New 2h long video surfaces destroying media narrative

1:12 into the video. The old Indian man and his group approached the students first already banging his drum to harass them, not the other way around as the mainstream media insists.

The students are clearly minding their own business, waiting for their bus in front of the memorial as they were told to do by their teacher. How can the mainstream media defend this?

Other urls found in this thread:

It truly is a mystery…

Lol crazy niggers shouting at a injun was more entertaining and race baiting then the bullshit they are pushing with the dumb old injun.

1:15 the Black Israelites start throwing verbal harassment at the kids too telling them they are future school shooters and "it's in your eyes". "Go shoot up a school".

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What are jews?


with lies.

This is good. The media is already admitting that an entire generation of young white males has become radicalized. They don’t seem to understand that they’re the ones doing it. Ironically they are helping us. Dumb brown people and kikes.


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well contact your favourite media person and explain to them that doxxing works both ways
complements of abraxis

I mean we already slaughtered 99% of their "people", so what's the problem with a few more redskins getting scalped to finish what they started?

imagine how great the world would be if we were as ruthless as they claimed

These nigger mormons are awkward on camera, more than basketball or rapper niggers even. Holy shit, its no wonder they need Jews to work the PR.

Kid should have started clapping and yelling in that old punk's face. Old man was rude, no respect for his "sacred drum", banging it inches from somebody's face, just a rude, entitled old shit with bad teeth.

Boomers gobble this indian shit up. They lived through the Chief Iron Eyes propaganda, so they've got this association with wholesomeness and tribal identity with them that just isn't there. The reality is these guys are all alcoholics and money launderers for jews, they've been friends of the mafia for decades. With all that corruption and all that money moving through their hands, they're still poor as shit and living on gibs.

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There's no winning with minorities, fuck every ancestor who cow towed to them

Now that is clear they did nothing wrong, Zig Forums will ramp up their efforts to dox the kids and ruin thier lives, because some of them wore hats.

Zig Forums is now 50 percent FBI, ADL, and antifa, so you are likely correct.

honestly, they could just completely ignore it like they always do, causing the most liberals, including virtually all of the boomers, to not know that it exists

literally nobody is doing this

Covington Catholic High School
1600 Dixie Highway
Covington, Kentucky 41011-2797

(859) 491-2247


Principal: Mr. Bob Rowe
Email: [email protected]

The kids did nothing wrong. Now you are trying to handwave user actions. It is disgusting.

2 hours of that shit? user, you couldn't edit that shit down to what is FUCKING RELEVANT? Who the fuck do you think we are to spend 2 hours watching a nigger 'preach'?

nigger there is no one doxing the kid here, where is the kids dox that you say hes being doxed here?
link to the post.

If MAGA hats trigger; then trigger harder. Purchase a dozen or so hats and leave them conspicuously in areas heavily charged with fee-fees and emotions. We can get this civil war going sooner.

Can someone please post the link to the video. I can't watch the embed for some reason.

How To Get A Jewish Hijacked Thread Back on Track:

Step 1: Archive the video as it will get (((taken down)$$

Step 2: Send the archived video link to Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, ((Breitbart)), ((The Daily Wire)), it any other Jewish “right-wing” news organizations you think might publish this

Step 3: Nake sure to spread the news that Chief Runs-On-Whiskey is a piece of shit who started the fucking mess

Step 4: a bunch of Jews are going to attack me for saying to send this to Jewish organizations. If you know of any 100% white, Nationalist new organizations, send it there instead

Step 5: Hope this gets talked about by Tucker, the most popular talking head in colour commentary.

Your average chug is poor as shit, because all money goes through the hands of the elders and the chief. They take all the money and keep it for themselves. Then they come out on camera and cry about how destitute his people are, pry whites for sympathy and more money while they drive off in imported sports cars while another dumb redskin cunt prostitutes herself to death while a faggot huffs gas till he does brain dead. Those are then blamed on white people too.

Manufactured outrage anons


Chieftain here got locked up for knocking up a bunch of his tribrlets as 14 year olds.

Most tribes were absolute shit, just rapists and raiders. A handful were descendants of the allies and workforce of ancient aryans, like the Hopi. Those tribes made contact with the USA government and demanded to join the USA, so that the cavalry would kill the fucking (((navajo)))
Pic related, Hopi swastika, kept as a memory of their ancestor's relations with ours.

