MAGA Hats Mock Native American Vet

Media in a frenzy.

This is the shocking moment Kentucky students wearing Make America Great Again hats appear to mock a Native American man at a rally in Washington.

The footage shows one youth staring at and standing extremely close to the elderly man, identified as Vietnam veteran, singing and playing a drum.

Congresswoman Deb Haaland tweeted: 'This Veteran put his life on the line for our country. The students' display of blatant hate, disrespect, and intolerance is a signal of how common decency has decayed under this administration. Heartbreaking.'

Now a diocese in Kentucky is looking into the video that show students, possibly from the diocese's all-male high school.

Laura Keener of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington said Saturday it regrets the incident and is investigating but didn't comment further.

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fucking based… Trolling the libtards epic style!

Siberians are pieces of shit. Worthless anti-Whites with a worthless culture.
Since they define their existence as opposition to White people, I have no problem seeking their complete and utter destruction.

Funny the media cares so much about veterans now, they are always pretty quite when white veterans get murdered by niggers and spics.

I see jews and mutts.

That said, I don't see the point of standing in front of these shitskins and smiling at them. What was this kid proving?

Don't care.

I mean we did take their land … what did he think we were friendly

we took the land , and we are going to keep the land… do something about it


The feather is the school's mascot. I wonder if they are a reform school for unwanted mutts.


Can't wait to see the news when every single one of these magapede faggots' lives are ruined and they grovel at the alter of diversity begging to be shown mercy and apologizing for being white.
Reminder goyim:

Oh look, the children are here for their lelz.

He stood still and…did nothing. The reaction from jews, Democrats, non-whites and their allies to this is unbelievable. It's insanity.

dup btfo

Standing in someone's space playing the I'm not touching you game is a very jewish thing to do deserving a punch in the nose.

3 years later, >>>Zig Forums still gets triggered by a red hat

Are you kidding? They've been using them to poison the well.

The Amerindian was the one that approached him.

dup btfo

Look at how fruity these "kids" look (and call them teens, "kids" for teens is a jew psyop). No manIiness in ANY of them, just homosexualesque shitty smugness. could care less about some irrelevant chug, but if this is the face of Gen Z, then D-g help us.

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You're watching the low-iq golem of tomorrow.

Just when I think you Americlaps have though of everything

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"ERA" Veteran?
the "in country" veterans as "Vietnam veterans" and the others as "Vietnam-era veterans"
2004; only 2.59 million of them being reported to have actually served "in country."

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Generation Zyklon is redpilled as fuck.

Piece of shit teenagers act like piece of shit teenagers. Nothing even happened. He just looked at him (now a crime), which I assume indian dude was fine with because he didn't say otherwise or move. Who the fuck 20 years ago would have thought they would turn on the news and see some kid looking at an indian menacingly.

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If based trannies like Blaire White are redpilled, then nuke the fucking states already. This is a perverse mockery of the white race.

What a perfect symbol of the modern "alt-right", snobby white kids with too much time on their hands playing pretend that they are oppressed because they are poor wittle patriotic white males while they shit on someone who's actually done something for their country
civnat for life, wannabe fascist faggots are these worthless edgy white kids, I'll take a brown man who actually has love for this country rather and has proven it than some larping little limpwristed faggot anyday

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You're a moron. Fuck off back to boomerland.

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Choosing feelings over blood? You must really hate yourself.

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Geez Zig Forums, it's not like they hit him with a bike lock or something

A chubby jewish man shouting about being a Swede while his jewish wife makes out with a tranny?

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First day here, huh, kike?

Learn to read you dub-wasting newfaggot

Maize flavored tears

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Found him (◕ᴥ◕)

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Sandmann putting libtards to sleep… permanently


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Ladies and gentlemen, we got him

Look at that niggers posts and realize that you gave him what he wanted by giving him a (you).

This is a word I never used to see around here.

That's because you're responding to a baitposting faggot as though its an actual user.

Daily Reminder that the entire moderation staff was purged after the midterms and replaced by people who, during the early stages (before they'd learned better), were shitposting widely with images taken direct from 4chan /int/.

