Jew takes his leaks and writes shit in newspapers and books.
Jew takes his story and makes a movie.
Jew plays him in said movie.
Why are there so many jews?
Jew takes his leaks and writes shit in newspapers and books.
Jew takes his story and makes a movie.
Jew plays him in said movie.
Why are there so many jews?
Other urls found in this thread:
call them and find out
two words: limited hangout
But I think you should stay and discuss this, instead of lobbing the (((grenade))).
Also a kike post. Interesting. You kikes don't like op.
I like op. op is making a really solid point here.
Snowden's leaks, thus far, have only enabled people who are dealing with police. The CIA/NSA/GCHQ/ASIO glow niggers are doing just fine with their operations.
I consider this a call to speculate as to the true state of the art in espionage.
It's a highly sensitive issue that can only be handled by the most trusted. That means no goyim.
Snowden works for the CIA/Mossad. They were trying to discredit the NSA and get their funding shut down because the NSA got the technology to spy on everyone including the CIA and they didn't like it.
Snowman is honeypot for Russian intel; he got caught stealing data and was offered choice between his present role and a deep dark hole from which he would never emerge from.
Ive wondered this myself. He was CIA and infiltrated the NSA. All of his actions lead to NSA public relations nightmare which limit's the NSA's ability to track phone calls.
But the thing is, that ability can be both good and bad. If you're collecting evidence on the antiwhite elites committing white genocide, it can be a good thing.
So what if the entire thing was organized to limit the NSA? Also, why would Russia give him amnesty? Is putin working with the antiwhites?
Later, Assange released Vault 7 and a tiny bit of Vault 8. November 2017 was the last time anything interesting was released by WikiLeaks.
There's also a lot of Jews surrounding Hitler. Why is that?
Because Hitler used soap made from kikes. He was an efficient man.
Well it was only right after letting Eva (((Braun))) dump on his chest.
Nothing to discuss. Snowden is a CIAnigger.
< nothing to discuss
< and you're cia
CIA or what? Who would even think Eva a kike? She's not remotely kike-like.
Oh, just a kike. I recognize the communist "reasoning" which is where a thing is surrounded, and what's to hand is lobbed, without any thought for truth, or even reason.
because hes a CIA asset out to discredit the NSA /thread
Nice fail OP as you forgot to mention the most important thing. Which is, the faggot jew he gave the leaks to, NEVER released 80+% of it. We're still in the dark about most of it. Fucker milked the shekels out of what he thought… goys should know then let it rot. Fucking disgrace.
As for why so many jews, this goes back to the 40's. Infiltrating the Pentagon and shit like that was high on Trotsky type kikes list. Having unending wars and support for Israel was that groups goal. Those fuckers evolved into what are known as the neocons today.
This is a slide thread.
This guy is a limited hangout. There's a reason 100% of the information he "leaked" was well known about before he leaked it. All Snowden did was give official names to what these programs were called. The leak was intended as a pressure release and it worked.
Why hasn't he release anything more for years when he originally leaked
nothing about Snowden's story adds up. first of all, why would an NSA defector who knows the NSA programs TURBINE/TURMOIL records the entire Internet from the backbone, make the stupid move of stealing 850GB of compressed top secret files from NSA, then upload the cache to a fucking virtually hosted server which is Internet facing, and then use GPG mail to send the link to Laura Poitras to download it?
why would an NSA defector who knows about NSA's program ROYALCONCIERGE, which bulk hacks into hotel chains around the world and steals their guest lists, turn around and check into the fucking Mirada hotel in Hong Kong using his own name and credit card? and then play 007 on Poitras film where he hides under a blanky to type his password and where he's scared of fire alarm tests and thinks black clad commandoes are about to blow through the ceiling and zip tie him and chuck him into a Gulfstream for a long flight to Gitmo?
why does Snowden's story in Hong Kong have missing time? why did Snowden check into the Mirada hotel a week after he arrived in Hong Kong? where was Snowden for that missing week?
