Look at these profoundly retarded mongoloid shitskinned sheboon cuntwhores that are retardedly acting like they're dying (I wish) because they didn't get their daily welfare checks due to Gov shutdown. Fucking brainlet primates.
>Need muh welfare now ooga ooga booga
Other urls found in this thread:
Funny how her whole family is employed by the federal government. Probably because no one else would employ them.
Why are retarded niggers or illegals always hired as security guards? Why would you want to hire the people who create crime to protect shit? I know the reasons, but still it never ceases to bother me.
Get a real job Shequanda.
"pawn mah jew-elry"
Works ah Hirshhorn Museum…kek
"I'm axsin him.."
I wish someone had posed that question to Ron Paul. If you shut down all the government departments, what do you do with all the niggers who used to be in make-work positions.
I'm curious what kind of jobs they had. I mean if their entire families are employed by the gubment maybe this diversity hire meme is more real than I expected.
WP confirmed as racists. The lady clearly said:
>Five people in ma family is furloughed. When they wrote the transcript, it says are furloughed. Are they saying that African English isn't good enough? I'm more than upset.
Your job was a hand out.
I mean. Those aren't humans user. Do you expect them to function well on their own?
not proofreading.
Where the fuck do you think the meme came from? Seriously user.
Americans believe this, and they believe the government shutdown matters. What's more: all the pandering Trump and republicans made for baste nigger votes certainly can't compete with crying sheboons.
I knew there was truth behind it but I underestimated how true it was.
The point of Trump publicly helping niggers isn't to convince niggers of anything; it is to redpill whites on the entitled, ungrateful, parasitic, subhuman nature of the nigger
Keep dreaming MAGAman; Trumpenstein isn't here for whites but (((them))).
Paid actor. Pelosi or Schumer probably dropped a 100 grand into her account just to fake crying on camera.
Honestly lmao at crying sheboons. One of the reasons why the government has become shit is their is far to many niggers in government jobs being over paid for minimal work or just abusing the power like we have seen with the shitskin judges. Then accounting for the fact that niggers or shitskins in law enforcement create more crime from corruption. A nigger sheriff groped some young teen in San Diego while off duty then ran off so who knows what that nigger was doing otherwise.
Yep and its well known niggers and beaners set up inside jobs if its anything valuable.
And yet the transcriber still typed "brung"
Listening to niggers """speak""" infuriates me.
'Dem huwite folk need to gibs me muh jahhb back. Free Coon ties on MLK Day! Remember to punch a nigger today anons.
Lmao how entitled can one be?>>12700832
As much as I'm sceptical when it comes to Trump, this may be the result of this charade. I hope he double downs on the parasitic government slackerd.
The government shutdown is the best thing Trump has ever done.
I don't even care if he's a shill, every politician is a shill that's their job.
Keep the government shut down until there's a wall. No compromise. If you have to go down with the ship so be it.
And no amnesty whatsoever. They all have to go back. Every last howling sniveling whimpering hate America beaner shitball spic asshole starting with Jorge Ramos
Ha ha
Aw hell naw I needs maw shickin!
That's bullshit they get unemployment and backpay
Five blowjobs per day will easily pay rent and a bucket of chicken
New Career u lazy bitch
TAX season Muh Returns the time of year where people get excited to get a small chunk back of illgottin gains that was stolen from you by the (((IRS))) last year hard working folk depend on this the low hanging fruits of labor in which gets ravaged by the over lords and distributed to his slaves as to create a dependence on him for they not know they are free if they are under a spell of a force that could Stop the gibs from flowing and they could starve or at the very least have a utility bill cut the slave will listen to his betters and do as told for the over lords have spoken Vote Democrat
Seriously though
Babies first Government shut down the Fake news™Needs to stop getting the Niggers poor folk and vegans all riled up and basically fear mongerring them to the point of a nervous breakdown before the go full retard and get in over their heads the government will get it's taxes. One way or another and the Mob will get it's gibs the threat will not work it's a ploy to open discussion on the talk of our nations Future and i for one confident it will be ok and comfy
Veganism is stupid and basically a religion, but what does that have to do with the shutdown? Did I miss something?
Niggers are only capable of survival in a white society as parasites.
What is it about sheboons that makes them the most intolerable existence on this Earth? How do they beat out the male niggers and the jews, both of whom want to rob me and kill me, for being just the most horrendous things around?
What is that hideous post-modern jewish shit?
this isn't really all that bad though. atleast these niggers are working and not leeching off welfare. some kind of federal make-work job (preferably something productive) should be a requirement for receiving any form of welfare benefits; and make work jobs should be used to get the homeless off the fucking streets.
though i guess it's not welfare if they have a federal job. the point is welfare should be completely eliminated and replaced with minimum wage government work.
Have you a shred of compassion within your bodies? Those people have no ability to plan, so it is no wonder they live handout to handout, but that does not mean you should hate on them freely. Try to put yourself in their shoes for once.
I agree completely, user.
