The Truth About Cancer


Cancer is caused by LOW OXYGEN IN THE CELLS.

Otto Warburg was a German physiologist and medical doctor. In 1931 he won a Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering that human cells turn cancerous if deprived under 70% oxygen for over 48 hours.

This clearly is evidence that the human body is alkaline, and that our optimal diet is full of oxygenating foods such as alkaline fruits and vegetables. Acidic foods such as meat, dairy and processed food products deprive the body of oxygen and cause cancer.

Something important to note:


Other people to look in to:
Professor Arnold Ehret
Doctor Robert Morse

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Other urls found in this thread:!tE8G3I4Y!jxDcXSJI-ODbUbJ8F9uncJKz9NZGR65ClR6dXPSzM9M

Whatcha slidin', rabbi?

fuck off kike this thread is for europeans only


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they goyum know

baking soda cures cancer
yep that 78 cent box of arm and hammer gets the shit right out
don't tell doctor!

(((Cancer))) is a false flag created by the reptillians

Into the trash

>pushing (((veganism)))
>pushing (((anti-meat))) diets
>(((he))) thinks no one will notice
Fuck off Ari.

You mean the group that is sustained off of a keto diet, high in meat; incredibly low on carbs and no sugars?
Again: fuck off Ari.

do you have a single clue how human biology works? the human body regulates blood PH very close to neutral 7, any more and you have metabolic acidosis. Human cells also fucking die when exposed to less than 70% of a normally oxygenated environment, and human cells do not function correctly when artificially induced to continue metabolism without the fucking body its supposed to be a part of. Cancer cells die to fucking hydrogen peroxide in a lab environment, doesn't mean you should chug it.

While (((pharma))) is cancer, don't conflate genuine European medical advancement for the Jewish usurpation and profiteering from said advancement. If you want to "alkalize" your body, go ahead and drink shitty 8.5PH ultra oxygenated super-triple brazilian-cumshot distilled water you get at your grocery store for a markup on even regular bottled water that is, surprise surprise, (((marketed))) by the same (((corporate interests))) that push big pharma and has no testable effects on the human body beyond making you poorer.

also Alkalinity has absolutely zero bearing on the presence of oxygen within an environment, biological or otherwise, you fucking mongoloid.

Pics related. Video uploading to 13% done, 6 minutes to go.

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woops meant this pic related.

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So like;

James, is that you?!tE8G3I4Y!jxDcXSJI-ODbUbJ8F9uncJKz9NZGR65ClR6dXPSzM9M
OP is a kike.
Meat is essential for European health.

What a mess of a thread. But to be honest, sodium bicarbonate, baking soda, does help get rid of the acidic buildup in the kidneys and very important to your health.

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thinly veiled pro-soy thread. fuck off rabbi. as a direct descendant of north/western Europeans i can't digest your faggot nigger fruits and vegetables. i am designed to get all those nutrients from offal. like a true white.

Seriously though numbnuts, our blood is slightly alkaline. Our diseases form in our alkaline bodies. It's bullshit until you're alkaline enough to kill you.

Fuck off JIDF

Mineral water with bicarbonate in it is better for you. But it's true, an acidic composition leads to many negative health effects. Bacterial diseases thrive in acid environments but die in an alkaline body.


This is Zig Forums not /health/ nigger.

How can you be so stupid as to deduct its about some plant?

Thank you. This is the truth. Cancer is a real weapon against us. Work all your life for Rothschild than die because of cancer and get all your savings eaten up by cancer treatment. Clever idea from the jews.

Cut out sugar, and drink baking soda in water to counter cancer.

Cancer needs energy like mad and an acidic environment.
Cancer is like a mushroom which spreads in your body.

Scientists shall not find a solution because it is so much money involved in the cancer industry which is run by jews.

Well kikes are bombing syria again so maybe that's what the slide is about.

Not true. Animal products such as eggs and dairy are. Meat is an alternative. Veggietarians are the best though I am eating bison jerky as i tybe dis

Fake n gay. Only delusional faggots or ciaicides get cancer. Also, Bob Marley is waiting for you as demigod of rastapurgatory.

not sure about that.
Kikes have no interst in their business going dry.
both things are important


Can't wait to see the cancer challenge leading to a bunch of deaths on jewtube.