how did Snowden get approval to leave Hong Kong without first talking to Russian and Chinese govt officials?
why did Snowden give an interview via encrypted IM to the schizo pervert and sexual degenerate and tech imposter loud mouth (((Jacob Appelbaum))) in May 2013? why did Snowden then make it look like his interview with (((Greenwald))) was his first coming out story? why did Snowden give top secret files to Jake, such as the TAO ANT Catalogue, which Jake then "reported" on for Der Spiegel and which Jake made appear to be a "second Snowden" leaker? why would Snowden endanger Jake like that?
who uploaded the 3 encrypted insurance files A+B+C, totalling 849GB, to Wikileaks on July 16th 2013? did Snowden give his cache to Jake, who was still in good graces with Wikileaks, and then Jake converted Snowden's cache into insurance files and published them under Wikileaks's banner via Bit Torrent?
why did Snowden lie about what his job at NSA was? why did Snowden lie about this and change his story at least 4 times? First, Snowden told us he was an "infrastructure analyst." 6 months later, Snowden is demoted by the press as a mere "sharepoint admin." a year later, robo0Snowden tele-speaks to a conference where he says he was a TAO hacker and his job was to hack into China. a year after that, NSA declassifies the few emails they have from Snowden while Snowden was still at NSA, and the emails show in 2012 Snowden was working as a glorified IT Help Desk grunt, answering emails about how to configure fucking desktop email clients. when is the last time you heard of an elite hacker pulling help desk tech support duty to help the n00bs with Computer 101 questions? why should we believe anything Snowden claims about his job roles? why should we believe anything NSA claims about Snowden's job roles?
if Snowden was such a smart guy, and earned a salary of over $200,000 per year doing hacker spy shit for NSA/CIA, then why was Snowden such an utter fool in believing pardon would ever be an option for him and that he could come home "someday soon"? why didn't Snowden understand that the leak he was doing was "for keeps, no backsies" and that he would become a marked man and hunted for the rest of his life, no matter what else happens, because leaking that much classified info will never ever be forgiven by NSACIAFBI?
how do we know Snowden really means what he says and that he wants to come home at all?
why should we believe anything Snowden says, because here we are, over 5 years later, and what has materially changed about NSA's mass surveillance? the NSA's bulk warrant untargeted population scale surveillance has not shrunk one bit–it has only expanded. obviously Snowden was an idiot without a plan, because his leaks accomplished nothing except scaring the shit out of the world and cementing the pessimism towards all tech because now everybody knows just how bad things really and and everybody knows they are powerless peons unable to change a goddamn thing about any of it.
what should you believe about the Snowden Affair? to dismiss it as a MUH LIMITED HANGOUT is too simplistic and naive and only demonstrates anyone who believes that has not read enough of Snowden's leak to understand what the fuck they are talking about.
there is no spy turf war between CIA vs NSA. they are the same fucking thing. upwards of 25% of NSA employees spend time working at CIA, and vice versa. it's called "Joint Task" and it's an official policy handed down from DoD to cross train all Intelligence Community between each other's agencies.
so what the fuck really happened? here is what i believe. Snowden was a fake "leak." it was just all too well planned and the media machine presented the narrative in too much of an obviously structured manner. sure pal, Pierre Omidar just happened to fall from the sky and kick back $250,000,000 to (((Greenwald))) to bankroll the controlled leaks because Pierre is such a great Humanitarian Truth Seeker with a self-less soul and with zero prior connections to Deep State machinations.
but the top secrets which Snowden leaked were not fake. just heavily censored and vague enough to be universally alarming without enough detail to trigger angry mobs armed with torches and pitchforks. and out dated. NSA felt it would be better to burn old secrets from 5 to 10 years ago to lend credibility to Snowden as a leaker. this process of "Sheep Dipping" informants and moles dates back to the CIA doing it to Radical Black Nationalists back in the 1960's.
