Montanon here. From experience I can tell you that Indians use the illusion of Indian mysticism to overawe and impress white people as both a weapon and a defense. This sort of shit is not new to us. It might as well be called the Mystic Indian Gambit for how common it has become to defuse white resistance.
It's very simple: When trying to convince white people of anything, Indians change their manner of speaking in order to affect the whole Mystic Indian thing. This includes pow-wow singing and dancing, low-tone and halting speech, deliberate hand and body motions, odd phraseology, and so forth. This is all an act to impress and defuse aggression from white people, because they know that white people inherently treat them with more caution and respect if they act like that. Why? Because white people naturally respect spirituality and conviction, and despite it appearing laughable to a white audience (and it really does. Their Indian Mystic act is fucking silly to us) we still want to be polite and regard it due to general empathy, childhood training, and even a longing for having such a strong conviction ourselves. It's a form of social judo in the same way that Jews act like harmless, innocent buffoons when they feel challenged. This effect has been reinforced by (((Hollywood))) productions depicting the Noble Savage myth and the denigration of Western spirituality over decades.
In normal circumstances, Indians do not act this way. They only do this because white people give it credence and it is white people who enforce the "horror" of making fun of it on each other. Normally Indians either are assimilated into society and speak like any white person, or they are fucking around with their cousins on the rez and getting wasted on the government's dime like any degenerate of their people. There are better ones and worse ones, but it is sufficient to say that they are not talking like Squanto in normal conversation.
It is only when they are trying to convince whites of something do they affect this patently "Indian" behavior shit. A good example was that during the manufactured bullshit that was the Dakota Access Pipeline, a panel of "distinguished" Indian activists sat in front of a group of wide-eyed white college kids and used phrases like, "We must cut off the head of the Black Snake - that is what my people call oil," and, "These are my people's sacred lands that the white settlers stole from the Great Spirit." It almost always works on whites, who then compliment them on how "spiritual" they are.
What took this particular guy aback was that these students actually showed him what white people generally think about Indian culture. It's silly and embarrassing to watch for us. Never have I met a single white person who said with a straight face, "I like listening to Indian pow-wow music." No, we all find it a little absurd, sort of ugly, and just not for us. But we respect the spirituality of it because we'd like to see that same respect come for what we may find sacred.
Was it rude of these kids? Oh yes, but what is more than rude is stepping onto the edifice of Western achievement and cultural hegemony and insulting its makers in front of the rightful heirs to it. The guest spit in the host's face, and was shocked that he finally spit back. It's shocking only because the Mystical Indian trick didn't work, that white people didn't treat his noisy warbling with automatic sacred regard as we are taught to and feel we must.
And that's why the media has to stomp all over it because if this rejection of sacred regard becomes a trend, the automatic sacred regard for all of the Left's prized victims will also be lost. Once whites refuse to enforce the sacred regard for the guest on those who are clearly not acting like good guests, the vast social power of normal whites will come to naturally oppose those forces working to undermine it.
That's one of many reasons why the smug guy in front of the jeering crowd is the focal point of their rage. He leveled his eyes at the Indian and smirked at him with clear contempt and amusement at his antics. That look is the look of the self-assured, the bold, the contemptuous, the mocking, and the amused. All qualities that makes for the bane of (((certain parties))).
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