DAGOMA Aims to Curb 3D Printed Gun Production with Operation Harmless Guns
French Saboteurs Altering 3D Printed Gun Plans
kill em, it's that simple,. they can't subvert the people if they are all fucking shot dead
Do they not understand how 3D printed firearms work?
You'd can just make a copy of a real firearm and expect it to work.
But we already have the designs that work on our hard drives.
Time for froganons to get cracking, then.
Stupid cunts. 90% of the crime you could commit would merely involve brandishing a believable gun anyway. If you want to kill someone without a serial number just plunge their body about 10x with a pointy weapon such as a knife, or sharpened stick, hell you could make a lethal point with papier mache and a bit of resin.
No doubt they have secured government financing for this bullshit.
Isn't this fraud? I mean, people pay for those blueprints, right?
You're brain damaged.
'Franc' means "free". These people are jew golem.
These people are faggots and possible pedos, which is why shit has yet to ship. Nigger is in jail for being a degenerate.
Oh look, a jew on tor spreading lies. Neck yourself, faggot.
why anyone in mainland europe would need a printed gun is beyond me, that place is awash with illegal firearms.
Average school shooter IQ > Average cop IQ
The only thing these numbnuts end up doing is making the work of cops more difficult when they try and figure out who is downloading what
That's a mild inconvenience at best that you might have to print off a few guns before you test fire a successful one. A more diabolical plan would be to print ones which will intentionally break or jam after just a couple of uses. But I wouldn't expect a bunch of goony cunts to be that smart.
Or how about
Literally homemade guns in an english shed.
Really the main problem you're likely to have with 3D printed guns is using the wrong type of plastic.
You've need to use PETG or ABS. Of the two PETG is the only one most people could work with.
But most printers are rigged up to use PLA which is weak as shit and will warp in direct sunlight on a warm day.
Added for insight into the brilliant cop mind
On October 8, 2015, the Zig Forums Administrator (who, at the time, was Hotwheels) received an email from the American authorities, who were concerned about a post on Zig Forums threatening an attack against a school in the Houston area (archive.is
P.A. Luty is my hero
That pdf is a step by step for easily making a fully working machine pistol with magazines.
Who needs a 3d printer when you have a local hardware store?
Good way to get boycotted virtue signal.
3D printed guns are no better than zip guns of yore unless you use a very expensive, rare printer that costs way more than a decent lathe, and that is not even taking into account the cost and availability of the material, expensive pulverized alloys of certain compositions vs being able to use unmodified scrap metal.
3D printed moulds for guns are much more dangerous than 3D printed guns especially when organized armed groups get their hands on them. This is what they should be really sacred of.
Exactly, meanwhile in sweden…The niggers are ALLOWED to smuggle RGD hand grenades which they set traps and kill people with, AK47's, and all kinds of shit from their gay pedo niggerfaggot cousins from Analbania.
You may ask what recourse the (((swedish))) government has taken. They have chosen "amnesty"..(lol like they'll ever turn their shit in)((only whites are retardedly altruistic enough to do this))
Listen white man, there's literally no fucking reason you shouldn't have a gun in 2019 europe. The niggers all have guns and they are not afraid to use them. When shit happens and the niggers start using their weapons they'll be uncontested as the #1 power in society for however long they hold onto their weapons. Then you get an empty chemical barrel and use your brain.
Say hello to my SHA-512 checksum. Good luck with making your changes "undetectable".
Also if only those plans were distributed via some sort of consensus method resulting in a torrent of small bits of files which would quickly weed out the fakes with a lack of sharing. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
People will just download them from a reliable source then. Do these nigger not know how autistic people are about the quality of their torrents?
kill known leftists, that way they can't serve the state.
dbl posting to say i think the french gov is involved with this anti 3d gun file operation
like the anarchist's cookbook left out the oil on top of the Molotov cocktails?
seems to me that isolating and capturing and stripping the riot police (especially the red arm band squads) would be most effective.
seems to me like stealing firearms and killing the french cops would be better… after setting fire to all shops in the area and blowing the gas lines
In this particular video the mold isn't being used to make firearms but the concept is the same.
Oh? Care to share a picture?
Ok, what's the catch? The top half of the part looks alright while the bottom is a melted mass of mixed plastic+metal?
or is that rubber some sort of special ultra thermal resistant compound
sage for doublefagging
It's not plastic, it's 3D printed silicone. The catch is you have to use metal that melts before silicone does.
I'm not really sure of the physics of this but from around 1:05 the dude doesn't seem to have too much of a problem separating the metal from the mold.
