no problem with anons poking holes in the narrative, just don't insist to me that it's not a psyop because then i'll have a problem
no, it is exactly what the powers that be want, to stir both sides to violent outbursts. they need a big old riot in this nation so they can then "save" the day by instituting their sweeping policy power grabs. it is in a wardens best interest for the prisoners to riot if he wants moar powers and funding
They want a single insemination. Hold up you end of the deal, and okay.
The ones in control of the police are trash. Maybe you can find a guy who is on your side, but good fucking luck if anyone in control gets involved.
Yeah, the green hats. I'm saying that there is a merging of the commies and police. Behold it yourself. The cops may be getting tricked, but they're sucking it up. And there's more evidence for this. Look into "fusion centers".
Checked for truth.
Why didn't they play this video at the trial?
Do we have the banned video?
"it's a psyop" is useless without clarifying specifics. You need to clarify aspects. No psyop is ever 100% psyop. The puppetmasters always rely on real/unscripted supplementation.
Why are you whining about violent outbursts when this thread isn't calling for violence? Wasted trips. This concern-trolling about violence comes up any time we try to peacefully discuss the BS in the narrative. I'm looking for mechanics, not your daydreams about motives and long-game.
I'm not sure the full list of what they showed the jury, I've only read the transcript of the preliminary hearing on Dec 2017, far as I know the Dec 2018 transcripts haven't fully been released.
Not yet, no. Supposedly the 2 banned videos (helicopter and restaurant) are available for viewing at the Charlottesville Clerk's Office via Llezelle A. Dugger according to charlottesville.org
It's at 315 East High Street and public hours are 8:30a.m. - 4:30p.m. Apparently you can just walk in and view what you want, but you can't make copies.
Which means we can't take it home and spend time doing stuff like zooms, slow motion, syncing the timing with other video, contrast, stabilization, pause and point at stuff and circle it when conversing with others, etc.
These are work hours even for people who happen to live in Charlottesville, and even for those who know about this (Berke Bates' brother Craig Bates did NOT, nobody from the CCO contacted him) they probably don't know what subtle things to look for, haven't trained their eyes examining the other footage.
Somehow this bullshit hasn't gained traction in MSM even though a few local reporters (leftists at that) actually made token protests about it, see attached 2 pics
Trials, like the police, are stupid mcfucker bullshit that has literally 0% to do with the facts, or evidence, or justice, or peace, or anything valid, or moral, or exceptional, or great.
They are garbage.
The government is not ours. Consider it a hostile occupier, because that's what it is. A kike occupation force.
What was that one term? Pullpit or something.
It doesn't matter. All the evidence in the world wouldn't change the fact that the court had it out for him and most of the public no longer cars about justice for people they don't like.
Yes, the court had it out for him. Yes, most of the public no longer cares. But those that do, this is how we reach them.
The jews and leftists are to blame. Always.
All jews must be killed.
All leftists must be killed.
You will all be killed.
Muslims are garbage too.
Correct. Red pills come in stages. Fundamentally, the most important thing is a healthy dose of doubt.
Nothing in that article will be of value.
reach who nigger? wouldnt the entire point be to stop him from getting a needle and killed?
There's also the time delayed response, for those who are now still asleep when they wake up someday there will be another milestone for them built by those who walked the same before.
I thought the goal was to have overwhelming proof of his innocence totally beyond doubt, and have it be in plain sight of all, and throughout the government ignore the truth so powerful and compelling, that the public may be educated, may know the government is a liar, and is their enemy.
Yep, small cracks in the foundation of their belief system. Turning a chair into a 3 legged stool. Then only 1 of the remaining must go.
Is there any chance that he can be acquitted?
No this happened after Charlottesville. It was soon after. I remember because I didn't really start following Zig Forums until during Charlottesville
The law is crap and shit and nigger. No.
pretty much this, or who knows, maybe the government capitulates, and we learn it's only the enemy 99% of the time, and we are motivated by our power to change it.
what do you mean "no"? I said "after Charlottesville" and you just repeated that yet act as if it is disagreement? You're confused lad.
never say never
Yeah I misread it. I read it as "There was another protest in some other city prior to [that]."
Well I'm glad you remember the meme too, hopefully if we can pinpoint it it will help with findnig the photo.
you mean this one? this is the Boston Free Speech rally that took place on Aug 19 2017 w/ Senate candidate Shiva Ayyadurai playing the part of BBEG
All Charlottesville did was demonize whites. Oy vey these white supremacists who are fighting their own genocide are racist murderers! And it effectively killed the Alt-Right movement. Because White Nationalism had been linked to the Alt-Right, it dealt a deathblow to White Nationalism as a movement.
You don't resist shit faggot, you take it up the ass all the time from leftycucks
And very common too, I was hoping shows like making a murderer would help normies realize just how fucked the courts are but nope.
Yeah, that was the event. Not sure what the image he was talking about though.
They don't care about guilt or innocence. They have an excuse to string up a "NAHT-ZEEE" so this kid is fucked either way. It's an indictment on the justice system, just like with bike lock guy getting off scot free.
No it didn't you slope faced yid. Everyone everywhere still carries the same feelings of truth in their hearts and minds. You can't stop it, Obama can't stop it, Hillary can't stop it, the news can't stop it.
(((He's))) slightly right in that it killed the alt kike, but it had already failed to take control of the growing unrest and was dying off anyways at that point.