even Snowden's leaks about Quantum Crypto ended up being "gee whiz, who cares?" Barton Gellman at BezPo is a Deep State plant with a proven track record of Playing Ball with the glow in the darks, and he obeyed his orders from Ft Meade to only publish a few scant details about NSA's quantum computer work. such as NSA having only 19 qubits of QM processing power as of 2011.
why would NSA stage a fake whistleblower to leak real yet limited top secrets about itself to the world?
this is the $64,000 question. i think i know why. NSA wanted to scare the shit out of the world.
that part of the limited hangout worked like a smash success. message received, world wide.
everybody now believes the NSA is so powerful that they are monitoring everyone down to recording the vibrations of your toilet in your bathroom from NRO satellites in space and then counting the number of turds you each plunk out each night. who would even try to fight back against an All-Powerful and Omniscient and Omnipresent foe as NSA was depicted by Snowden's leaks?
okay, so what. what does that get you? Snowden's revelations triggered one thing in every govt and every loose competitor of NSACIAFBI around the world. competition. escalate the arms race. oh, NSA has XKEYSCORE and records every website which everyone visits and they can search for anything you do like a Google search? yes please, every authoritarian regime and dictator around the world wants their very own XKEYSCORE.
and TURMOIL/TURBINE. and TOYGRIPPE and NUCLEON and MARINA and CORALREEF and MAILORDER and SAMUELPEPYS and on and on and on for literally hundreds and thousands of covert program codewords which are spying on everything and everyone and slicing and dicing all the data of the world.
but why would NSA want to escalate the mass surveillance arms race, especially among its enemies? three reasons. first, NSACIAFBI and the entire Deep State are not very intelligent. just look at their track record of disasters and debacle. (i.e. who created Osama bin Laden?)
if you look at their track record closely enough, you could argue NSACIAFBI are not even working on America's side, but that they are actively working against America, given that the scale of their disasters and blow back is incomparably larger than whatever minor back patting success they've ever had.
second, NSACIA and the Deep State benefit by selling more weapons. if that includes selling our best weapons to the sworn enemies of America, so what. who gave ISIS 2,200 US humvees after all? (CIA.) who gave Iran real and accurate blueprints for how to build a nuclear bomb in 2004? (CIA project MERLIN.) who gave Saddam chemical weapons which he used to gas the Iranians? (CIA and Rumsfeld). who gave Gaddafi thousands of pounds of C4? (CIA did in 1978).
the list just goes on and on and on back to 1947. so NSA wanted to sell more mass surveillance tech and they wanted to establish one clear branding message across the world: if you want to spy on your own people using the best gear money can buy, you always buy American.
third, wouldn't points one and two be suicide for NSA? why would NSA leak its own shit to sell more of its own shit to its own enemies?
here it the moment of truth you have all been waiting for. here is why Snowden exists at all.
NSA has an even more secret and all-powerful backdoor into virtually all computing. NSA has cracked the math behind all of the most commonly used ciphers in the world. NSA is no longer stopped by crypto. NSA doesn't need keys. NSA doesn't need super computers measured in acres to brute force passwords. NSA doesn't even need Bluffdale for that matter. Bluffdale is just part of the cover story to make it look like NSA is struggling. but the truth is NSA can walk right in through any cryptographic doors in the world.
pretend you're NSA and that you can do that for a second. what do you do then? it's obvious. you scare the shit out of the world to make them believe you are spying on them and that they need to break out their nation state check book and buy billions and billions worth of spy gear to compete against you. thanks to your magic backdoor, you can walk right into all of your enemies' spy equipment. now you don't need to even bother spying on everyone in China and everyone in Russia and everyone in Saudi Arabia. you just need to trick the govt's of those countries to spy on their own people to compete against you, then you piggy back on their govts and simply steal all of their spy data by walking in through your crypto backdoor.
simply put, Snowden's mission for NSA was to scale out NSA into 1984 by tricking the rest of the world to do the spying on their own people, so that NSA could steal the data without needing to do all of the work itself.
The original SJW screecher.
He's not a 911 truther
He has nothing to say about US cointel involvement in the JFK assassination
He has nothing to say about the USS Liberty.