Seems 4 chan is on it. Kids at the March For Life rally. Negroes come harass kids, kids talk shit back. Then drummer boy steps in between and gets in the kids faces while they ponder wtf is going on.

Then fuck off, faggot. No once cares what you think.


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The nerve of that lad! How dare he not yield before the based elder redskin and his doubtlessly authentic song of native american natural healing justice. Disgraceful failure to retreat. Damn you white devils. COLONIZERS!

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Natives always do this shit where they go somewhere to have a protest, declare the land sacred, start doing dances, and act like you offended their religion for being there.

Not an argument.

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the feather nigger probably got in his face, so the boy wasn't backing down. simple as that.

RANT: fuck indians they all hate White people, even though they sold their land to us. most of those weaklings died because the spanish brought over the bubonic plague. those niggers used to have war seasons against each other they were so damn primitive, and they almost hunted the buffalo into extinction so the whole "living in equilibrium with Gaia" line is bullshit. they have it do fucking good right now. think about it. free land UNDER YOUR OWN JURISDICTION, plus free government checks you can spend on liquor? gimme a fucking break i would kill for that. whiny ass shitskins.

disregard drunken indians who fought in nam, a useless war that has nothing to do with benefiting or defending America. wipe em out!

they don't. it's just a way to attack Whites and Trump. those Godless bastards who hate Christianity will even whine that their enemy of the moment is anti-Christian if it helps them.

scruples have they not.

they sold most of their land to us willingly, because they don't know how to frontier.

Montanon here. From experience I can tell you that Indians use the illusion of Indian mysticism to overawe and impress white people as both a weapon and a defense. This sort of shit is not new to us. It might as well be called the Mystic Indian Gambit for how common it has become to defuse white resistance.

It's very simple: When trying to convince white people of anything, Indians change their manner of speaking in order to affect the whole Mystic Indian thing. This includes pow-wow singing and dancing, low-tone and halting speech, deliberate hand and body motions, odd phraseology, and so forth. This is all an act to impress and defuse aggression from white people, because they know that white people inherently treat them with more caution and respect if they act like that. Why? Because white people naturally respect spirituality and conviction, and despite it appearing laughable to a white audience (and it really does. Their Indian Mystic act is fucking silly to us) we still want to be polite and regard it due to general empathy, childhood training, and even a longing for having such a strong conviction ourselves. It's a form of social judo in the same way that Jews act like harmless, innocent buffoons when they feel challenged. This effect has been reinforced by (((Hollywood))) productions depicting the Noble Savage myth and the denigration of Western spirituality over decades.

In normal circumstances, Indians do not act this way. They only do this because white people give it credence and it is white people who enforce the "horror" of making fun of it on each other. Normally Indians either are assimilated into society and speak like any white person, or they are fucking around with their cousins on the rez and getting wasted on the government's dime like any degenerate of their people. There are better ones and worse ones, but it is sufficient to say that they are not talking like Squanto in normal conversation.

It is only when they are trying to convince whites of something do they affect this patently "Indian" behavior shit. A good example was that during the manufactured bullshit that was the Dakota Access Pipeline, a panel of "distinguished" Indian activists sat in front of a group of wide-eyed white college kids and used phrases like, "We must cut off the head of the Black Snake - that is what my people call oil," and, "These are my people's sacred lands that the white settlers stole from the Great Spirit." It almost always works on whites, who then compliment them on how "spiritual" they are.

What took this particular guy aback was that these students actually showed him what white people generally think about Indian culture. It's silly and embarrassing to watch for us. Never have I met a single white person who said with a straight face, "I like listening to Indian pow-wow music." No, we all find it a little absurd, sort of ugly, and just not for us. But we respect the spirituality of it because we'd like to see that same respect come for what we may find sacred.