Speaking of melting points:
Silicone rubber: 300C
Aluminum: 660C
Iron: 1538C
Steel: 1510C
Lead: 327C
That's why he used that shitty "tin bismuth alloy".
No, you can see the 3d printed mould that he pours the silicone into. The metal he's using is shitty bottom tier aluminum. I actually remember when I was 5 or 6 years old I had a toy oven that did the exact same thing and came with a little mould of a car and other shapes. This metal is NOT gunworthy. You'll get 4 or 5 shots maybe, when you'd get a single shot with a polymer gun…
Pic related. Same exact thing kek
I suppose in which case the kind of metals or alloys that can be used would be limited. Still, a weapon so derived would probably be better than a plastic based weapon in terms of durability I am assuming
bets on mudslime?
3d print part, use to make silicone/ high temp mold / cast (so you don't print the silicone). Useless for anything other than toys
Better would be to 3d print part, then make a sand mold and cast with aluminum
Just go old-school lost wax casting, 3D print a wax part, pack it in sand, and pour molten metal into it. The wax vaporizes and the metal replaces it in the sand cavity.
Silicone mold + lost wax casting would be cheaper
good job they're not altering the "blueprints" for 3D printed bullets…
Seriously, guns are one of the most simple mechanical devices there is, the only real issue with making one is the barrel rifling which you can't make on a standard or even a CNC lathe. You have to either buy or build a barrel rifling machine and it's cutting tools.
can you 3d print wax? if so, yes
Not even, you can build a smooth bore shotgun with 2 pieces of metal pipe and a cap.
The reason people have hardons for metal 3D printing isn't because you can make a gun with it. It's because you can make a barrel rifling machine with it.
Yeah but from what I can find it's not as cheap and widespread as plastic printers because there's less demand.
you can do the same thing with PLA
You can make the barrel with the rifling already, the problem is that metal 3d printing is a very expensive process and the resultant metal is way too porous and need heat treatment and additional machining in order to make usable or else it will break in the first two shots, and even with the heat treatment it is still weaker than a standard forged/machined barrel.
Smooth bore barrel + slug is a good combo, the slug itself is already stabilized by it's geometry so you don't need the grooves in the barrel. (pic related)
I have a 3d printer, what are some actually useful things to make?
The most use ive got out of my 3d printer has been making cases for projects.
Lol and no one will share them and it will die within a few years.
3d printed guns are such a red herring and the fact that these glow in the dark niggers freak out over them just shows what clueless control freaks they are.
You can machine a much better gun than you can print.
(((national security)))
Ironic, since the Jews had illegally converted lipstick cases into bullet casings during their terrorist war against the british in 1947. I guess only they are allowed to manufacture their own arms, not the silly goyim.
Kill them all.
Spread printed guns to all White Men to kill as many jews and leftists as each one can.
How do they expect to be successful? Guns are a very simple machine that can be seen from a glance on if it would work or not.
goyim can do whatever they want. The problem is that they like to follow the rules. I would love to start machining gun parts but the people around me are such fags and rule followers that they wouldnt even think about it.