Highly suspect character
fucking BASED
Lugenpresse is jews galore
Q said he was a CIA shill. Makes sense.
These aren't the things make him suspicious.
It's the fact that the media brought attention to him and the leaks.
The purpose of the Snowden project was to put fear into citizens that the government is watching and listening.
It was to silence people through fear.
That's it.
Q is a fucking LARP and you have to go back
you first kike
Easily defeated. Just put some paper in the bowl first. Checkmate, glowniggers.
If i get quads, you have to cool it with the antisemitism.
It's not a get when you have several pages open with replies ready at the same time. Have some shoah extract instead kike.
Oh look, the bi-weekly anti-Snowden shilling. Still angry that one of your pets spilled the beans? How's weather in Tel Aviv, schlomo?
Found it interesting enough to be worth a cap.
PRISM, was the purpose of the 'snowed in' op. The enemy wanted to know how many people were waking up online. PRISM was a deep mining of data from youtube, google, facebook, and of course illegal. But think about it, what does the enemy want to know..? How many people have seen 911 Mysteries. How many people have seen 9/11 Missing Links? The data gleaned from PRISM was given to a 'third party'! And who was that - the jews of course. The 'snowed in' fiasco confused and distracted everyone from the illegal data mining of PRISM.
or maybe he just wanted a change in life…
don't underestimate human componet
True (and thanks user). Although anything after "the moment of truth that you have all been waiting for" is wandering. Tech evolution isn't singularly-focused (on, say, selling tech to other nations), it is ongoing and ever-expanding. There is not one endgame, there are multiple dynamic endgames.
I do agree that the Snowdon docs are a glimpse into the past. Personal technologies (devices) are not commercially available until they are obsolete and non-threatening by alphabet standards (and, in fact, have become veritable tools). What the Snowdon docs did was validate what tech savvy anons were saying 20-years ago. Y'know, back when normies would dismiss us as crazed conspiracy theorists for suggesting that internet technologies were more than they seemed to think they were.
If any user wants to redpill someone on what those docs mean, start with the line "bulk warrant untargeted population scale surveillance". That one bit of evil poetry alone is a great eye-opener when you break it down for normie.
It's not that they made him suspicious so much as invalid. If you don't come to me preaching that the jews did 911 then I have no time for you. If you can't see the jew in that epochal event then you are hopeless.
i exposed msnbc jews (yes total kikes) predicting snowden would condemn putin for not loving faggot rotting shit-lickers a week before he actually did so.
Snowden IS a CIANigger - how do you break a story before you leave a country (south korea)? Fuck out of here.
This. For the laymen that might skip the read, all you need to know is that
Quantum computing systems cannot exist alongside standard systems. One savant with a decent qPC could own literally every bank on the planet and be Rothschild rich over night. Literally every digital dollar could belong to a single man with a qPC operating in a standard computing environment.
It's indisputable that top echelon organizations are working very careful to introduce qComputing into the mainstream: All banks have to switch over, every communication backbone and every first world intelligence agency on the planet needs to restructure their methods of information security almost from the ground up. Given the scale and nature of exactly what's happening, and information that suggests it's been happening since as early as a decade ago, it's no short stretch to fathom most political and economic decisions being made right now are exclusive to the advent(of the release) of quantum computing.
Ever wonder why every country in the 5 eyes intelligence community all got a "far right nazi" up and coming leader within the same year? It's all a part of the plan; You cannot reform without first having the necessity.