Was it rude of these kids? Oh yes, but what is more than rude is stepping onto the edifice of Western achievement and cultural hegemony and insulting its makers in front of the rightful heirs to it. The guest spit in the host's face, and was shocked that he finally spit back. It's shocking only because the Mystical Indian trick didn't work, that white people didn't treat his noisy warbling with automatic sacred regard as we are taught to and feel we must.

And that's why the media has to stomp all over it because if this rejection of sacred regard becomes a trend, the automatic sacred regard for all of the Left's prized victims will also be lost. Once whites refuse to enforce the sacred regard for the guest on those who are clearly not acting like good guests, the vast social power of normal whites will come to naturally oppose those forces working to undermine it.

That's one of many reasons why the smug guy in front of the jeering crowd is the focal point of their rage. He leveled his eyes at the Indian and smirked at him with clear contempt and amusement at his antics. That look is the look of the self-assured, the bold, the contemptuous, the mocking, and the amused. All qualities that makes for the bane of (((certain parties))).

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based hapa master race

Imagine getting shitter shattered over a phrase on a hat like some of the people ITT.

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"Meme war" is lame. Trump was selected by the electoral college, he lost the popular vote, at best you convinced the NPC's to accept who they were getting anyways. talk about a cheap campaign strategy - outsource the promo to the kiddies! CHEAP!

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Standing While White - New hate crime legislation 2019, coming soon via Trump's DOJ!

IIRC I remember a survey that was run a few years ago claimed that, by percentage, more Charlies liked capitalism than Americans. For a country that fought killed over 50k Americans and held off a horde of chinks after the US left, I'd say that's a success.

As for the corn niggers, I say let them be. They've been more than happy to chug fire water and breed themselves out of existance rather than scalp white people and protect what little land they claim to have left for the past 100 years. They'll all die or breed out eventually, and within 200 years the only ones that exist will be unrecognizably white like Warren.

As much as I don't like that smug cunt's smile, all I see in the video is the old dude getting closer to its face and beating its drum. No contact between them, though the old dude almost hit the teen with its stick while getting closer, you can even see the teen's confused face with this happens at 1:10.
Liberals are just desperate to show how trump supporters are the bullies and not them.

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Knowing featherniggers, I automatically side with the kid.
These fuckers are religiously anti-White and laugh at our weakened state. I'm generally a very reasonable person but these arrogant anti-White bastards can go to hell.
Oh, so you openly rejoice at the thought of White Genocide? Fine then. Let's see how you like it.
Let them all get a taste of their own medicine.

They believed it was impossible to place ownership on land. They thought they were suckering us, exchanging impossible-to-own land for beads. They were laughing and snickering and saying, "Sure White Man, here's your 'land' LOL, thank you for the beads."

Then we built walls and fences around our land, and they quit laughing, started hitting the hooch, and lived as aimless savage degenerates. Sound familiar? It should.

they have always been a communist country and are moreso now. also by your logic "attacking primates in a jungle sells capitalism so that is good" uh NO you fucking nigger. it also didnt work. what it did was cull more of the white warrior class, leaving the weaklings to be indoctrinated with commie bacchanalia, it bolstered the crown corporations coffers, and started the heroin epidemic that has never stopped. it was a cataclysmic failure, and one of the most serpentine ploys ever effected against Americans. ingeniously evil.
its true. IIRC all the full breeds are already gone. that's been like 10 years ago now i think. at least thats what i heard.

Louisville Antifa are doxxing his family.
They are ARA, and part of various activists in Louisville.
Bosco, Green and their slut are the ones doing it.

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HAHA white man who looks suspiciously Jewish causes more racial hatred against whites because we're all bigoted and I can't until Democrats win and we can finally white genocide, fellow Pedes! Shadilay! #GANGGANG

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Mob Rule? Really?

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Look at them and laugh

There is something to be learned here

don't worry, Trump will protect them and not disavow them if asked about them :^)

1488 right my fellow alpha males? xD

Why do you think he's a hero?