I feel better and take manlier shits when I eat beef.

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It's all so tiresome.

Jews are back to convince white people to not eat meat so they can sell more of it to the chinks. Fuck off.

marley was jew

The US sells a shit ton of pig to the chinks.
They should not give away their resources for magic jew numbers.

Thank you for that one, user:

Dr Royal Rife iirq also did cancer research and he was murdered for it. He was also also studying high oxygen in cancer cells.

Studies have shown that dietary measures to boost bicarbonate levels can increase the pH of acidic tumors without upsetting the pH of the blood and healthy tissues. Animal models of human breast cancer show that oral sodium bicarbonate does indeed make tumors more alkaline and inhibit metastasis. Based on these studies, plus the fact that baking soda is safe and well tolerated, world renowned doctors such as Dr. Julian Whitaker have adopted successful cancer treatment protocols as part of an overall nutritional and immune support program for patients who are dealing with the disease. The Whitaker protocol uses 12 g (2 rounded teaspoons) of baking soda mixed in 2 cups water, along with a low-cal sweetener of your choice. (It’s quite salty tasting.) Sip this mixture over the course of an hour or two and repeat for a total of three times a day. One man claims he has found a cure for cancer using baking soda and molasses and actually successfully treated his own disease by using baking soda.

Nothing can live in an alkaline environment you retard

Apparently, his (((White))) father had Syrian Jewish origins. That explains everything.

Dr. Darren Schmidt seems to be an upstanding White German-American gentlemen, telling us how to live good, healthy lives on (((YouTube))).

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Should I drink lye to be more based?

A friendly reminder that Otto Heinrich Warburg was half Jewish. He was allowed to pursue his studies under National Socialist Germany, because he was doing honest, unkiked research into cancer and other diseases of the body.

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press x

Cancer is a means of population control. Many viruses/parasites/diseases are, if they are intentionally brought into a norm or not.

Cancer is actually a good thing. Don't be a degenerate shit and you typically won't get it.

You are a cancer.

I remember many years ago watching a documentary about cancer. Long story short, people at higher altitudes have a significantly lower cancer rate, which contradicts the oxygen is the cure, might even be a contributing factor. What it did hypothesize is that people at higher altitudes receive a higher amount of radiation that people at lower altitudes.

Genuinely interesting, thanks OP.

I think I remember hearing about that.

Nice arbitrary grouping. Raw meat vs cooked meat, grass fed vs grain fed… nope, just all meat right? So thinly veiled vegan thread? How can someone at home measure their "alkalinity" then? Is this a blood test? Half-kike is still a kike. Shit op, and a shit thread

To beat/prevent cancer cut your sugar intake completely, and start fasting.


Meat is fine, it's just how it's (((processed))) makes it bad.

I have to also wonder if there's more negatively-charged ions in the atmosphere and air at higher altitudes? I certainly felt somewhat better when I was in Pueblo, Colorado than in the shitty, lower altitude kiked-up area of New Jersey where I am now.

Who knows for sure what the causal factors are, but it was a starting point. So far they haven't figured it out (that we know of).

bumping because angry jews ITT

(((Otto Warberg)))
This is bullshit.

Jersey is a polluted septic tank for NYC. Shit flows downhill. You don't have the same level of air pollution at high altitude. Though, CO is getting more poz'd by the day, so you're fucked in that state unless there's serious resistance, which there isn't.

>While (((pharma))) is cancer, don't conflate genuine European medical advancement for the Jewish usurpation and profiteering from said advancement.

It was an Israeli professor who did the pioneering work on THC compounds in cannabis (but is this even true?). I've tried helping people (no charge) inspired by Rick Simpson but it turned out to be both risky (don't trust females, tried helping two and both did exactly the opposite of what I told them to do and took risks with my freedom) and far harder to actually help than I'd have believed. One man was dying of cancer, the offer to help was made via a 3rd party and the idiot turned the offer down because his wife didn't like marijuana. Helped one old chap with bad parkinsons, he told me the tremors stopped immediately but he didn't like the effect of the THC so he's back to doing Bonham impersonations.