Slide #9:
"target discovery… applied to population scale bulk unselected events."
which is a fancy way of saying "screw judges and warrants which require us to know who is the bad guy ahead of time to be able to target only that bad guy for spying. we don't know who the bad guys are until we already spy on everyone and find them. so instead, let's just spy on everyone's data, the whole population, then sift through it and analyze everyone's patterns looking for anyone who might be a bad guy or might be connected in some way to bad guy or just be an interesting person to us for any of a thousand reasons.
this document from Snowden is where i found the term "population scale bulk unselected events" and is one
of the most important leaks from Snowden. after you read shit like that, you understand as clear as day just
how far the glow in the darks have already gone to and are today accelerating to spy on everyone and everything and "understand" every event on the Internet. they literally say they have a program that spits out a "diarisation" of every IP address on the Internet at any given time. a diary–the full history of every connection to/from any IP address, who owns it, who uses it, what they used it for, and everything about the user going out "3-hops" of connections in that user's social graph. NSA/GCHQ has some big ass database that is just one giant bigraph between
every 2 IP addresses on the Internet, graphing the history of every "5Tuples" connection event between any pair of IPs. (i never did figure out why it's called "5Tuples", since "source:IP:port" and "destination:IP:port" only gives you 4 tuples–what the fuck is the 5th tuple? GPS?)
i just put 2+2 together and added that to what NSA is really doing using "bulk warrants" for "all tangible things" as a loophole to piss on 4th Amendment, by stealing everyone's data by manipulating language to call our collective data "business records", so that NSA can steal the whole haystack of the data of society and search it.
the FVEYs really do have their own language of evil poetry to conceal and soften just what it is that they are doing.
i laugh at it because it proves the dweebs at NSA+GCHQ are chickenshit cowards who are too pussified to be able to admit to themselves what exactly they are doing. at least a SEAL or Delta or Ranger operator is man enough to cut the bullshit and boast "yeah, i fucking go in and i kill bad guys with extreme prejudice, no questions asked, no judge, no trial, no jury, just overwhelming force and instantly delivered death, that's me."
meanwhile faggot NSA TAO "hacker" click monkeys like this guy (
i suppose lying to yourself about who you are and what you're doing helps the sad sack e-ditch-digger NSA'ers and GCHQ'ers get through the skulduggery of each work day.
if Snowden says to himself each morning in the mirror "i'm a cog in a machine and my job is to improve the efficiency of abstract processes without asking questions about the big picture, and if i can just do that, i can earn a small Christmas bonus and work towards my pension in 40 years."
but one day Snowden slaps himself in the face and says in the mirror "i am helping the biggest and worst Dystopian Orwellian Nightmare to spy on 6.3 billion human beings and map their entire daily lives and learn everything about their lives, all so that some kikes on WallSt and in Tel Aviv can live as lavishly as an ancient Roman Emperor while leaving nothing for the rest of us who live like Morlocks underneath Metropolis."
the next day, Snowden goes Snowden and boards the plane to Hong Kong.
so the words we all use to describe reality around us matters a fuck ton. if you use the wrong words, you remain asleep, you remain a slave.
2 more Snowden docs which are related to the program in that last one about untargeted population scale surveillance.
Yeah they both work for Israel
This guy was the definition of limited hangout.
5th tuple is probably time/packet size/route
I don't know about the kosher-ness of this op, but he was previously a CIA employee before he became a contractor working with the NSA. This was either a limited hang-out, or possibly an interagency fight (or both).
I've always been of the opinion that he is still on the job today, doing something useful for (((Washington))) during his stay in Russia.
More logically, it's the protocol, which defines the meaning of the ports.
If he is a limited hangout, why is Russia allowing him to stay?
Why did Wikileaks try so hard to help him escape Hong Kong?
Supposing they did that and then later learned this, why hasn't Wikileaks said anything about it?
Or am I supposed to believe that Wikileaks also works for CIA?
Have any of you goys stopped to consider the possibility that the government hasn't a clue what the fuck they're doing, and are too incompetent to manage completing the most simple of tasks, except for:
1) Completing, or making it seem as if they have completed, limited, small scale demonstrations to scare the sheeple (reading hard drives from space, that sort of thing) into compliance
I'm being 100% serious. Have you ever known of even a single (especially Federal) government agency to operate in anything which even vaguely resembles an efficient manner? Imagine you're the NSA. I'm sure that within your division that you can read peoples emails and whatnot, if you actually sit down and make an effort. But there are over 300,000,000 people in this country, and what, maybe 10-20,000 of you? And you're a government agency. So for every dollar which actually goes into the development of what we can colloquially refer to as "crazy shit" there are millions of dollars which go into rebranded, "updated" technology from Larry's brother in law's LLC bought for 38 times the going rate. Your managers were likely promoted through nepotism, and the productivity and work ethic where you work are practically zero.
