So of late I've been considering how best to counter riot police

So of late I've been considering how best to counter riot police.
What is feasible for individuals, small groups and so on.
What would create the strongest psychological impact and what would achieve the greatest results in both short and long term scenarios.

Firstly in countering riot police we have to consider the objective.
Do we want to crush current opposition allowing rioters/protesters to move past the police cordon?
Or do we want to weaken the concept of riot police in order to encourage greater public opposition to riot police in future actions and weaken their ability to project psychological force to counter protests?

In the case of the first.
Fire seems a good all round option, more specifically the kind of burning viscous fluids you would use to make a molotov. While initially conceived as an anti-tank weapon they're quite effective against infantry, moreso if they're in big bulky plastic and very flammable riot gear.
They have the added bonus of being effective against vehicles used by riot police, though in that context they require foreknowledge of the vehicles likely to be used and where air intakes on them are located (they work against tanks/vehicles by inducing a mobility kill by starving the engine of the oxygen needed for fuel combustion)
Even better these things can be easily produced and utilised by small numbers or individuals with effectiveness only increasing the more people are involved. This makes these kind of fire based weapons an essential part of the anti-riot cop arsenal no matter the scale involved.
But you have to get the mix right. You can't simply stick commercially available vehicle fuel in a bottle and call it a day, it's not thick enough and will burn up too quickly.

As numbers and ability for preplanning increase or protest length increases. The opportunity for training in group tactics and infantry formations arises. It doesn't take a lot to train a basic and effective shield wall, nor does it take much to procure the materials needed to equip them, even in the middle of a city where they may be readily looted.
If your goal remains elimination of current resistance then your goal here must be seperation of individual police officers or small groups of them from the wider mass. Whittle them down a bit and they're forced to retreat.
As corny as it may sound using rope is potentially a good trick here. If you can get a rope around an officer you can have a group behind your shield wall pull them out of the police front line and behind yours. At which point they're pretty much at your mercy and may be captured/executed as appropriate. If the rope is long enough then you can exploit the fact that protestors/rioters almost always outnumber police, and that most of them will be too removed from whats going on at the front to understand what pulling the rope means. Assuming you can get enough people pulling then any efforts by the riot police to prevent their comrade being pulled away will only further weaken their line and potentially cause a greater breach. If the officer in command orders them to let go and let their comrade be taken in order to preserve the front, then it causes serious morale damage.
Other options in this vein could be to use hooks whether on ropes or poles.
Also even if all you manage to rope is the shield, its worth pulling as it removes a vital piece of equipment from the riot police line.
Spears or large axes are also an option and very easy to produce in the field. A line of spearmen/axemen behind the shield wall would be quite capable of causing considerable damage very quickly.
These combined with fire applied in the aforementioned manner should be more than capable of countering most riot police formations, though the utility would be short lived as such actions would force heavy response from them. In short they're only sensible if you have a specific and meaningful objective in mind.

Whats worth pointing out here is that none of these require a lot of specialised materials. Even the fuel/thickener materials needed for molotov production are widely available in bulk with no suspicion.
For the second part you either need a cadre of people for preplanned actions or a prolonged sustained protest. The occupy protests would have been a good example for when this kind of training and organising on the ground was possible and should be pursued. In the Ukraine Maidan coup we saw exactly this sort of thing being done in the protests, with people being recruited and trained on site.
A pretrained group specifically trained and prepared to go into such a prolonged protest and begin training once its gained some steam, could do some considerable damage to police operations fairly quickly.

Other urls found in this thread: Officer

Now onto the other potential goal.
Weakening the public perception of the riot police and their seeming invulnerability.
Now there are two fundamentally different approaches and actual goals here.
The first to weaken the legitimacy of the riot police thus making the public more likely to in future oppose them and their deployment.
The second to weaken the carefully cultivated image of power they project.