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I dont get why faggots even read the news 99% of it is falsfied and when it isnt it just advertisement.

They did the same shit with the "based protect flamethrower genius nigger" who aussaulted protesters just walking by.

Thinking facts and logic are involved in any of this shit is fundamentally a liberal mindset. Dehumanise it, and get with the program.

The mainstream media (kek, more like lamestream, amirite?) doesn't have to defend anything at all. It is not in the business of winning debates in a neutral forum. Every millionaire you see on "the news" is a kike propagandist who spreads kike propaganda on kike platforms for kike purposes. No appeal is ever made to logos, but to ethos and pathos. The herd that still watches the tranquilizing sound and light show absorbs all the input passively, becomes calm or agitated, as the needs of the kike dictate, and will take action with the self-assurance and stupidity of an aurochs when prompted to lynch a designated hate target.

It works like this: Start with an emotionally gratifying overarching narrative. In this case, it's that white people are holding down all the losers in America. The reason this is gratifying is that losers never take responsibility for their failures, and blaming the visible group that's at least trying to get ahead means niggers and spics never have to look in the mirror. It's also gratifying to women to channel their inferiority complexes into man bashing, specifically bashing of white men.

Cucked whites also find this gratifying, since beating up on their own simultaneously scratches their masochistic itch, makes them look like heroes, wins approving glances from niggers (thereby extending street cred to the ofay liberal vagina with his fist out), and conforms to the friction-free social consensus the kikes have manufactured through control of media.

Once your narrative is set and the masses have found spiritual solace in it, they'll believe literally everything you say that reinforces the gratifying narrative. Just feed a stream of narrative to keep the embers alive, and let your audience's confirmation bias do the hard work for you. Got footage of a smug-looking kid in a MAGA hat smirking at a timber-nigger? Run with it. It will come across to the cultists as white aggression and privilege. Got footage of hulking niggers beating the ever-loving shit out of a white mother? Either suppress it, or run the footage and let your pre-primed audience interpret it as a white aggressor getting what she deserves or, at worst, just one of those things, and certainly not part of a pattern of racial abuse whites have to suffer from diversity.

Above all else, never – ever – let yourself be stopped by facts, evidence and reason. You think witch burners were deterred by the fact that there's no such thing as witches? When there was money to be made by torturing women to death? Fuck no! Get to work piling up the faggots, faggot, and we'll consign the innocent perforce to the flames!

There's no talking people out of their religion. Run from it, surrender to it, or kill it with completely non-metaphorical or esoteric fire, but there's no fourth option for answering the call of the religiously fanatical mob.

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Good find, but Facebook/Google/Twitter/CNN will memory hole this as the damage has already been done. We can pat ourselves on the back for knowing the truth all we like, it never gets further than here, cuckchan, and maybe reddit.
Just like a thousand times before.

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They won't ever air the clip or report on it. They'll pretend it doesn't exist. If they somehow find themselves backed into a corner where they have to acknowledge it's existence, they will simply call it another 'white supremacist conspiracy theory' like with South Africa. If ignoring mass genocide on the scale of an rntire nation still works, then I'm sure ignoring this will work too.

rock bottom iq niggers + abrahamism = such a fucking disaster

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this guy gets it

The left can't meme.

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American education, everyone.


As a "so called" white man, I am laughing my butts off at these asswipes.

Indian means from India, because the Europeans that "first" ran into the Americas thought they had traveled around the world and landed in India. They thought the natives were Indian, because they sort of looked like Indians.

And I wonder if that younger AmerInd knows that you were only allowed to wear your feathers hanging down after you had killed an enemy in battle.
I wonder how many men he's killed?

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metaphysical left cannot meme. they only reflect and pervert. swallow that pill

Switzerland has legit democracy

So, what are you guys going to do about this? The kid got doxxed, expelled from school, and the overgrown babies on social media got another way to call the right shitty.

You guys gonna gamergate any MSM outlets?
You gonna contact any blue checkmark employers who called for harassment?
Any protests against this happening again?

The right is losing the culture war because no one wants to do anything. There are 0 repercussions for this happening.

do peaceful gooks count?

The parents need to lawyer up.
Styx had one of his videos taken down. I highly doubt it was by chance.

