Get in here, user. Injun Nathan Philips is a Crisis Actor The fucking CIAniggers don't even seem to bother anymore with hiring new blood or changing legal names before doing Sandy 'Sandmann' Hoax events.
Phillips is the subject of the award-winning 2013 documentary film Between Earth and Sky in which he and his wife Shoshana, travel back to his Omaha reservation after his wife was diagnosed with bone-marrow cancer (which she died of in 2014)
In 2012, Phillips and his son appeared in the music video for "Make It Bun Dem", a song by Skrillex and Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley. In a 20 February 2017 interview that took place during the Dakota Access Pipeline protests (DAPL), Phillips explained he had answered the casting call at the time because he wanted to help his children cope with his wife's cancer.
Maria Stanisheva She directed his 'documentary' "Between Earth and Sky"
Maria’s work for Human Rights Watch have been featured on CNN and BBC
#TogetherToEndMaleGuardianship She was involved in a feminist viral marketing campaign that targeted Saudi Women The animated shorts were released in July 2016 and generated over 10 million views which got them the title "HRW's most viewed video on Facebook for 2016”. The campaign was featured in the Independent (UK), the New York Times and EURONEWS and #TogetherToEndMaleGuardianship went viral. According to CNN and BBC the grassroots movement that the campaign created led to over 14,000 Saudi women signing a petition asking for the government policy to be changed.
Tres Revoluciones (Documentary) (producer) (pre-production) 2017 The Trump and Jesus Show (Documentary) (co-producer) 2016 Together to End Male Guardinaship (TV Mini-Series) (producer) 2014 What Difference Does It Make? A Film About Making Music (Documentary) (line producer: second shoot) 2012 Between Earth and Sky (Documentary short) (producer) 2012/III Father (Documentary short) (producer) 2011 Garden of Eden (Documentary short) (producer) 2008 Media & Diversity (TV Mini-Series) (producer)
What a stupid fucking event in that case. Should have added some “Custer did nothing wrong” to the script instead of the jewboy just smirking. I suppose they want it known no matter what you do, if you don’t toe the line you’ll get ruined.
You really think that super masculine jaw looks like a faggoty jew jaw? You know other people have big noses… right? Like the English and Italians…
Logan Davis
Shoshana (Shoshanna(h)) (שושנה) is a Hebrew feminine first name. It is the name of at least two women in the Bible, and via Σουσάννα (Sousanna), it developed into such European names as Susanna, Susan, Susanne, Susana, Susannah, Suzanne, Suzie, Sanna and Zuzana. The original Hebrew form Shoshana, from which all these are derived,[1] is still commonly used in contemporary Israel, often shortened to "Shosh" or "Shoshi". In Biblical times "shoshana" referred to a lily (from Lilium family); in modern Hebrew it is often understood as referring to a rose.
Nathan Perry
Catholic Boarding School childhood, followed by the Vietnam war and alcoholism, gave Nathan Phillips, aka Sky Man according to his Native American Omaha belief, a good reason to be angry with the world. He managed to move on by meeting his Earth woman but now that the family is fighting cancer, his anger is growing.
The film’s initial plan is to follow the family and Nathan’s belief that he can pray cancer away from his wife via traditional healing techniques. Along the way plans change drastically as the desperate husband sees the film as his only way out.
tl;dr don't pray, just take your meds, goyim. Praying and natural healing techniques are bad, mmmmmkay?
Jack Robinson
haha as soon as I saw this stinky chug I immediately thought of Chief Dan George, the biggest professional wise indian man of the late sixties. My friend Dave encountered him one Saturday night at the old Alcazar Hotel downtown Vancouver wearing a new white buckskin suit (with fringes) rolling drunk on the dirty floor of the filthy old pub packed with underage schoolgirls ( I was drinking down there when I was 15. When we went down there a couple years later and there were bullet holes in the front window we decided to drink somewhere else),
Fucking chugs are such pompous fucking fraudulent welfare drunks. they are actually much more contemptible than a nigger. A nigger can get it together to buy a car, a nice car and fix it up. It may be in vulgar taste but still he'll get it painted and put rims on it and shit. A nigger will also take great pride in maintaining a wardrobe of dressy clothes and expensive shoes that he'll keep shiny and new looking.
All this is far far beyond the abilities of a stinking chug who is much more likely to simply shit his (or her) pants deliberately out of sheer malice and spite and passive aggressiveness.
Landon Anderson
Jaxon Allen
He's not a crisis actor so much as he's the native American version of Jesse Jackson, basically a race pimp.
Justin Thomas
So is he an activist who happens to be an actor or is he an actor who happens to be an activist? All the people he worked with are kikes and feminists who have connections to CNN, the Crisis News Network
Jace Powell
I called to ask her about Nathan, but she's not picking up.
Gabriel Roberts
He’s one of the tards on this board that have never actually met a jew in real life. Otherwise he would know that’s not a Jew but a faggot with a big nose.