Share this file wherever you can
(Cut Fire Control Group)(Zero On Center Rear Of Magwell.(T16 D=0.25 CR=0. - ZMIN=-1.3802 - flat end mill)G90 G54 G64 G50 G17 G40 G80 G94 G91.1 G49G20 (Inch)G30N10(Top Pocket)T16 G43 H16 M6S5000 M3 M8G54G0 X-2.1694 Y-0.145G0 Z0.6104G0 Z0.2104G1 Z0.0498 F13.1G1 Z-0.605G1 Y-0.1453 Z-0.6089G1 Y-0.1462 Z-0.6127G1 Y-0.1477 Z-0.6163G1 Y-0.1498 Z-0.6197G1 Y-0.1523 Z-0.6227G1 Y-0.1553 Z-0.6252G1 Y-0.1587 Z-0.6273G1 Y-0.1623 Z-0.6288G1 Y-0.1661 Z-0.6297G1 Y-0.17 Z-0.63G1 Y-0.195 F39.4G3 X-2.1444 Y-0.22 I0.025 J0.G1 X-0.5804G3 X-0.4874 Y-0.127 I0. J0.093G1 Y0.127G3 X-0.5804 Y0.22 I-0.093 J0.G1 X-2.2244G3 X-2.3012 Y0.1795 I0. J-0.093G2 X-2.4044 Y0.125 I-0.1032 J0.0705G1 X-3.3396G1 Y-0.125G1 X-3.0134G3 X-2.9479 Y-0.0984 I0. J0.094G2 X-2.8607 Y-0.063 I0.0871 J-0.0896G1 X-2.4337G2 X-2.3137 Y-0.153 I0. J-0.125G3 X-2.2244 Y-0.22 I0.0893 J0.026G1 X-2.1444G3 X-2.1194 Y-0.195 I0. J0.025G1 Y-0.17G1 Y-0.1661 Z-0.6297G1 Y-0.1623 Z-0.6288G1 Y-0.1587 Z-0.6273G1 Y-0.1553 Z-0.6252G1 Y-0.1523 Z-0.6227G1 Y-0.1498 Z-0.6197G1 Y-0.1477 Z-0.6163G1 Y-0.1462 Z-0.6127G1 Y-0.1453 Z-0.6089G1 Y-0.145 Z-0.605G0 Z0.6104N20(Bottom Pocket)S5000 M3 M8G0 X-2.1694 Y-0.145G0 Z0.6104G0 Z-0.43G1 Z-0.5906 F13.1G1 Z-1.224G1 Y-0.1453 Z-1.2279G1 Y-0.1462 Z-1.2317G1 Y-0.1477 Z-1.2353G1 Y-0.1498 Z-1.2387G1 Y-0.1523 Z-1.2417G1 Y-0.1553 Z-1.2442G1 Y-0.1587 Z-1.2463G1 Y-0.1623 Z-1.2478G1 Y-0.1661 Z-1.2487G1 Y-0.17 Z-1.249G1 Y-0.195 F39.4G3 X-2.1444 Y-0.22 I0.025 J0.G1 X-0.5804G3 X-0.4874 Y-0.127 I0. J0.093G1 Y0.127G3 X-0.5804 Y0.22 I-0.093 J0.G1 X-2.2244G3 X-2.3012 Y0.1795 I0. J-0.093G2 X-2.4044 Y0.125 I-0.1032 J0.0705G1 X-2.7054G3 Y-0.063 I0. J-0.094G1 X-2.4337G2 X-2.3137 Y-0.153 I0. J-0.125G3 X-2.2244 Y-0.22 I0.0893 J0.026G1 X-2.1444G3 X-2.1194 Y-0.195 I0. J0.025G1 Y-0.17G1 Y-0.1661 Z-1.2487G1 Y-0.1623 Z-1.2478G1 Y-0.1587 Z-1.2463G1 Y-0.1553 Z-1.2442G1 Y-0.1523 Z-1.2417G1 Y-0.1498 Z-1.2387G1 Y-0.1477 Z-1.2353G1 Y-0.1462 Z-1.2317G1 Y-0.1453 Z-1.2279G1 Y-0.145 Z-1.224G0 Z0.6104N30(Trigger Hole)S10000 M3 M8G0 X-1.5033 Y0.0229G0 Z0.6104G0 Z-1.049G1 Z-1.2096 F13.1G1 Z-1.3552G1 X-1.5036 Y0.023 Z-1.3591G1 X-1.5045 Z-1.3629G1 X-1.506 Y0.0231 Z-1.3665G1 X-1.5081 Y0.0232 Z-1.3699G1 X-1.5106 Y0.0233 Z-1.3729G1 X-1.5136 Y0.0234 Z-1.3754G1 X-1.5169 Y0.0236 Z-1.3774G1 X-1.5206 Y0.0237 Z-1.3789G1 X-1.5244 Y0.0239 Z-1.3799G1 X-1.5283 Y0.0241 Z-1.3802G1 X-1.5532 Y0.0252 F39.4G3 X-1.5794 Y0.0014 I-0.0012 J-0.025G3 X-1.5484 Y-0.031 I0.031 J-0.0014 F60.G1 X-1.1804G3 Y0.031 I0. J0.031G1 X-1.5484G3 X-1.5794 Y0.0014 I0. J-0.031G3 X-1.5555 Y-0.0247 I0.025 J-0.0012 F39.4G1 X-1.5306 Y-0.0258G1 X-1.5267 Y-0.026 Z-1.3799G1 X-1.5229 Y-0.0262 Z-1.3789G1 X-1.5192 Y-0.0264 Z-1.3774G1 X-1.5159 Y-0.0265 Z-1.3754G1 X-1.5129 Y-0.0267 Z-1.3729G1 X-1.5104 Y-0.0268 Z-1.3699G1 X-1.5083 Y-0.0269 Z-1.3665G1 X-1.5068 Z-1.3629G1 X-1.5059 Y-0.027 Z-1.3591G1 X-1.5056 Z-1.3552G0 Z0.6104M5 M9G30M30(Safety Fire Control Drill)(Zero On Rear Takedown)(T31 D=0.1036 CR=0. TAPER=118deg - ZMIN=-0.2391 - drill)(T34 D=0.375 CR=0. TAPER=118deg - ZMIN=-0.4254 - drill)G90 G54 G64 G50 G17 G40 G80 G94 G91.1 G49G20 (Inch)G30N10(Safety)T34 G43 H34 M6S1914 M3 M8G54G0 X0.803 Y-0.464G0 Z0.8645G0 Z0.4645G98 G73 X0.803 Y-0.464 Z-0.4254 R0.2 Q0.0503 F7.1G80G0 Z0.8645M5 M9G30N20(FCG)M1T31 G43 H31 M6S2905 M3 M8G0 X1.928 Y-0.689G0 Z0.8645G0 Z0.4645G98 G83 X1.928 Y-0.689 Z-0.2391 R0.2 Q0.0259 F4.2X2.771 Y-0.375G80G0 Z0.8645M5 M9G30M30
weren't the polymer 80 lowers just injection molded lowers filled with clear/colored resin that you could remove with a dremel?