I've known religious people who, when sick, may have prayed for help, by sheer luck I may learn of them and make my offer and they will rear up as if offended. Who knows if I've been `pushed' into making them an offer they shouldn't refuse, but I'm largely done with trying to help now…have heard of a white lad in a wheelchair who experiences bad pain but unsure of how to make my approach because he is in care. Cannabis oil mixed with coconut oil cleaned up a wound on an old mate's leg in 2 weeks that big pharma had managed to keep unhealed for 5 years. Cleaned it up completely, I even ran my fingers over it whereas two weeks earlier I nearly did a backflip to create distance when he showed me the fetid mess.

Here's a headsup to something I overlooked: I gave an old fellow some cannabis oil and told him to take it an hour or so before bed and bob's your uncle. What I didn't consider was the time he actually went to bed. Daft bastard goes to bed later than usual one night so when he wakes up he is still off his face and when a family member rang him she thought he'd had a stroke. Heh, the fucker said he was on cloud nine without a worry in the world as they were loading him into the ambulance. God love him, he kept his mouth shut for three days while they ran tests on him. When I asked him why he didn't tell his family (I had asked him to, partly to protect my own arse and so they would understand what was going on) he said to me `fuck them, they don't need to know everything I do'

I'd be using CBD strains if I could source the seeds but I can't fucking wrap my head around using bitcoin and I get fucking angry at all the blocks society has placed between me and a fucking natural plant. Humans and dogs (hear that you chinese fuckers, your own feet are next) have endocanabinoid systems in our bodies. My theory on the dogs is men discovered they could keep the bastards quiet by slipping them a marijuana mickey with dinner. Nowhere near as bad as stories I've heard of polynesians giving babies alcohol to shut them up. Jamaican babies are supposed to be quite healthy due to the mother using cannabis and those fucking Yardies grow up to be big boys. I wonder what the Yardies think about all the African blacks pouring into England.

dry fasting cures cancer. autophagy super accelerated by metabolic water production and the burning of inadequate cells to produce water/extract proteins, all while boosting the immune system. Guess which "inadequate cells" are selectively targeted for destruction first: brain cells, heart cells, kidney cells or cancer cells? hint: its cancer cells.


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Could you explain where to get decend amount of Vitamin B12, Creating and certain Acids then?

True. Also we have lots of oil refineries here, which is good for cheaper gas, but bad and takes its toll on one's health.

When I was there in 2013, I could definitely start to see some of the (((cancer))) brewing. Another user mentioned that Denver, he say a lot of mud and bean-sharks out there, but when I was there, I didn't really see any. I guess the (((degeneracy))) is really beginning to accelerate.

I have seen these cleaning cans too, I dont think they say they kill HIV any more.

I forgot to respond to you you know you can just purchase seeds easy on the clearnet, right?

The kikes literally are importing poz from Portland and California through the tech jobs from google and all that other bullshit. That's the first wave, they open an office and move their golums in from out of state. Then they put up "services" for the homeless, meant to trap them there while laundering their money into the (((charities))) that they use for tax write offs. They then push needle exchanges and other bullshit to normalize drug use in the poor and create a drug epidemic, which they use in the same manner of the "think of the children" scare appeals they used to use on boomers. At that point, after causing enough societal turmoil, they then have the same fucking (((real-estate investors))) come in to buy shit while it's cheap, while embezzling tax money that all their (((special interest groups))) lobby for, to gentrify the area as cheaply as fucking possible while lining their pockets with all the profit they can make. Then, all the fucking yuppies and hipsters swarm in, who shift the demographics enough to let them vote in some spics which then bring every other fucking shitskin in until the state flips. All while driving up prices to force out the locals through economic warfare. Denver is already lost, as is Boulder and Fort Collins.

You're going to confuse a ton of people without further explaining this. Meat and dairy are not inherently carcinogenic by any means. You also have to balance your PH levels so going full alkaline is also bad. Meat and dairy are high in mentionine, a key amino acid that allows the body to produce glutathione, an antioxidant unique to human beings.

Low methionine = low antioxidants

Raw organic milk is high in enzymes and methionine. Meat also contains high amounts of zinc that prevents cancer.

Please elaborate on how telomeres are tied to this user.

