Kikes are bombing Syria again

JERUSALEM – The Israeli Defence Forces on Sunday confirmed that its missiles are “currently targeting Iranian Quds in Syrian territory” just before midnight local time as reports from the Syrian News Agency confirms massive explosions in capital Damascus.

“We warn the Syrian Armed Forces against attempting to harm Israeli forces or territory,” the statement released by the IDF said. It marks the first time Israel has confirmed they are striking Iranian targets in Syria and that it is happening in real time.

There have been unconfirmed reports since that Syrian forces are engaging with their weaponry by the Golan Heights — a region that separates Israel and Syria.

The Syrian Army started launching dozens of surface-to-air projectiles at Israeli warplanes striking near Damascus, triggering air defence systems in northern Israeli, according to local Channel 13 reporters.

A missile was launched towards Israel from Syria earlier on Sunday but was intercepted by the Israeli Iron Dome, a missile defence system. Analysts believe the strike was directed by Iranian forces in Syria, who have experienced multiple air attacks by Israel.

Attached: Video-of-Israeli-strikes-Jan-20-2019.mp4 (640x352, 691.15K)

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Pray for Israel

Push their shit in Assad

Here's a better video.

Attached: P9YiBJzl8zwjJpv5.mp4 (640x352, 2.05M)

Read Isaiah 17 and then Isaiah 22. Damascus must be destroyed, then Jerusalem is next.

but why?

The kike cry's in pain as it strikes you.


Is Israel capable of stopping Russian ballistic missiles?

Would the world do anything if Russia were to follow on radar what airport that fighter jet came from, and were to attack said airport?

So he doesn't miss?


Why so mad?

They rush pushing domestic terrorism too?

They are such a cancer
Join the meme battle against this madness:

Not their supersonic ones. Basically nothing can stop those. But the iron dome is actually vulnerable to simply mass amounts of chaff, they can't shoot down everything if Syrians send bigass volleys at one time.

How many ballistic missiles would it take to devastate an air force base with conventional exposives?

probably not much depending how fuckhueg the base is

Wow, just wow. And they actually took credit for like 2000 bombs.

Dunno, depends on how accurate they are. Not many if they can target hangars and munitions depot. Just hitting the runway and random buildings won't do much. Worst case they relocate aircraft elsewhere until it's repaired.

Is this what the kikes want to slide?
I swear, there are low effort threads being spammers the whole day, kikes want to slide something

sage negated


Wasnt a thread up yesterday or day before about russia claiming next time pissrael strikes Damascus theyre going to retaliate?

Yeah, it has been happenning in full force for the past 48h. Pathetic scared subhumans.

MAGA, and wipe out Israel.

Paper tigers pretty much

bippity bippity BUMMMMMMP just for you

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Whenever stuff like this happens I think back to how WWI began. It’s only a matter of time before Russia and America start slaughtering what remains of their youth.

Since Russia gives Israel the emitters that prevent their SAMs from targeting aircraft that have them, Syria can't stop this.
Could Zig Forums design a DIY SAM system for Syria?

Attached: s400.jpg (670x949, 89.45K)

You don't need one user, 4th generational warfare is easier, more effective and nigh impossible to counter if done right. You send in light infrantry to disable power lines, rail lines, pipelines and sever internet cables and the nation will grind to a halt and collapse upon itself economically.

What would happen if Israel had a few of their oil tankers sunk in their economic exclusive zone?

Any nation that has several hundreds of miles of unguarded pipelines that it needs for its survival shouldn't be talking a huge amount of shit.

Wake me up when Assad actually attacks israel instead of more kvetching.

All of their pets operate the same way. Why do you think the left is loaded with twinks and snowflakes?

Define "could". According to homo Graham and his butt buddy Kavanaugh, you would be an OK target for a drone. Because who the nigger hell needs no motherfucking constitution? We have fucking kikes to lub.

So no, no way man. You can't do that shit, there are no constitutional protections, see, that shit right there, that's a scam.

Only the shitholes in Washington are allowed to supply kid killers (example, the 48 Yemeni kids killed by 1 bomb of Ratheon/Hillary/Saudis).

You would be, you see, aiding a terrorists, and as such forfeit your bullshit motherfucking rights, because the kikes never afforded you any. It's a big fucking scam.

My dearest nigger, you have no government, it's not yours. Perhaps it's the government of women - whores - but it doesn't do one goddamn thing for men. Why it facilitates the butchers in torturing/mutilating sexually babies on a massive scale. Needless to say, sexual torture/mutilation not under consent. They're babies. Male babies, so nobody cares, because women are the most callous pieces of crap God ever made. Oh, let's not kid ourselves. It wasn't that way. God is nothing but shit to us, as men. Let us call him The Monster Woman-God.

I felt a great happiness in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out OY VEY and were suddenly silenced. I fear something totally awesome has happened.

