Why didn't Hitler/Mussolini invade Switzerland

Hello fellow Aryans, I've lurked here for a few months now, and I get the feeling that most people here believe that Hitler wasn't apart of the same global financial kike banking racket that we've been dealing with for the last 250 or so years (longer in reality I know, but just to keep it in perspective for now).

My only question is this, if Hitler was so ((aware)) of the situation at the time, why wasn't the first place he invaded be Switzerland and the banks that exist there. I mean, his nation was being boycott into oblivion by ((them)), and it seems like that one of ((their)) major financial hubs at the time….and since Germany was doing "so well" with national socialism for a few years there….why didn't Hitler just hit ((them)) where it really hurt?

I include Mussolini in this as well….

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sounds legit

Yes comrade…I too am a White person…plz, answer question…

I am mostly German and English, but about a quarter Lebanese

Maybe because it was neutral and is surrounded by mountains and not worth the effort since it posed no risk. Contrary to Norway and the Netherlands, both of which had strategic value. (England was on it's way to invade Norway as well, although they won't tell this in history class).
Fun fact, Switzerland has attacked both German as well as English and American aircraft that violated her airspace.

Hold on….how much of the world kike financial system was tied up in Switzerland at the time? It's really the only target the mattered in my opinion…

He could have just bombed the banks couldn't he? For fucks sake, his country borders theirs….I think you and I both know the real answer why though..

The banks are fortresses with vaults inside the mountains. It would have achieved nothing.

If Hitler won, all those banks would be meaningless.

The same reason Hitler invited the Red Cross to the Katyn Forest to go over the remains of what was found. The same reason Hitler hosted the Olympics, he was conducting an honest and just war, its why he never used chemical weapons. Hitler from his time in WWI, when he was gassed, knew how terrible war could get especially when gas based chemical weapons are used and that's why the Germans never used gas based weapons and went along with the Geneva Convention.

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The wealth in switzerland is stored in gold bullion. Hitler's momentary police rebelled against the gold standard, see quote below:

To take another instance where we are condemned: They claim to be fighting for the maintenance of the gold standard as the currency basis. That I can well believe, for the gold is in their hands. We too once had gold, but it was stolen and extorted from us. When I came to power, it was not malice which made me abandon the gold standard. Germany simply had no gold left.

Consequently, quitting the gold standard presented no difficulties, for it is always easy to part with what one does not have. We had no gold. We had no foreign exchange. They had all been stolen and extorted from us during the previous fifteen years. But, my Volksgenossen, I did not regret it, for we have constructed our economic system on a wholly different basis. In our eyes, gold is not of value in itself. It is only an agent by which nations can be suppressed and dominated.

When I took over the government, I had only one hope on which to build, namely, the efficiency and ability of the German nation and the German working man, the intelligence of our inventors, engineers, technicians, chemists, and so forth. I built on the strength which animates our economic system. One simple question faced me: Are we to perish because we have no gold; am I to believe in a phantom which spells our destruction?

I championed the opposite opinion: Even though we have no gold, we have capacity for work. The German capacity for work is our gold and our capital, and with this gold I can compete successfully with any power in the world. We want to live in houses which have to be built. Hence, the workers must build them, and the raw materials required must be procured by work. My whole economic system has been built up on the conception of work. We have solved our problems while, amazingly enough, the capitalist countries and their currencies have suffered bankruptcy.

Sterling can find no market today. Throw it at any one and he will step aside to avoid being hit. But our Reichsmark, which is backed by no gold, has remained stable. Why? It has no gold cover; it is backed by you and by your work. You have helped me to keep the mark stable. German currency, with no gold coverage, is worth more today than gold itself. It signifies unceasing production. This we owe to the German farmer, who has worked from daybreak till nightfall. This we owe to the German worker, who has given us his whole strength. The whole problem has been solved in one instant, as if by magic.

December 10, 1940. Quoted in "Hitler's Words"

Would ()jews)( have stopped sending Russians into the nazi meat grinder if Hitler attacked Switzerland first? I don't think so.

