Chimp-out 2020

Helter Skelter is near folks.

Is this how Trump Triggers the national emergency to federalize the national guard and deputize every white american citizen?
I hope you have secured some type of firearm and a means to get to the north as far as possible.
This is from some nigger app i was looking into today. It popped in my head earlier that a genius byproduct of the shutdown is that will niggers still receive assistance during the shutdown.As it turns out they may not.

Remember to take good care of your feet,keep your powder can boil rocks and put em in your wet shoes or boots to dry them out.

I hate you
Heil hitler

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trump already extended the niggers gibs, he will do it again and again

I screen capped this thread so you can feel silly when nothing happens yet again

I hope there is spanish version of that message somewhere on facebook and a voice recording for the niggers.

Good i hopefully nothing happens and we all can prosper,but i like the chaos option too.

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It would be nice but just look at everywhere else the government won't cut the gibs until the currency is worth less than toilet paper

The only thig i can find is that they doubled up on payment for the month of jan and they get nothing next month.
Oh and the irs nigger got staffed for the tax checks.
So next time you post at least try and have some proof to help you smarmy gay retort

Im in a quiet hospital rn and kekd so hard at this

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man how will they fucking survive getting their money a month early? 4d chess for sure, nigger riots soon fellow nazi's

Is your cognitive capacity that fucking limited that you cant connect the dots?
Are you even white,your logic says otherwise as you cant see 2 steps infront of you

I bet you are a terrible pool player and a double nigger

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Yeah I'm the retard, not you living in fantasy land. The niggers are getting their gibs, like they ALREADY did you fucking clown, god damn, take your trump 55d chess and fuck off

Literally everything says there is no plan for next month so yeah I guess you are that retarded whenever you just come at me with assumptions instead of any type of factual evidence or reports dumb fuck why are you even wasting your time talking why don't you go masturbate or learn to tie a noose

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its the thought that counts

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Check the catalog, nigger.

Gotcha. Gonna try even harder now.

News flash asshole! Youre the npc im trying to break.
Open your mind to multiple options,just bc your mind is grey and bland doesnt mean everything is black or white

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Niggers will just get their Feb ebt on their card early, spend it all, like the nignorant motherfuckers they are, then will go on random looting sprees with their friends and family, to steal everything they can, and blame it on the "orange man". Orange man made me a criminal, not my 5 mile long rap sheet of prior convictions, shit.

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name it faggot

Is your cognitive capacity so limited that you believe the so-called shutdown is going to stop welfare distributions?

Trump already gave them the money

Its in my op pic,are you blind? How did you type your question?

you do realize Zig Forums will exploit this and post flyers for flash-gibz at random places just to try and trigger a full-on level 5 chimpout

This has been the 3rd+ thread on a gib stoppage happening. Yet gibs haven't been stopped. So why the threads?
What kind of misinformation slide is this?



What's the safest Whitest state to be in?

I ordered a Leupold scope for my raifu 3.5-10 power

Bought a Nightforce NSX 5.5-22 with a Barrett BORS attached for my .50


Mark 4 Long Range Tactical M5 Rifle Scope I've never used mils before, but I can't wait to learn

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I'm not converting to Jeebus though

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the chimp shall riot

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Its extended but they got February's early and now get nothing until the beginning of March. Now its the same amount of money in the end so they'd be fine if they were capable of even simple planning but we're not exactly talking about people of even average intelligence here.

Quints have spoken.
Give a nigger a fish and he'll eat it.
Give a nigger a fishing rod and he'll barter it for a fish.

And then steal it back.

Let's get this party started

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Reminder that trump has accelerated white genocide and doesn't give a flying fuck about whites. He has publicly stated that he wants white nationalists imprisoned or executed.

(cough cough)

on that fateful day i'll just park at a walmart and watch the fireworks.

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