We shall focus on the first initially.
Here the goal must be signal boosting every injury every cut, scrape and bruise. The more blood you can get associated with them the better. Best of all you can even do this without being on the ground so long as there's enough information and footage flowing out of the protests that you can repackage and redistribute.
A group of people operating independently can be surprisingly effective. If you're on the ground then you want to go towards the screams and if you see someone with a particularly nasty injury then stick to them like glue. It is rather ghoulish but the profits can be considerable in terms of achieving your objective.
Obviously the more grisly the injury the more effort you make to stick to them. Get their name too if its an especially bad one like say the guy who lost his hand to a gendarme tear gas grenade in the recent yellowjacket protests. Don't bother with pictures or footage of them after they've been patched up or otherwise received medical aid, if blood ain't flowing freely then they're not nuch use to you (though some rare instances do exist, use your own judgement)
If the injury is life changing. Signal boost as much as possible, set up crowdfunding campaigns to help them. Make sure in said campaign that the injury is associated with the riot police at every point. The best part is that with crowdfunding campaigns these companies and those who donate will often aid in the signal boosting either willingly or unknowingly.
You're a propagandist and the best propaganda is truth.

Master tier on this front if you have the people and resources would be encouraging the protest to get messy. Sending agitators into the crowd or somehow tricking the riot police into a needlessly heavy handed response.
There's all manner of ways to accomplish this. Use your imagination.
Overall the key is to weaken legitimacy. The less they are associated with law and the more they are associated with injuring people and causing property damage the better.

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Now the second goal is wildly different. We are assuming here their legitimacy is already sufficiently in question and it is now fear of the riot police that you must overcome.
Riot police actions are a great big orchestrated act where every element is designed to give the impression of greater strength than is actually there. The uniforms, the acting in unison, banging their shields, the use of vehicles, the use of horses in many western nations, etc. These are all designed to puff them up, make them look bigger and tougher.
There are myths of an old persian military formation called "the immortals", mostly the product of misunderstandings but the myth goes as thus: The Persians deployed an elite heavy infantry force called the immortals whose members could supposedly never die. They all wore matching armour, used the same weapons and wore matching face masks. With membership in the force being dependent on not only meeting its standards as a warrior but having a physique similar to all other members.
They would fight in a close knit phalanx formation and whenever a member suffered a notable wound he would be dragged out of the front line by his comrades behind him and immediately replaced by another member of their unit. Giving the illusion of immortality.
While the mythos surrounding modern riot police are much less mystical and fantastic, they operate on a similar principle. Whensoever their troops on the front tire or are injured they immediately pull them out and replace them. Even something as minor as having your uniform doused with paint or plastered with stickers is enough cause to pull a man out of the formation and replace him.
Now obviously. The most effective means to dispel the myth is to seperate one from the pack. Record and signal boost him being beaten to death by an angry crowd and that will certainly do wonders. Their superiors know this and when one gets seperated expect an immediate heavy response. No matter how you obtain it, a riot officer corpse is a potent weapon in the fight to weaken the perception of immortality/invincibility. Don't be afraid to fabricate one if the real deal is unavailable and you think you can get away with it. If the lie gains traction and the police claim no officer is dead then counter with accusations the police are refusing to care for his widow/children and are withholding the money they're entitled to for his death. While casting the riot police in a sympathetic light may seem counterintuitive, it signal boosts that they can be beaten and will weaken the resolve of the riot police through suspicion.

Another good option on this front is the identification of officers. But it requires numerous people working together to spy on them and get photographs in the field from up close.
You will see right on the streets of France that those officers who don't have full helmets or proper masks will be wearing scarfs wrapped around their faces. Anonymity is key to the riot police and those drafted in to assist them. They need to be able to vanish into the community at the end of the day. If they can't then they may face the condemnation of the community wherever they go or even face physical violence.
If they're made they have to go into hiding which for prolonged periods will ultimately cause psychological stress and fear in their comrades (what if I'm next?)
Get pictures, signal boost the pictures to try and get names. When you've got names get addresses of them, their family, etc and boost those too. The best possible outcome is to scare the family into condemning their riot officer family member. To make wives abandon their husbands or children take part in the protests.

Anything that shows them as people is what we want here. Anything that disrupts the carefully cultivated myth thats been built around them.
No matter what approach you go for or goal you have though the key is always propaganda. The more you can signal boost something the better. Creating networks with others who can spread it to other networks is your goal there. Link up to any social media presence you can and spam your shit on there.
But ultimately victory on the battlefield is going to rely on being able to either rouse the beast that is the crowd into angrily storming the police of their own collective will or organising them to follow instruction.

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just give them a call, express your opinion


Learn how to construct trebuchets on the fly.