Add on the other fact that even if you get into the natural fortifications of those mountains, every single teen and adult has martial training and are fiercely independent. It would be a needless slaughter when greater threats were present. Finally, there was no risk of the Swiss coming out of their mountains since they in general don't give a damn about what happens outside them.


Hitler required finance and the Swiss were allowed to stay independent.

this and honestly Switzerland isn't worth the risk, it's landlocked and mountainous as fuck, it seriously is just not worth the price you would have to pay to take it over

because invading Switzerland is extremely difficult, moron

conquering Switzerland was a long-term goal of his but it wasn't realistic at the time because it would have been extremely bloody for the attackers because it's fucking Switzerland

I think you are all sadly misguided here…he was most likely some jewish bankers sockpuppet…wasn't Prescott Bush one of his bankers? Hitler I mean..

"You can run from the truth all you want…but in the end, it always finds you…"

^Adolf Hitler 1932

The old story was there was a German officer meeting with a Swiss official and the German queried.
"What would happen if 20 thousand German soldiers marched into Switzerland?"
The Swiss replied.
"Four thousand Swiss citizens would collect their state issued rifles and then take 5 shots each, then go home and clean and store their rifles."

Because Switzerland wasn't relevant and still isn't in geo-politics. I'm guessing it was more worthwhile to pretend like they're "neutral", which there's no such thing, so that the mountain jews could use their centuries old knowledge to move around Nazi funds globally. Ultimately the later strategy helped them greatly when they had to flee the flat plains jews when the war was clearly going to be lost after Stalingrad.

Would be interesting to see those 4,000 go against 1 Hans Kammler. Destroyer of Mountains.

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lmao no ethnostate for you.

Jesus fuck the JIDF training budget must have been slashed.

Awww…:( but you know what? That's ok…I'm not all to worried about that happening.

Wow, great thread, paki.

Because barring financial institutions, invading Switzerland would result in a net loss. Czechslovakia had automotive and arms industries, makes sense to take.
France, outside of historical enmity, had fairly large amounts of steel production, other resources and industries.

Switzerland has fuck all in either those terms, and has an army entirely geared towards defensive warfare, in mountainous terrain, which has extensive fortifications.
It's military and government, with the rest of the populace, are very motivated in maintaining it's territorial integrity and neutrality.
It is also is hardly a threat in the grand of scheme of things and wants nothing to do with any side.

If Germany did invade, they would likely have won, but what would would they have gained from it to aid in total warfare against 3 of the other world superpowers? Not a whole fucking lot, other then probably some fairly high casualty numbers to take a bunch of mountains with a fairly hostile populace.

Are you fucking kidding me? If anyone here is a shill, it's you ethnostate pushing ball-sacks who only serve as extremest fodder for the CIA/MOSSAD and god knows who else….

I even agree with a lot of what's said/information on here, I actually voted for Obama at one point, and now, I actually do agree that there appears to be a global effort to replace white people in this country…..but some of the conclusions you all draw from history are a bit misguided.

One thing I don't yet understand, do you really believe that Hitler ordered the killing of thousands (maybe not millions) of jews? Or do you believe that the Holocaust was completely fabricated? Sometimes I see people on here argue that the ovens were not real and whatnot, but at the same time, I see a lot of people saying "it's oven time kike boy!".

Get what I'm trying to say? What is it you actually believe here?

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I'm just saying….Hitler was probably Kiked like probably most other world leaders at the time. I'm not necessarily saying that he was aware of this…but none the less, I think he was probably someone's boi

Do you really think this would work here?

Yes, we know what you are saying Chaim. That's why we're telling you to fuck off. Because you are the worst shill in history, you aren't even bad at it in a way that is funny, you are just pathetic and sad. We can see you in our minds, a lonely, confused 57 year old heeb sitting around in a dank synagogue basement with half a dozen other wheezing old kikes on folding chairs with a few old dell laptops. Desperately trying to understand what people are saying on this weird nazi website the rabbis wife told them to shill on so they can convince the evil nazis that Hitler was bad and they should keep being good goyim and give more money to israel.