Gabriel Miller
Robert Rodriguez
Nathan in Washington DC. They hired him on the spot.
Of course we've all seen him CNN, the Fake News Network
Jayden Gray
The injun is established as a crisis actor. How weird would it be if the Magakid was actually Jewish and this is yet another example of Jews working with paid actors to control the narrative?…
Jackson King
He doesn't look like a crypto-kike to me, but then again, we live in the age of plastic surgery. There are men who made themselves look like women, so it's not unreasonable to assume that there are crypto-kikes who make themselves look like goyim.
Nothing more tiresome than "X doesn't have a button nose ergo Jew"
Kayden Morales
It's also good for bisnis. CNN has virtually no audience unless there's a big news story that gets everyone riled up. The dinosaur newspapers have something to write about and all the wrong people are happy.
Cameron Adams
Yeah. Before plastic surgery a straight nose was considered a clear indicator of greek or german ancestry.
Owen Perez
true, satan. guess i'll dump some proofs the magakid is a kike. one minute.
Carter Mitchell
Austin Morris
stupid nigger
Jaxon Cooper
Luke Adams
Ok. So I have a couple of posts to show MAGAkid is in fact a kike. First, let's take a look at his mom. Her surname is Weis which comes from Weiss. Weiss is a German surname used by Jews. So take a look at her pic and decide for yourself if she has the stereotypical Goblin phenotype. I've also included a pic of his mom's father, Tery Weis. You can clearly tell he's Jewish. His mom also works for Fidelity Investments headed by a Rothschild.
This is MAGAkid's dad. He works for a refrigerated trailer company owned by a Jew and with operations in Israel. Very suspicious. A lot of connections can prbly be found if user gets bored. Here's some to get you started.
The company he works at, Kidron, is a member of the VT Hackney company owned by Steve Miller.
Good stuff. Sandmann is definitely a german surname. Sand means sand and mann means man. So far so easy, but the real question is are they of german or jewish origin. In the middle ages the german forced the jews to get german surnames and even before that jews adopted german surnames to blend in. Do you have more pictures of them? Add some links if you can.
Jacob Cox
This is what I have so far. Still digging though. Here's some links:
Weisskopf even though it is a german name is almost 100% a jewish surname, because jews were divided into two camps whites and blacks, those who had white hair and those who had black hair. This is why there are so many jews named "Shwartz", which is german for black. Weiss falls into the same category.
Cameron Howard
Interesting I didn't know that.
Chase Walker
They just pay people to instigate shit and follow them around with cameras. When i went to a Trump rally in Phoenix i saw the media flocking around individuals as them did role playing shit. The people with the signs are paid to stand there and get pictures taken.
After the rally was over antifa just clashed with cops on some street for 25 minutes and that faggot got hit in the nuts with the smoke bomb. I am pretty sure that the moment the police walked away antifa did as well. All of that shit you watch on the news with smoke bombs, people screaming, and signs is for the most part staged.
Aaron Murphy
UK is a masonic dogwhistle, U = 3, K = 11, UK = 33 The U also represents the underworld, pic related.
Julie is of course a favorite jewish surname since it has the jew in it. Jew - lee, Jew - lie
Lucas Peterson
LOL. Don't you idiots realize that the Jews STOLE the Hexagram? It was never originally Jewish, it was given to King David to "ward off the spirits" and "Control" them. The Hexagram is a sacred symbol of geometry, as is the Unicersal Hexagram you have all assumed has origin in Freemasonry with their symbol (Which isn't Unicersal, it is based in the original).
Wise up.
David Carter
Yeah, why not. If you want to argue like that, then swastika is not a nazi symbol and the peace is not a hippie symbol. Yes, people all over the world use symbols, sometimes they have the same or a similar meaning and sometimes they have a different meaning. In this case they have a different meaning.
Nicholas Morgan
The swastica isn't a hippie symbol, it is an anicent symbol that has origins even before Budism, and it's symbolism in Nazism is in an invoking manner. The Swastica is a form of Pentagram. The Peace Symbol was originally created out of the Semiphore symbols for "A" and "N", and used for The Citizen's Commitee for Nuclear Disarment in the UK in the 1950's. It was taken by the hippies in the 60's and the creator was sad that it's original meaning was stolen.
I use the Hexagram and Unicersal hexagram often. I am not a Jew. You find images of the Hexagram and you think "Wow, Jew much?" You're just too privy. All the schizo posting about "This is a freemaosnry symbol" with a hundred loose ends and poor gementria is what seems to sells on this board.
Cameron Rogers
That's my point. If you saw someone on the street with a swastika, you wouldn't assume that they are Buddhists and if you saw someone with a peace symbol, you wouldn't assume that they are pagans.
You are the only who used the term freemasonry. I said it's a masonic dogwhistle and the U represents the inverted mountain, the underworld, which is true.