A gun is one of the simplest machines… If you're enough of a nerd to print one you're basically enough of a nerd to design one too
No because all you need to do is test the firearm and if it fails, simply download from a more reliable source.
Nothing wrong with Nerds.
I'm guessing these are coordinates for my 3D printer user?
I found this file on another chan, with right-wing anarchist inclanations. I have not yet been able to print it as I don't have the money for a printer. This file was provided in a share thread.
Of course it's France
The company that develops a desktop metal 3d printer, and panders to the firearm community will be the real winner.
Metal, not for a barrel or parts that have to be durable for extreme PSI, but metal for gun parts such as a optic mount for pistols.
i've never seen what he posted before. he's something that's been floating around for a bit
meant for
Holy shit I could cut this in my CNC mill at work.
Do it, and tell me if it's valid. Now that I think about it my source for this file is probably ripe for misinformation made by these french faggots
Looks like a nerf gun, perfect for getting the upper hand, what material would you recommend, I am thinking all out polyester.
Give me a couple of days man. I have to clock in and out of jobs that I'm cutting. If I can get a few unlogged hours, I'll give it a shot and post results.
look up the nylon carbon fiber.
Nylon carbon carbon fiber would probably enable you to shoot 22 shorts all day safely.
or something like this
cheers mate, i'll think about it but I will probably stick to the ladies at home for now.
These people deserve to die, straight up.
Deliberate sabotage seems felonious.
The jews are retooling their normal tactics to the technology they have at their disposal.
Carbon fiber reinforced nylon isn't nylon carbon fiber. Christ almighty, they have "carbon fiber" for 3d printers but it's nowhere near the same strength as an actual carbon fiber sheet with epoxy part made via mold.
This is wrong. I don't know how this wrong idea keeps being perpetuated. The hard part of making a firearm is drilling the barrel. it requires a large lathe, a specialized gun drill tool, and a high pressure coolant pumping system.
Stop you retard, run it though a simulator for faults first.
I don't need a gun, I have a Thor's hammer, and it'll crush skulls.
An interesting disinfo campaign. Similar strategies were used on Napster. Basically, the kikes distributed screwed up music files.
kikes. it's not "france" - it's kikes.
Good. Thank you France.
t. whore kike with a witch's tit
What's the difference
I'm okay with a gun that fires guillotine blades instead of bullets.
"Erin Sith" is a tranny, and you are gay.
lol… those are Gcodes for a CNC mill you idiots. you're not 3d printing shit with that, it does the exact opposite and removes material
So say you were exercising your constitutional right to boycott global arms manufacturers but still required a last resort firearm for self defense, doesn't matter if it only fires a few before it breaks, it's last resort. You chose the 3d printed route because choice is your constitutional right, perhaps being a "maker" is a new religion you're working on, which is your constitutional right.
If it turned out you were unable to defend yourself as is your constitutional right, couldn't you sue this bunch for everything assuming you survived?
now thats what I call desperation. Thats so pathetic. they are mad about shitty "3d printed" guns? lol ok ill just make a gun with 50 dollars of hardware parts just like you could since the 19th century and its way more deadly, durable, and secretive. brb
Dang. Still worth sharing
You jest surely.
Use ABS. It's got the strength and heat resistance.
Also to the faggot suggesting carbon fiber filament. Yeah you still need to pick the plastic type.
ABS is king but a bitch to work with because of shrinkage, heat management, etc.
PLA is cheap and shit.
PETG is a middle ground but not really suitable for this in my opinion.
No, user, no. Read politics. It's because can challenge the government's power. They don't give two shits about people killing each other.
Cant you just make a sten gun or a shotgun with a few pipes and screws from a hardware store though? why go to the trouble of 3D printing shit?