One does not simply walk into Mordor

too bad he didn't destroy Gibraltar eh? That might have been a rather useful thing to do.

Also, Swiss railways connected Germany and Italy, why would they have fucked with this valuable transport route?

You have done your homework! Good!


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If an ethnostate is too extreme for you then you don't understand the problem of multiracialism and should lurk 2 years.

Jews around the world declared a financial war against Germany as soon as Hitler was elected, before he took action against them. When he removed jews from positions of authority, (which was done because of the way the jews betrayed Germany during WWI and the way they ravaged Germany during the Weimar years) and threw Germany's communists, which were overwhelmingly jewish, into reeducation camps, the foreign jews kvetched about him oppressing jews for no other reason than that they were jews. This lie is also the foundation of all Holocaust lore. Later on when tensions started to rise and Hitler was doing everything possible to keep the peace with the west (look for What the World Rejected by Friedrich Stieve), his attempts failed always because of foreign jews, (Churchill's backers, FDR's cabinet, etc.) which is why the Germans considered International Jewry responsible for the war. Once war broke out, most jews were automatically considered potential fifth columnists, and remembering the results of the jewish betrayal in WWI the German government decided it was easier just to intern those they didn't trust. In all occupied territories but Russia, where death squads eliminated communists by rounding up a settlement's jews and killing them, (the fact that these records exist throw doubt on the official holocaust claim that the Germans had records but destroyed them to avoid punishment) there were camps erected to hold Europe's Jews until the war's end, at which point the NSDAP intended to use those jews to build a containment zone in Madgacar, which they were going to operate as a police state. The official claim is that they abandoned this plan after Britain blockaded Madagascar and just decided to dedicate valuable resources, during their war for survival, to exterminate the jews even though they knew they wouldn't get them all. The conditions of the camps at the end of the war are easily attributable to the Allied 'strategic bombing' campaigns. The Holocaust as we know it was constructed later by opportunistic jews who wanted a trump card, worldwide sympathy and a new source of shekels, and genocidal traitors in Allied governments trying to justify the genocide they were committing. Funnily enough the camps west of the Berlin wall were investigated and recategorized as forced labor/relocation camps. All of this is why we say "The Holocaust didn't happen, but it should have/will soon."

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I love reading this, speaks wonders

It's more that you're fucking stupid and cannot into tactics.

Are you that same esoteric hitler worshipper who was gonna establish a caliphate in 2050?


Best post in this fucking thread. Those dubs are well-deserved.

I think that the Swiss bank cartels are a little bit different than the jewish bank cartels. Due to the debt-based reality of todays finances they must be somewhat loyal to the jewish private banks but, just like in world war 2 and before, they are the closest thing to "neutral" that things can get nowadays. In other words, they really care ONLY about the money, contrary to the jews, who care about money AND subverting their host nations. Im not comletely sure on this, however, would be very grateful (or more blackpilled) if someone could post some proof that the Swiss banks have much more in common with the jews than I would think.

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Essentially invading Switzerland is always more effort than its worth.

"The only things that matter are Neutrality and gold."



Because Swiss president literally was Hitler's brother.
Name in the filename

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They also had a concentration camp that treated the allied soldiers worse than German PoW camps did.



Well, if England and the US weren't bombing Switzerland by (((accident))),maybe they wouldn't have to keep them that way.

lmao, epic meltdown by OP in this thread. The gradation is funny.

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did you forget about the holocaust? Still counts even if it's off the battlefield.

no he wasn't

Found the kike

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If you're asking this question, then you believe the Jew's history rewrite.
If you read the original sources, then the question is a profoundly stupid and idiotic one.

All those that do the work of the jew bear the same unnatural inclinations

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We need to rescue the original painting

He thinks that Swiss banks were Jewish at the time…They weren't.

The world financial system was based in London, and still is, although Jew York takes a close second. It's been that way since at least the time of the Rothschilds buying their central bank after Waterloo.

Why would he?

Hitler acted to unify Germans into one country to be able to withstand the Soviet invasion of Europe.