He's not a crisis actor. He's a virtue signalling paint huffer who saw a group of negro "wewuzjewsnsheeit" harassing a bunch of idiot catholic school kids too stupid to realize the danger they were in. These sort of events are stew pots of fucking crazy. "White man came, gave me free healthcare, education. White man bad. Crazy Niggers pretending to be Jews good. Orange man bad. Hiyah [x3]."
Gabriel Myers
You are a great coincidence theorist. Everything is a coincidence and this has absolutely nothing to do with the next dem candidate, who is almost certainly going to be Elizabeth Warren. There are a million things going on in the world right now, but CNN just so happens to focus on this event on some random catholic high school where some random people had a random encounter. It's all a coincidence. Orange man good. Pocahontas good. Civnat good. western wall good.
Ummm…don't commit violence. That is reserved for the subhuman savages we are importing?
Cooper Wood
This professional activist and others like him need to be called losers, as they are. Too many articles are working the "mob", "war tribe" angle. The media cabal and free-range twattosphere was the social mob. The dude didn't even rise to that level of worthlessness, he wallowed in his own filth even further down the food chain. A pansified, slight, ineffectual, speck of a creature. Projected large by the media, but immaterial and formless like all projections. Is any matter even there? This sad sack of allegedly human flesh should not be portrayed as some warrior, even in a critical way. Imagining being however many decades old and this being what your day-to-day is. This is what he's done with his life. This is his big accomplishment. This is his legacy. Framing a random high schooler to your sedentary but mouth-foaming art school failure and trust fund feminist commentariat friends to get yourself some updoots. Just imagine being this pathetic.
Hudson Perez
Funny shit this "veteran" that's been through war was some how got fucked in his ass by a high school kid wow must be rough
John Diaz
natural & organic meme
Thomas Wright
Hi, Special Agent Goldstein! Did Langley get any of this snow storm this weekend?
Charles Nelson
Jackson King
It's funny you used the term "MOB" because I find it more descriptive of these types of entities than "NPC".
Jonathan Richardson
Only a half shekel has been deposited to your account due to the low effort.
Jason Collins
Begone, shill.
Jack Edwards
Hit the redskin, user. Hit him The redskin called you a faggot He said that you don't have the guts to blow up a federal building. Do you let redskins humiliate and insult you?
Connor Jenkins
The Injun scum called your mother a whore. Pay him a visit, user and defend the honor of your mother if you know what i mean, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
This kind of music is just embarrassing. Imagine if white man's music had never gotten past smacking a dead animal with a stick and yelling vowels over it.
You're completely right but you should also keep in mind that since, as you say, most people are not aware of this, that you must also accept that there are going to be many uses of the symbol which are only intended to carry the newer meaning, and not the original one
Cameron Flores
Bump for exposing another crisis actor and another (((MEDIA HOAX)))
Hello Juif, Do you honestly expect us to believe that ~25% or so of high school students are not only Trump supporters, but wear MAGA hats and MAGA scarfs? I've never ever seen a MAGA scarf outside of a Trump rally and yet the little kid in the background wears not only a ZOGbot scarf, but a brand new Trump 2020 scarf. What are the odds that all of these high school students spend their allowance on brand-new Trump hoodies, hats and scarfs? 1 in 6 million? You must be a completely delusional and borderline retarded Trumpnigger or a shill if you think that this is a natural & organic video. The video is 100% staged.
This was in the march for life, not a random average high school student gathering. Imbecile.
Josiah Jackson
Christian Myers
Good thing you mentioned that. There should be less Trumpnigger hats and Trumpnigger hoodies, because he is on record as being not only a pro-choice liberal on social issues, but he's on record as being in favor of abortion and third trimester abortions. It doesn't get any worse than that. The odds of this video not being staged is 1 in 6 million. Staged, 100% staged.
alright simmer down you're diving into facebook-tier posting
Nolan Torres
(1) You tell me, what are the odds that pro-life high-school kids buy and wear brand-new campaign apparel of a pro-choice candidate? What are the odds?:
I call bullshit on him being a Vietnam veteran as the last conscripts were born in 1952, and he was born in 1955.
Aaron Morris
Of course he wasn't a veteran, the whole thing is staged.
James Rodriguez
It is incredibly likely actually.
Tyler Rogers
wikipedia doesnt have his age he looks like he was born in the late 50s i doubt he was old enough to fight in the vietnam war
Dylan Martin
It's probably some bullshit like he was an army cook at some base in Nebraska in the 70s. Rather than just plainly and truthfully saying "I served in the military" and getting the respect due to anyone who does that, he decided to go full retard and say he's a war veteran so leftists can continue this "even conservatives are abandoning Trump" narrative they've got going.
Levi Bailey
Really? How many kids wore campaign apparel when you were in high school? Like one or two? When i was in high school there were only a handful of kids with Ron Paul shirts and i saw maybe 10 people with Obama stickers. Months before the election the school board banned clothes with political statements altogether. Most schools do not allow you to wear campaign merch.