You can probably scour the internet and find a few instances of street leftists/anitfas getting beat up by one of your guys but you won't find a leftist in power getting beat up like pic related.
This shit speaks for itself.
You can probably scour the internet and find a few instances of street leftists/anitfas getting beat up by one of your guys but you won't find a leftist in power getting beat up like pic related.
This shit speaks for itself.
National Socialism isn't right wing
Take your stupid jew false dichotomy back to Zig Forums and go dilate your mutilated ex-penis wound
Simply replace "right-wing" with your "national socialism" excuse and the same is true sorry
What a weak angle to take. You could have argued that the left holds a virtual hegemony in most major institutions that influence culture and public opinion, and that the right is and has been largely helpless against that kind of power, but instead you went with this gay shit.
Nobody's scared of fucking Antifa, seriously.
How many more commies do NatSoc need to kill before you get it through your fucking heads.
"we opresded n shiet"
Talk about "weak" angles.
lol if your pathetic excuse about hegemony was true the outcome of it would literally be right-tards internalizing fear.
It’s not worth doing anything because nobody will have your back. The left realized all the threats are hollow posturing. Nobody has any respect or fear of you. They pretend to be terrorized to further use the zog against you. You already lost. Your fathers are cowards and like father like son.
right-niggers have had like 50 years of reasons enough to "explode" but the best they have produced is lone wolf retards every 10 years.
Oppressed? No. Ill-fated? Doomed? Yes, if the trends of the past century are to continue – a much more potent blackpill.
And they have a higher body count than all of you retarded antifas put together.
There is history to this shit
lmao real tough guys over here
What are you going to do about it? Get shot in your stupid face? You are weak and your are stupid enough to attack conservatives that protect you from being gunned down like the stupid animals that you are.
You missed the point, Satan. If there are lifelong consequences for ace-ing One, why not go for a high count?
The Red Summer draws nigh
Yeah buddy, you AIDs-infested faggots sure are scary, one of you might get some AIDs blood on a MAGApede civnat patriotard after they smash your heads in.
lmao grow up
The sad part is people like you genuinely believe what you're saying and think it gives you some kind of "moral high ground", rather than just expose to everyone watching from the sidelines that you are weak, on the verge of defeat, and dangerous to find common cause with. The modern right has very much internalized all of the weak, slavish characteristics of modern liberal society. The revering of diseased and disabled, the meek outcries for plurality and free expression. Zero future.
Hence why National Socialism is a rejection of weak, enlightenment, judaized right wing thought. Don't forget to dilate that gaping wound you call a vagina, trannypol.
Even the least likely and obscure left-wing organization has done more than anything the right has since Hitler died. I honestly believe this.
Just read through this.
And yet the post I was responding to didn't contain any of that, just the imagery attachment of National Socialism for branding purposes. And then here you come in with some "tough" talk.
Proper right-wingers are smart enough not to engage violent thugs when unnecessary. Beating antifas and other mercenaries of the transnational capital accomplishes nothing.
This absolute nobody female, total blip, insignificant spec in the left-wing spectrum is more brave than any man the right has ever produced. Can you prove me wrong? It should be embarrassing for you if this can even be debatable.
I love gore XD