Non-German lands were only ever invaded if they declared war on the Reich. That's what happened to France and Scandinavia. Non-German lands in countries the Reich invaded to take German land were not incorporated into the Reich, but returned to their inhabitants as autonomous counties (eg. Czechs and Slovaks after annexing the Sudetenland).

If a large enough portion of the Swiss population had agitated to become part of the Reich (as happened in Austria, Danzig, etc), Hitler may have invaded as the Swiss are arguably linguistically/ethnically/historically/culturally German. But this did not happen, so Hitler had no reason to invade.

I still think it's hilarious that the kikes' best insult is to say other people are like them. It's like a nigger saying whites are secretly niggers.

They wanted to become part of the reich. Pre-WW2 the swiss were germanophiles.. Too bad switzerlands leading natsoc got killed by a kike and here was no hope for an anschluss anymore. Then WW2 came and majority of swiss began hating the germans. Im a half german half swiss dude and know exactly the hate of swiss towards germans. Mein Gott ist diese Welt bescheuert.

It had no strategic importance.
Also there were about 30 national socialist organizations in Switzerland. About half wanted an independent but National Socialist Switzerland, the other half believed that Switzerland or the German parts of it should be absorbed into the Greater Reich like Austria. The Third Reich funded and encouraged the National Socialist organizations who believed in becoming part of Germany. Hitler believed that after the war the Germanic parts of Switzerland would be absorbed into the Reich anyway.

Switzerland is left alone because they're the most Zig Forums country ever.
Every citizen is armed to the teeth, even today the BASIC yearly test for being issued a rifle (as a cook for example), with mandatory shooting lessons if you fail, is equivalent to a US marksmanship badge.
They devised a plan to hide ALL the population in the mountains with countless Maginot level fortification that make a James Bond movie a cheap bootleg idea.

Today, the Swiss banking system seems to be behind Frank Magnitz, the AfD guy who got attacked and left for dead recently. Would need more dots to connect before I could tell whose side their interests align with.

If you have any interesting evidence, user, go ahead and present it.

BTW, why 250 years? You're not the first person I see that uses this exact number.


because switzerland was laundering money through BIS. There is documentary about it in link provided. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution[2] owned by central banks which "fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_for_International_Settlements

BIS was founded by four men on 17/05/1930,: Hjalmar Schacht [Head of Reichsbank], Charles G Dawes [Chairman of City National Bank], Owen D Young [founder of RCA and chairman of General Electric] and Montague Norman [governor of the Bank of England and partner in JP Morgan]. From the founding of the bank until at least 1939, Schacht worked closely with Jacob Schiff, the Warburgs and Montague Norman, in funneling Wall Street and City of London money into Hitler’s rearmament program; as is documented in Professor Antony Sutton’s painstaking work, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler:

“In October 1931, Warburg received a letter from Hitler which he passed on to Carter at Guaranty Trust Company, and subsequently another bankers’ meeting was called at the Guaranty Trust Company offices. Opinions at this meeting were divided. “Sidney Warburg” reported that Rockefeller, Carter, and McBean were for Hitler, while the other financiers were uncertain.

Montague Norman of the Bank of England and Glean of Royal Dutch Shell argued that the $10 million already spent on Hitler was too much, that Hitler would never act. The meeting finally agreed in principle to assist Hitler further, and Warburg again undertook a courier assignment and went back to Germany.
On this trip Warburg reportedly discussed German affairs with “a Jewish banker” in Hamburg, with an industrial magnate, and other Hitler supporters. more on the link archive.is/4ZjzZ

I think Switzerland will become very important after WWIII if China doesn't accept Israel as its greatest ally after receiving fake intel that fake helps them win the war. Israel will order whatever brown person is in charge or stronk Warren, who just wanted to bring freedoms to Chinese women, to expend all nuke ammo on China. China/iran will fire back on the U.S. and Israel. Everybody will forget about Switzerland.

and because of that 3 reich was broke and attacked USSR. 3 reich did not have money to pay for all the stuff they got from USSR

Soviet Union agreed in period from February 11, 1940 to February 11, 1941, in addition to the deliveries under German–Soviet Commercial Agreement, signed on August 19, 1939 deliver the commodities (oil, raw materials and grain) to the value of 420 to 430 million Reichsmarks. Between January 1940 and date of the German invasion, the total Soviet export to Germany estimated at 597.9 million Reichsmarks. The German deliveries accounted as 437.1 million Reichsmarks.[1] The agreements continued Nazi–Soviet economic relations and resulted in the delivery of large amounts of raw materials to Germany, including over 900,000 tons of oil, 1,600,000 tons of grain and 140,000 tons of manganese ore.