The shields aren't bulletproof, stupid.

steel core armor penetrators :^)

Spray paint to tag and blind them, ropes and slings to topple them, cable binder to cuff them. Also throw the molotov under their feet and use their scrambling to pull their groups apart. Very important…take out their camera guys.

They may be sandniggers but they've got the use of fire down fairly well.
Those molotovs look they have a good mix too which you rarely see in western attempts.
Their use of tires brings to mind another thing I forgot to mention in the use of fire. Grabbing some tires and filling them with a viscous fuel mix, setting it alight then rolling it towards the police can be extremely effective when the terrain allows it.

Trebuchets are too big, a catapult or balistae is however much more feasible with in field looting.
I would strongly recommend familiarising yourself with the basic principles of their construction.

Firearms while effective are too liable to spook the crowd and not widely available in many countries.
Their use requires considerable preplanning and preparation.

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Planting those mines as a crowd is moving away from the riot police could be advantageous.
As injuries caused by them to the public could be easily blamed on the riot police. And as the crowd panicked the riot police would try to move up and suffer injuries themselves.

Also, never forget the demoralizing value of piss bottles and balloons. A molotov is something you can try to dodge, extinguish, or run away from. A "water bomb" lands on you and you have no choice but to continue to just stand there, soaked and stinking until your shift is over. Add in spoiled milk and garlic powder for added effect.

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Fireworks. Mortar style fireworks with shortened fuses are incredible, 2 blast flashbang grenades and about the same size as regular flashbangs.
24 flashbangs for $200, show me another flashbang for under $10, if you shoot them out of the tube, they would also be as substantial a projectile as the gas canisters they are using to put firemen into comas.

Squirt guns with some kind of oily/soapy substance that will ruin visibility through their visors. Water Baloons with low-viscosity oil would be great for this too. Make their gear work against them. Paint would also be great for this.

ALSO: military gear has to meet fire resistance ratings, so don't have their gear melting be part of your plan.

Formations. Riot police will always be outnumbered by rioters. The mob is always loose and the strength of it relies purely on the bravery of those that stand at its front. If they are scared backward it can cause a rout as those behind follow suit. Riot police compensate for lower numbers with gear, formation and discipline. Tear gas is meant to break up the loose formation further. Beanbags and rubber bullets are to take out individuals at the front and force them back. The shields and armor to protect against light attacks and projectiles. Overcoming the police relies on whether you can bring he advantage of numbers and anger to bear. Simply having 100 people rush a line of ten cos all at once would do it, but the prato ratio ssys you cwn only really rely on the sqaure root of any group to do half the work. So at mst only 10 rioters in a group of 100 will do the actual fighting and they are outgunned by the 10 cops. Even just one cop with a tear gas rifle can put a stop to that charge if he brains two people to death, right to the head.

Adding in chemical agents or irritants is a good option too. Something not initially obvious.

Please specify. Capsaicin? It doesn't do much unless it hits mucus membranes, and riot police wear full-face helmets precisely for that reason.

1) eat da poo poo
2) lick the anous
3) no da wae
4) I spit on them

police can't do shit if judges and police chiefs are killed also molotovs and pipe bombs

Not really, not in the day and age where every Tom and Dick own a Ford Pickup. You just get a blueprint together to build one Ikea style and transport the pieces in the back of a truck. And it's not like you have to chuck stones at them -you can buy bags of fertilizer and manure and throw them with the Trebuchets arm. The force of the blows will push their lines back and alternatively cover them all in shit forcing them to stand in rancid shit all day long. Forcing their line back even more.

I had a run in with a pesticide once. I can't remember what it was called, but it was a white milky substance, and it is used to kill bedbugs.
I got just a few drops of it on my skin by accident, and for days I was in awful pain, scratching every inch of my body bloody. Eventually I started taking a large combo ibprofen+Tylenol to put me to sleep so that it wouldn't hurt anymore.
Use that stuff.

You can accomplish the same with a catapult.

Bleach is a good one that comes to mind.
Actually thinking on it. How reactive are bleach and ammonia? Would filling a set of balloons with each them throwing both at the police result in enough of a reaction?

It's the short range vertical force that's lost that makes me prefer the trebuchet. And they're not actually that hard to construct once you've done it and I have.

in america at least.. where firearms are available…. nomex does not protect police from bullets. if you are in europe.. steal the guns, not only does that take firearms from the cops it gives you lethal options. honestly the best way to counter riot police is to shoot them.