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Try reading the thread incel

Go back to reddit you kike

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I can assure you that it was Jews,with their trademark behind-the-scenes financial manipulation, coercion, blackmail, etc. who were the ones ACTUALLY behind "taking their land", as you state. The jews have a very long history of destroying various cultures and civilizations… And, not surprisingly, someone else always gets blamed for it, That should be VERY apparent to anyone I would think, especially as of late.

And, since they've always controlled the vast majority of publishing houses, they were able to simply put whatever blame-game narrative that suited them into so-called "school" textbooks, and other false sources of "educational materials" created for public consumption. And their control of newspapers, radio, and television did even more damage than those disgusting textbooks… Television, alone, has all but DESTROYED the entire World, turning those who watch it into absolute zombies.

"America" has a long history of having its assorted peoples and races insidiously played against one-another. And the public always falls for it… EVERY TIME… Whether it be American Indians, blacks, hispanics, women, queers, or white folks. And it really doesn't matter who gets played, because they intend to DESTROY ALL OF THEM – ALL OF US.

Also, if anyone cares to have a look across the US's southern border, you will see yet another indiginous population which was destroyed, and by the very same vermin. And, of course, that was blamed largely on those horrible "conquistadors" from Spain, right? Well, not exactly… You see, those "conquistadors" were, in fact, JEWS, (also called marranos) whom were sent packing, from Spain, when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella EXPELLED THE JEWS, via the Alhambra Decree, which took effect in 1492.

That's right – 1492.

Now, I'll wager some of you are wondering why that year seems so very familiar to you… Well, it just happens to ALSO be the same year that guy COLUMBUS "arrived" here. And where did he sail from? Yep… that's right… SPAIN – two days after the Alhambra Decree officially took effect, no less.

Perhaps it's all just cohencidence, eh?

Better wise up, World. Focus on the REAL problem. Or die at heir hands. It's your choice.

Fuck featherniggers. This was pretty funny so it was worth it.

Duh ok

Holy shit, look at those comments. What fucking planet are these people living on?


He's already deleting comments that are supportive of the kid.

If you open your mouth about black teenagers, or point out how they are disrespectful, it's hail and firestorm for you. Give me a break, libtard media.

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This. I'm glad at least someone noticed.

Why are you trying to dox someone in this manner?

Unruly white kids who simply stand and smile. We are heading towards a point where simply being white is a crime. I personally welcome it, things have to get a lot worse before they get better. Sort of like an alcoholic hitting rock bottom.

What a pathetic loser that man is for trying to intimidate a child. Poor Chief Gibbsmedat is just outraged at a pink skin daring to affirm his own existence. Notice the look of malice in his eye as he gets up in the kids face mocking the child because even if the kids whopped his alcoholic ass no matter what the State and Lugenpresse would side with him because his people are the biggest failures in the history of mankind.

Props to the native american vet, he could have beat the shit out of the faggot white kid but didn't

How one group can be such a hivemind is completely beyond the scope of imagination of whitey yet it stares us in the face.

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And drop his drum? You should have heard the applause he was getting

Many people lack an outlet for aggression due to being screen addicted fags for the last 10+ years. The instinct for tribal warfare is about to resurface despite constant weed, porn, and psych meds. Nature can't be cheated forever. 2020-2030 is going to get hot.

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Its hard to believe anyone still likes Trump after how much of a kike he has been. Goes to show what kind of tool still believes in him after everything he's done (and failed to do). This man deserves respect, and should be disagreed with respectfully. Amerindians belong here as much as the europeans that colonised the empty lands here belong here. He says “This is indigenous lands. We’re not supposed to have walls here. We never did.” If these lands are to remain indigenous, it must be protected from the invaders in the south. Maybe there doesn't need to be a wall, maybe the wall can be made of tons of manpower and reconaissance drones, but something has to be done to stop invaders from entering our lands.

Anyone got the webm from some movie where a colonist and his men confront a tribal army and tell the leader that his tribe murdered another tribe for this land, and that tribe murdered a tribe before it, and so on. I thought I saved it but can't find it on my harddrive.


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Are the Indians the dumbest people ever or just the most cuck?



zuckbook page shortened link: bitDOTly/2DmF812



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