The Soviet Union received the incomplete Admiral Hipper-class naval cruiser Lützow, the plans to the battleship Bismarck, information on German naval testing, "complete machinery for a large destroyer", heavy naval guns other naval gear and samples of thirty of Germany's latest warplanes, including the Bf 109 fighters, Bf 110 fighters, Ju 88 and Do 215 bombers.[2][3][4] The Soviet Union also received oil and electric equipment, locomotives, turbines, generators, diesel engines, ships, machine tools and samples of Germany artillery, tanks, explosives, chemical-warfare equipment and other items.[2]

The German war effort against the Soviet Union was supported by raw materials that Germany had obtained from the Soviets through the 1940 agreement. In particular, the German stocks of rubber and grain would have been insufficient to support the invasion of the USSR if the Soviets had not already exported these products to Germany en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German–Soviet_Commercial_Agreement_(1940)

thanks user, this looks quite interesting

Nice comment from the youtube poster…here in full.
"Just a quick warning: there's always some people screaming NAZI GOLD!!!! (rather like "France fell without firing a shot") and citing articles written by the organisation who shook the Swiss down in the 90's for $1.25 bn dollars. Two inquiries, the Volcker commission in the US (which cost $300M) and the Bergier commission in Switzerland concluded that the amounts in play were: about CHF 24M in unclaimed bank accounts (1995 values, which took an inquiry costing $300M to determine… this is around $20M in 1995 prices and back-calculates to 4M CHF and just under $1M 1945 book value) which probably belonged to holocaust victims, and 12 (yes, exactly 12, we have the serial numbers) gold bars, 3 of which were related to holocaust victim gold, the remaining 9 of which may have contained some undeterminable quantity of victim gold, under 120kg total gold weight for all 12 bars. Of which, aside from the first 3 bars, we cannot know the proportion of the remaining 9 bars which was related to victim gold (Bergier Commission report, English version, pages 249-250). Due to the way the gold was refined, it is impossible to know where the individual atoms of holocaust victim gold physically ended up (Ibid.). Taking the total weight of the 12 bars at the gold price of the era, this works out at CHF 0.14, or about half an egg's worth of dried, powdered egg per Swiss resident at late war prices. Or at present prices, about CHF 0.50 per current Swiss resident. Hardly the vast riches of myth and legend… In any case, the Swiss National Bank could not possibly have known at the time that these bars contained / possibly contained victim gold, since the Holocaust was only confirmed very late/post war - you need to appreciate such matters on what was known at the time, not what's known now. Now what the SNB did know was that some of the gold they were buying from Germany (note - buying) contained bullion looted from Belgian, Dutch and French bank stocks. Their approach to this was totally amoral, very "pecunia non olet". This is rather something to reproach them for… Anyhoo, if all you know is the propaganda from the 90's shakedown era, it should go without saying that I've done far more research, benefiting notably from Bergier and Volcker. Here's some very basic sources to read before you comment: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Jewish_Congress_lawsuit_against_Swiss_banks en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volcker_Commission en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bergier_commission amazon.co.uk/gp/product/089526238X/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (which details the WJC lawsuit in great detail, but makes some basic errors on e.g. Swiss rationing). And some more detailed work: uek.ch/en/schlussbericht/synthesis/ueke.pdf (the Bergier report itself)"
What he doesn't relize is that the bergier rapport was probably lead by a jew and that you'll go to prison if you try to do a counter-report, which happened to a Swiss politician (pic related)

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Nice reference! Thanks.