So what do you? You say "Ah shit boys, we've gotta put the fear of big brother back into these wage slaves" and you coordinate the Snowden op. And here we are.
Am I wrong? No, at least not completely. Anyone remember the Malmuer wildlife refuge takeover? The FBI was talking mad shit to the militia boys, so their commander says "Alright, ~10 of you guys come with me. We're gonna do down there and talk this out like men". And then THEY DRIVE RIGHT INTO THE FBI'S PARKING LOT AND WALK RIGHT UP TO THE FUCKING BUILDING IN ALL THEIR GEAR WITH ALL THEIR RIFLES at the ready. I wish I'd saved the video, it was on the channel of whatever noname journalist was there with them. Anyway, someone runs out of the FBI field office and stops them and they have a verbal confrontation. Maybe 60 seconds later, the FBI's troopers come bumbling out of the building in formation.
That was their response.
At THEIR OWN FIELD OFFICE, where they were WATCHING THESE PEOPLE, somehow it happened that the Militia guys loaded up, drove out of their territory and RIGHT INTO THE FBI parking lot and this was as well as they handled it. Those boys could've stormed the building and racked up a double digit body count if they'd wanted to. The (((ZOG))) spys didn't even see them coming.
How much more incompetant does it get?
Yes, I'm sure everything electric/electronic is compromised. I don't dispute that the technology is out there, or that they can read every email you've ever written or whatever if they really wanted to. But to believe they're actually capable of monitoring everything in this entire country, I have serious doubts about. Not everything is a "THEY ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN" 4d chess move, the government folks are human just like we are, and they fuck up just the same. I mean, how much ass would you bust to get the job done, if you were in their position?
i agree with you. all the Feds do is fuck shit up over and over and over and trip over their own shoe laces. there is only one FedGov agency i can think of who is efficient and that is GAO. but GAO have zero enforcement power. all GAO can do is tattle tale to Congress about whatever findings they have meticulously documented, tied up with a pretty red bow of their recommendations. then Congress just ignores GAO's sound, fact-based, scientifically derived advice and grandstands over bullshit and solicits kickback bribes from thebaddies.
as for the numbers of NSA'ers with access to all our shit, it's way more than 20,000. NSA has over 36,000 direct employees and all of them have Top Secret Clearance. if you remember back around 2011, Dana Priest did a multihour documentary about the Deep State, and found that the NSACIAFBI are supported by an army of over 5,000,000 Defense Contractors, the majority of whom have Top Secret Clearance. so when NSA has 11 redundant programs for reading everybody's emails, it's not NSA directly doing it. this is why NSA's slides leaked by Snowden are full of Corporate Enterprise lingo and why the NSA's entire dictionary of working jargon sounds like the way empty Corporate Drones talk. it's because NSA has been regulatory captured by the tech industry it depends on to get data from and to cooperate with. NSA is now just like IBM or Oracle. out sourcing is the name of the game. NSA is like any F500 MegaCorp. they are a hollow facade of doing-nothing idiot Pointy Haired Boss managers who oversee a vast army of out sourced 3rd party contractors who do all the real work. and since none of those contractors are Cleared and Read Into The Program to see the whole picture, this is why nobody knows what the fuck is going on in The Big Picture.
one of the claims from Snowden is that he could access anything he wanted at NSA and that he by-passed Compartmented access controls because he claims he was a sysadmin, so he had a special Clearance (i forgot what it was called it was 3-letters) that basically gave him access to whatever he wants. the front-end grunt logs into XKEYSCORE and everything they do is logged, and every query they make they have to check the boxes which smear a veneer of Legality and Oversight on bulk warrantless spying. but the sysadmin who accesses the raw MySQL databases running XKEYSCORE has no such limits. the sysadmin can run naked SQL queries for anything and nothing is logged.
