
- Anti-Communism
- Anti-Nazism
- Anti-Capitalism
- Anti-Socialism
- Anti-Racism
- Anti-Imperialism
- Anti-Globalism
- Anti-Goverment
- Tribalism
- Simple Life in Nature
- Science
- Anti-Drugs
- Anti-Smoking
- Anti-Alcohol
- Anti-Animal Abuse(Not pro veganism)
- Anti-Porn
- Anti-Feminist
- Anti-Liberalism
- Anti-LGBT
- Preservation of all races, but without mixture.

All in one sentence - Leave me alone, i want to live my human life as it should be lived properly.

Rehabilitate one of the oldest symbols by man kind. Which represents luck and good fortune.

Welcome to Telvannism.

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So pro niggerism
And Judaism
FUCK off

get off my lawn

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Its not Pro-Judaism, Judaism should stay in judea.

Its not pro-niggerism

Are you high right now?

No, just sharing an ideology.

where do you live? I'd like to share some bullets

Share it with yourself sir.

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you sound like an autistic 15 year old lel

so what the foreign policy … how does it deal with a foreign opponent that is stronger than it?

what ist he military of telvannism

shits dead on arrival

Good one, its actually derived from Telvanni word.

Good question, military if necessary only in defending your home and family.

Do you expect actual political discussion from spergs who have a knee-jerk reaction to everything?

no one cares

No, i just shared an ideology. But on Zig Forums there are 90% nazis so what should i expect. National-Socialism is working like a drug on brain, when you take it its hard to think anything besides NS.

It just seems like some underaged larping shit not even you are taking seriously. Also you posted the same thing to cuckchan.

Yeah on the first sight it seems like larping, but i just wanted to see how would people react thats why i shared this with you and cuckchan.

I dont see any way I can justify hurting someone else to cope with my inferiority complex through this ideology. Sorry user, I need my violence to be justified or else ill hate myself for simply being a tyrant.

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So what's your Patreon page?

Sounds good to me. Where does the name come from?

Go home varg you dumb faggot.

Is there any literature for this, or is this something you are working on?

After googleing:

It's from fucking elder scrolls. Fuck I hate this board.

delete this

how about you fuck off into the cuck shed and leave us to create our aryan empire

Telvannism… like Joel Osteen? Wait, that's televangelism.
Now the wheels are turning… how about we all infiltrate Osteen's social media and redpill him on NS? We could use a few high-level spokesmen. We clearly had Steve King on board but he didn't know how to be subtle. I think religious leaders are arguably the best confidence men.

Follow me. A politician is a con artist going for the long con, but is paid by the central banks. Religious leaders are running the same racket but they are financed by their parishioners.
Show a few religious leaders the truth, they start working it into their sermons. NatSoc is based, honest, factual; all we need to do is show them the proof.
The biggest hurdle I see is in packaging. Sending the right graphs, pdfs and memes. Preachers read scripture for a living… the message needs to fit in their wheel house. Also keeping the larpers and tards from ruining it will be an issue.

How are you gonna create it? By jacking off to anime and responding to bait?

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Day of the rope you get to go next to the other degenerates.

What larpy bullshit is this, I can make any term I want for a political ideology. Do you have any books on this? Anything?

Its from elder scrolls

No such thing as "Nazism."

Varg would include anti-Judaism, anti-niggerism, and other such things. And would take out "Nazism," because such a thing doesn't exist.

There's a lot of idiots in this thread, but it doesn't mean it's a good idea and that those are shills.

The reality is, this is the first time I hear of this and that is important to get a movement going. If you re-frame something as new, then it is easier to get it going.

For example, everybody here knows National Socialism. if you go under that flag, there are already people there who are on your side. But Pulloutofmyassism is a new thing, and there's nobody on that boat, nor there is the will to join.

For a movement to be successful, you have to start with something memeable. This is paramount.

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sweet digits confirm op needs to commit suicide shortly after fucking off