Switzerland is a bit like Ireland, a safe haven that will be spared as long as it behaves. The top of the pyramid is still human and needs places that can accommodate people with their standards while the rest of the world burns (metaphorically surely, but who knows).

Too much muslims,africans, asians and """asians"""

Thank you for your service.

Why take Switzerland when it was surrounded by the Axis countries?

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Places like Switzerland at least try and take only the ones who behave. But yeah, they're feeling the pain too. As you can start to guess from this thread, there are people who can finance ethnic cleansings even in orderly Germany. I'm sure that they unfortunately have the situation under reasonable control. Here's hoping they do not.

Because the cost of occupying a country where every citizen is armed is too costly. It's just not worth it.


switzerland is the toughest nut in europe, their whole army is defense based, it is a militia army. their defense doctrine is to make it so costly for any enemy to invade that it just would not be worth it. all those mountains are rigged to swamp enemy forces with snow. they have hollowed out the mountains with bases and mini cities. attacking switzerland would set the invading army up for decades of guerilla warfare.

tl:dr no one in their right mind would fuck with the swiss

Seconding this guys question.


What would the point be? What ever gold or other forms of currency that could be gained from capturing the country wouldn't offset the cost of invading it in the first place, it offered little strategic value, and it has a populace that would be well armed and fiercely to invaders.

Even Nazi germany needed a place to store its cash

retards that cant into geography need to stop. this isnt RISK or allies & axis or some video game. the borders on the map arent just lines you can cross at any point and enter a country. mountains, rivers, swamps, mud, valleys, ravines, and every other possible terrain usually form the borders that became the standard lines. france losing at their choke point made the rest of the country pointless and undefendable and why they fell so quickly once they got fucked over by the blitz. switzerland being where it is doesnt mean they could just enter and conquer like poland or austria (who held parades and welcomed the germans) or others they took over in days. you dont just air drop some armor and men in or drive in from any side. there are set places they can enter it and there was no strategic value to it - you couldnt stage attacks from it or secure other territory easily and pacifying it would take too many resources for no gain. saying 'why not just take it over' is retarded on so many levels. its hard to even imagine the mental capacity of someone asking such a question.

Where do you think ((they)) keep all their dirty jew money you fucking retard!? It would have probably collapsed all of ((their)) influence.

Ya, my point is, he may have collapsed ((their)) system by doing it. That would have been the goal, not enriching Germany.

Wow…I'm just starting to realize how kiked all you supposedly "red pilled" chimps really are…

Thanks, I wasn't even aware of that incident

Could be…figured most wealth was still backed by gold at that point in time, and controlling all the gold (or destroying it) would result in chaos for TPTB at the time. Just like Goldfinger the movie, remember he tries to blow up For Knox with a nuke? Same concept

yes. and instead of collapsing TPTB 3 reich (not just hitler) kept on exporting gold through BIS up till the end of war. BIS that was created buy (((TPTB))).

read more here

now, that begs the question. was hitler trying to exterminate the jews (holocaust and all that) or was is working for them whole time ? And we have proofs that gold was traded through BIS all the time. we have not one order about extermination of jews

This evidence shows that the transfers of those funds into the accounts held in trust by BIS for Hitler’s regime were all facilitated by the Warburgs, a family which long ago assimilated itself into the House of Rothschild by marriage and without whom the Rothschild’s hand in world affairs would not have been capable of remaining hidden for so long. It is therefore fair to deduce from this circumstantial evidence alone that the Warburgs were acting as Rothschild proxies in the financing of Hitler’s rise to power, in which they were aided and abetted by at least two of the four BIS founders, in Schacht and Norman.

Paul Warburg was also the driving force behind the creation of the US Federal Reserve, which congressman Charles Lindbergh described as: “…the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President [Wilson] signs this Bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalised… The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill.”Warburg’s reward for bringing into being the U.S. Federal Reserve was to be its first chairman. While speaking before the House Committee on Banking and Currency in 1913, he confessed that, having emigrated to America in 1902, following an extensive education in international banking in Europe, he became a partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co, which was to become a Rothschild-controlled shareholder of the American central bank. It is self-evident that the education Warburg received was given by the Rothschilds, just as it was given to Jacob Schiff whilst he lived at their Frankfurt home before emigrating to America. this (((people))) are also the ones who were financing bolsheviks in russia.