back around 2012-13, NSA released an open source database they built in-house, called Accumulo
Accumulo has been benchmarked against Oracle and MySQL and MSSQL and it runs faster than all of them by about 100x. which is shockingly impressive from a nerd perspective. but it makes sense, because NSA is operating on the biggest data scale compared to anyone else on the planet.
guess what kind of access controls Accumulo has built-in?
nothing. it doesn't even have the concept of "users" and "passwords" and "accounts." which means if you're the sysadmin, you just have direct access to Accumulo and you can query for whatever the fuck you want. one of the "features" of Accumulo is that it also has built-in auditing, supposedly to track users making queries. but that auditing does not even apply to the administrative access to Accumulo itself.
see how big of geniuses NSA are? they focus all pushing the cutting edge of what's possible, then they get blind sided by their big egos and their jerk attitudes of supremacy, and they never stop to think that they can't trust their own guys because their own guys will dump the entire database and upload it to Wikileaks.
and that's just one example. who knows how many dozens of similar fucks ups as Accumulo in other programs and databases which nobody outside of NSA even knows about?
at the very least, NSA's blundering incompetence has forever lost its aura of technical invincibility, which means We The People should no longer blindly trust NSA to Do The Right Thing. such as for Quantum Computers. there is zero way in hell i would want a bureaucracy of fools like NSA to ever be the first in the world to win the race to the Quantum Computer. that'd be like giving a nuclear bomb to ISIS. just imagine the worst case scenario. odds are staggeringly against NSA that they will pull a Michael Bolton like in Office Space, and fuck up one small detail, and all of their potential successes will come crashing down because their Quantum Computer will be used for some Great Evil that invalidates NSA's entire mission and existence.
a while back, he visited israel and met bibi. do the math. he's a jewish assett and is helping them with the talpiot programme.
NSA employs more mathematicians than anyone else on the planet. they probably think they are the world's experts in managing Chaos Theory. but they are fools who threaten all of us. i would posit that civilization has reached a point where everything is too big and too random and too complex to "control" at all. we can see this all around us, as our society decays and huge segments of former stability collapse. the world is going to hell in a hand basket. and it is accelerating.
media, business, medicine, agriculture, energy–you name it, every field is plagued by corruption and incompetence and on the verge of collapse. there is a systemic rot eating away at the system of the world. nobody can beat Thermodynamics and force universal entropy to decrease. half our population have gone insane and they can no longer even see the real world clearly. our Govt is dysfunctional and spends more time fighting itself than fighting for itself. larger and larger segments of our population want to genocide each other. i would argue this "cosmic background radiation" of rising chaos is the #1 reason why we need to begin stripping power away from NSA. not because NSA itself will abuse its power in some unforgivable sin of treason someday very soon within the next decade. but because NSA cannot be entrusted with such Absolute Power, because nobody can in an environment of systemic collapse as the concluding waves of the Kali Yuga beat on our shores. nobody can be trusted with all that power. because NSA, like any FedGov agency, is fundamentally incompetent, so it is only a matter of time until it commits some EGREGIOUSBLUNDER that dooms us all.
this is why i take The Joker's approach to SIGINT. it's better to have desynchronized decentralized chaotic systems than to build the perfect monolith Tower of Babel. because perfectly periodic systems are weaker and break down easier. that's just Natural Evolution. embracing Entropy is strength. Feynman once said to always keep the door to the unknown ajar.
there should never exist a single entity that knows everything about all humans, because that knowledge itself will become a bigger threat to stability than whatever fear of the unknown TPTB might believe possessing theknowledge will help them to beat.
He didn't go physically. He "went" there using telepresence. ie Skype. During his discussion he accused an israeli company of getting that guy killed by the Saudis. But that thread didn't get any traction.