- Adolf Hitler, sensing the destruction of Israel

Attached: hitler dance.gif (200x200, 183.19K)

Anything that costs israel money would just result in increased payments from america.
So congrats all you accomplish is fucking us over more than we already are.

Well, that's simply because the ADL bribes Congress. See, that's what the spy agencies are there for. To guarantee the money laundering continues. Do you think they're innocent? The glow niggers steal all the time. Like Mueller, he fucks kids. They're all dirty motherfuckers.

Watch how quickly Trump declares martial law in the Middle East to save Israel.

I don’t think Syria is classified as such, otherwise we would have completely destroyed their nation.

Let us call him what he is, a filthy good for nothing jötunn.

More like millions of voices crying out Allahu Akbar and then being muffled by the sound of the Israeli national anthem.

What will be the trigger that causes local kikes to be on the receiving end of global justice?


It's not our country. It's an oppressor. Give it no quarter, and afford it no affection or love.

Yeah, and no one would see that or oppose it.

Every Zig Forums guy should visit Israel and burn some cables in those ground holes covered with covers , its easy and you can use a delayed fuse so no one will know it was you.

Im american


I think you're getting a little hung up on the ballistic part, but if you somehow manage to get accuracy similar to conventional bombs (unguided, you won't get the same precision as guided munitions can), then you'd require a similar amount of explosives. A ballistic missile just means that the rocket burns out before it reaches the target, usually lobbed on an upward trajectory. With ICBMs, which have the largest rockets and thus fall from the greatest height, generally reach freefall speeds that are allegedly difficult to intercept. Russia and USA are alleged to have the capacity to intercept several warheads, but would fall short in full scale nuclear war. Israel has the Arrow 3 system (thanks to JewSA) which is only capable of intercepting the ICBMs while they're still in space and traveling relatively slowly, though other countries have anti-satellite missiles which could potentially be tasked to take out ICBMs (systems capable of defending against nuclear weapons have traditionally been frowned upon internationally as being unsportsmanlike because they allow a nation to launch a first strike without having to worry about retaliatory nukes, a scenario that might interfere with the greatest israel hegemony).
Because it's highly impractical to fire conventional weapons via ICBM, one would justifiably assume that any inbound warheads are nuclear in nature (biological and chemical weapons might be effective as well, it would be quite unusual to do so), and because of this, the sending of conventional explosives or even dummy warheads would be treated geopolitically the same as if someone had in fact fired nuclear warheads upon, so you might as well fire actual functioning nukes and glassify your enemies.
On a tangential note, does anyone remember the name of that Israeli appointed by Obama to a position that includes the ability to authorize the use of US's nuclear arsenal?

holy fuck.
looks like this is it.

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I'll check those )))esoteric((( Blitzkrieg dubs!

muh oil

mad digits, 699 699

I told you, leave me alone.

Oy vey. Look at these terrorist spies reporting on the military actions Israel takes to defend herself. Fucking disgusting. We need to talk to Bill Gates about closing up parts of the internet.

I stand with Israel. They are white after all.

Another reason I stand with Israel is that they are a civilized people. You won't find a booming tech center in Palestine, Syria, or Iran. Intel for instance does much of their chip design in Haifa. For that trait alone, the Israelis are more valuable to me than any other middle-eastern nation. Where would you rather vacation, Israel or the Gaza Strip? Exactly.

Israel, absolutely. I saw photos and those beaches are beautiful.

And have you seen the women? I'll take that over a burka any day. Got myself one of these shirts online, can't wait for the fireworks. *sips*.

Attached: hot sexy women female girl hot beautiful cute soldier troop member Israel Defense Forces (IDF Hebrew צְבָא הַהֲגָנָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל‎‎  Tzva Hahagana LeYisra&.jpeg crosshairs.png (795x960 124.95 KB, 89.16K)

That's why I love Israel. We need to show their good side to the world. Israeli anime when?


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Who is this jew? Very big nose.

Where am I?

Attached: jew must die.jpg (1024x543, 55.92K)

disgusting… justice is dead

I feel overwhelming lusting inside me to grab beauty in first image right by the pussy into my bedroom for long passionate romancing. Very good sex can be had with her.

Low-key boomer posting.

Not sure if trolling or just really stupid.

Do you also desire fucking niggers?

Not trolling. I fucking love Israel.

No. they are for whites.

That is not even trolling. But nice digits.

But that is why i don't stand with Israel. I want to see poor jews without power. I would rather have vacation in holocausted Israel.

QTs. How come these girls are so much nicer than the Jews in LA/NYC?

gas yourself

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Than this is not place for you.

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No, they didn't, yidshill. The Yidsraelis went to Putin begging for those codes, right after arranging that ECM-aided friendly fire incident, and were promptly rebuffed.