>(((Steve Jobs))) was a fruitarian

I'd rather just make a new thread, that isn't tainted by the kikes and shitty faggot OP. Telomeres are most of the story though. When that's gone, the cell either self destructs (apoptosis) or turns into cancer… of course, you need certain secretions of the pineal gland not fucking DMT, epithalon to give the signal to the unhealthy cell to self destruct, or to lengthen the telomere.

Obvious kike user. I've sourced video ITT with proof the OP is a kike, and wrong. Europeans evolved on a meat diet. Europeans thrive off of meat.

Funny enough, there's a new video out today that does a great job of tearing apart the "red meat causes cancer" bullshit.

It's literally just another health lie with no basis.


Human blood is on the alkaline side of the PH scale. It's not crazy high like 11 but the alkalinity is still important. Youre missing my point user and youre rhetoric is retarded. If you read about Warburgs findings he says a lack of oxygen causes cancer. So youre eating acidic foods, which leads to constipation of the lymphatic system, which leads to acidosis and inflammation.

Can you read nigger? Hitler supported Warburgs research.

Yeah I lurk 99.99% of the time but no one talks about Warburg, Ehret, or Morse, all quality humans.

Its not though faggot. Why do you think humans eat the most meat ever in history and are the sickest ever in history? Our intestinal track is vastly different from carnivorous creatures. If we were meant to eat meat we would hunt the animals and eat them raw. The only food we can eat raw are fruits and vegetables. Humans are frugivores. Our Greek ancestors were fruitarian.

bless up user

Ive had family members pass from cancer. Its heartbreaking cause its a man made disease.

Jews want you to eat meat and get intestinal parasites.

Meat cucks have constipated colons hence their disposition to spew shit from their mouths.

t. kike

It doesnt contradict it. Oxygen absorption at these higher altitudes is greater. That's why people like the Tibetans, who Hitler was fond of. were highly spiritual beings.

The human body is not designed to digest decaying flesh. It's clear in our anatomy.

Not many people can jump right into dry fasting if their gut is fucked, kidneys and liver is beyond toxic, and they have parasites. That could be fatal.

It used to be in our soil until jewish mono cropping destroyed it. Doesn't mean you have to eat flesh to get it.

Meat and dairy are MUCUS FORMING. This mucus overload is what clogs up the lymphatic system that breeds disease. We are not meant to consume these any more. It might have been beneficial in our more primal days but we have the knowledge to properly eat a plant based diet.


Watch video related, based Aryan Robert Morse discusses fruit, the lymphatic system, and cancer.


Forgot to touch on this. He was around advanced technology ALL THE TIME. His diet probably extended his life. Or CIA got him.

Fucking kikes, man. What about Colorado Springs, are they fucked too?

To put it simply, the flesh you eat is riddled with the energy of the animal. That would be fear, anxiety, and ultimately DEATH. Even if you eat more naturally produced meat, you are still consuming DEATH. You are what you eat. How can you embody life and the livelihoods of our people when we all consume DEATH? From jewish ran industries? Its ridiculous.

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How could they not be? Even the places out of the way, will be flooded with hipster yuppies on their weekly vacations, if it's within 150 miles of Denver.

I want to also say that this is not conjecture. Over the years I have been phasing out acidic foods and consuming more fruits particularly. Ive never felt more alive and energized. I feel more spiritual. I see the impact my high vibrational lifestyle has on others around me. This is something we can all do. Explore it for yourself and how it makes you feel. Do the research.

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Pretty much this.

It's bad enough everyone thinks jews are hiding in every corner, but this entire thread along with the anti-vaxxer stuff just makes me cringe.

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That's right, they made a documentary. I forgot about that. Good suggestion.

Still, don't skip the book, it's got way more information than the video, including a lot of general details about the medical industry, including a disturbing history of the AMA, the story of how George Washington was killed by a medically-licensed quack, and lots more.

I don't read a lot of books, and of those I start I finish very few and only then with great effort. This book I literally could not put down until I had read the whole thing cover to cover.

Total fail shlomo, total fail.

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I tend to believe this. What will definitely kill any healthy person is medically-approved cancer "treatment."

True, but there's a lot of kikes in fields like oncology, and while I'm not 100% sure, I suspect that David Gorski, managing editor of Science-Based Medicine, is a Jew.