Any narrative of any significance always has kikes all over it or trying to be all over it. They swarm to attain control since they don't have actual jobs.
No such thing you filthy heeb. All you're doing is proving we need actual moderation. Also, your women are fucking ugly.
Hilariously, that was a CIA agent.
Eddie's limited hangout. Just try to find all these "documents" he leaked. You won't find them. I know because I spent months looking for a copy and I consider myself pretty good at finding things when I really want them. The absence of the documents on the internet points to at least one of, if not a combination of limited hangout, espionage, and/or a pretty big payday for our fellow with the fake glasses. Dissemination through (((journalism))) is so 1960s and has become only a secondary measure to ensure that grandma and her bridge buddies know about what's going on. If he were some saint uncovering the dirty secrets of the deepstate, we'd have these docs, or at least a large chunk of them to dig through. At this point they're just a story. They supposedly exist, but only because (((the news))), (((hollywood))), eddie, and the government says they do. If he wanted to affect change, he would have shown the docs to the generation that would do something with it. At least granny and her bridge friends liked the film though.
The token that they use to appease the retarded Q user crowd.
In order to stop the goyim from digging too much. They put this out to try and retain media credibility to these lemmings and because instead of suiciding a whistleblower with 4 shotgun blasts to the stomach they use him as a golem to push a narritive that keeps the goyim quiet while not even harming themselves in the process.
Remember what our uncle wrote?
…Or something along those lines anyway
Bump to save this from bread death due to shill slides.
break out their nation state check book and buy billions and billions worth of spy gear to compete against you. thanks to your magic backdoor, you can walk right into all of your enemies' spy equipment. now you don't need to even bother spying on everyone in China and everyone in Russia and everyone in Saudi Arabia.
They could do that before, without magic tech. This countries rely heavily on US western tech, tech that the NSA has subverted.
Why do you think they are hysterical about Huawei? They have revers engineered, built their own silicone, that has no longer the western backdoors I assume it's China's own ones now.
They do that already and in the west the governments are in complicity with the NSA. Before Snowden, there was the discovery of Echelon, the spy network. The German government did something unusual, they tried to raise the awareness in business and population about IT security. They promoted the use and development of GPG. That lasted one year, then they became quiet about it. Nothing anymore. Around the time of Snowden, it was revealed that the NSA instructs the German signal intelligence what to record and to hand over, in addition to their own installation directly tapping the central German Internet Exchange.
The Russian don't do that voluntarily the Germans neither, but they have to use the West's kit, or the Chinese's.
Most targets of the NSA use no encryption.
You don't need quantum computing to crack encryption for warrantless mass surveillance - nobody use encryption, despite its availability for the masses for more than 20-30 years. PGP is from 1991!
They accomplished that and a strange over acceptance "now, if they know anything anyway, why trying to hide it". I didn't notice an increased use of encrypted email or TOR by the way, thank you for the many new TOR server dear DGSE.
Personally, I think crypto is still working in principle and a headache for them, otherwise there wouldn't be psy-ops against it, even here.
One thing is clear, the people he trusted his secrets, the press in the West, works for the NSA team. Similar curious, the support that Assange had from establishment types, lived quite a jet set life. If that would have been financed by the Russians, you bet you would have read about that. Assange's whole org riddled with moles, that continued into politics.
It was a psyop to make the government look trusting to the normies. Ushering then into an era where they will not the challenger the internationalists full reach into their lives through propaganda
The psyop maintained the (((integrity))) of the media by covering it. Hence trump the jew puppet and (((saviour))) of white America came out viciously swinging at (((trusted journalism))). Not only did they permanently seal the press and media authority of the beast with the normies they have also painted white men, engaging in the political field as suspectable of criminality if they challenge the authority of the (((truth))) by the press. Snowden was a massive psyop as it was permanently reinforced with a Hollywood movie about it. The normies are literally being programmed
I only subliminally lightning scanned this thread but the answer is quite simple. He made Bush look bad. If he made the leak during Obama not a peep you would hear.