Armed Activists Protest Proposed Pittsburgh Gun Control Measures

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Wave some rifles around. That will solve everything. Unless that boomer is pulling the trigger he isn't fighting the kikes.

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This entire website is owned and controlled by Jewish Mason Jim Watkins-

It's an intentional ploy to prevent action among Whites until Jew pawn ZOGnald Trumplestein can help the Gentile build the third temple.

Low effort OP, you should have posted the bill/proposal they are protesting, a quick rundown, and an archive of a relevant article. ALSO: The rust belt will rise again,

first post kike post, are you mad that they went outside with their rifles and you are still sitting in front of your computer?

Yes, make yourself the enemy of the people. That will work :^)

False. The third temple was built by Terry Davis on an amd64 platform.

Top notch Terry is in Valhalla splattering phosphorescent niggers in his van now user



Sandy hook could never change a damn law but you're telling me somw kikes get shot and they wanna change the whole system?


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How else are we going to keep you kike fucks occupied while the people that can do something do?

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I give them credit. At least there out there trying. PA is a very red state if you remove pittsburgh and Philly.

You get out there and do it then you fucking room temp IQ nigger

Pittsburgh is even a red city, if you removed the kikes and niggers. The problem is (((squirrel hill)))

Two more years of Trump left. Kosher payback is on the way soon after. You can tell by his smile that he doesn't realize what evil he is up against.

6. He knows, that's what the gun is for, yid.

is ( ( ( squirrel hill ) ) ) siege-able? siege it and burn out the rats user
make pa red for good also white

I'm sorry, I figured the link would be enough. Was also a bit short on time.

Guns shouldn't be just for show. especially i you'r'e a pissed off boomer with a good shot and a decent scope

i once heard a man say that dead city council members can't infringe on rights

Sandy Hooknose was a hoax and it did make changes. A lot of piecemeal changes were put through, like magazine limits and pistol grips.

Who is going to consider you an enemy if you shoot an anti-gun politician? Won't be me, shouldn't be Zig Forums, much less Zig Forums.

Exactly. At least they are trying something and getting their point across.

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lol what would even possess someone to say that? did your words make you feel useful?
anyway Zig Forums is a bort of peace.

It's all good. It's nice to have a whitepill thread now and then. It's just because threads stay up here so long and censorship is worse every day.

How easy life must be when you blame everything on the supernatural and nobody is ever anyone's fault, really.

Guns are literally just props, since you're never going to use them. Because as soon as you do, you're a terrorist to die within 30 mins.

The greatest tragedy of guncucks is that they believe their props are worth anything in politics.

King George III would like a word with you.
I'm sure that will ultimately be necessary but the Attorney general is at least hinting that he won't go along with their proposed ban. The State constitution specifically forbids municipalities from enacting such laws and there are possible criminal charges for trying. The city council claims immunity and is pushing ahead anyways. Things could get interesting.
I'm also surprised that no one mentioned that this happened almost a week ago. Strangely, the daily stories mentioning the shooting in the local news stopped about the same time. Unfortunately they have been replaced by marchin lootin coon day stories before nigger month even starts.

Lots of gun rallies lately

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right, that's what people mean when they say that. begone, antagonistic terrorjew

One the food shortages start and these guys drop 20-50 lbs of fat they will be a force to be reckoned with. Tribal instincts will kick in and skin color will become our natural uniforms and flags.

And the latest century of American cuckonalism would like a word with you. Guncucks haven't used their weapons for revolution, despite America going to shit, because it's impossible in the modern world.

You yanks are too lazy and stupified to even march in the streets once, what are you dreaming about?

What evidence supports your claim?


That kike at the end of the video…

Fucking based.

Zig Forumsommandos are on the scene :::—DDD rebording in for high sbeed low drag oberations ::::D::D

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Pittsburgh can't make up their own gun laws because…

Preemption Statute. Pennsylvania law provides that: “[n]o county, municipality or township may in any manner regulate the lawful ownership, possession, transfer or transportation of firearms, ammunition or ammunition components when carried or transported for purposes not prohibited by the laws of this Commonwealth.”

These armed protests never fucking work. Boomers and neckbeards in camo with rifles marching around buying coffees doesn't win us public opinion. Not when the Jews own the media. And some fuck up in the group always makes gun owners look bad. We're being genocided and the Jews run everything. Now isn't the time for impotent feel good retardation. The gun is just a tool to fight tyranny. None of the faggots protesting will use them against the (((tyrants))).

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ok, kike.

we make our niggers march. this one time we made 1 million niggers march. the jews called them "men". it was a pretty big deal. your globalist overlords probably told you on your local propaganda station that it was called: "The Million Man March".

unless it is marching to the front lines that shit is for feminists, niggers, and other minorities to waste their time doing literally nothing but walking.

why aren't you doing anything (literally anything like this marching thing you're on) to save Londonstan, you fuckin limey? you don't even have guns.
dob jej

Based gentlemen. Though, the kikes are not going to relinquish control unless bullets are being fired.

BASED BOOMER kekeke. GEEZUS look at that cannon… BAD OPTICS grandpa.

look at all those fat people

On your graves and women.

Those who can do, they do. Those who can't, talk on the internet like you.

One of these things isn't like the other.

its doesnt really matter though, the shitsburgh kikes in charge will push whatever the fuck they want through

muh optics

Gentle reminder that blacks open carried to show their support for gun rights and to protest cop harassment. The silly goyim, supported by whispering jews, promptly banned guns in california.
Instead of supporting our oppressed negro brothas, we took their rights away and took ours away in the process. Much hand rubbing followed.

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This is why GLR tried to build an alliance with Malcolm X. First it’s the black man then it’s the white man.

Oy vey, weapons and the second amendment are just for show and for hunting goy, never aim at a politician!