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He's no bloodthirsty warmonger that's for certain, he only wanted to rid his own country of the rats but not chase them all over the planet like some loud mouthed skinhead, which make him somewhat of a softie, and the kikes saw that as a weakness, for they have no empathy for gentiles.
That doesn't change the fact (((they))) want him and his people dead and defiled, they especially wanted to get a hold of his corpse and defile it like they did to Mussolini, who can say (((they))) made it look and seem like he's working for them when it's all just an elaborate disinfo as one expects the old yids are capable of. Remember when they want to defile a hated enemy, they make sure to defile everything he stood for, even his Labor-based Economy that which doesn't need gold to work.

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Because virtually every citizen there is armed and trained, plus the crazy landscape.

but was he an enemy or ally ? it is not possible to be both.

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conducting business requires one to be 'friendly' in a sense even if it's just for show, nothing is done without some form of mannerisms similar to diplomacy. So the actual answer, and the overall picture would be that He's (((their))) enemy.
the old yids cannot be compared to the kikes of today because all that leftism and decades worth of disinfo, propaganda, and plain old lies really got into their heads, I actually doubt their next generation spawn can actually get shit done like the old generation yids can.

The question you're looking for: why the hell WOULD THEY HAVE INVADED Switzerland?

Look up Plan R 4 and Operation Wilfred.
The English planned to mine Norwegian waters forcing German cargo shipping to stray outside of Norwegian territorial protection so the British nazy could attack them, and provoking even a small German military response (like sending a minesweeper into Norwegian waters) to justify an invasion. They had also planned an invasion of Norway and Sweden with the help of France during the Finnish Winter War against the Soviets.

They wouldn't have last two weeks.

The plan of the Swiss army was to run away into the mountains "reduit" and leave the population, women and children to the Germans.

Bankhaus (((Julius Bär))), Rothschild Geneve

Pre first world war ordinary people. Swiss elites were always cucks for the French.
After the first world war they sided with other neutrals and former Germany friendly countries with the perceived stronger anti-German camp.
In practice the "neutral" Swiss made a secret military pact with France.
They planned the deployment of French troops in Switzerland along the German border. Switzerland had already prepared fortified emplacements for French artillery, that could not be used with Swiss artillery pieces.

This was discovered after the fall of France, when the Germans captured French files.

Swiss plan obvious included their trust into the good behavior of the "baby eating Huns"

Swiss legends are comical.

Oh the retarded conspiracy theories surface.

The Bank for International Settlements was founded for German reparation payments, paying interest to the USA.

Hitler stopped that.

Germany and the SU did only barter trade, no money involved.

BTW your quotes outline that.

Take your pills Shlomo

They did mine Norwegian coastal waters.

The English attack a German ship in Norwegian waters, Altmark incident.

They actually invaded Norway before Germany, planned to occupy the harbor of Narvik, destroy the harbor and railway line to Sweden, occupy or destroy the Swedish iron ore mines in Kiruna.
The Swedes did know of the allies plans for their country and that the Germans were harmless. Consequently allowed the Germans to use their railway to transport their troops back to Germany.

Because Switzerland would be the most based country on earth if only mudslimes gtfo of her

swiss user here. The reason is quite simple. The Germans needed a railway to Italy. If they invaded, our guys would have destroyed it. Especially the tunnels. It would take to much time to rebuild them. And after all, german trains were allowed to use our railways. So there was no need to invade.

And btw: At this time the swiss Banks weren't that big. But they did not refuse to deal with the Germans. Here too, no need to invade. Switzerland was more valueable to them as a neutral country.

Fun fact: the Bankkundengeheimnis was invented to help the jews. And the jews were the ones, who actually destroyed it 10 years ago. Lesson learned: Never help the jews, there is always a backlash.

Hitler removed Germany from the globalized central banking system by backing the Deutsche mark on labor instead of gold. everything in the following link refutes all of your lies


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