Know how to make molotov cocktails super effective? Add fentanyl and then run like hell from the fumes, the riot niggers will have no clue what even hit them until it's far, far too late

What more do you need?
Their APC won't last versus fire. errr rather: the occupants of their armored personnel ovens won't last long.
Their armor does shit versus a sticky liquid/gel.
Water does shit versus a sticky liquid/gel.

.if you are going to make a catapult to wield against police, just use fucking firearms instead as a catapult will in court most likely be angled as a weapon anyway. hmm lets see, get ATTEMPTED murder charges for a fucking catapult.. or have some actual dead cops with real guns.

That was geraniol, most likely. Cream-white and slightly oily, right? In concentrations below 30%, it's just a mild irritant, 50% and higher it burns like a motherfucker if it makes contact with skin.

wew i repsonded to myself by accident fug

Any gas attack is a bad idea, you would mostly get civilians killed and there would be no convincing way to blame the police.

gonna say one last time. if you are going to use anything that the courts can call a weapon… use real fucking weapons.. like rifles


if you are in a city that has a riot, use molotovs to start then position yourself away from the riot proper on the outskirts and shoot cops and their support personnel

dbl posting to also add, it would be even better to not engage in the riot itself and just shoot police from outside of it altogether

Possibly so, I'm not entirely sure. Either way, diluting water/bleach with pesticides is a surefire way to fuck up an officer's day.

Paint. In two ways.
This is psychological. If police can't stop simple graffiti, they can't stop a riot. Paint dicks on their cars. Paint dicks on zones they are seeking to control but don't control yet, so when you cede ground, they gain territory with dicks painted everywhere. Get riot control shield replicas and paint dicks on them, see if you can't get a cop to pick it up and start using it. Or do something more illegal, which I do not advocate, steal a shield and paint a dick on it. Then give it back. Dicks. Dicks. Dicks.

Clear shielding like windows, view ports on shields, helmet visors etc. are a necessary aspect of an anti-riot force feeling in control. They're shielded but still completely aware of their surroundings. Make them give up their awareness and you cripple the entire force for blocks. Someone who isn't me suggested putting paint in super soakers, effective also at drawing massive dicks on walls. Seed the paint with inert, disgusting flavorants like onion or anything else that smells sulfurous.

Never intentionally hurt a cop. Scuffles are justified, but do not beat cops up. If it comes to it, and they become singled out, someone told me to arrest them and treat them with more respect then you know they would ever give to you. Interview them. Make them a celebrity. Do not insult, ridicule or otherwise defame them. Treat them as a king, but make it understood the situation is FAR out of their control(handcuffs/restraint). Do not throw rocks at men without shields, as after all of the sulfurous paint and debauchery, they will retain limited supply. Do not firebomb humans under any circumstances, and if some citizen with villainous intent shows up with molotovs, advise the criminal who isn't me or you on standard operations, that fire is to be used as a threat, not a weapon. Allow police to escape if they retreat; Plan their escape route for them, like a farmer tending a herd.

Also important, everything I just said is illegal and don't fucking do any of it.

anything non lethal that is smelly or loud works well. the main aim is to get the riot police to lose their cool and overreact.

please goyim, please don't shoot our footsoldiers.

police and judges are the ONLY line of defense the politicians have. that's it, the only line of defense that separates your bullets from their brains

the aim is never to kill the enemy. the aim is to wound. a wounded soldier costs more money and drags down everyones morale.

You're well below my pay grade you goofy fuck, move on.

dead cops can't stop you from taking the fight directly to the policy makers and bankers

anyone saying that the leftist infiltrated police should be left alive is a fed or a kike

Trayvon Martin niggers flooding the thread; subhumans. If your tactic is "Kill" without any tactical justification, you are a nigger. There is no other option, you are a nigger.

Can't explain when and why you should kill? Nigger.
Does this thread upset you in any way? Nigger.
Are you mad right now, in a thread about tactical supremacy? Nigger.
Can you envision a scenario on the ground without letting your emotions control your chosen strategy? White man capable of changing the world.

