5:25: antifa numale steals kekistan flag
8:43: antifa slut swats phone out of hand
15:35: antifa mystery meat steals maga hat
Antifa steals paraphernalia, threatens based magapedes for trolling a Women's March
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wow, I missed a real party.
If you're not willing to break some jaws, you shouldn't go outside.
How much more perfect can this be? Do Kekistani flags, MAGA hats, US flags and IOTBW-flyers needs to be delivered on a Gold platter? Trigger harder … without contending with the island of misfit goys
That's correct my fellow White people. Having your life ruined for being in public is not that bad. Be a real man, knock out a few teeth, break a few bones and spend a few years in prison.
Based MAGApedes and Kekistanis are being pushed to National Socialism by this behavior. Flags and such may be cringe inducing, but in a year that neckbeard will be clean shaven and well dressed. The girl will have natural colored hair, and both will be more aware and motivated against the enemies of this country. These times, they're a changin.
Also, think of everyone who has been or will be doxed. Do you really think they won't hold a grudge? You think they don't serve as an example to their families and communities of the corruption in this country? The left thinks they will serve to dissuade others from holding "unacceptable" opinions, however, the opposite is true. Every person whose life is ruined for political opinions is another example that "shit ain't right" and people are only having their beliefs fortified by such information.
and none of them are in jail, and we have another propaganda video showing the true face of the left. Don't be an idiot. Be the one that people see as reasonable.
You can almost hear the handrubbing in the background
…But I never learned how to read or write because of the inherently evil kikes suppressed that forbidden knowledge from me during no "child left behind" and "common core" maths. Halp meh undastand puhleeze.
A video of out-of-shape autists failing to verbally stand up for themselves is not going to garner support from anyone, especially since the few people who happen to see this video are probably already on the side of these "kekistani" mongoloids.
One year, eh?
Not saying I like Trump but this is automatically a shit thread.
one year is a future way of saying "last thursday" it's an indeterminate period of time in the future that is more than a month and less than 4 years. Like how it takes "one year" for someone to swallow all the redpills or it takes "one year" for board culture to shift etc.
you sound exactly like a nigger that believes it is ok to bully actual retards.
you're actually my favorite kind of nigger because you eventually get hamburger-faced by a Chad that doesn't tolerate niggers picking on retards.
You sound as if I've offended you, which could only mean that you are an out-of-shape and autistic kekistani yourself.
Try finding a sense of dignity, you faggot.
You sound as if you're a kike that thinks he knows something, which could only mean you're a kike that doesn't know anything.
Try finding your way back to a synagogue, satan worshiping shekel grubber.
Get a grip, you fucking sped. Don't sperg out just because I don't care for these pathetic retards who can't even carry themselves with a little dignity.
Fucking Christ almighty.. Im 22 and im ashamed to be in the same generation as these faggots. This is the future of modern politics…. A bunch of faggots,soybois and nu-males on BOTH sides that know NOTHING of what there talking about. God help this country or fucking purge it already.
People really need to stop getting distracted by these ANTIFA freaks and concentrate on the System. A bunch of autistic communist trannies don't wield any power and they aren't the architects of White Genocide.
He sounds like nothing of the sort.
He wasn't picking on actual retards.
You sound like a nigger.
At 3:50, pink hair mentions that she has a dick. I'm not sure if that is a male or female. It looks like a trap, and it sounds like a trap. I do not know if it is a joke or not.
She joking you autistic fuck.
Im just trying to wrap my head around the fact that these degenerate fucking retards are gonna be running this country in the next 5 to 10 years. Im not saying the current crew of zionist boomers and greedy cunts that currently run things is much better but ill take them any day over any of these brain dead college kids.
Then maybe you should do something about it weak fag. Out in the real world if someone does that, you knock their lights out like a man does
Antifa have more balls than MAGApedos. They’re footsoldiers for the neoliberal kike elite that want to kill all whites while MAGApedos are for DACamnesty, fashy based tax cuts and 5 inches of border fence funding.
how can antifa organize if they are dead
The mystery meat maga hat snatcher has been identified
That will be Gen X.