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Do you have any idea how retarded that is? Fruits are the most acidic foods found in nature, you fucking moron. Fermented, acidic foods, are the best part of the human diet.

Yep, I do and I've spent a fair amount of time looking at lovely strains I can't get my hands on yet, but cannabis is still illegal in New Zealand. I knew people who grew it before I decided to and obtained seed (unknown but likely Afghan and another completely unknown bag seed) and eventually a couple of Frisian Dew clones I bred into 3 other strains. Never trust a man who doesn't use cannabis but is happy to sell it. I've heard horror stories…one in particular an indoor grow, the grower was injured and couldn't tend to his crop so the spidermites (somalians of the insect world) moved in and well, you've seen Kingdom of the Spiders. Very paranoid, this chap, could've told me and I'd have saved his crop (just secure the plant in its pot and turn it upside down, hang from beam or ceiling and wash the little cunts off with a decent nozzle setting. This dude sat in here with me one night, drinking my coffee and eating my buscuits and I asked some innocuous question about his process and he inferred I might be an undercover cop. Fucker has known me over 40 years. He doesn't get in here any more though, he decided to kill two houseflies fucking on the wall next to my head after I told him to leave them alone, a trivial matter but a catalyst all the same.

I also know people (not well but enough to say gidday) who work in customs and in the post office but I'd shoot myself in the head before I'd ask another man to compromise himself for me. What happens over here, as I've been told a few times by different people, is if customs suss your seeds the bastards crush them and send them onto the home address. Fucking disgraceful, if not a little humourous. I once had a neighbour who grew White Widow (wickedly strong) but I hadn't looked into medical marijuana until after he'd left the area.

As much as I'd consider myself an advocate for cannabis oil and its excellent ability to heal I'd still agree young lads up to the age of 20 shouldn't indulge too much or at all because of brain development.

I disagree with much of the anti-cannabis waffle on Zig Forums as it relates to me in my 5th decade but do agree with the wisdom behind advising young anons to stay off drugs while they develop their backbone.

Tucker Carlson also seems to lose his equilibrium whenever he interviews that dude-weed guy (a Canadian?) and I wonder if it is because the guy looks a bit scruffy which may offend Carlson.

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Watch the Robert Morse video before you say anything faggot.

Honestly, celestial bengal spice tea, in a spray bottle, killed every last one of the fuckers in my experience. If you don't want to go with a brand, I suspect it was the cinnamon and clove oils in the tea that killed the mites, but it was easiest to just use the tea.

You flat out said that you were "phasing out acids" and "eating more fruit". Do you deny that fruit is acidic? Do you? Can you not admit to being wrong about something so obvious? In my life, I've only known kikes to act in such a manner.

There's another name every informed person should be familiar with.

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Stop posting and it'd go a long way toward fixing that problem you soy swilling jew.

I have experimented alot and i believe meat can be healthy too. The boomer you posted is just another shill for his personal views. No doubt he knows a certain pah to health but it does not disavow any other valid path.

The fact you have to come on here and shill your way as the only way says alot, Jew. I have seen it all. Every person who thinks they know the righteous path preach to others without understanding everyone has preferences and experiences.

It is all so tiresome.

Why the hell would i trust and believe what this smiling boomer is saying vs any other apparently healthy boomer on youtube?? Stop shilling personalities in it to make a brand.

Go back to reddit.

Please never post again. Your lack of basic medical knowledge hurts.

Cancers are caused by specific cell mutations. Cancer also isn't a single condition, it's a broad collection of over 100 conditions that all relate to cell mutation. There is no single cause or cure for cancer, because cancer is not a single condition.
It's like saying "we've cured posioning!", you can't have a catch-all cure for a category of widely different things.

I just argued with a histrionic narcissist irl, i dont need to repeat the same futility here.

Hypoxia is surely a contributing factor to many types of cancers but saying you got a one size fits all cure reeks of boomer mentality. People want to narrow it down to one thing to make it believable there is a single cure because that beats the multi faceted approach of living well.

Yeah, everyone who disagrees with you is a Jew. (((Oy vey)))…

To be fair, at least animals don't need to die to produce soy. I drink the stuff every day and feel great, and I'm basically the opposite of a cuck in my open relationship because my testosterone levels are just normal and not insanely high, so I'm not an aggressive piece of shit.

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