Nigger. Unless you can back that up with a Bobby Fischer tier strategic analysis on on-the-ground events, you're a nigger. So start talking, me calling you a nigger is justified. You not having a plan in a thread about planning makes you a fucking subhuman that belongs stuck to the bottom of a dumpster, rotting.

the justification is that long ago, dyncorp started seeding police depts and agencies with hardline marxists hellbent on ensuring the left would win.

police at this point …. for the most part are the praetorian guard of the policymakers you hate

I just realized this user made my post more successful then I even needed it to be. Literally below my pay grade, in the literal sense of the word literal: The department below mine is responsible for obfuscation.

are suggesting that the left has NOT made sure the police are weaponized against the people?

i am beginning to think that "Zig Forums is a board of peace" was created by scared feds afraid of pissed off citizens

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some people take the accelerationism meme too seriously, but the redtext only post is indicative of a shill. Zig Forums is a board of peace. The only problem with capturing cops is now you have a hostage situation. This would be great, except there is no organization among the yellow vests. So you grab a cop, restrain them and then do a quick interview. At this point you should release them. Trying to do a prisoner exchange or anything else is going to get you mobbed by 100+ cops. One thing we have seen is the yellow vests can not hold a line against the riot police. Catch and release is the only viable strategy.

the police are for the most part unwilling participants in these things, they just want their shift to end and to get back to their families. the system has a hundred ways of responding to violence, but when it comes to more or less peaceful protest (pitchforks, pissbottles, rotten eggs, fireworks etc) their options are very limited.

jesus user, no they are recruited by dyncorp.. an old org that specializes in this type of activity

step 1: do not be in a situation in which you have to encounter riot zogbots.

Good ideas.

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dbl posting to add this, they are used by dyncorp to establish ground level political control

They took the job.

That's not true either. Zig Forums is a board of action. No prisoner exchange, you just give him shirt and let him walk back to his side, unharmed.

make sure to use about 50/50 petrol and motor oil. This increases burn temperature and time. Adding Styrofoam (in small doses) has the effect of making a poor man's napalm.
Always always always make sure to tape your wick (a cloth) securely in the bottle neck. It's just safer to do it this way.

I do not reccomend trying to nab police. It can be done, but the point of street warfare is to compel your enemy to vacate an area. Grabbing police thugs will only cause the rest to try to rescue their comrade and swarm the area. Far better to simply light the fuckers on fire and make them retreat.

Loners can often be isolated and arrested. Always have a buddy watching your back in case the pig fuckers try to nab you. And you watch his.

OP is 100% correct that the greatest strength of the ZOGbots is their illusion of invincibility. Break that and their morale plummets.

my worldview is that the left has seeded the depts with marxist soldiers and it's ok to kill them

police in America are a bunch of afghanistan/iraq veterans who take a military mindset to police work (lots of PTSD too).

my worldview is only shills make redtext only posts

We're talking about scrubs that only got through highschool because Coach pulled all the strings to keep them on the team, not GCHQ infiltrators, fuck.

wew.. solid user, solid

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either stupid useful idiots or weaponized foot soldiers, BOTH are extremely dangerous to a Republic Officer

didn't read the whole thread but molotovs or any serious weaponry against riot police always justifies bringing in the national guard and military. You would have 24/7 footage of the families of dead cops saying how awful it was and public opinion would quickly be turned against the rioters.

You mean give them a justified excuse to go lethal en masse and arrest everyone in the proximity under the threat of being fired upon if you run?
By advocating this nonsense you're trying to get white people killed, otherwise known as something that gets you tied up and interrogated as an agent saboteur you stupid fucking yid.

Yeah but the problem is getting enough fentanyl. That's not over the counter stuff, so far as I am aware.

Doubtless, you don't understand why provoking the ZOGbots to overreact is beneficial in destabilizing the System.

Not by the likes of you, you status quo conservative coward. Only by provoking the System into making mistakes can it be overthrown.

these "police" are brought back here to the states with one purpose, to act as militants against the citizens

You're dangerous to yourself, faggot.

This is a raid. We're being raided with shitty tactics.

gas yourself faggot

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Agent Smith over here wants you all to waste time killing random, clueless, NPC ZOGbot pigs and go down for life without inflicting the tiniest bit of damage to the international System.
Report back to HQ that you failed miserably in your quest for entrapment, Agent Smith.