Only in liberal cities where they enjoy support from the local government and corporate interests. These people bitch and moan about their treatment in midwestern areas. They are mostly ignored. In rural areas, they would end up buried in a barrel filled with concrete in the woods.
Everyone already hates feminists, trannies, freaks, ANTIFA and the vast majority of the Chandala-tier drones of the System–we've already successfully pushed that out into the 'mainstream' or 'mainstream edgy' sphere - these ideas will now self propagate without our involvement.
Things that are anti-white in the media still need to be explained, corporate-financial dominance and the global power structure still needs to be illuminated, White people understanding that they are a distinct genetic group and need to identify as such on pain of being literally exterminated needs to become household knowledge. Those are important; mocking ANTIFA degenerates is not.
Yeah but MAGAfags aren't worth defending anymore seeing as Trump turned into a sellout kike
You're both retards, neither will be running the country, international bankers, freemasons, corporate jews and other kabbalists will be running the country, as always. Puppets control nothing.
I had to stop watching. A couple of low T Trump supporters are out dancing, waving flags and shit and didn’t expect this to happen? Degenerate chick is talking about “IRL shitposting”? Jesus Christ…
Not that I am condoning what radical leftists do. But you don’t go to the zoo and wave a raw steak in the face of a lion and not expect some shit to go down. Point being what where they trying to gain from this? To be hurt so they can claim victim status? I just don’t get it
In rural areas, sluts like Mollie Tibbetts get what’s coming to them, so I don’t know what you’re blabbering about.
MAGApedos are worthy of bullets only.
always remember no matter what state you live in the 2nd allows you to carry even if the state does not, shoot em all dead
Is the right-wing basically a paper tiger? lmao even the gayest weakest leftists beat up the gayest weakest rightists.
is this the chad that punches nazis …. we dont need this chad in the world
well take care of him too, but first there are more pressing matters. The retards that vote
You sound like some dumb kid. user said run things, not control. Kikes involve themselves in influence peddling for control. Even when they involved themselves directly, they have others do the work for them.
Even Stasi AntiFa faggits know their limits. They keep their petty bullshit in the cities. Know self-respecting White man go to the city beyond working there. Let 'em all burn in the cities.
I am really going to enjoy the Day of Rope.
They're judaized vote cucks, and at their core still sheep. They need a strong, natsoc man to shepherd them. They don't know this consciously, they only feel it, but they don't need to know why. They only need a white man of the hour. The soldier doesn't need to be kshatriya, but a warrior by habit and heart.
it's better to just go to these events with firearms and use them
If I had a dollar for how many times you mongoloids move the goal posts and make these petty excuses I wouldn't be a Communist lol
Isn't illiteracy for niggers?
Always with this pathetic "they're playing themselves" shit as you rot in your couch lmao
I, too, enjoy my dreams from time to time.
lmao the day of the rope has been coming for 50+ years at this point and you're still waiting. The right has had every excuse to actually start some shit 100 times over and you haven't done shit.
CIAnigger detected
NS isn't right wing, Zig Forums
When are you going to revolt against the internationalist capitalist machine, tranny freak?
ok replace right-wing with NS and the same is true loser
Leftists do this all the time you're just a pathetic mongoloid who pays no attention.
You will never find the right or "NS" do anything on the scale of any of the events above. Never.
Go attack one of your MAGA larpers, faggot.
You'd still be an identity-less pink haired faggit loser working for the Stasi
Did I mention that you're a spineless little faggit with a PhD in pink-haired faggotry, faggit
only when I'm tired from a full day at the gun range, faggit
No one wants to start purging enemies more than I, however its clear as day that you're not from around here.
What's up with your weird file names?
I’m Joan.
lol nice. how's it feel to be a fat cunt?