Already did, m9

Vaild point. Bait is bait and you’re a fool for taking it. Its of no real consequence don’t waste to much tome on it kids

No, we didn't.
When the Europeans came to the Americas, 90% of the population had already died off. They don't know why, they suspect it was a plague, because only a plague could possibly have devastated a population to that degree.

How do we know this?
There are archeological remains in the States that indicate large population cities, enough to support a workforce necessary to create the earthen pyramids we find all along the Mississippi river valley.
We find the pyramids, and the remains of metropolitan areas.
But they were almost all gone before the "so called" white man got here.
Where did they go?
We don't know.

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Absolute truth. The pathetic Navajo reservation is full of horrendously tragic people, broken families, and an almost Warsaw Pact-style atmosphere of total failure and futility. Unless you're married to one of the tribal government's daughters. Then, you live in a big ranch-style house and drive a Mercedes you got for free. All the resources go straight to half a dozen families, while ordinary chugs can't open a fucking gas station without permission from the sacred elder council of the long house blah-blah-blah.

In short, redskins are natural born communists who build dystopian hells for themselves as long as there's welfare to scam. Like all subhumans, they lack the necessary self-awareness to feel ashamed of themselves for this behavior. There are some good ones – they're not Jews or niggers, after all – but those with any work ethic or ambition all move to Las Vegas and deal blackjack. The rest hit the rodeo circuit and drink themselves to death.


the general belief is that they died from a disease that originated in Europe. These things used to happen when disparate cultures clashed. It was not intentional.

Diseased autistic faggot Alt-Hype has a good video about this. Studying maternal lineages and mtDNA, it looks like there was no "genocide" at all. Feathernigger family lines are mostly still intact, which is not what you'd expect after mass killing. Instead, the Indians lack a firm sense of themselves culturally, so they marry out into Mexican families. The kids grow up spics, and that's that, culturally speaking.

A possible future for whites. Take heed.

i remember hearing about that. apparently Europeans heard the story from the natives and took it a sign from god to fill the land

no, that's not what he's saying

t. Swiss

What would have been utterly cool, would be if the students had all started singing "Erika" and drowned out the nigspeak.

They don't know this. The population was wrecked before the Europeans had supposedly gotten here, but I suppose it could have come from China or the Norse, as both had set foot on the mainland before Columbus landed in the west Indies.

We simply don't know what happened.

just keep bumping the other thread which fits your narrative

Download the two videos and get started memeing it then. The world is a better place when we all pull together, user.

My suggestion for a song.

You can't convince these propagandists because there's no penalty, you need to do it by force.

About to tell others this. They will ask me the following, so I need to know.

How can you tell it's a Israelite?

Most likely collapse from famine due to even small climate changes. All the city states of the Western hemisphere seem to have always easily collapsed from just a decade of less ideal growing conditions. Most were completely dependent on low protein crops like corn, except for the Incas that had the potato. With very few domesticated animals, I think the low protein diet made them very vulnerable to famine, with no domesticated herd animals to use as beasts of burden.

"Black Israelites" is a group of blacks who claim to be Israelites, they just troll people.

we wuz kikes

jesus fucking christ, this post makes my eyes bleed almost as bad as your pussy.

no really these are the same types
aint it funny how only one side can have paramilitary demonstrations

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When NPCs NPC themselves

Who funded this annual We Wuz Kangs rally?

Jump to 1:12:00 to see the relevant section.

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AOC is based on state law not federal law. Tribal lands can enact laws that supersede state laws.


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CIA agent:

iPhone user tbh

Never heard someone say that.



Sandmann Hoax: Injun Nathan Philips is a Crisis Actor



My brother got into a fight with four Black Niggerites in Harlem several years ago. He was drunk as fuck and they started yelling that cracker devil shit at him in front of his girlfriend. They ended up saying something to her and he snapped. He's a big dude, and he broke one of their jaws. The other three jumped in because they're niggers, and he stood up fighting them for about 3 minutes before the cops came. When one of the cops grabbed him, he didn't realize right away that it was a cop and he threw a swing at him. All the cops jumped on him from there. He started cooperating immediately after he realized it was the police who were grabbing him, but it was too late. He was charged with two felonies, one for breaking the niggerite's jaw, and one for fighting the cops. But even though the niggers pressed charges, they never showed up for any of the court dates, and the assault charge was dropped. The assault charge on the cop was reduced to disorderly conduct and he had to pay a fine, do community service and go to AA (because he was drunk when all this happened).