They're called FBIniggers.

Cops shooting people who're cooking cops with motor oil isn't an overreaction. And yes, by the likes of me.

Leftshit detected. You wouldn't just be tied up and interrogated, you'd be spending a very short time at a pig farm for trying to incite the loss of the White side.

start local user.. start local

This is literally you you stupid fuck, it's a cliche so old, so solidified in fact that it became a funny meme, like the holocaust being real is a fucking hilarious meme. And here you are pretending it's not, that the FBI doesn't engage in entrapment.

You're so fucking easy, god damn.

Get a load of this fucker.

On the contrary, cuckservative.

Cops in deep blue cities are being ordered by illiterate politicians to ignore third-world behavior cause dey good keedz. They know their pensions are worthless thanks to endless Affirmative-Action government "jobs".

They're at various stages of red pill, and killing a beat cop is a good way to destroy any widespread sympathy like the yellow vests are seeing.

The "cops" are the political appointee level are the ones considered worthless. You want the fed-up Second City Cop type on your side:

Thanks for the great advance, spook, I'll be sure to never follow it.

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Fuck off shitskin, no one is helping you commit terrorism.

it's sad you faggots think that anyone suggesting action is a fed, maybe this is why blackpilled anons say the right wing is a paper tiger

cops *at* the political level, not *are*

Cops aren't worth getting imo. Just remove them.

i agree the aim in this type of situation is to get the adversary to overreact and use excessive force, but it can't be them overreacting to the protesters' overreaction. so fire a a weapon is a no go. fire to produce smoke in an attempt to reduce visibility is another story.

Now we don't even get jews to slap around it's swatting bugs.

Oh you mean those faggots from Zig Forums who did a little raid?

the police are the system that prevents anyone from reaching out and touching politicians. if you want to be a bootlicker go ahead and get your tongue dirty

"Kill cops" isn't action. I've defined my terms above, you just can't read.

Can't explain when and why you should kill? Nigger.
Does this thread upset you in any way? Nigger.
Are you mad right now, in a thread about tactical supremacy? Nigger.
Can you envision a scenario on the ground without letting your emotions control your chosen strategy? White man capable of changing the world.

So, redeem yourself. When and why is it a tactical, prejudiced circumstance in which killing cops is wholly beneficial to the entire country? Because I don't disagree unless you shit the thread up with
Especially as a response to shit literally taken out of historical insurgencies that begun with peaceful riots.

It's a shill trying to incite.

I'm aware. I've cornered him. Let him make a fool of himself, I'm using the same tactics I already posted ITT and he still can't see he's being played. He'll even post some dumb shit before he reads this post and realize after the fact that he's been being shit on by a tactic he read about 5 minutes ago.


well, as i have explained in this thread, several intel orgs, namely dyncorp have been responsible for changing the police depts from law enforcement into marxist cells.

errybody scurred of 5-0 nigguh

the reason they are shilling violence so hard is because non violent protest is very effective at delegitimizing a power structure, and inevitably leads to negotiations and compromises of some sort.

Okay fednigger, how does that prevent anyone from "reaching out and touching politicians", as you say? Are you dumb double digit IQ faggots really the best spooks have got to throw at this board?

there is a big difference in hating police simply because they enforce the law and hating police because the police chiefs have been selected because they are on the payroll of hardline marxist outfits that are using the police to create a closed communist system within America. police chiefs that are marxist then make sure their police are of the same mindset. now that being said sure, there are good cops. the over-arching game however is to seed the police and sheriffs with die hard leftist soldiers replicating the pheoniz prog from the 70's.

fusion centers are at the heart of this operation as the cia has created the jttf or joint terrorism task forces that combine all agencies into one information gathering operation

^ This retard actually thinks you can negotiate with a bunch of jews who are trying to exterminate you and establish a one world global government.

I disagree. If cops started firing into a crowd, no matter what that crowd was doing, it would be perceived by all as a monstrous injustice and as a massive overreaction by the ZOGbots. This is why cops always seek to avoid doing this.
If you doubt this, look what motivated the Arab Spring.
In addition, even if it was the protesters who threw molotov cocktails at the ZOGbots and "provoked" them, we'd still be able to cast any cop stories about being "provoked" as false flag lies.

I will remember this in case something happens after Trump loses the election.