Feels great. I’m the co-chair of my local DSA chapter in California. 😌
lmaoing @ ur life
Pantyfa chimping out and smashing a few cars isn't revolting against international capitalism, go take out a bank or two like The Order did. There's so many of you brainwashed drones out there that you could do some real damage to the System, but instead you just chimp out and kick trash cans and screech about ZOGbot Drumpf being a mean nadsy, even though the guy is literally paid by a bunch of jews to prevent actual nazis from taking power.
dead leftist footsoldiers are a good thing m8y
I'm sorry but you have no business diminishing anything when the most fashy and redpilled thing you will do in real life is work up the guts to tell your mom that you hate black people.
I don't post any activities online in compromised locations because I'm not a complete moron. Gonna gloat about your kill count of tipped-over garbage disposal units and smashed Starbucks windows?
The only reason you're even posting on this board is because you know that we are the real threat to the existence of you freaks, and that the System adores you like a mother loves her retarded child.
I fully concur. However, your posts boil down to "just shoot people", which is pretty worthless. Either lead by example or help continue to raise awareness of jewry and promote self-improvement so that we are in a far stronger position when the violence kicks off.
He's also here because his board is completely devoid of anything worthwhile because his worthless ideology is forever splintering into smaller and smaller factions.
The jews did quite the number turning colleges into socialism lite indoctrination camps. Entire generations fucked in the head won't let this end peacefully.
Dumb Sluts Anonymous?
Ok, nigger.
niggers can't be Chad, because they are niggers.
well it's a girl brother,and pretty fuckable if i may so (hope i am not too raw
What a degenerate.
wasn't she doing it kind of on purpose? when she was reminded she had a skirt little bit up she just said "oops" and later on she said she isn't even sexualy active. (just taking her word for it)
You disgust me. Go and do 100 push ups, you rancid man.
i did yesterday today is resting day.
but yea if i saw her like that on a regular day i would think the same. we on the same page there.
You incorrect. They appear to have more balls because they act knowing that the state will be there to take of them. However, should things ever tip over the "action" point for the right, we're talking full blown civil war. These leftists are going to get slaughtered when the killing starts.
You are* (fucking typo)
Democratic Socialists of america
Resting day is for StepMania, faggot. Get off your ass.
She has an interesting style. Seems to be something of an autist wrangler. Is there anything else that she is involved in? She has an appeal, but I'm not sure if IRL shitposting is it.
She's a little bit overweight but not too much. She's got a cute face and I'd like to bone her. I'm 65. She needs my jizz painted liberally on her cervix.
She's probably reading this thread in fact she probably started it. I'd take her out shopping and dress her up like a hot slut then take her home and fuck her.
You niggers need to hang since all you do is side with shitskins because 'muh blumpf'. Kill yourselves.
Not entirely sure why you thought this was a wise strategy.
Who gives a shit? Am I supposed to be surprised?
I'm actually not surprised because no one stood up to them and no one had enough self respect to put a stop to it other than video tape it and pretend they somehow have a moral high ground for sympathy points or something.
Diabetic Slugs of America
magapede is shill D&C terminology. Stop trying to use it (((organically)))
Hey guys, it's me from the video. Not attention whoring, just really want to find out who these scatifas are so my friend and I can press charges on them. We got la monstera who stole my hat but we're still missing the guy who stole the flag and the other criminals who abetted their thievery.
fukken base my dudes
trumps totally going to make things great for all our based negro and latino friends
remember guys, follow the plan #qanon
Fuck off, we don't care about """based""" faggots here.
the absolute state of this board, 3 lines and some garbage "proud boys" tier video has almost 100 replies. the cuckchan retards have really settled in, haven't they?
tits or gtfo
i have no tits tho, i'm virtually flat chested.
You would look better without a wig.
thats a MAN baby, yeah!
I can't help norwooding.
Femin Infected (possible Tranny) detected
It's an admitted man.