The Smiley face Killers (first coined by retired detectives Kevin Gannon and Anthony Duarte) is a alleged group of killers that are backtracked for murders in mostly the NorthEast and Midwestern United States
Many speculations had been conceived by previous anons to have been going after white males that are in lines of success in athletics or academics
We don't know; but theories pointed by a couple user suggest that they're either Incels, Feminist (that practice the ritual of inserting Maelstrom blood into men they will kill; originated from Korea by a similar group), or both. ——————————————————————————- VIDEOS (that are must watch): This video is about a satanic killing gone wrong as told by an FBI officer from LA area… it happens in Oakland and Sonoma. They kidnap her with the use of injecting something into her with a needle…. I think there are great parallels and connections that can be made here as regards to ritual killing… well worth your time to watch…