Therefore the best and most moral option possible would be to ship these poor souls off to Africa where they can live their simple hunter-gatherer subsistence lifestyle in their small tribes, as God intended.
It's worse than I imagined
(smacks lips)
dat muhfuggin Trunk betta fix muh stuff yumsayin
(grabs junk)
he betta be sendin me some canned lobstuh and canned scrimps too. mm hmm
they have Federal jobs AND food stamps AND section ape just to make sure all 8 of their kids (and 1 on the way) can eat; plus baby daddies and a Cadillac parked out front
(breaths heavily)
Oh no you deen't garlfren.
(pounds chest)
thos are my lobsters and scrimps
now get in my belly
Fuck these people; they're perfectly capable of working, they've just been trained to sit and wait on their hand-outs. They deserve all that's coming to them.
This. No sympathy to parasites; starting with the kikes
But Jewish people are hard working.
Wooo boy! Take a break from posting.
I guess white people will just have to tolerate more terrorism, murders and rapes.
I can't remember the exact quote but something like 80% of 'employed' niggers work for the federal government. So the federal government is nothing but a catch-all for niggers so that private corporations don't have to hire them and get massacred on the 'productivity' end of the arrangement. They can 'work' (and if you have ever 'worked with any of the flavors of subhuman you know this word 'work' doesn't mean much) for the feds and do nothing all day. Push some papers around…basically, the federal government is Adult Daycare for retards so that they can't POZ the private sector.
To destroy everything maybe.
Most of us do have compassion - and kind of a lot of it. Our compassion is why we are here today.
Consider what all of us have seen out of the niggers - we have seen them shoot each other repeatedly, we have seen them shoot our own people repeatedly, we have seen them beat their children bloody (and sometimes dead), we have seen them beat our children bloody (and again, sometimes dead. We see this behavior repeatedly.
It is no wonder that we want these people gone. We have compassion for them - we would rather they not cut each other senseless, we would rather they not cut us senseless - but we also know that we cannot live peacefully around the nigger. It is because we also have compassion for people other than the nigger that we grow to hate the nigger - the nigger causes pain to everyone and everything around it.
It is not cold-hearted to hate things that are evil. It is cold-hearted to lend your compassion to a people that delight in the slaughter of our own people and our children. The most compassionate thing that we could do would be to hang every nigger from a rope - this would surely cause the least amount of death down the line, as our grandchildren and great-grandchildren would live happily in a society free of niggers. Perhaps the second most compassionate thing we could do is to ship them all back to Africa - a place where the niggers can cut each other up freely.
But it is fine for us to sit here and laugh at these niggers suffering over not being able to manage their finances at all.
Still counts.
Why should I accept a greater burden because of their failings?
Because the pay is usually $15 an hour give or take (that's very low around here) and the only ones who ever show up to job interviews are niggers and spics.
They're also usually the leftovers because the 'better ones' are getting paid $20/hr under the table at a nightclub where they can sell drugs or take cash at the door to further supplement their income.
Anytime you're hiring entry level work where the candidate is going to be an out of college age you're going to have a hard time.
No, it isn't. You must be new here.
Of course they can work. What do you think they were brought over here for.
Serious question, how do we solve the nigger problem?
In order to defeat the nigger, you must become the nigger. If every white person in the states starts acting like the niggers, soon enough, they’ll have no other option but start working harder in order to outdo the white niggers. If no one is working, then someone will start working because there will be no one to pay the welfare. After that, everyone will be working again and the problem will be solved.
No thanks. I could never be a nigger.
You should try it and while you're at it, make love to a Black Queen. It will change your life.
Are you even trying at this point? How fucking transparent can you be?
This was the first good laugh I've had in several days, thanks user.
I've been living neck deep in 'minorities' and their ways my whole life, shut the fuck up faggot.
This. Not to mention these are federal niggers who are directly tasked with systematically harming all white people. Their tears over this warrant no empathy, only ironic amusement.
Imagine what a year long shutdown could accomplish.
I'm only trying to help here.
Then tell your jewish whore mother to fuck a nigger, not white people.
Pretty much
First of all, my mother is white, her religion has nothing to do with it.
Second of all, you're being rude.
Third of all, I'm only trying to help you people get along, it's 2019 after all.
You're going to burn in hell.
I hope you rot in Abaddon, faget.
And yet it seems to just make older whites all the more eager to notice based niggers saying something conservative. You need an incentive in order to swallow the redpill, and older white conservatives have no incentive to disavow a lifetime of turning a blind eye to the obvious, seeing as how it's gotten them this far. Sad but true. Maybe the younger whites are getting something out of this but they won't be in a position to do anything about it for years, if ever. Hoping for the best from Trump in the meantime is not a solution even if he's playing chess, and if he is he's clearly bluffing the patience of whites where he should be calling the jews' bluff instead. That's a weak play, and we are weaker for supporting it. That's why MAGA shit doesn't fly here anymore.
You are not trying to help.
If you were you'd leave this place and go into the streets and denounce you people for their wretchedness.
You know better, we know better, go help or hang yourself.
