Thinking facts and logic are involved in any of this shit is fundamentally a liberal mindset. Dehumanise it, and get with the program.
The mainstream media (kek, more like lamestream, amirite?) doesn't have to defend anything at all. It is not in the business of winning debates in a neutral forum. Every millionaire you see on "the news" is a kike propagandist who spreads kike propaganda on kike platforms for kike purposes. No appeal is ever made to logos, but to ethos and pathos. The herd that still watches the tranquilizing sound and light show absorbs all the input passively, becomes calm or agitated, as the needs of the kike dictate, and will take action with the self-assurance and stupidity of an aurochs when prompted to lynch a designated hate target.
It works like this: Start with an emotionally gratifying overarching narrative. In this case, it's that white people are holding down all the losers in America. The reason this is gratifying is that losers never take responsibility for their failures, and blaming the visible group that's at least trying to get ahead means niggers and spics never have to look in the mirror. It's also gratifying to women to channel their inferiority complexes into man bashing, specifically bashing of white men.
Cucked whites also find this gratifying, since beating up on their own simultaneously scratches their masochistic itch, makes them look like heroes, wins approving glances from niggers (thereby extending street cred to the ofay liberal vagina with his fist out), and conforms to the friction-free social consensus the kikes have manufactured through control of media.
Once your narrative is set and the masses have found spiritual solace in it, they'll believe literally everything you say that reinforces the gratifying narrative. Just feed a stream of narrative to keep the embers alive, and let your audience's confirmation bias do the hard work for you. Got footage of a smug-looking kid in a MAGA hat smirking at a timber-nigger? Run with it. It will come across to the cultists as white aggression and privilege. Got footage of hulking niggers beating the ever-loving shit out of a white mother? Either suppress it, or run the footage and let your pre-primed audience interpret it as a white aggressor getting what she deserves or, at worst, just one of those things, and certainly not part of a pattern of racial abuse whites have to suffer from diversity.
Above all else, never – ever – let yourself be stopped by facts, evidence and reason. You think witch burners were deterred by the fact that there's no such thing as witches? When there was money to be made by torturing women to death? Fuck no! Get to work piling up the faggots, faggot, and we'll consign the innocent perforce to the flames!
There's no talking people out of their religion. Run from it, surrender to it, or kill it with completely non-metaphorical or esoteric fire, but there's no fourth option for answering the call of the religiously fanatical mob.
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