Hopefully his actions have had more thought put into them lately and he's put a few buns into that oven.

found another copy of the video on MSM portal
1,250,774 total views of the combined vids in a matter of hours
this is gaining so much traction it could btfo the main stream media
for a long while.

remember the reports of the mother "blaming black muslims" for her sons terrible actions. she was talking about the black hebrew israelites, and the msm tried to make it seem like "of course racist mom blames black muslims".

this proof could rip apart the MSM, should strategize and start meme'ing to show NPC's how much theyre lied too

MAGA Hat-Wearing Teen Claims He Was ‘Helping To [Defuse] The Situation’

in a statement released Sunday, Sandmann claimed that he had been singled out and felt as though the elder was “attempting to provoke the teenagers.”
Phillips, on the other hand, told CNN he was only attempting to thwart any potential violence between the two groups.
“I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to [defuse] the situation,” Sandmann’s statement read. “I said a silent prayer that the situation would not get out of hand.”

all this info needs to be organized and weaponized against the MSM


Also, the video needs to be cut. 2 hours long?

I understand the need for context, for transparency sake, but you don't need 2 hours of it.

We need Nathan Phillips doxxed. He is the one that lied to media about what happened. We need to get his info out there to scare the fucking shit out of him into confessing that he lied.

Please anons, if you hate jews and want to see the news report something good, Dox Nathan.

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No, it's not. STFU.

The "natives" carry 40 percent aryan DNA in them. "Natives" are a mixture of chinks and white aryans. Aryan solutreans inhabitet America first. Then they were killed and race mixed by floods of invading asians.

Europeans just took back, what belonged to them all the way!

Look at the old injun, you can see, that he has aryan DNA in him (not mixed in recent times tho).

A 2013 study in Nature reported that DNA found in the 24,000-year-old remains of a young boy from the archaeological Mal'ta-Buret' culture suggest that up to one-third of indigenous Americans' ancestry can be traced back to western Eurasians, who may have "had a more north-easterly distribution 24,000 years ago than commonly thought"[44] "We estimate that 14 to 38 percent of Amerindian ancestry may originate through gene flow from this ancient population," the authors wrote. Professor Kelly Graf said,

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In some of the videos floating around you can see that the one with an afro has a jewish necklace on. This vid zooms in on it at 7:05:

I don't blame the mother; I thought they were muslim at first too because of how strongly they were preaching against gays and telling the black catholic that his organs would be harvested.

Cool. Now tell us how baste we are.

holy shit, you are dumb

Harlem isn't everything that it used to be. There's a lot of White people in Harlem now. Niggers and liberals suddenly hate gentrification now that it's happening in places like Harlem and Bed-Stuy, but 60 years ago when they were forcing it onto our neighborhoods, they swore up and down that gentrification could only benefit everyone involved and to oppose it was morally repugnant. But regardless of nigger/jewish hypocrisy, the fact is that it's not as dangerous or uncommon these days for White people to be walking around Harlem. In fact, if you live in the Bronx or Westchester county, Harlem is a very convenient place to hang out. The Metro-North train station is right there on 125th St and will get you back out to the burbs in 15 minutes.

I say all that to say that my brother and his girlfriend would normally have been fine walking around Harlem, especially when you're the size of my brother and a former amateur boxer like he is. But these nigger Israelites are basically just IRL trolls who do and say this shit with the sole intention of getting people to attack them so they can "defend themselves" and prove that White people are violent and emotionally fragile, and maybe sue someone. No one tried to sue my brother, but we've always suspected that he hurt their pride and they didn't want to publicize the fact that a pussy-ass, fragile, scared, cracker devil handed them their asses. He hospitalized one of them with one punch, then held his own against three of them, then they had to be rescued by the cops. Then after all that, he spent one night in jail before his privileged White devil family and friends posted his bail. We think that's why they never showed up to court either. They didn't want to show their faces.

And yeah, he just had his third son about 10 months ago. A happy little red head boy who is the spitting image of my oldest daughter's baby pictures. The White race grows stronger