Good post, OP. I used this video as a teaching tool for my son on the difference between owning land and a business, versus being a dependent sack of shit. How people who take care of themselves and their families are government-proof, while lazy stupids are at the mercy of bookkeeping errors.
Not a fag today.
If by being wretched, you mean being better than everyone else, then you’re right. Admit it, your only chance at survival is miscegenation, at least that way you could put your scum genes to good use. The future is ours, so stop living in the past.
The 'boon who starred in this video was a security guard at the Hirshborn Museum. That's an art gallery attached to the Smithsonian that celebrates all the best of (((modern art))).
You'd think the kikes would have found a more sympathetic figure to be the face of the shutdown's casualties. The way it is, I'm wondering why we even have a (((Hirshman Collection))) at the Smithsonian.
Yes of course, you follow us to the darkest corners of the internet to interject in our discussions because we're actually the ones who are insecure about you being superior. Jews aren't funny anymore but they sure haven't lost their knack for comedy.
Look at them living by a victim principle, but then unleashing ad hoc racism against any opponent. They're the own religion at this point.
Just fucking let the blacks replace you lol. It's going to be better that way.
Would you really cut off her welfare? I mean come on dude, it's like her life support.
el goblina
That's why real communism works.
the problem with government shutdowns is that each time the government shutdown happens it becomes less effective because they add in more provisions to the shutdown for instance Clinton passed a law for disability not to be affected
She needs free gibs for her fake hair.
That's why you need to have 10 (20 to be absolutely certain) months of living expenses in liquid assets.
They don't have to be trained to sit on their asses. They do the same thing in Africa. Nigger villages could have 10 times their current wealth if the inhabitants would put in 20 hours of work a week to irrigate the crops or mend a few enclosures, but they never do shit. Niggers in Africa wake up in the morning, go and sit in front of the tin shack the whites built for them, and chew khat all day. Then they eat whatever the women cooked, before going back to sitting around all evening. The kids gather firewood, and then they sit around all night by the fire. In the morning, they start over again.
Nothing red-fucking-pills you about niggers faster than seeing them in their natural habitat. Not 100%, but very close to it, just pray for a stroke of luck that makes them rich without working.
This is basically what Islam teaches too. It's no wonder half of Africa is Muslim and the other half is Catholic, and the Protestants have barely made headway on the continent. Protestant missionaries all preach self-reliance and hard work, while the Catholic missionaries essentially cast spells in Latin and give away free food. Which religion do you think will attract more niggers?
That first picture.
Boomers being boomers is just how it goes. Telling the truth is its own reward, even if nobody listens.
That's another redpill for your normies. Non blacks usually have family help or friends help. Niggers have nobody because there all welfare slaves.
thats how fragile this house of cards really is. It would turn into a 3rd world zoo if niggerbux were completely shut off. EBT still works, right? just imagine how quickly things can and will eventually go to shit once the sheckels dry up or the system is damaged enough to halt the flow of bux for long enough. We would get a Cat5 chimpout across the country.
'older whites' aren't on twitter with you, you fucking nob. Your mind has been so corrupt by the jew you can't even separate jew games from reality anymore.
Do you imagine when you're old that you'll care about fucking niggers? You clearly aren't White if you think White people think about these animals at any age. Niggers are for amusement, AT BEST.
You must be a child… 'hoping' for something from the government? Old fucks have lived and you haven't. They've seen this bad movie before you naive cunt. It NEVER CHANGES. Which! Isn't so bad compared to the rest of the world. If you aren't a life failure, merica is purdy gud. Unless you're a poor fag who imagines he knows everything. See also; trouble with reality.
I think this is the most obvious Boomerpost I've seen all week.
Of course the jew landlords are being most generous with the terms of their leases yes? They are helping out their fellow man in this terrible reign of the orange man, yes?
Hahahaha; on point. All bark no bite, like all subhumans
That's how I believe everything is going to go down. The welfare leeches once they have to sell there crap will start stealing from literally everyone. It'll be niggers and it will push the white community over the edge to where people will justify Jim Crow. Eventually the white community will start turning on the jews causing this problem especially when they learn of the Talmud. Im really starting to believe were at the brink of the end of western civilization mostly due to homosexuality and atheism.
Homosexuality has been a problem for almost 200 years now. Look at Oscar Wilde as an example. Crowley another example.
It denies a creator and they believe everything created itself magically.
MLK was a Communist homosexual who used the pulpit as a source of power. He was also a heretic. The reason for black integration was a plot by the communists/jews to destroy white alpha christian communities in the south. All whites knew eachother,went to work together,there kids played together,etc. Black integration destroyed that and even hit the cities. Why were there so many jews walking everywhere in NYC for the past 50+ years? All the dumb goys were kicked out of the cities and had to commute to via car to the cities. Look at A Miracle on 34th Street intro. Notice how few cars there were?
Where are the stronk male monkeys at, Washington Post? Tell me those hoes didn't just squirt out children for government gibs.
Stay salty boomer Joe. Everything you think you know is wrong.